Welcome to our page 2, religious reconciliation forum
May God help and guide me to write the right religious things in this article?
Religious reconciliation forum
At Rome, an important religious event has attracted thousands of people. So, there are a lot of people interested in religions.
At Mecca every year there are thousands of people coming for this annual event. Every Muslim is supposed to come to Mecca at least ones in their life time.
Religious reconciliation forum
Dear readers, this article is the beginning of
our religious forum, in our previous hub we have talked about several sort of
forums, in order to introduce the idea of this place for religious discussions;
we hope that by discussing our religious views, we would be able to understand
our human needs better, so that we might be able to write an idealistic
religious theory for the future generations, we believe that today religions
have a few things that need to be reviewed, because sometimes some terrible
things happen that involves religions.
You see, humanity has always needed religions,
one has only to look at the religious events that happen around the world today
to see what we mean; just look at some of the picture in this hub to see how
many people are interested in God and religions, thousands and thousands of
religious people come to important religious events. Because religions were and
are important to people, since it gives people a sense of belonging to a group
of other people, and it also guides them in a certain direction, which most
people find helpful during their lives; therefore we will continue to believe
in God/gods and religions for a very long time to come, and perhaps forever, if
one day we would be able to prove that God really exists that would be the
greatest thing that man has ever discovered, because then there would not be
any doubts in our minds.
Therefore, let us forget what the atheist
people say (there is no god); and so, let us continue to assume that God/s
exist just the ways most of the world population believe. When we look at the
entire world of religions, we can see that some of the God/s we believe in today
go under different names according to which religion one belongs, sometimes
even the same god or spiritual force has different names, like; Yahweh,
Jehovah, Allah, all being names of the same Abraham’s God, of course there are
other gods from other religions as well, so, we should add to this list at
least the Hindus gods Braham, Vishnu and Shiva plus others.
Now, I the writer believe that there are
reasons to believes that religions have been and are useful to all humanity,
even though today some people do not believe in God and religions as we did in
the past, and also because there are some people that use religions only to
have an advantage over the rest of their fellow man, sometimes what some
extremist people do is shocking; but that is the fault of the people and their
leaders and not the religious beliefs in themselves. You see, it has been for
this reason that we have started our previous public forum; we have started it
to get some people interested in all sorts of forums, but to us for the time being
at least this religious forum is the most important one that we would like to
write about.
Now there are even more religions and
religious beliefs in this world, some of which might seem strange to us who
believe in the God of Abraham, just check this link below to see some of the
Indian religions:
Millions of Hindus plunge into Ganges River in India to wash away ...,
Therefore in this article and also in the
following articles because these writings will be mainly religious we will be
looking for religious options that could improve links between existing
religions for a start, since today it seems that religions are still arguing
with each other, or perhaps even fighting each other; so, we believe that
something needs to be at least suggested and perhaps done if possible, so that
people become more aware of what is happening, in the hope that this awareness
could improve the present situation, since religions are supposed to guide
humanity in a peaceful way, if religions are not able to guide people in a
positive religious ways, then religions would become useless to humanity.
religions today
Now, we need to be wise and discuss these religious
issues with other people using common sense, in other words we need to discuss
them as the philosophers do, so these religious writing and discussions could
be; say 20% philosophy and 80% religious or just plain theology, for a start,
and then they might become more philosophy than religion. Now, in order to
explain these religious issues clearly, we need to look at all religions
closely, and to achieve what we have in mind to achieve, we need to start from
the very beginning so that we would be able to see the entire religious picture
so to speak, so, we need to go over our human history to see how and why
humanity believes in God and why Man
needs God and religions and
also many other religious issues, so let us start to see what could be done and
what we need to talk about first, and write a sort of index for this article:
In this first religious article or chapter we
will be talking about several following issues: God and today religious
beliefs; we are in the universe in search of ourselves in a religious ways;
Religious reconciliation forum, about God and religious beliefs; Religions and
how they serve humanity; we also need to look at what is happening right now in
the world, because while I am editing this article there are horrible things
happening in the name of God, of course God has got nothing to do with it, but
the people that to this they do it in God’s name, just because it is convenient
to them, here I am talking about the Islamic State that are killing many
innocent people in the name of God and many other terrible things; here under
is a link that might explain a little bit what is happening. Of course there
are worse things happening like killing the innocent people as well.
We also need to ask ourselves this; Do we need
a super God? Who are the atheists? The other religious problems and other
things; but first of all, let us go back to talk about the religious setup that
we were talking about in our previous article.
The Ten Commandment says that Thou shalt not kill, but the Islamic kill anyhow, as you can see below.
The horrible things that happen today. and they do it in the name of their God. What sort of religion is this when you can use it to kill other people
God and religious beliefs
Dear readers, in order to understand the set
up here-under more easily, one needs to read our previous hub Reconciliation
forum especially the end of
it, as this hub is supposed to be the continuation of the group of
reconciliation’s that we were talking about there; anyhow this is the third
group and it is all about religions, this religious group could also be divided
in three smaller groups, as we did with the other two groups, so that one could
be able to talk about them one by one: therefore here under we are writing a
sort of index of what we want or need to do:
About God and religious beliefs
This third group could also be divided in
three smaller groups:
Religious group 1; about old religions and the
inborn need that humanity has had for them;
Religious group 2; Today existing religions
and how they serve humanity;
Religious group 3; should there be a super
religion to help humanity in the future?
