Talking about creation
This is a scene about the creation in general, some of us would like to believe that it is true, just the way it is shown in this picture.
This is about the Adam and Eva in the garden of Eden, Eva is about to take a fruit from the tree of knowledge, as we all know the rest is history.
Creation and the creation of mankind
Talking about creation
Welcome to our hub (52) Creation and creation of mankind
May God guide and help me to say the right things in these religious
We want to talk in this article about how the world and people were
created, at least how some of us believe it was created; but as we all know as
soon as we mention the word creation most of us that live in the western world
think about the Bible creation, this is just because we have been taught to
believe in this sort of creation since we were young, because our forbears
believed and talked about this creation as we do today; but then if we look at
other religions and beliefs of the entire world population we realize that not
all of us believe in the same type of creation, therefore since we claim here
that we are studying religions and the ways they serve humanity, we have to
look also at least to other main religions and how the world was created
according to these other religions and also the creation of mankind. You see it
would be necessary to do that in order to have a better understanding of all
religions and what are their differences, starting from the beginning and
therefore creation.
Of course there are also the possibilities that all sorts of creations
that the religious people put forward don’t exist at all, because it is
possible that everything happened by itself as it is claimed in the theory of
evolution and other things that the modern scientists claim to be possible to
But here at this point of time, we don’t want to argue about whether we
have to believe that creation according to religions is right or evolution is
right, we want only to see how most religions explain creation and the creation
of mankind. In order to do that we are going to describe a few religions and
how they explain their religious creation? So let us start with the Bible
creation, since we are part of the western world religious beliefs:
Creation according to the Bible
In order to describe this creation according to the Bible, we are going
to ask a normal layman called Don how he does understand creation according to
his religious beliefs.
Okay Don, we are trying to understand the people about what they think
about creation, so we would like to ask you how you understand creation
according to your own religious beliefs?
Don answer
I am a Roman Catholic born and baptised therefore I believe in creation
according to the Bible. You know the Bible is supposed to be the word of God,
or at least God’s revelations through the prophets; therefore I believe that
God created the world in seven days at it is said in the Bible, even if I might
have to allow that a day in the Bible might not be one day of twenty four hours
as we know it today?
Don can you describe us creation itself please.
As you know; in the beginning God started by creating heaven and earth, at
is said that the earth was a formless void and God created them. I know that
the Bible might describe that better and make more sense but this is how I see
There was darkness over the water on the earth and God said; let there
be light and there was light, and God saw that the light was good and divided
light from darkness and he called the light day and the darkness night. God
also divides the water of the earth and the sky. This is the first day of
After the first day of God’s creation in the Bible, God continues to
create the rest of everything else in next four days as we know them and then
the sixth day God creates man.
Here Don stopped as if he had said everything that there was to say, so
we had to ask Don again. Don please can you continue to describe the creation
of man please.
And Don said
Now the creation of man is a bit strange, because there are two
descriptions in the Bible, the first description says that God said, ‘Let us
make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and then he said let
them be masters of everything we have created. Now you listen carefully what
the bible says next, because this is a quote that I am quoting from the Bible,
Quote: God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created
him, male and female he created them. End of quote.
Then God blessed them, saying to them, ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the
earth and subdue it. Be the masters of everything; this is more or less what
God said to them. Of course this is not all because there is more to say about
man creation, which will be written here-under. Please note that there is some
difference how man was created.
Here we will continue with the second
description of the creation of man
Second description of the creation of man
The second description of the creation of
When Don finished telling us about the
first creation of man, he stopped talking and was wondering whether he should
continue, but we encouraged him to continue, so he said:
Look he said, I wonder which one of these
two descriptions is right that is why I don’t know how to go on; anyhow let me
tell you this second description of how man was created, you see, to me and
perhaps to other people also it might seem that it has been added later on, so let
me say how I understand it.
In the Bible it says that at the beginning,
there was no wild bush or any wild plant growing, because Yahweh God had not
sent rain on earth, nor man to till the soil: I think that it is strange that
God needed man to till the soil and for this reason God created man, however
let me continue this second creation of man.
In those times, water flowed out of the
ground and watered the surface of the soil, so we should imagine that the soil
was wet all the time, now here I would like to quote what the Bible says;
Quote; Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of
life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. End of quote.
Then Yahweh God made a garden with all
sorts of plants including the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and put
the man he had made in the garden, God also let the man know that he was the
master of everything.
And still there is another
creation going:
Here Don sighed and said, strange as it may
seem this is different from the first creation of man, because in the first
creation Yahweh God made man and woman together, but here they are created in a
different way.
Now the man being master of everything gave
names to all cattle, birds and wild animals, but no helper was found for him.
Here the Bible says that, Yahweh God made
the man fall into a deep sleep, He took a rib from the man and made that rib
into a woman; that is why we sometime hear say when man describe woman; this
one at last is bones of my bones and flesh of my flash! And we call her woman
because she was taken from man.
This is how the Bible explains
creation and the creation of mankind.
If you want to read more about the Bible
here is another link that might be a bit easier to navigate;
Now that we have described creation and the
creation of mankind according to the Bible with the help of Don; we are going
to move on and describe some other religions about how those religions describe
creation, so that we would be able to compare the difference.
Comparing the Bible to other religions
As we have already mentioned, now that we have written above how the
Bible describes creation and the creation of man, let us compare the Bible to
the Indus religions for a start, which is again one of the larger religions of
the world.
Now, to talk about religions is hard indeed, since we usually have to
repeat the same things again and again just to create that atmosphere of
belief, to read and understand a religious book might be okay, if allowance is
made to fill the voids that have purposely been made as they always leave
doubts within your mind, but when it comes to tell the public and you have to
repeat what you have learned, then the trouble starts, because the best thing
is to read the book to them. However most times this cannot be done and in this
case because we are writing would be a copyright infringement if we write
everything down the way that has been written in the book.
