Monday, January 4, 2021

The abyss, spiritual circle one negative

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 


In this article we are trying to say that all existing life energies of the universe go around and through God they form a never ending life cycle in the universe. See our sketches by clicking the links, in our text. GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.docx Source

Spiritual circle one negative

Spiritual circle one negative the abyss   

Welcome to our blog, spiritual circle one negative.

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, in our imaginary description of the spiritual world, we have reached this boundary of no return, which means that whatever goes past this boundary can never come back, therefore, we can only imagine what is like past this boundary.

Now let me explain; we have divided our imaginary spiritual world cycle in three parts: God’s positive life-forces, the negative life-forces, and the abyss. We have made a sketch GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.docx  to explain our views.

To do that, we have used our human imagination, together with those human beliefs that have been passed down to us, from generation to generation, all these things put together have guided us so far. Because we have learned those spiritual things, and used our imagination we have learned more things, so, we are able to imagine what can be next to a certain degree of accuracy, that missing part, that can link all the existing life forces of the universe together, so that, they can form the eternal cycle of the life energies of the universe.

Now, after writing about circle two negative, we have reached a stage, where we have exhausted all what is believed to exist in the spiritual world. You see, most religions believe that God exist, angels exist, and we have described the devil as the negative angels of God, therefore, it follows that people souls exist, they exist together with God/s, angels and devils as the negative force, collectively they form the never-ending spiritual life cycle of the entire universe. Anyhow, as you know, we have assigned a place in the spiritual universe, where they belong.

At the end of our last article, we have said that the souls end up in the abyss. We can compare this with when die. When we die, our bodies with time they will return to be dust and the souls end up in the spiritual dimension; in a parallel way the souls that end up in the abyss are dead souls, they will disintegrate there and they belong to another dimension, we can call this the third dimension.

So, we must imagine a way, how the dead spent souls that ended up in the abyss, can be reused to form the life cycle of the universe; this is how most things happen, it is the natural law that recycles everything one way or another; so, this natural law can also be applied to our dead souls in the abyss, because everything is recycled.


What we have been doing

During our description of the spiritual world of the universe, we have used all those religious beliefs that we believe exist, and from them we have written our imaginary religious journey, where we have assigned a place in the universe to all the spiritual entities, which we believe exist, we hope that our spiritual theory is right, and the spiritual things that we have talked about exist.

Now I want to explain, how we believe the spiritual life forces of the universe work. There are the positive life forces of the universe and the negative life forces of the universe, then there is this third dimension the abyss which is a large part of the universe, and it can connect at the far ends the two spiritual forces. but at the same time, it keeps them apart, because of its vastness, and because all the spiritual forces that end up in the abyss go through infinite changes, they are not what they were when they went in the abyss, as they have completely disintegrated.

Anyhow, for me it has been spiritually a hard journey, while I was going mentally through the negative life forces of the universe circles, and for this reason I need to thank God our Father, who has given me the strength to write about it. Now that I have explained this issue, the way that I see it, I am praying God, our spiritual Father for helping me and giving me the courage to go through the negative circles of the spiritual universe; you see my spiritual inner self feels that I need to pray God.


My prayer to thank God

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I am praying you Almighty and merciful Father, I am praying and saying thank you with all my heart, for helping me in my religious writing journey, of reconciliation of the universe, and specially for giving me the courage, to write about the negative life forces of the universe, where anybody is apprehensive to talk about, because of the danger factor that we expose ourselves spiritually, so, I thank you our Father God of the universe. Father hear my prayer and continue to protect me, during my spiritual journey.

Dear readers, I know that you are thinking, that this is an invention of my mind. Well, they can be an invention of my mind, but at the same time they can be real, if you think about it. In fact, all my religious writings can be real, if you stop to think about it, or at least part of it is real, you see, as I said this is a theory based on religious beliefs, that have been passed down from generation to generation, therefore, at least part of this must be true, but I believe that I have come very close to the truth.

