Welcome to my blog, Man needs God
and this post, The Bible curses
This post is all about the Bible curses;
Strange as it may seem to anybody that hopes so much to find guidance and hope in reading the Bible, since it is the most read religious book in the whole world, and therefore it is supposed to give the readers relief, help and guidance, since that is what religions are supposed to do, but there is a strange twist to it all, when one finds out that there are also some very upsetting things like curses written in it; these curses are not just spoken from malicious persons, because even God seems to use them frequently; now whether God uses them just to illustrate the point of what needs to be done and what is going to happen is hard to say, but they are there and since God uses them they must be true and working, otherwise what is written in the Bible would not true.
Now since we have been talking about curses in these religious writings for a while, it would be better for us to think what could be done, in order to overcome these curses obstacles. Therefore first of all I am going to talk to my friends in the hope that they would help me to find the right way, or at least see what they think about these curses.
As I have said above, even the Bible is full of curses, in fact we find the first curse at the very beginning of the Bible when God curses the serpent, Genesis3, 14-15, and I quote;
*Be accursed beyond all cattle, all wild beasts.
You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust every day of your life.
I will make you enemies of each other:
You and the woman,
Your offspring and her offspring
It will crush your head
And you will strike the hill.
Then to the woman God said, Genesis 3-16
I will multiply your pain in child bearing,
You shall give birth to your children in pain.
Your yearning shall be for your husband,
Yet he will lord it over you.
Then to Adam Genesis 3-17
Accursed be the soil because of you.
With suffering shall you get your food from it every day of your life
It shall yield you brambles and thistles, and you shall eat wild plants.
With sweat on your brow, shall you eat your bread.
Until you return to the soil, as you were taken from it.
For dust you are; and to dust you shall return.
Yahweh (God) was right to be very angry with them; So He cursed them, and this is the very first curse in the Bible, and it came from God.
So, as you can see curses are in the Bible from the very beginning and last curse is at the very end, which sounds like forbidding anybody to change anything said in the Bible.
Now what can be done to avoid the curses, one may ask?
Well at this moment I do not know yet, but I am working on it and we shall see what my friends might suggest. So, we will be discussing curses presently and looking at any possible way to neutralize them. Perhaps a prayer to God-Most-High, master and life giver of the universe might help, so, let me try to write a prayer just for this purpose, or perhaps find one that I have already half written and adjust it to fit my purpose. Then I will ask my friends what they think about my prayer and everything else.
-----------------------------------Man needs God
The Bible curse
Next post is about; My prayers to God to shield us from curses.
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