Humanity and religious dilemmas
Welcome to our hub page (58), Humanity and
religious dilemmas
May God help us say the right things in
these religious writings?
Some of the main religions of the world are shown on this map.
Map of, religious percentage in the world
The Bible is the most read book in the entire world, from the Bible derive a few religions, even the Koran derives from the Bible.
The Koran in the Muslim religious book, it derives from the Bible, as their God Allah says in several places that he is the same God of Abraham and has helped the Jews cross the Red Sea as if it was dry land.
The Laws of Manu is the religious book of the Indian religions, which we don't know enough to comment on them, what we know is that it has many varieties of religions that come from this religion,we also know that Buddhism has come from this religions. Humanity and religious dilemmas
Dear readers, we have called this article,
humanity and religious dilemmas, because we are going to talk about our
religious dilemmas that we see happening every day, it is also another prelude
of our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, it is a prelude because we
want to make the public interested and ready to read our religious theory that
we are going to publish here soon, therefore we tell the public whatever we could
to get them ready, and of course it is also the continuation of Prayers for
Reconciliation, which we are writing in the hope of finding an answer to these
religious dilemmas for all humanity; we also would be talking about, what
people could or should believe in our religious writings, but of course these
are only our suggestions and people a free to believe whatever they want.
I know dear readers, at this very moment
you might be asking yourself, how many preludes are there before the real
theory of Reconciliation of the Universe starts? But you see, Reconciliation of
the universe theory is a new way of seeing spiritual being or things, and I has
a seer, I believe that if we try to set religious beliefs according to this new
theory, it might be able to solve most of the existing religious problems that
exist today; and well we have to say that there are still a few chapters to go
through before Reconciliation of the Universe starts, but you see these
preludes are really an explanation why Reconciliation of the Universe is being
written and therefore we believe that explanations never seem to be enough.
Anyhow let us go back to the main article.
May I attract the attention of our readers
that here; the purpose of writing these religious writings is mainly to find a
way, on how to reconcile religions to other religions and also religion to
science, if that will ever be possible. Therefore, we would like to point out
to you that we have purposely written the previous article in order to show you
the obvious mistakes that occur in the Bible; first about the Flood that could
never have been at least to the extent that the Bible claims, because of the
geographic position of the Dead Sea and other things, and that also other
civilization and religions have stories about flood, this here under is a link
to one of their stories;
The Greek
Myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha and the Great Flood
We have also talked about the fact that in
the first book of the Bible ‘Genesis’ the time length of events that occurred
from the Flood to the birth of Abraham are incorrect as we have shown in the
previous hub of, Theist and atheist views and here is the link if you want to
check it out: Theists
and Atheists views, 55 This is
all about the example we wrote about the Patriarchs after the flood.
Then we explained that, if we want to know
how and why these mistakes have happened, we have to use our own imagination
and the knowledge that we have today, so, it follows that one has got to find
out with nowadays knowledge of those known events and other stuff, what could
have been the length of time that elapsed between these events.
Now, these examples above bring in another
questions, since what is written in the Bible sometimes is not correct; Then,
how old was the world since the beginning of times and the time of Abraham; and
there is only one possible answer to this question; millions of years, that is
if we try to use our own imagination from what is known today.
Therefore, if we want to believe anything
in the Bible about time elapsed, it could and perhaps would be more correct to
assume that: Every day of the Lord Creation in the Bible could equal one
million years or perhaps millions of earth years, this would help to explain
the reason why religion and science don’t believe in each other, since the
reason seems to be mostly because of the time length past between events. Of
course there is also the fact of the Flood that never was to confuse us even
more. But we have to be able to see that who wrote in those times had very
little knowledge compared to nowadays, so they wrote what they knew, even when
they wrote with their heart and mind thinking about God, and also wishing that
God would guide them while they were writing their religious writings.