Now, we will write about circle one negative the abyss, we believe that the abyss is the beginning of another dimension, where the dead spiritual souls go through many changes, and it connect the rest of the spiritual universe together, so, let us talk about the abyss connection.


This is a galaxy, it could even be our galaxy, where our solar system and our planet earth are situated. In our imagination, some of the void within our galaxy and all the void between galaxies is where most of the abyss is situated.

The abyss connection

The abyss, is one of the most negate spiritual place in the universe, it is situated at the very edge of the negative life forces of the universe, it takes in all those negative spiritual force energies, that cannot be kept any longer in our spiritual universe; so, it is the portal that connects the spiritual world of the dead, to the third dimension.

We imagine that the abyss is a very vast place, but it must exist, because that is the only way that can join all spiritual things to form the life cycle of the universe. You see, the abyss is an imaginary place, but it has been mentioned in the Bible a few times, and it is the place where nothing returns not even the souls.

Now, because there is no knowledge of this place, to describe it, we will call it the third dimension. Because if we count from where we are standing on earth, as the first dimension, our earth dimension includes all the living existing things; the second dimension is the spiritual world, as we have been talking about in these religious writings, and the third dimension is what happens to the souls when they go in the abyss and die. You see when the soul’s die they move into another dimension, very much like when we die and we move into the world of the dead, which we can say is another dimension. Anyhow, now we must look for connections.


How we see the connections

As you know, we have divided the living life force in three parts: we are the living, the spiritual part of God including the positive and negative angels, and the unknown third part the abyss. Now we need to connect the entire life energies of the universe together, so that they can form a complete circle or hoop, so that, they can go around and form the never-ending cycle of the life energies of the universe.

We know that there is a very wide gap between the negative life forces and the positive life forces that needs to be connected, for the life forces of the universe to complete a full cycle. But there must be a cycle that goes around forever, so that, the spiritual life can go on forever.

Therefore, we must assume that whatever is in the abyss, will be modified and part of it becomes positive at the other far end, because it is connected with circle 1 positive, where the positive energies only are absorbed by God magnetic force, and God can regenerate life again from them, while the negative energies remain in the abyss of the universe, some of them can be absorbed from the negative forces, but the rest of them are floating around forever.

In our vision of the imaginary spiritual world of the universe, the abyss is the only part of the universe, that nobody has ever talked about. Therefore, we need to compare the abyss, with what we know, using our own imagination. Here we can conclude that the abyss covers from one third to half of the entire cycle of the life energies of the universe, but nobody knows how vast it is and its function.

In our imaginary sketch, the Abyss is the last link of the negative life forces of the universe on one side, and at the same time, it is the first link of the positive life forces of the universe, on the other side.

Anyhow, for the time being, we are going to continue to talk about the negative side, as we have written in the second circle negative, therefore, for this reason the abyss may also be called circle 1 negative, because it is situated next to the negative side.

We believe that the abyss covers all the space that exists between our galaxy and the other galaxies of the universe. Here is complete endless void, except for the presence of the smallest possible particle of energy, which floats around throughout the cosmos; some of these particles, have come from the disintegration of anything, including those negative souls that have reached the most negative part of the universe, where they speed around in this part of the universe until they smash into each other, and when they smash into each other’s, they disintegrate and become the smallest existing particles of energy in the universe, which can be positive or negative, the positive particles float around the abyss and when they come close at the other end to circle 1 positive, they will be attracted by the magnetic life force of God of the universe, which absorbs them and from this new energy can start a new cycle of life.

Therefore, in our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, God becomes the engine of the universe, since God attracts these positive life energies to himself, and then sends these energies to all other spiritual beings, and through them to real living beings, and thus the endless cycle of God and its life energies of the universe continues forever. Therefore, God exists because life exists. Now, for anything to be endless and exist forever, we need something that goes around and around forever, and this is what we are trying to say here.