In order to overcome that we have to find a way that keeps the
information as close as possible to the text we have learned, but at the same
time allows us to say the same thing in a different way; for example; We would
like to write and inform the readers about the Laws of Manu, which is one of
the main sacred Indus books and perhaps the best book to explain creation and
the creation of the castes according to the Indus religions.
Now, because we cannot read from the book since we are writing and not
talking, first of all, we would like to find somebody that knows a bit about
Hinduism and The Laws of Manu, perhaps an Indian who knows about religions. Now
hoping the he does not mind to help us, we will ask him about what his religion
says about creation and the creation of man, which in this case will be the
castes, since in India there are castes and how these castes came about. We
would like to know about the castes because here we are writing about the
creation of man.
Let me say this, we are going to ask this Indian about religions and see
what he has to say, at the same time we will be reading and checking with The
Laws of Manu book just to make sure that we don’t end up saying something that
doesn’t make sense, because we want to stay with the main stream of the Indus
religions and in particular with the Laws of Manu, since we believe that it is
the best religious book to follow.
Now let us see how the Indus religions start, according to the Laws of
Manu sacred book:
Briefly speaking the great sages asked the great Manu about the creation
and the creation of the castes, and Manu answered them accordingly.
Here we are not able to continue until we talk to our Indian friend
Butta as soon as we are able to, because as we have said we would like to know
also from real people what they think about their own religion.
The Laws of Manu creation
In this article we are going to talk about
the Laws of Manu, but to do that we are going to talk to some Indian people
about their religion, we know some Indian people and therefore we are going to
talk to them and see what they say about their religion. In our case we already
know that in India there are many sorts of religions, and we know also that as
soon as anyone asks an Indian about their religions, they are going to say that
it is not easy to talk about just a religion, because there are too many
divisions in their religions. Having this in mind, we are going to ask our
friends, how their religious leaders explain creation, because we believe that
the creation of the world and creation of man would be mostly the same in all
Indus religions.
Finally we have been able to talk to our Indian
friend Butta and a few other Indian people and we told them that the other day
we were talking with some of our friends about the world creation and the
creation of mankind; of course we were talking about our own Christian
religions and our beliefs of how everything started. Now just out of curiosity
and perhaps to compare two different religions, we would like to know how the
Indian religions describe creation and the creation of mankind, it took us a
while to convince our friend Butta to talk, but in the end he said:
Look, I don’t know a lot about religions
because I am not a Brahman, you see a Brahman is the best person to talk to
when you talk about religions; however I can tell you a few religious things
that I have learned during my life. It seems to me that what you want to know
is too much from me to explain, so I would suggest that you read The Laws of
Manu, where these things are explained, however I am telling you what I can.
You see in the Laws of Manu there are these
sages that ask the divine Manu these same questions that you are asking me, so
if you want to know exactly how everything was created and everything else read
this book. Now just to give you an idea how the world started it goes like
This universe existed in the shape of
darkness, wholly immersed, as it were, in a deep sleep. And then the divine
Self existent Svayambhu, appeared with creative powers dispelling the darkness.
Desiring to produce many kind of beings
from his body, he created the waters and placed his seed in them, his seed
became a golden egg and from the egg was born Brahman, the progenitor of the
world. Brahman being the progenitor of the world created everything else, this
is how the world started, and now let us sees how the four castes or mankind
Mankind was started from Brahman, and it is
said that in order to protect the universe, the most resplendent one assigned
separate occupations to those that sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and
The Brahmans who sprang from his mouth he
assigned teaching and studying the Veda, they are like the priests or the house
of Levi in the Bible, if one wants to compare them to the western religions.
Now, because the Brahmans sprang from Brahman’s and possesses the Veda, he is
by right the lord of all creation.
The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the
people, to study the Veda and other duties.
The Vaisya to tend cattle, to offer
sacrifices, to study the Veda and other duties
The occupation of the Sudra is to serve
meekly the other three castes.
If you want to read more about The Laws of
Our creation talks conclusions
Now let us talk briefly the pagan religions,
that were the main religions in the western world before Christianity, this
religion had many gods and goddesses and many other things and beliefs. Anyhow
here is a hub link to check it out, it is good to know, just click on this
What we have written above are the three main religions of the world,
and it is worth to compare them in order to learn about ourselves. It is
necessary to learn all this since today we have also to take into consideration
evolution, and other religions that explain their own ways about the creation
and the creation of mankind. So we should wonder which one of these theories is
the closest to the truth.
Anyhow we would like to add more articles about creation later on if we
can, but for the time being we are happy to say that these three religions
cover most about creation, the only other thing we can say is that there is no
real creation in the ancient religions. So these religions say very little
about creation, and when they say anything is very vague; In Greek and Roman
mythology it seems that creation started with Mother Earth and the sky, somehow
the god Eros was born from them and he started to stir thing up and most things
were created from this chaos that Eros created and many other strange things,
of course some of this information is also in the link above, (hub me/agotl).
Of course we may believe that if we mix all religions and what is
believed about creation in religions, we might come to believe that perhaps
evolution has the upper hand, but this is not to say that God and other spiritual
being have not played a part in creating every living thing, because we believe
they have, as we are going to mention this in our religious theory of
Reconciliation of the universe, in this third part of our religious writings.
Here we may have to add this to make sense; in this very complex world
of religions and religious beliefs, anyone that wants to talk about religions
in general and still make sense, he may as well wish that there is a
supernatural power to help him, and thus I say; May God guide and help me to
say the right things in these religious writings.
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