Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Prayers of the future, part one.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.  
Anyhow, in this article we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we may be able to find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified in the same direction, one day we might be able to believe in a single God and religion. This is what we are trying to say in this article of,  Prayers of Reconciliation

For religions to be effective, we need to believe in God or a spiritual force. The we must pray God, because we believe in the presence of God that exists everywhere in the universe, so, we pray to our spiritual father, whichever way our heart tells us to pray. May God hear our prayer and help us. 

Welcome to our religious article, Prayers of Reconciliation. 

People prayers to God, or prayers of the future. 

May God guide and help me to write, my God’s prayers according to his will.

Dear readers, before I say anything about this prayers of the future article, I must say that it is necessary to continue to believe and pray the way we have always prayed, that is according to the religious group that we belong, it does not matter if you belong to one of the Christian religions, or you are a Moslem, or you belong to one of the Indian religions, or other religions, you must continue to pray your own ways. 

Having said that, now I can explain that what is written hereunder, is an imaginary possible view, of how God of the future could be described, so that in the distant future, all religions can perceive God in the same way, if that happens, then the entire world can believe in a single God, and all religions can be unified. Now allow me to describe my imaginary way, of how I see God of the future. 


Now, what I am trying to say in this article, is things that the learned people should have said a long time ago. You see, today religions need to be modified, because they create division in the world, when the religious world needs to be united, since humanity has changed and everything is going global, so, also religions need to go global. Anyhow, we believe that religions will be modified in the future, this article has been designed to write prayers of the future; at the same time, it explains how we see God of the future. So, we are starting with a people prayer to God, which is several prayers put together, written in a way that explains how God can be like. 

People prayer to God for reconciliation

Our Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying God-Most-High. Master of the universe and life-giver to all living and spiritual things, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force.

I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I will become worthy to live in harmony with God life-force of the universe, and be guided and blessed, and my prayer would be heard and accepted.

My Lord God, I am praying in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation, spiritual cleansing, spiritual guidance and blessing, and after receiving them let me be your humble servant.

Lord hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with God spiritual force, and the living people on earth, and when I pass away, let an angel guide my soul in the spiritual circles of the universe, where I can stay and live-in harmony with God spiritual force of the universe, his angels and other spiritual beings and souls that belong in God's circle. 

I ask this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, father hear my prayer amen.


Now, I must explain why this people prayer to God is different from existing religious prayers. Well, it is different because it is a prayer for the future. We believe that in the future religious beliefs will be different from today beliefs, because religions need to be modified to satisfy the people needs. 

To explain how religions can be in the future; I want to write a prayer that explains how we view God and our beliefs. We are calling this prayer WE BELIEVE.


We believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and God is the spiritual life force in the entire universe that makes life possible on earth. We believe that God is Our Spiritual Father and the eternal life force that gives life to every living thing.

We believe that this spiritual God is above all other existing Gods, because from his life force energies, all existing life, all spiritual being, and the gods that people believe in were born; and we believe that there are no negative life force energies in this spiritual God that we believe in, since It is the most pure positive life energies of the universe that gives life to every living thing.


Let me explain our religious views.   

We believe that religions need to be modified, so that violent terrorist acts can be avoided. To achieve that, we must believe that, God is a Super-God and God is the link that links all religions together.  

Anyhow, we have written these people prayers above, to pray God and explain how we see God of the future. We hope that they can help. The reasons why this needs to be done, it is because, there are people that use religions the wrong way; as we can see there are people that kill other people in the name of their God, which can never happen, because God is life, so, God would never allow to destroy his own life.

You see, God is the Father of all living beings on earth, therefore, all living beings on earth are part of God. For this reason, God cannot turn against himself and kill his own children, because all living beings are part of God himself, because God is the life force of the universe.

Anyhow, with these religious views and people prayers that we are writing, we are suggesting modifying religions, in a way that will make it harder for people to use religions the wrong way.

So, we hope that these religious suggestions, will be accepted from religious leaders and one day they can modify religions. But we know that that is not going to be easy, because today religious leaders want to keep their religious the way they are, so that, they can continue to control the people, as they have done for thousands of years.


Suggesting new prayers. 

Dear readers, we can see the need that all existing religions should be modified and become a single religion. Well not really a single religion, but a religion that can link all existing religions together. We believe that religions will change because it has happened in the past.

Anyhow, it has happened in the past, but not in the same way that we want it to happen now, because there has never been a single religion for the entire world. But since religious changes have happened in the past, they will happen again in the future.

Now, let us assume that religions will change. When they do, we need to know how to modify the existing prayers and pray in the future. Perhaps the only way to pray for us, is to pray to the Holy Spirit that exists in the universe, with its angels and its saints. Amen.


People pray to God, when attending services they express themselves in many ways, as we can see from this photo here. In cases like this we can suggest to pray our people prayer. My Lord God, with our personal concerns we come to you praying God Most High, master of the universe and life giver of the entire universe and every living thing. 


My personal prayer to God. 

This is my personal prayer to God, because I am praying God to help me write these religious articles.


My Lord God, I am praying thee with all my heart my soul and my mind earnestly, hoping that in your mercy you would let me be healthy and live a long life, guard and protect me from all dangers and the force of evil, and let me be a wise man, so that I can write these articles as humanly as possible per your will, and in such a way that humanity can use them for the future benefit of mankind; amen.

Now, this is my personal prayer that I pray, while I am writing these articles. My prayers are directed to our Lord God, who is the benevolent and merciful Father God Most High.

Let me explain, by praying to God-Most-High directly, we can neutralize any doubts in the mind of other people, who may belong to other religions. Because God-Most-High becomes the focal point where all religions meet. therefore, by praying to God Most High, we can bypass separatism in the minds of people belonging to other religious groups.

Of course, religious groups have their own way of praying, and they can keep their ways, since that is the way that they know how to pray. We are sure that it will not make any difference how they pray, because they can link their own prayers, by using their own ways of praying to our benevolent Father God Most High, as God-Most-High is the highest of all positive life-force of the universe, therefore, He links all existing religions together, since all existing religions and all living things have been born from God-Most-High. 

This is all we want to say in part one of, prayers of the future, see you in our next blog, prayers of the future part two, where we will talk about people are praying God, and write a comparison of prayers with other religions. 

To see more click on this link,  Prayers of Reconciliation