Now that we have pointed out some of the
mistakes that the writers of those times have made, and also, now that we have
shown you that the Bible is not reliable as it was supposed to be, we would
like also to tell you that there are lots of spiritual truths in the bible, so
we still need the Bible to help humanity understand many things that otherwise
would be hard to understand. So, let us look for some religious beliefs and why
we need God and religions, which are the eternal dilemmas of humanity.
Having said all that we believe that some
of our religious readers might be upset, because of the changes that we are
suggesting, so usually here we would write a short article for our readers’
peace of mind, but this time we suggest that they read this article in our
previous hubs, as there are several of them already written. So let us continue
to write our next article; The eternal dilemma of humanity.
The eternal dilemma of humanity
During our life we cannot help to wonder and ask ourselves many times:
Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here on earth? What is the
purpose of our life on earth? And, where are we going to be after our death?
And do we have a soul? Then if we believe that we have a soul, we would wonder
if there is an afterlife and any other spiritual things that we might believe
These are most of the questions that everybody will ask oneself several
times during one’s own life. So we turn to religion in the hope of finding our
answers there. But even here there is no clear answer, as there are too many
religions and beliefs to be certain, some of these religions believe that
definitely we have a soul, and after our death the soul will be judged
according to what we have done during our lives, other religions have a softer
approach and perhaps some doubts about that, but most of the religions have in
common that some spiritualty exists one way or another, but, there is not clear
agreement about what happens to our souls.
So, it seems that we have a double life to worry about, one is the body
and another is the soul and we would like to find the meaning of our life for
both, therefore we are forced to try to find out what is the meaning of our
life and while we try to find what our life might mean within the existing
religions of our planet, we can’t help to reflect about religions nowadays and
we unwillingly are forced to admit that there are too many different religions
in the world. And then, although religions should have been made for the people
of the whole earth to love one another, in some cases they seem to achieve the
opposite. We are saying this because it often happens that some people fight
one another for their religious beliefs, here we mean just for the sake of their
own religious belief, this is really one of the greatest shame of the religions
for mankind, since religion should mean to everybody love your neighbour as
yourself, as our lord Jesus Christ said; but in these cases it does not.
For this reason we have been thinking and we have reason to believe that
there must be a way to avoid these religious frictions.
So, since today existing religions don’t seem to agree with each other,
because of the so many existing religions, somebody somehow has got to come up
with a new religious idea that will have to satisfy everybody, and has got to
make sure that this new idea should not antagonize any other existing religious
directly, and perhaps also the atheists.
The only possible answer to this problem is that we have to come up with
a new religious theory or beliefs that will incorporate all existing religions,
so that all existing religions would be able to link and accept in a way or
another; and that somehow this new religious theory could be accepted even by
scientifically orientated people. You see, it needs to be done in such a way
that all the different people of the world will believe in the same God and the
same religion, and at the same time it will not upset any existing religions.
Therefore this new universal modern religion that we are going to suggest
must be built in such a way, that it would be universally accepted in the
future, if possible without reserve from all the people of the world.
Therefore, religions have got to be explained in such a way that makes
everybody feel equal, and if there is some difference in beliefs it must be
very little, since one must be able to see that in the end no matter to which
religion one belongs; we all believe in the same benevolent God that created us
all or has helped to create us all, therefore we should believe in the same god
and the same religion. Then all sorts of arguments about religion could be
avoided, since this modern religion will demonstrate that we all come from the
same God, and that, God in conjunction with mother nature has made life on
earth the way it is today.
What people could believe
What people could or should believe
Today every able thinking person has got his/her own beliefs about
religion, even if that person has got no beliefs at all, because they believe
in not believing in God or religions.