My last say for the time being

We need to add another description here; you see, we have to imagine that these life force energies of the universe, can flow around the universe, while they are doing that, they go through all these chances that we have described, starting from God and some of them ending in the abyss, and then on the other side of the abyss, God life force attracts these positive energies, and passes them down the positive circles, as we have written in our Reconciliation of the Universe writings.

In order to compare this with other known cycle of existing things, let us compare the life forces energies of the universe, with the water on our planet; The water in the oceans evaporate and forms clouds, and then the clouds move around in the sky, until they find a place where the temperature drops to a certain level, because of the drop in temperature droplets are formed, so it rains, the rain when it falls on the earth, some will run into the rivers and then into the sea and oceans, and some of it helps vegetation to grow, and it does many other things as well, but in the end the water evaporates again in one way or the other, and a whole cycle is started all over again. I hope you see what I mean, even though the life forces of the universe are not like water.

Now that I have almost come to the end, I know that I need to write more articles, one called the third dimension and another one Explaining the entire universe in a nutshell. Here we would like to point out that somewhere in these writings, we have said that these religious writings are ahead of the present times; therefore, they need a few decades before they can be understood.

In our next article, to complete the life-cycle of the universe, we will be talking about the third dimension, or the dead spiritual dimension, this third dimension is supposed to be the link that links the negative life force of the universe, to the positive life force of the universe.

Now, I believe that we have said enough in this article, so see you in our next article, the third dimension.

May God bless us all.


Man needs God 
The abyss, spiritual circle one negative  

Next with; the third dimension. 
Some personal and religious links, to link to my other sites.

May God guide and help me to say the right things in these articles? 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Lucifer domain circle

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

Here we are talking about, Lucifer an angel of light, who rebelled to serve God in heaven, so, he ended up being the leader of the underworld. Anyhow, here we try to imagine how his domain are run. 

Lucifer is the supreme commander of all the negative angels. In a way he is like God, but he cannot give life to anything. So, he serves God in another way, by guiding this part of the universe to look after the negative souls until they die.

Lucifer domains circle

The main negative spiritual circle  

Dear readers, here we are talking about our imaginary spiritual journey that explains the spiritual world. This is the most negative spiritual place in the entire universe, according to our theory, so, may God protect and help us, since we are talking and mentally visiting the most negative spiritual place in the entire universe?

Therefore, I would have liked to say welcome to our readers, but I am not, because nobody can feel welcome in this negative circle, it is too scary for anyone to feel welcomed. So, instead of saying welcome I will say, May God of the universe protect me and our readers in this negative spiritual circle of the universe?

Now, this is the main negative circle in our spiritual writings, of our theory of ‘Reconciliation of the universe’, this negative circle can be called Lucifer domains circle; it is the last negative circle, because after this circle, in our description, there is only void and chaos in the spiritual universe, which we call the abyss, to give it a descriptive name that comes close to what we imagine it can be like.

Anyhow, this is the second circle negative, and it can be called Lucifer domains circle, since this is where Lucifer is in charge of everything that exists in the negative spiritual world, therefore, this second negative circle is not for the faint hearted, so, I am worried; but I know that I must continue to write about the content of this circle, because this circle is another link in the chain, of the spiritual life force of the universe that we are describing; therefore, we need to continue describing it, to travel its full cycle, for the eternal motion to continue forever.

To understand this principle of how everything works, we have written this article, Everything is rolling over, this is where we are trying to explain that everything in the universe spins around and has cycles, therefore, in a parallel way we must assume that the spiritual universe has cycles, just like the rest of the universe.

Anyhow, I need to say that I must continue describing this negative circle, because it is the only way that my inner soul will accept, since I feel this need that drives me to do it, even if it makes me feel concerned and scared. Therefore, let me pray God to guide and protect me.

I need to say that here I am not going to write my long prayer down, because it may not be of interest to the readers, so, I will only write this short prayer that applies to everyone including me, but in my heart and mind I have prayed many times Our Lord God for protection. So, let me write my prayer.