These are some of the articles that we are
going to start talking about in this religious article:
Therefore, what we are going to talk about
here; it is all going to be what we believe could be done for the future
benefit of mankind. As we have said, we are looking for religious options that
may be able to improve today religions, in order to prevent the unwanted
situation or frictions that happens today between religions, and also those
terrible happenings that seem to involve religions; this is what seems to be
our main theme at the moment and this has been the theme that has driven us to
write these religious writings, in the first place.
Here we need to add that it looks like that to
be able to write and make sense about our future religious theory that we
intend to write and publish, it is going to be a very difficult and long way
away, because we are starting from scratch by studying and discussing the
present day religions, and after we have done and explained that to the public,
then we would like to write our religious theory, therefore, it is going to be
a long way away, but at the same time we are looking for a shorter way and if
it possible to use that in the future.
So, let us see what can be said or done about
these religious issues and may God help us?
Looking for religious reconciliation
We the people of this world have leaned many
things during our lives, because we are able thinking people, so we have become
aware that we live in a corner of the universe on this planet that we call
earth in the Zodiac constellation in the Milky Way galaxy; now just by looking
at what we have mentioned above, we feel that we are only a very small part
compared to the rest of the universe and so we might be insignificant overall,
but that does not mean that we should not care about ourselves, because the
difference here is that we are able thinking people.
Now, even knowing that we are not very
important in size, we might be important in other ways, especially our life and
our spiritualty side, we also want to know why we are here on earth, where
sometimes we believe that we might be the only able thinking beings that exist
in the entire universe, therefore we should try to find the meaning for our own
life, since this might be connected to greater things like God and life itself,
because life on this planet earth and God might be the life energies of the
entire universe. But now, let us talk about life and what we should do to live
a good meaningful life.
You see in order to understand what life is
all about, and then live a meaningful life, we should start to find a way how
to be reconciled with everything around us starting with our fellow man, and at
the same time we should try to live in harmony with our environment, so, we
should learn how to live according to Mother Nature so that we don’t harm it,
and the most important part is that we should learn that we have to live
according to God’s will, whom we have reasons to believe is the life giver and
master of the entire universe, therefore we should be looking how to reconcile
with God and these other elements constantly, but above all, in these religious
writings we should be looking for religious reconciliation, because that is the
task that we would like to achieve, with these articles that we are writing
Anyhow, we are working on it, and in these
religious writings we have already published several other articles, here under
are some of our articles links: Other links might be added to this site when we
publish them.
As we have said above, we are looking for
religious reconciliation, but let us first see what we the people believe about
God and our religious beliefs. As our religious beliefs cover a very large
field that is hard to make sense sometime, so let us describe some of them:
Our religious reconciliation forum
About God and religious beliefs
If and when we start thinking about religions
and God, there are times when we believe that God is up there looking at every
move that we make, but there are also times when we think that God does not
exist at all, this has been humanity dilemma from the very beginning of times,
what we mean here is that we have been like this since we became able to think
and therefore started thinking about God and religions, as we all know this is
shown in our own human history records.
So this issue of the existence of God has been forever open to doubts, and it
will be so for a long time in the future, as the whole question will have to
come down to whether God does really exist, or it is an invention of our human
mind, because of our need to believe in the existence of God; since God is so
important in our subconscious that we have to believe in God anyhow, so God
might be an invention of our human mind after all. So, what do you think? Does
God really exist? I would like to ask our readers.
Here I have to add that nobody has ever really seen God, as God is supposed to
be a spiritual entity, this spiritual entity of God cannot be seen and it dwells
in heaven, it could also be said that God could be a life force energies in the
universe that humans are unable to see, since it is believed that all life
starts from God, otherwise how can we explain the existence of life, as our
logic reasoning says there must be a God or a life force energies that has
started life and makes life possible on earth even today.
Most religions want us to believe that God has created everything, at the same
time there is no physical evidence that God really exists, so, when we talk
about God this question arises, how did this human belief of the existence of
God start?
Well, there is no clear answer about this and
how it all started is hard to say; but, if you let us have our personal say
about these religious beliefs, then I will have to say that Man needs God, as
it is shown in our own religious history.
Therefore, we need to say that apart from the atheists who do not believe in
God, because for them there is no God, as the existence of God cannot be
explained in a logic human way; everybody else seems to need God, therefore we
have to accept and believe that there is a God even if we cannot prove it and
if there is no God mankind still needs God anyhow.
This God need has perhaps happened because man has invented God to help
themselves for many reasons; one of the reasons could be that it was started
out from our inner fear of the unknown.
