Sunday, December 25, 2022

Does God answer our prayers.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, Will God answer our prayers?

One day Moses went up Mount Sinai and met God in the form of a burning bush, the burning bush talked to Moses and said, I am Yahweh God of the Israelite. God gave Moses the ten Commandments and then helped Moses to free the Jews from the Egyptian Pharaoh, so, the prayers of the Jews were answered from God. But today does God answer our prayers?   

Welcome to my article, Will God answer our prayers?

In this article of, does God answer our prayers, may God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, I must say that we all have doubts during our lives; one of these doubts is about if God exists and if God answers our prayers. I must add here that I believe in God, but my God can be different from the God that most Christians believe in; but when we pray, does God answer our prayers? 

You see, I am praying God every day of my life; I pray God with our Christian traditional prayers, like the sign of the cross followed by The Lord prayer, and then other prayers; I pray God with my own prayers that I have written, I pray God and hope that God answers my prayers by granting my earthly request. I have written several prayers in these religious articles and one of them is written here under; now the question is. Does God or will God answer my prayers?

Let me explain, today we are not asking God to do something special for us; because we are not like the Jews that wanted Yahweh their God, to help them reclaim their Promised Land that they left when they went to Egypt; we are not like the Muslim people that want their God Allah to help them conquer the entire world, and while they are doing that and killing people, they also believe that when they die , they will go to paradise. 

You see, we are only praying God to help us in our daily struggle and health issues. We imagine our God to be a benevolent God that helps anybody that prays to him. So, let me write a prayer that I pray after the traditional prayers.

Prayer to God

With my personal concerns I come to you praying my lord God, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force, I am praying in the hope that I would become worthy to pray, and my prayer would be heard and accepted, I am praying in the hope that you would hear my prayer for help and help me and my family overcome these family illnesses; Father hear my prayers and help us, amen.

I have prayed God many times, but God ignores my prayers, so, my family problems go on and they never seem to end. So, I start thinking that it is unlikely that God answers our prayers, I cannot think of any other excuse, and I believe that I should be worthy in God’s eyes, because I pray and write religious issues. Okay, I do not go to church on Sundays. But I don’t go to church on Sundays, because of this illness in my family, so, I must stay put at home. Sometimes I think, if God wanted me to go to church on Sunday, then God could have made it easier for me to go to church.

Dear readers, I need to be more patient and refrain to criticize God, since it is risky to criticize God, as we know God is God and we are supposed to accept anything from God, even if it makes us suffer, because there can be other reasons why it is so. But I believe that if we pray God, then we deserve to be heard and answered from God, otherwise why we pray and believe, and accept whatever it comes to us because it is God’s will, I want to ask our readers?

I must say that in my mind, heart and soul, there is this understanding that goes on like this; if there is a God like a person, then this God being our Father should listen to his own children, and so, God should answer our prayers according to what we deserve, otherwise we will not believe in God anymore. So, we come back to our first question; will God answer our prayers? But let us continue to look for an answer.


Looking for an answer to our prayers. 

There are days in our lives, when things go the wrong way, but nothing is more frustrating than when somebody is sick, whether it is oneself or a member of our family. When these sick family members are sick for a long time we despair, because even the doctors cannot find a way to make them well; so, the only thing that is left for us to do is turn to God and pray. So, we pray God with all the strength that is in our heart, and we believe that if we do that and have faith in God, then, God may answer our prayers. So, we pray God with great faith, hoping that God will answer our prayer and make us well again. But does God answer our prayers?

I am asking this question several time, because I want to know, if there is anyone who has proof or feels that God answers our prayers.

You see, I don’t know any more what to believe today, I have prayed to God for a long time for help, but God ignores my prayers. Not only I have prayed God many times every day of my life, but I have also written many blogs and Hubs about religions, I have done this in the hope that it may help religions to survive in the future, so, I feel that whatever I write in these religious writings, it is like praying God all the time; but God does not take any notice of that either. Perhaps God has more important things on his mind, because people believe and do different things all the time, like the following issues that go around today.

So, let us see what is happening in the world, that can keep God busy and forget about my personal prayers. You know, some people believe about the end of the world, as it is written at the end of the Bible; so, there is going to be the end of the world soon; this time we even have a date; the end of the world will be the 21st of December 2012 as they have forecast? Is this event going to happen? We do not know. Perhaps it is a bit like asking, if God answers our prayers.

So, I am going to say here what my heart and soul tells me, I believe that there is no end of the world on the 21st December 2012, it cannot be I don’t see even the signs that other people claim to see, the only thing I see is that religions need to be modified and that is not the end of the world. You see, if religions are modified then it marks the end of some religious beliefs and the beginning of something else, so that, we can say that a new system has arrived and the old system has ended, that is the only end that I can see today. Anyhow, today while I am editing this article the 21st December 2012 has past and nothing has happened, so, the world has not ended. Thanks God it was a false alarm.

Prayers and observations.    

While I am writing this article, I pray God about my personal problems, I pray God with great faith, hoping that my prayers will be answered, so, I pray God thus:

My Lord God, Almighty merciful Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy, you would forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, so that, I am spiritually clean and worthy to pray and my prayer would be heard and answered. Today I am praying because there is sickness in my family, and this worries me and my family, therefore, I am praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy, you hear my prayer and help me, amen.  

Now, this is not the only prayer that I pray to God, because I pray many other prayers, in the hope that God hears my prayers and help us. But even though I have prayed God many times, God does not answer my prayers; but I continue to pray God. So, even when God does not answer our prayers, we still pray God. It is like having to do the last possible thing that could help to solve our problems, and thus we continue praying.


I believe that most of us, when we have some personal problems, we will turn to God and pray for help and guidance, in the hope that God will answer our praywes, by granting our earthly requests. But does God answer our prayer? 

 Praying God for an answer. 

Now, as I have said, I have been praying God for an answer to my personal prayers, for this same reason I have been writing religious articles with many prayers written in them, then I am writing the theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, because they are my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God hears my prayers and answers my personal requests. But I have to say that up to today God has not answered my prayers, the way I wish God would answer.

So, this family sickness worries me; I am afraid that can become worse, and for this reason I am praying, and I will continue to pray, because at least I feel that I have done something that could help. You see, I need at least some hope, and God is hope for those that need hope most; so, I continue to pray God, and therefore, I am asking myself:

Am I not worthy to be heard from God about what I need?

What is God waiting for, to answer my request?

Is it not enough the religious writings I have written and all the prayers that I've prayed?

To prove to you that I have written in Hub Pages many religious articles, which should be counted as my prayers to God, I am going to make a shortened list of these articles including the link,,

I believe that these religious writings should be counted as prayers to God Most High. Anyhow, even if God does not answer my prayers, I will still pray God in the hope that one-day God will answer my prayers and grant my earthly requests.

All this is because, man needs God and because, God is hope for those who need hope most and for this reason we pray, even knowing that God may not answer our prayers.

I hope you have had time to read some of our articles, so that you can see what we mean. Anyhow, I will continue to Pray and write my religious articles, even knowing that God might not answer my prayers. Because God is hope for does that need hope most.


Dear readers, we are continuing to write more religious discussion, then we will write part three, Reconciliation of the universe. See you soon, in next article, Reconciliation talks

To see more click on this link. Will God answer our prayers?

May God bless us all.
