Praying God for help
We pray God for help it is only natural, what else could we do when there are a lot of problems around us, and some of these problems seem so huge that only God might be able to help us, so, we turn to God and pray again and again.
Praying God for help
Welcome to our hub (31); praying God
for help.
Dear readers, I am
praying God for help, while I am writing this article, because my greatest hope
remains with God; you see, this article here could be said that is the
continuation of our last article, where we were telling you about this true sad
event of my life in our hub, God works in a
mysterious way, therefore here I am still praying God to help me,
since there is no much else that could be done in these cases but pray, I am
also praying, because my greatest hope remains with God; and let me point this
out to you again, as we did in our hub, Man needs God,
when things go the wrong way we always pray to God it is our only hope, what
else could we do? That is why man needs God and prays to God.
But there is more
to say, because today while I am editing this article here, I happen to have
another member of my family sick, very much like my daughter that I have
described in our previous article, ‘God works in a mysterious way’, but this
time is my son that is sick; the worst and most painful part for any parent to
see his children with mental illness is that whatever you do and whatever you
say to them, they don’t listen to you, because they don’t realize that they are
sick and they need help, so, you may mention or tell them to go to see a
doctor, but they will not go and so they become even sicker; because they are
sick they do very stupid things and keep doing stupid things that worries all those
people that are around them.
Therefore, today in
my hours of need, I am praying God to help me; what else we could do when we
need help? Here I need to add that this is perhaps the reason why we will
always believe in God and pray to God, in all the ways that we know, even if
those ways may seem outside the normal ways that we normally use. Here under
you can see most of the ways that I am praying God.
Now, I need also to
say here that since I am a Roman Catholic, I am starting most of my prayers the
Roman Catholic ways, but if you happen to be of another religion then start
your own way as you have been thought from your forbears, I hope you see what I
mean, you need to pray to the God that you believe in.
And thus I pray:
In the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying God for help with all my
heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in His Mercy God would hear my prayer
and in His great mercy He would answer my prayers according to His benevolent
Almighty Father to
you I turn God Most High praying for help in my hours of need; I am praying you
since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life giver of every
living thing; therefore, just because you are the life giver of every living
thing, I have reasons to believe that for you to heal any living being is
possible, so, I am praying and asking for this grace that I need so much to
help my daughter and my son who are very sick, let them become healthy again.
Father, hear my
prayer and help us, by letting my daughter and my son be healthy again.
Dear readers here
again I would like to point out that man needs God and pray to God; just look
at me and how I am restless and desperate to find a way out from this painful
events of my life, the illness of my daughter and also my son; now, for me the
only way left open is to pray God, what else can I do to relieve the pain that
is in my heart, and then have some hope, you see sometimes even just hope might
help; that is the reason why, God is hope for those that need hope most?
Therefore, here I continue to pray God, so that I can continue to hope for a
better outcome.
Praying through Jesus Christ
Dear readers, when
we pray we can pray to several entities, well, at least that is the way that we
have been taught from our religious leaders and elders of the Roman Catholic
faith, other religions pray in different ways; for instance, the Muslim pray to
their God Allah, and for what I have heard that is the only deity that they
pray to. For us Roman Catholic our religion gives us more freedom; so, some of
us might pray to the Virgin Mary, some people might pray to Saints as well, we
all seem to have our ways of praying; for me since I have started to write
these religious writings I like to go straight to God and sometimes to our Lord
Jesus Christ, so here I am again praying Our Heavenly Father and this time I am
praying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Almighty Father,
here I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the divine link
between you and us Heavenly Father, since Jesus is the divine link that in your
benevolent mercy You have given freely to us, in order that all humanity could
find the will and courage to come back to you through Jesus love. We believe
that since Our Lord Jesus Christ has been a real man here on earth, and lived
just like one of us human beings, He knows firsthand our anguishes, our despair
our misery and pains; so, we feel that Jesus could and would understand us
fully when we ask for help and thus I pray to Jesus in the hope that through
the powers that you have given to him he would be able to help us:
Here I pray and
hope for a better outcome for my daughter illness, and also my son we all know
that you are a benevolent loving and merciful Father, because, when Jesus lived
with us on earth he said to us, ask our Heavenly Father and it will be given to
you free, since our Heavenly Father will give you good things if you humbly ask
Him. And here I am humbly praying and asking you Father to help me in my hours
of need, in the hope that you would heal (names) these members of my family.
Heavenly Father I
pray you to have mercy on us and help my daughter and son (names) who are sick
to become healthy again; I pray you to ban their sickness from their minds and
body and then activate a seed of good health within them, so that, they would
be able to become healthy again, and so they would return one day to be just
like normal healthy people of their own age who have never been sick, just like
how they were years ago, when I was dreaming of a better life for them, and
this I am doing all my life.
Father, hear my
prayer and let my children be healthy again! Amen.
Praying God for a grace
Explaining to our
Dear readers, we
know that we need to explain what I am writing just now, because I am going
around in circles and I am saying the same things again and again by praying to
our almighty and benevolent Father God again and again; but what else could a
man do when the situation becomes really desperate? I suppose we can only pray
God pray and pray, and this is what I am doing here just now.
