Sunday, June 19, 2022

My religious explanations.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, Religious explanations  

Dear readers, everyone of us has his own religious beliefs, so, I believe that I have been called by God to write about religions, you may think that I might be crazy, But I am sure that if you would feel something yourself, then you would understand me, why I am writing these articles.    

Welcome to our article, Religious explanations

May God help and guide me to write this article.

Dear readers, because I am interested in religious issues, I can see religious problems better than other people. So, I see many religious problems that need to be solved, but nobody is doing anything about it, I am thinking what I can do to solve them. Now, beside believing that I can see these religious things better than somebody else, I believe that I can suggest a solution. Because during my life I have experienced spiritual things that have made me believe that, I have been called by God to write these religious articles, so, I am writing them.

But I must say that it is not that simple for me to write these articles, even when I feel driven from an inner force to write them; so, in a way I have been caught in doing what I am doing, because I believe that I must do it. But I am not a trained writer, therefore, it is tot easy for me to write these religious articles. But you see, if you feel that you have been called to write them, then, you must write them anyhow, no matter how hard it is for you to do it. So, this is the way that I am feeling right now while I am writing; You see, I feel that I have been called to write my religious beliefs, like what I have written in my article, Pre Reconciliation of the Universe.

Of course, there are other reasons. But at the moment, the most important reason for wanting to write them, it is that I feel from within my soul that I must write these religious writings, otherwise my soul tells me that I am not doing what I have come to do on this planet earth. Therefore, I feel that if I do not write my beliefs now; I have lived my earthly life accomplishing nothing worthwhile.

Because I have had a supernatural experience, where this angel greeted me as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe. Which is a theory I am going to write in these articles; it will be written in such a way, and it will explain that God is life and the life giver of every living thing.

I know that now you are thinking that I must be crazy, because I have seen this vision, where I was greeted as the writer of Reconciliation of the Universe; but so what, for me this vision is real, even when I start thinking that it might have been a vivid dream and nothing else.


Our religious doubts. 

Dear reader, because today I have doubts in my mind about what I need to write, I need to say a prayer to God most High, asking God to help me, in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, since our Lord Jesus Christ is the link that links us to our Spiritual Father God. I need to pray, so that I can prepare myself mentally and spiritually for these religious explanations that I am writing. Now to change religious things from the accepted ways, we need to pray God. Since it is possible to make mistakes and praying God is like asking him to accept the changes that you have in mind.  

My Lord God, with my doubts and concerns in my mind, I come to you praying God-Most-High, master and life giver of the universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins, reconciliation, cleansing, guidance and blessing.

Father, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to live in harmony with God spiritual forces and my prayers would be heard and accepted.

I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the hope that I can receive your forgiveness, reconciliation cleansing, guidance and blessing, and after receiving them, let me be your humble servant.

Father hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so, I can live in harmony with thy spiritual life-force energies of the universe, and then be able to write these religious articles according to your will; Amen.


Thinking about religions. 

Dear readers, because of what is happening in the world, what we are writing here can turn out to be the beginning of the new religious world order.

As you know, what’s happening in the religious world is shocking. Religious leaders twist their religious meanings and instead of preaching peace they preach war. I wonder how they can be so stupid to believe that to kill people of other religions is the right thing to do. We must ask ourselves, what sort of God is this? Because to me God is life and represents life, but their God seems that he is the devil himself and not a God at all.

Now, because of these violent happenings, we believe that something needs to be done to show them their mistakes; but above all, we must try to neutralize what they are doing. So, we are going to try to modify their beliefs, by writing a new religious theory, where God is life and all living beings are equal to him; so, anyone that destroys his life should be punished.  

You see, I am trying to sow the seed for new religious beliefs. So, I am thinking how to do that, perhaps we need to review the meanings in the Bible, then explain it in a different way, because the Bible is the most influential religious book in the western world, it is also the book that has inspired most of the Koran, therefore, if we can modify the Bible meanings, the Koran meanings can become modified by default, we hope that this modification can stop the mad killings that these cruel killer carry out in the name of their God, which can only be a lie.

Anyhow, there are too many religions in the world, they are different to one another, so, their leaders tend to argue with one another, in the hope that they can impose their point of view of their own religious beliefs on the others. So, in our religious theory, by moving everything one step high and linking them together at the top, we hope to find the way how to neutralize this practice, since in our new ways God is the central life force of the universe, and this can become the link that links every existing religion together.

I feel that I must write this as it is my duty as a human being, in the hope that by suggesting this new religious way, the present religious situation is improved. Then, the people have a new religious way to use, which can enable them to control better religions.

So, I am writing my religious writings as my soul guides me, because of the sign that I have seen, because of what I have learned during my life and because of what has happened to me and my family, which makes me think that these happenings have driven me to write these religious articles.

Therefore, what I am writings here is being written as my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God-Most-high hears my prayer and helps me to write my religious theory, so that it can be accepted by religious leaders in the future, in the hope of stopping religious terrorist for good.  

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you soon in next article,   Prayers and discussions

To see more click on this link, Religious explanations

May God bless us all.