What I have just said now may hurt some people feelings, but we are a fearful
lot. We are looking for security all the time, so we live in communities to
feel safe; it is human nature to feel this fear of the unknown and it is good
because it helps us survive.
origin of religion therefore may well be
an extended reaction to our inner fear, which we try to control by simple
reasoning of our mental capacity. So when we were or are facing unexplainable
things that might bring fears into our hearts, we would like to have some
security; for this reason we have found that if we believe in God, then God
might be able to help us out, with religions there is always a way out even if
it is just our imagination, you see, religions are good at explaining the
unexplainable, and so, religion helps us and makes us feel more secure.
For religion to exist and be helpful to us it needs a god as figure head, so
this is how god and religion is seen from some people today.
What we have just said would make people think that we have invented God
ourselves, but I am not sure about that; because it is still possible that
things are partly true as the Bible says which is that God created us somehow.
But the fact still remains that man needs God.
As I have said above; man
needs God, and God needs man.
So let us try to discuss and learn the reason why in this article.
As we might have already said the existence of
God was started since the beginning of times when humanity became able to
think, and so, they became homo sapient able to think about their own ways and
make their own decisions, but because of this knowing they have sometimes felt
unsafe, so they have been worrying about their safety ever since, because they
have always feared about the unknown, the unexplainable and anything that was
stronger than themselves; for this reasons they have constantly been searching
for protection from these fears and this behaviour easily has led them to make
up religions, in the hope that a god, gods or any other powerful entity would
protect them from whatever they were afraid of.
At the beginning there were no proper
religions, so people would come up with their own fears from something and they
thought if this something that they feared could be appeased somehow, then they
would feel safe from it, as they would not be threatened from it any longer,
so, they started to do things that would be able to appease these things
whatever they were; this is how the first cults or religions were born, in fact
some history writings say that there were some religions that made human
sacrifice to their gods, so that they would appease them.
Therefore, I believe that religions are an
inborn need for humanity to overcome their inner fears, whatever these fears
may be and wherever they come from.
Ancient history is full of gods, goddesses,
demigods and heroes and sometimes even strong and powerful animals were
worshipped as gods.
Just to set an example of these animal gods;
one of these animal gods is even mentioned in the Bible, in Daniel’s, Bell and
the dragon, where Daniel slays the dragon that was revered from Babylonians as
a god by feeding him a mixture of tar and other ingredients which made the
dragon bust and die. I am sure that there are other animals also that man worshipped,
but to find that is not easy as one has got to read very ancient literature.
There are so many Greek gods and Roman gods in
the history books of those times, which is hard nowadays to know what their
role was in those times. Anyhow today we can still find many statues of gods
and goddesses of the past; so it would be good if somebody that knows writes a
few old stories down to illustrate what they did. Now, I have found this link
here that will give you some knowledge about those gods and goddesses of the
past; hub.me/agotI
, as you can see
religions have existed for a very long time and will continue to exist in the
future, so let us see how religions serve humanity.
So this issue of the existence of God has been forever open to doubts, and it will be so for a long time in the future, as the whole question will have to come down to whether God does really exist, or it is an invention of our human mind, because of our need to believe in the existence of God; since God is so important in our subconscious that we have to believe in God anyhow, so God might be an invention of our human mind after all. So, what do you think? Does God really exist? I would like to ask our readers.
Here I have to add that nobody has ever really seen God, as God is supposed to be a spiritual entity, this spiritual entity of God cannot be seen and it dwells in heaven, it could also be said that God could be a life force energies in the universe that humans are unable to see, since it is believed that all life starts from God, otherwise how can we explain the existence of life, as our logic reasoning says there must be a God or a life force energies that has started life and makes life possible on earth even today.
Most religions want us to believe that God has created everything, at the same time there is no physical evidence that God really exists, so, when we talk about God this question arises, how did this human belief of the existence of God start?
Therefore, we need to say that apart from the atheists who do not believe in God, because for them there is no God, as the existence of God cannot be explained in a logic human way; everybody else seems to need God, therefore we have to accept and believe that there is a God even if we cannot prove it and if there is no God mankind still needs God anyhow.
This God need has perhaps happened because man has invented God to help themselves for many reasons; one of the reasons could be that it was started out from our inner fear of the unknown.
What I have just said now may hurt some people feelings, but we are a fearful lot. We are looking for security all the time, so we live in communities to feel safe; it is human nature to feel this fear of the unknown and it is good because it helps us survive.
The origin of religion therefore may well be an extended reaction to our inner fear, which we try to control by simple reasoning of our mental capacity. So when we were or are facing unexplainable things that might bring fears into our hearts, we would like to have some security; for this reason we have found that if we believe in God, then God might be able to help us out, with religions there is always a way out even if it is just our imagination, you see, religions are good at explaining the unexplainable, and so, religion helps us and makes us feel more secure.
For religion to exist and be helpful to us it needs a god as figure head, so this is how god and religion is seen from some people today.
What we have just said would make people think that we have invented God ourselves, but I am not sure about that; because it is still possible that things are partly true as the Bible says which is that God created us somehow. But the fact still remains that man needs God.
So let us try to discuss and learn the reason why in this article.
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