Our collective prayer,

My Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father, we pray you to guard and protect us from the spiritual forces of evil, in this second circle negative, while we are mentally visiting it, writing about it, reading it, or talking about it. Father hear our prayer and protect us, amen.

Now that we have said and written this short prayer above, let me start to tell you how I see this second circle negative, when I mentally try to see how it is. Therefore, let me go mentally to visit this circle, the way I did with our last third circle negative, by praying while entering the circle and introducing myself; because I cannot go into the second circle negative without introducing myself while praying, it is the only safe way that I know; so, may God help me?


 Entering Lucifer circle

On entering Lucifer circle, I am praying aloud, so that I can introduce myself and explain the reasons why I am there, and I am praying thus:

I have come in the name of God to visit your circle, so, all the forces of heaven know about my visit here; the reason that I am visiting you is that I must write a report to the existing living world on mother Earth, therefore; I come in the name of God together with our Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the rest of the heavenly spiritual forces of the universe.

I am coming in the company of my guardian angel that the Archangel Michael has given me, to guard and protect me, so that at the end of my visit I can go back to Mother Earth circle safely. For this reason, I am in the company of my special guardian angel of God, while I am visiting you in these negative circles and taking notes of what I see, so that I can write my report when I return to the earth circle. I am saying that I come in the name of God, so that you know who has sent me. Therefore, allow me to visit your circle and take notes, so that I can write my report, when I return to mother earth circle.


In reply to my entering prayer

I had hardly finished saying the last phrase of my entering prayer that we could hear this voice saying: I am the person that Lucifer sends to speak to you in his domains;

Frank, we have been waiting for you and your guardian angel, since in the universe everything is joint together, therefore we know everything that is going on anywhere in the universe, except what it is going on in the Abyss, because nobody knows about the abyss, we can only imagine what happens there, so, you have to imagine that yourself too, because nobody has ever come back from it and nobody ever will; as you will soon learn more about that from what you will see here. So, Lucifer says to you;

Frank, you have been allowed here because you came in the name of God, and even here we respect God’s will, but now you have reached the boundary of no return and nobody is allowed to go past that, as all those warning signs around that you see will tell you. So, take your notes and try to remember what is written on these warning signs, so that you may fill in an accurate report, when you return to you mother earth circle, since this was the reasons why we have made an exception and let you come this far.

Lucifer also wants me to tell you, that a safe passage back has been arranged, for you to return to your own mother earth circle, but you must hurry. Try to write all the notes that you can and try to remember what you have seen, and then as soon as you can start your journey back to where you came from, by using the same ways that you have come here, so, keep moving as time for you in here is what counts most, so make the best of it; that is all.


What can I see in this circle?

As soon as the voice stopped talking, I started to look around, while my guardian angel was saying to me, you heard what he said, we need to move on, as we are not allowed to stay very long in this circle. The first things that I saw were these big signs saying this warning in bold letters; WARNING, STOP WHERE YOU ARE! YOU HAVE REACHED THE POINT OF NO RETURN. No one that goes past this point will ever be able to return, and then many other things were also written on these signs at the boundary of no return, I tried to read some of them in a hurry hoping to remember them later on, what they were and what they could mean, but for the time being I am not writing about them. Because I want to write how this negative circle is divided, so that a description of this circle is understood.

This circle is divided into three sections, the main and largest section is the domain of Lucifer and his angels, then there is this section that goes right across this circle, it acts as a road. Because it joins circle number three on one side, and then goes right across this circle to the other side, where there is this chamber that leads to the abyss, this chamber is only a small section of this circle and is situated past the boundary of no returns. As I have read on those signs, there is this chamber that leads to the abyss, therefore, whoever goes past this wall at the boundary of no return cannot return and will fall soon or later into the abyss. That is why this boundary is called the boundary of no returns. But, let me describe the set-up how the dying souls reach the abyss.


