Thursday, July 13, 2023

God works in mysterious ways.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and everyone of us believes what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us. This article is also in Hub Page, at this link, God works in mysterious ways 

We believe that the angels are our link to God spiritual force.  

In this blog that is a mix up of human love and religious beliefs, I feel that angels are our link to God, and also beautiful women can be a link to God, because God may use the woman attraction to drive a man to believe in God and pray God. You see, this has happened to me, that is why I am writing these religious articles. 

WELCOME to our article, God works in mysterious ways

May God guide and help me to say the right things? 

Explaining God’s ways. 

Dear readers, let us explain how in my opinion God works in mysterious ways; we have written another article how God works to help us, but in that story, we were in despair of losing our daughter; and then we believe we found her with the help of God. But this time is our emotional inner self that plays the main part, because we are talking about the love emotions between a man and a woman that most of us feel during our life; but the similarities here are that we are praying God with all our heart and our minds, but what we want is different.

We believe that God works in mysterious ways, because in this case God uses our emotions to guide us the way he wants, in other words God uses any natural thing within us and around us to guide us the way he wants.

Now, let us state what are our beliefs today, while we are writing these articles; I must say that my beliefs about religion is that I have to do what God Almighty wants me to do; so, I must listen to my soul and pray God, because the soul is that part of me that is closest to God-life-force, and can get in touch with God: But to do that my soul needs to be pure and free from sins, my heart needs to be pure and my mind needs to be pure. So, I must pray God our Almighty Father to forgive me my sins.  

Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I can be worthy to be you humble servant and write these religious writings according to your will; Father, hear my prayer, amen.

Dear reader as you can see, I am praying God our Father who is in heaven to forgive me my life sins, because we need to be free of all impurities, if we want to come close to God life force, because God life force can only help those who in God’s eyes are free from sins, or have asked for forgiveness and have tried to live God’s ways, and by doing that they have established a link with God spiritual force.

Praying God to help us. 

So now, let us try to write another prayer that expresses my writing intentions to God and at the same time keeps that link with God existing life force.

Here to God our Creator I turn praying; thus.

Almighty Father forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus, I would become worthy to pray and ask for help and guidance, and because I am spiritually clean you can help me, while I write these religious writings and Prayers.

Here we feel that we need to explain, the reasons why we are praying many times; you see, I am a simple self-educated man who wants to write about religion, which is a hard subject to write even for a good writer; because of the different and controversial opinions that it can start, so, I want to feel that I can receive help and guidance from God. In other words, it is our emotional inner self that pushes me to do all this praying. Because I want to show how God works in mysterious ways.

Now, because of my life experience, and my religious dreams, some of which can be found at this link, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams. I am going to write about these religious life experience how God works in mysterious ways, because I want to share with you my life experiences, which have helped me to understand some religious beliefs, and these beliefs, have led me to write about religion. 

Anyhow, let me write this article of how God works in mysterious ways.


God works in mysterious ways. 

Now, let me say how God works in mysterious ways because it has happened to me. I have also observed that God uses the natural forces around us to achieve what is needed to achieve. To explain what I have said, let me go back to my articles of Dreamland, in those articles I have written about religious dreams, normal dreams and daydreams, and I have also written about my love for a special woman, and as you know to desire a woman in a sexual way is a sin unless she is your wife. But in life these sexual desires happen, more than people would like to admit.

Anyhow, in my case even knowing that those desires were a sin, the intensity of desire for this woman love is so great and painful that it drives me to pray to God in the hope that God grants me my heart’s desire, because I had fallen in love violently, and I was wishing to God that He would ease my unwanted love pains, and it is the prayer that I had to pray to God that makes the difference. Because my prayer is very intense, as it is driven by my love pains that are intense, and by praying and praying again, slowly I became aware that God had made me fall in love with this special woman to make me pray and return back to Him. You see, this is how God works in mysterious ways, since I was led from a sinful state of mind to pray God, and by praying God, I return to God.

Therefore, after what has happened to me, I have reasons to believe that God uses the forces of nature to turn things around. So, I am sure that God has driven me through such a painful event, to make me go back to Him.

You see, while I was going through this bitter sweet love event, at the same time I was praying God with all the strength of my heart, in such a way that my prayer were at least equal in strength if not greater than my love for this woman, and all these prayers have driven me back to God, and this is what makes me believe that God works in mysterious ways.

 These are God's strange ways. 

Let me go over once again about our beliefs how God works in a mysterious way. You see, the reason that made me start to write these religious writings; it was because during my life I have fallen in love with a beautiful woman. And I wanted so much to reach her and win her love that I started to write, in the hope that by writing to her I could reach out to her and win her love.

But then, nothing has ever happened about my dream of love, except that I was driven to write lots of love feelings and other things about this beautiful woman, I have also written many love letters which I have never send to her, but I have kept them in my original ‘Dreamland’ writings; so, that I could remember those love emotions that I went through at that time of my life.

Now, it follows that because I have been driven from the force of unwanted love to write these love letters, I have learned how to write English better than before this happened. Therefore, it has become easier for me to write what I need to write, like these religious articles.

Therefore, I believe, that God has set me up and made me fall in love with this beautiful woman, and God made me believe that I could win the love of this beautiful woman by writing to her, and He made me believe that this would happen if my writings were well written. Because only then she would be impressed and could love me, since she is a learned person herself and could not accept an ignorant person as her partner or friend.

Therefore, I believe that God has made me dream a beautiful and painful dream of love, knowing that I would be driven by the powerful force of love from within myself, and driven from the pains of unwanted love which would never let me go even for a moment. So, I believe that God has set me up, so that one day I would be able to write my own beliefs about God and religion, therefore, God has driven me back to him in his own mysterious ways. 

With this belief in my mind, and with the help of God, that I pray to guide me in these religious writings of Reconciliation of the universe, I will try to write my religious beliefs the way that I see them, hoping that God will help me in my effort. So, I am praying God to help and guide me.


My prayer to God. 

Now, what I have written above is one example of how God works in mysterious ways, and I hope it explains the reason why I am writing this religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, I feel driven from an inner force that I must write these religious writings, so, let me say a prayer to God who can help me write them, since God has driven me to write these religious writings in his own mysterious ways.

My prayer

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Our Father who art in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind; I am praying you Our Heavenly Father, hoping that the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth would help me to write, these religious writing according to your will.

Almighty Father, the intention of my writings is that I want them to reconcile the world’s religions to each other, and to reconcile every living human being to God life force of the universe.

I believe that I should have named these writings, Reconciliation of the Universe; since this angel from heaven, in a dream has greeted me as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe.

Now, let me describe the setup and what we want to achieve.


We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see.

And whoever will read our writings might have to agree.

That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity.

So that, we could stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity.

For this reason, I am writing these religious articles and praying God to help me.

I am praying to you, our Heavenly Father that through the ever-present guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth; you would guide and help me to write the right religious things in these articles. Father, hear my prayer, Amen.

Dear readers, I hope you can see why I believe that God works in mysterious ways.

I believe that we have said enough in this article; so, see you in our next article; Religious views on news

To see more and the original article click on this link, God works in mysterious ways

May God bless us all.