And therefore, I am
praying God in my hours of need, thinking that I should pray God for a grace,
and if I pray God with all my heart my soul and my mind, then perhaps a grace
will be coming my way, I am praying God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
because I believe that Jesus may influence God for a grace, so that, my prayers
would have a better chance to be heard and answered favourably and mercifully
according to our benevolent father will. So, Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Almighty and
merciful Father today I am praying for help in my hours of need, since I
believe with all my heart my soul and my mind that for you everything is
possible to do, since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life
giver of every living thing.
So, this is the
prayer which I pray in my hours of need and concerns.
In my hours of need, anguish and concerns to my lord God-Most-High I
pray thus:
My Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father, in these hours of need
anguish and concerns, I am praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind
earnestly, I am calling on your mercy praying for help.
I am praying for help in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who knows our
human needs and who is the bridge and the way that binds humanity to thy
eternal life force of the universe.
I am praying and hoping that in your mercy my prayers for help would be
heard and answered in a helpful way for me, for my daughter and my son, and
also for whosoever I might be praying for that may need your help. Father, hear
my prayer and help us! Amen.
Having prayed to
our Father God Most-High I feel more hopeful that God might answer my prayers
and help my daughter and my son to become healthy again, therefore my greatest
hope remains with God, what else can I do, as I have done everything humanly
My greatest hope remains with God
Dear readers; in
these hours of need my greatest hope must remain with God. We know dear readers
that by now you must be thinking what’s the matter with this bloke, why he keeps
repeating the same things and prayers again and again to God our Father; but
you see a believer cannot move away from his religious beliefs, because beliefs
in this case are hopes for a better life, and as we have already said before,
we pray to God and continue to hope, because God is hope for those who need
hope most. Therefore, I hope that you will understand and forgive me, since my
greatest hope remains with God, because God is the only one that could do what
seems impossible to do in this case. So, I continue to pray God thus:
I have been praying
to you Almighty Father
many times before, in the hope that you would hear my prayer and help my
daughter and my son become healthy again. Now, if I have to do something myself
to help them, let me think straight what I need to do, and if the curing doctor
is going to be the means whereas my daughter or my son is going to be healthy
again, then let the curing doctor see what needs to be done.
I believe that you
who are our Heavenly Father would really help them to become healthy again; I
hope that I could be worthy to receive your grace, so I will try my best to be
worthy in your eyes and continue to pray.
And, I believe that
the only way for me to achieve this worthiness is that I would have to do
something very important in the eyes of our benevolent Father God, perhaps like
writing something religious in the form of a theory within a prayer, which
would help to guide humanity back to religion and therefore to you Our Heavenly
Father. So, here and now I undertake that I will write my own religious theory
as a prayer of gratitude to you Almighty Father, and I humbly pray you to
accept my writings as my personal prayer, which I am going to write for the
rest of my life, or at least as long as I am mentally and physically capable of
writing them.
Therefore, now I
have to keep praying and also writing my religious writing, since I have
promised God to write them. Because I feel deep within my heart that the
outcome of my prayer to God to heal my daughter and also to help my son is
going to be equal to the beliefs that I have within myself; so I have to keep
praying if I want my daughter to become healthy again; and I believe that she
will be really healthy one day, and she will be as if she has never been sick.
Of course one day I
would like to inform you dear reader, about the outcome of my personal prayer
to our Heavenly Father for my daughter, but just now I would like to point it
out to you that I already feel confident that my daughter will be healthy
again. Because after writing my prayer to God Most High, I will be reading it
daily whenever possible as the prayer that will save my daughter. At this
present time, I already see some improvements, therefore I have reason to
believe that my daughter will be healthy again one day; but I have to keep
praying and I have to keep my promise to God, so I have to write my religious
writings as best as I can.
I believe that one
day my religious writings could prove to be helpful for mankind in religious
matters, because they could help mankind consolidate their religious beliefs,
or at least would help mankind find their way back to the true God, to believe
in God and to serve God. And these same writings might become one day the
beginning of the religion of the future. I believe that it is my duty to God and to all
humanity that I should write these religious beliefs. Since I
believe in what I am going to write here, not only because I feel it from
within my heart that it is a good thing to do for the whole benefit of mankind,
but I also feel this force deep from within me and it drives me to write my
religious beliefs. Therefore, now I am going to do my part and I am going to
keep my promise to God our Father, and I am going to write and complete these
religious writings of, Reconciliation of the Universe, even if I have to write
them for the rest of my life.
So, I am praying
you who are Our Heavenly Father to help me to write only the right religious
things in these religious writings. Father, hear my prayer and help me!
What I have been
writing here is part of my religious writings of, Prayers for Reconciliation,
which at the end becomes Reconciliation
of the Universe, which is going to be a theory to help humanity work
out their differences; here we could briefly explain the beginning of this
theory or religious aims and what we could achieve with them thus:
Future religious aims
Knowing that man
needs God, as we have stated in some of our previous religious articles, and
also the need that we have when we become desperate, like when we are sick or there
is illness in our own family or some other disaster that we are powerless to do
anything positive ourselves, we also would consider other things that make us
turn to God and pray, in the hope that God would help us; for this reason we
are going to construct a theory capable of bringing all existing religions
together, we will do that by using what is already known in religious circles, then
we will add our own understanding of the matter, anyhow for the time being we
will start to describe this theory thus:
We will have to set the stage for the entire world to see.
And whoever will read these writings might have to agree.
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity;
In order to stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity
Therefore, I am praying God our Father to guide and help me.
So I continue to
pray one of our prayers that I have already written in this article.
Praying God to help
me is to be continued: Next time with, another religious post of religious
May God bless us
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