The highway to eternal death

For what I have heard, imagined or understand, from what I have read on the signs in this circle, this section acts as a road and it is the highway to death, for these souls that enter it, you see even the souls must die, so that the cycle of the life forces of the universe becomes complete. So, there are these souls that are dying, because they are dying, or they are so restless that it would be better for them to die, or they have become so hard to control from the negative angels of the universe, so, it is better for them to be banned from the other spiritual living souls, these are the souls that enter this highway to death and go to the abyss.

Of course, the negative angels guard them strictly, as they are restless; these negative angels are special, as they are the only spiritual identity that can go in these sections, and past the boundary of no return while guiding these dying souls, so, they are able to go past the boundary and then return, even though this is called and it is the boundary of no return for anything else.

Therefore, these souls that walk the highway to death, who are guarded from these powerful negative angels, will enter this chamber of no returns, and then these souls will go to this section at the edge of the Abyss and jump, fall, or are pushed into the abyss, once in the abyss they will never return. What happens in the abyss is not mentioned much and it is up to the imagination of the interested person, to think whatever happens in the abyss, since we can say that this is the entrance to another dimension, so, we don’t know what is happening there, but we can guess that the abyss has got a role to play, because it is the only way for the life forces energies of the universe to form this never-ending cycle.

Anyhow, the time has come for me to depart from this Lucifer circle that we are visiting now, you see, my guardian angel is telling me to pack up and get ready to go back to Mother Earth circle, there is no time to waste, as we have to start moving on our way back, we have to go back the same way we came as we have been told, but we have to move fast, without stopping anywhere.

So, see you next time in our next article, where I will try to say something about how I see the role of the abyss, or the third dimension, because this is the only way to describe it. We can imagine the third dimension, in the same way as we do on earth when we die, because when we die, we move in the next dimension, which we can call the second dimension.

Thinking of what we have seen or imagined, I am thanking God for allowing me to see all this, through my mind eyes and then allowing me to write about this entire negative spiritual world; but at this very moment, as I am still in the negative circle and getting ready to go back to our living circle I say: May God help us on our way to Mother Earth?

See you in our next article, Spiritual circle one negative.

May God bless us all.


Man needs God 
Lucifer domain circle 

Next with; Spiritual circle one negative
Some personal and religious links, to link to my other sites.

May God guide and help me to say the right things in these articles? 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The spiritual dying souls circle

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

Talking about the third spiritual circle negative

May God help me say the right things in this circle, and may God protect us while we are visiting this circle.

Dear readers, in our description of the spiritual forces, we have reached the third circle negative, which is the dying soul circle.

In this circle negative nobody can feel welcome, as there is so much negativity in this circle, so, it is better if we say, may God help and protect us in this circle negative of the dying souls. This circle is negative beyond compare and it is painful to imagine the souls that are in this circle, yes, it is so negative and frightening that cannot be compared to anything that we know.

Perhaps for the souls that are in this circle, can be compared to those people that are waiting for the day when they are going to face the firing squad, the guillotine, the electric chair, or worst still the way that those devilish people of the ISIL behead the innocents’ people. But there are no innocent souls here because there cannot be any mistakes whatsoever, as those dying souls are and test negative beyond compare, so, they will be destroyed when they go into the abyss.

Anyhow, this is the circle where those souls that have become too negative and restless are waiting to die, yes, even souls have to die in our theory of the spiritual journey of the Universe; you see, that is the only way, how the life forces of the universe can form a full cycle and last forever, because when these souls die whatever is left of their spend energies will be released in the universe.

Now some of these energies will find their way back to God, so, God can use these spend energies in another life form, as God sees fit, because these souls will completely disintegrate and become the smallest existing life energies of the universe and that part of energies that are positive will be attracted to God central life force, and God can reuse them according to his will.