Therefore as we have said, we have our own beliefs which we would like
to share with you. Of course it is not going to be easy for us to write about
our God and our own religious beliefs, because it is a very hard thing to do if
we want to describe clearly our own beliefs; for a start, the way that we
perceive God today is different from the God that we have been thought when we
were young, although is the same God that we believe created us all; therefore
we need to say that we see this God in a different way and we are going to
describe this God that we see in Reconciliation of the Universe religious
theory, this God will be a benevolent life force that gives life to every living
Let me explain, you see anyone who wants to try to achieve a super
religion like the one that we have mentioned above has got to be very careful
what he has to say. I believe that one should start thinking like this, if one
had the power to describe a God capable to satisfy all humanity; how would or
could this God be like?
So, there are good reasons to believe that God must be described in such
a way that will not create friction between religious people, since God can
only be described as being benevolent and therefore love and therefore stands
for the good of all community, so the people have to understand that this is
what God stands for. May God forgive me if I have got it wrong?
At the moment we have got an idea that may make it possible to achieve
what we have just said, since we believe in a new concept and see God somehow
different from the way that we have been thought when we were young, as I have
started to explain above and we will come to a better explanation when we write
about our theory.
You see, since what we want to say is a new concept and hard to readily
explain, we have to ask pardon to our readers if we wander around in circles,
because we are not able to find the right words to express our new religious
idea, in such a way that it will mean exactly what we intend to say to you.
Perhaps there are no words to express our idea in a simple way, so we have to
keep going around while we try to make a start somehow.
Before today, there have been many great persons before me, whom have
tried to express their own beliefs in religious matter, and they have said
whatever they wanted to say in many different ways, and in doing so they have
been able to reach a very high standard of expression and public understanding,
but they have never been able to convince the whole world, that what they were
teaching us was exactly right beyond any doubt. Because there have always been
some people left with some doubts. So, what we are going to say here is not
going to convince you either entirely, but never the less we want to express
here our own religious beliefs. Or perhaps we should say that, what we want to
say here is not really a religious belief, but a belief about how should a
universal religion be made, in order to be able to serve the whole world
without upsetting anybody religiously.
We believe that somehow we may be able to achieve this, if we try hard
enough. So this belief of mine, which at this moment is only an idea that is
taking slowly shape into my mind; but I believe that it is perhaps a belief greater
than the greatest idea ever expressed in my whole life before now. I believe
also that this religious subject happens to be one of the topmost subjects in
importance to all mankind, and most people have tried to talk about it since
the world started, in the hope of finding the best possible solution to these
religious problems.
Therefore now that we have got this new idea, which might help to solve
this religious problem, and because of this new idea we have made up our minds
to write these beliefs down, therefore now, I will have to try my best to
express them in my modest own writing ways, since I am not a real trained
writer but only a try hard writer, that try to express my own beliefs and some
other people views on religions, therefore I hope to convince you that what I
am trying to say could even be the right thing to do.
Of course in the religious world, one has got to keep in mind that the
very same religious thing may mean different things to different people. But
with the help of God, we hope to find a way to describe our own beliefs in such
a way that it would be possible for everyone to understand our religious
Since our religious theory is very much a new way of looking at
religious beliefs, while we would like to publish our religious writings, at
the same time we are reluctant to bring our theory forward presently, because
the public might not accept our religious theory unless they are ready for
changes and the theory is published at the right time; about this issue we are
going to talk in our next hub, hoping to be able to state when such a theory
would be accepted more easily, and that may well be far away in the future,
when people become tired of all the violence that the present system brings
nowadays, and they become aware that a new religious system might help to end
the religious violence, and therefore then, they will be searching for a way
out for ending this religious violence for good; therefore only when all these
events have come to pass, it would be the right time to publish these sort of
religious writings that we have in mind, because, only then they would be accepted
easily from the public; but at the same time the public should know that a new
theory is available, because if they know, then it would be easier for them to
get ready and accept the new religious theory. So, in reality we don’t know
what the better way to go is.
Dear readers, I feel that I have already said enough in this article
because it is becoming too long, so I am going to say more in my next article
that we are calling, Believing in God, see you soon;
May God bless us all?
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