Now let us talk about this negative circle; this circle is more dangerous than the fourth circle negative, because the negative things are higher than the fourth circle, and even though I have prayed for protection to God, let us pray again together for protection from God, while we are mentally visiting this dangerous place in this negative spiritual part of the universe.

Let us pray: My Lord God and almighty Father, protect us from the forces of evil in this third circle negative, while we are mentally visiting, writing or reading about this negative circle. Father hear our prayers and protect us.

For me because I am the writer, I have prayed a lot more than what I have written here, because it is the only way for me to feel safe. Now I want also to tell you this. I am writing the rest of these religious writings slowly, because of this fear that I feel within me, so, I am extra careful and pray and take it as slow as possible. Anyhow, the time has come when I must describe this third circle negative, so, let us start to describe it.


Entering and describing the third circle negative

Now, I have prayed, and I need still to pray, while I am mentally visiting this third circle negative, therefore, I am praying while entering the third circle negative, you see, it is necessary to pray to God and keep God in mind all the time, so that, the force of evil cannot attack you.

Anyhow, while I am mentally going in the third circle negative, I am praying aloud: I have come to visit this third circle negative in the name of God the Father and also our Lord Jesus Christ the Son; I am coming in the company of this Angel that the Archangel Michael has given me to protect me and make sure that I return safely to our Mother Earth circle, at the end of my visiting journey of the negative life forces of the universe. Therefore, I am in the company of this guardian angel of God, while I am visiting and writing notes about the negative life forces of the universe, so that I can write a full report about them later, when I return to the earth circle. I am saying this, so that you know who has allowed me to come here. Therefore, allow me to see, so that I can write my report about this circle.

Now, let me describe how I see this circle. This circle again is like the forth circle negative, as there are no welcome signs, but this voice is saying; this is the third circle negative and whoever comes in here is very unlucky indeed, because there is no way back from here, except for the angels and those that are only meant to visit this circle in the name of God. There are also signs written in any language of the world that say much the same thing as the voice that one can hear.

Now, I am going to describe very briefly what is in my minds’ eye, that I can see in this circle, I have to be brief, because I am frightened to stay in this circle, so, I want to move away from here, as soon as I can; in order to quickly visit next circle or the rest of the negative forces that I am allowed to see, so that I can go back to the Mother Earth circle, as soon as possible.

This circle seems to be split in two, on one side there is the forces of evil minor head quarter, with all his negative angels, that work to control these restless negative souls, and on the other side there are all these souls, that are condemned to eternal pains, they are restless and it is even painful to try to understand how they feel, because they know they are dying and there is no way back.


Let us talk about the souls

I must say that it is hard for me to describe, who these dying souls are; but I am briefly going to talk about, who the dying souls of this circle are.

These unlucky dying souls have come from many places; some are very old souls that have slowly reached here recently, others have reached here a lot quicker, age and the passing of time is not the main factor that brings these souls here, but it is their negativity more than anything else that is how souls become restless and die.

Of course, we have mentioned before that the souls negative must die. So, the souls that are most negative find their way here very quickly, other souls take more time to reach here, it depends how negative they are; anyhow, we can say that the mass murders come down here quickly, then they are transferred to the dying souls bay quickly, because they are too negative and restless to stay anywhere.

You see, these souls have been moved here because they have become negative, so now, they have to be there until they are ready to die and then they will be moved to the dying bay; which I hope to understand and write about it from what I am allowed to mentally see in these circles, or somehow it could be explained to me before I go back to Mother Earth circle.

There is a lot more that I could say about this third circle negative, but I feel sad and depressed about all this very sad stuff that is going on in this circle; as I can mentally see that these souls are made ready from the negative angels, they are grouped together according to the state of health, or negativity that they are in, so that the negative angels can move them to the dying bay when the time comes for them to die; when the time comes, they will be driven to the dying bay, which is next to the abyss of the universe.

Therefore, I feel so sad and frightened while I am in this circle negative, and for this reason, this is all what I want to say in this third negative circle for the time being, as I said I am frightened to stay here any longer than necessary. Therefore, see you later, in my next article; Lucifer domain circle, which can be a circle even more frightening then this circle. May God help me to come back to our Mother Earth circle safely.

May God help us from these circles negative.


Man needs God 
The spiritual dying souls circle 

Next with; Lucifer domain circle
Some personal and religious links:

May God guide and help me to say the right things in these articles? 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The fourth circle tormented souls

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

We believe that the entire spiritual force form a never ending cycle, so, we trying to describe the entire cycle, and here we have reached the forth circle negative of tormented souls.  

The fourth circle tormented souls 

Just like in Dante Alighieri inferno there are more tormented souls in this fourth circle, they have got to be like that, because souls are in these circles negative by degree of negativity and what they have done during their lives. 

The fourth circle tormented souls

More Hell tormented souls

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, in our imaginary spiritual journey of the negative spiritual forces of the universe, we have visited and written about the fifth circle negative; so, now we are going to visit and talk about the fourth circle negative. In this negative circle, there are more Hell tormented souls; the souls in this circle are worse off than circle number five, because it is closer to the central negative life force of the universe; but let us mentally visit and describe this circle.

Now, we need to pray God for protection in these negative circles; so, we need to say a prayer to God, even if we say, My Lord God protect me from the force of evil, in this fourth circle negative.

We know that it is boring to repeat, that we have to pray for protection from God; but that is the only way to feel safe; you see, praying is natural, if you feel that you are in danger. So, let me explain, we are going deeper in the spiritual negative territory, and as we go deeper the danger increases, it increases because there is more negative activity there, so, we must be careful and guard ourselves by praying God.

Now let us try to explain it another way; you see, the supernatural forces have more power over people that believe in them, and above all when these people talk about them, and even more when one is sympathetic to their cause. Of course, the people that don’t believe in them, can be affected by them, perhaps by a smaller degree, or they are affected and they don’t know the reasons what is happening to them; so, be on your guard and pray God for protection, especially while we are talking about these spiritual negative circles.


Prayers to God for protection

Because I believe in the spiritual world, I feel that it is a dangerous place; so, I am writing another prayer for protection, for the fourth circle negative.

My lord God and Almighty Merciful Father I am praying you for protection, while I am visiting this fourth circle negative, you see, I am praying because these negative forces seem to me so powerful. So, I am scared to talk about them, unless I feel protected from you Almighty Father, and thus I pray:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I pray here with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying to Yahweh, because I believe that he is the only true God that cares about humanity, because he came down to earth a long time ago on Mount Sinai, where he met Moses and talked to him, therefore, he cares also about our souls; so, I pray God, because I fear the force of evil in this fourth circle negative, while I am mentally visiting it and writing about it, and thus I pray to my Lord God:

My prayer;

To Our God Yahweh, to you I turn praying God Most High, master of the universe and life giver to every living thing; I am praying you to protect me from the force of evil. My Lord God, while I am mentally visiting and writing about this fourth circle negative, I feel that I can be in danger, because I am talking about the forces of evil, so, I pay you to send me an angel to protect me.

I am praying also to protect my readers that read these articles. So, Father God, I ask you to protect us, and let me see through my mind eyes, what I should write, and write it in such a way, that what I write is close to the truth. I ask you Father to help and protect me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father hear my prayer. Amen.



Entering the fourth circle

Prayer while entering the fourth circle negative

Dear readers, before we say our prayer for the fourth circle negative, we must imagine what could be written at the entrance of the fourth circle negative, in all languages of the world:

This is the gate that leads to the place of no return, since those who enter here can never return, except for those few that come in the name of God and God of the universe has granted them safe return. This is how I imagine the fourth circle negative entrance is. And now let us pray;

So, I am praying a prayer like the fifth circle negative, while I am mentally going in the fourth circle negative saying this prayer aloud:

I come to visit this fourth circle negative in the name of God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ the Son, I come in the company of this angel that the Archangel Michael has given me to protect me and make sure that I return safely to Mother Earth circle, at the end of my visit of the negative forces of the universe; therefore, I am in the company of this wonderful angel of God while I am visiting and writing about the negative life forces of the universe; I am saying this, so that you know who has sent me, so, allow me to see what it is like here, so that I can report what I have seen in writing, to the living people on earth at my return.


More tormented souls in this fourth circle negative

After praying as I have said above, this is how I imagine the fourth circle negative:

In the fourth circle negative, everything is more controlled from the negative angels, because things are a lot worse than the fifth circle negative, therefore, there are endless armies of negative angels, which I feel all around us, but I am not seeing them, because I am not even trying to see them, because if I see them I might become scared, and it may even be dangerous to see them; so, I am satisfied to look around at the section of dead people souls, which are not happy in this situation, so, they are lamenting their unfortunate position in one way or another.

In this circle, there are no welcome signs, but a voice can be heard saying; this is the fourth circle negative and unlucky is those souls that come in here, as there is no turning back from here onward, you can stay in this place forever or be moved farther down closer to the boundary of no return. There are also signs written in any language of the world that say about the same things as the voice that one can hear.

The dead people souls in this circle, are worse off than the souls that were in the fifth circle, they form a few groups, as they are not all the same, and they have not done the same nasty deeds; the greatest number of these souls are those that have killed their fellow man, or they have caused people to be killed one way or another, but not all of them are here, since the worst of them have only been through here and moved already to the lower circles, so, I guess that the souls of Attila, Stalin and Hitler and other mass killers have gone past here already, since they were too restless to stop here, anyhow, here in a group are those leader that have waged wars just for the sake of waging wars and killing, they still keep up appearance as strong souls, but at the same time they realize that from here on there is no way out for them, because in the future they are going to die, when they become too restless and will be driven to circle three negative, which will be another step closer to their death and total destruction. We will explain this situation better, as we go on writing our articles and explain the role of the abyss in this imaginary spiritual world.

Of course, there are many other groups that we can talk about, but to make a long story short, we will say only that the rest of these souls here have done lots of nasty deeds, therefore, they were of a nasty disposition when they were on earth, and they continue to be of a nasty disposition even here, they have never done anything useful for the community, when they were living on earth, as they have lived their lives by using the community resources, but not contributing to them; most of them are robbers, and other people that did not care for the rest of the community, so, during their lives they took whatever they could, even if they had to use force, so, they made the other people of the community feel frustrated and miserable, they were no good at all, and that is the reason why, they have been sent to this circle, they too are waiting for their turn to be moved to circle number three, if and when they become too restless to stay in this circle.

So, in this circle, there are robbers and people that have committed murder, whether they killed people to rob them, or for other reasons and many others nasty things, there are also those that have killed for sexual gratification and many other souls that have done nasty deeds; I wanted to write a few names down, but at this moment I cannot think of doing that, because it is hard for me to name them, but they are here in this circle, because of their nasty life deeds.

Anyhow, while we are visiting this circle, I can hear my special guardian angel explaining to me, that as we go deeper in these spiritual negative circles, we will encounter worse things, and we should be very careful about what we are doing or saying, so that we do not upset the negative forces, after all my angel is saying that this is their God’s assigned domain as you know.

So, I am thinking, okay we should be careful, but how bad it is going to be when we move to next circle? Well I suppose we must wait and see. From what I hear and see, there is a lot more that we can talk about in this circle, but we must move on, as I don’t like to stay in these negative force domains a moment longer than it is necessary. And thus, we move towards our next circle.

Anyhow, here we can say that we have described another link of the chain of the spiritual life forces of the universe. So, see you in our next article; the third circle negative, the dying souls circle.


Man needs God 
The fourth circle of tormented souls 

Next with; the dying circle
Some personal and religious links:

May God guide and help me to say the right things in these articles?