The origin and creation of life
Welcome to our hub (67), the creation of mankind
May God guide and help me write the right things?
This is somehow how people believe God creation started, but there are people that don't believe in this sort of creation. So we are trying to explain it in a different way.
There are reasons to believe and there is also proof to believe that life has started from a very simple form and progressed to become what it is today and man has evolved from this same life.
Here is a photo that shows us how some learned people believe that life has progressed, from animal form to human form. Perhaps they are right.
The origin and creation of life
Welcome to our hub
((14) (67)), the origin and creation of life and the creation of mankind
May God guide and help me to write the right things?
May God guide and help me to write the right things?
Dear reads, in this
article, in order to maintain our imaginary set-up, of the life cycle of the
universe, we would like to remind our readers that we are still talking about
circle number 7 mother earth, therefore, in this article we will be talking how
we believe the origin of life could have come about, we believe that God and
evolution have worked together including mother nature; so we will talk about
the creation of mankind and then back to our imaginary circle seventh our
mother earth
In our last article
we were talking about how God could have started to create life on earth; and
that description was not exactly according to what the bible says, but it was a
possible view of how life on earth could have started and this type of creation
is more compatible with Darwin evolution views, so, even the atheists could
accept it, as it is trying to bridges both sides, because at the same time this
life was created with the help of God life energies of the universe and
therefore God, and then, we followed how God, Mother Nature and evolution were
working together to generate new life and keep the existing created life going on
indefinitely, by doing that in a way we have paved the way of how God could
continue to create new life, or how God would improve the life that he had
already created; so, let us see what could be the next step in order to
complete his creation ending with the creation of mankind, which is the most
important creation for us humans.
Therefore now, let
us continue to talk about God’s creation and then the creation of mankind, the
way that we believe could have happened, because everybody that reads our articles,
would like to know about what we think about the creation of mankind; so, here
we are talking again about the most asked question in the whole world, the
creation of mankind, because sometimes we find hard to believe that what is
written in the Bible can be the real truth because it may not (in fact it does
not) follow our human logic reasoning; anyhow we have our own views about the
creation of mankind and we will be describing them soon hereunder.
But first let me
write something for the Bible believers; knowing that with these religious
writings that we are writing here, we are trying to change some of the existing
religious understanding or beliefs, so that they would make sense and agree
with a larger section of the community and perhaps even the atheists, who as we
all know, they do not believe in God at all and knowing that it is not easy for
us to write our religious theory; therefore, I believe that I need to pray our
Lord God to help and guide me even how to write this prayer, as this prayer may
even help the believer that they are still reading something religious, so, let
me write or say this prayer.
My Lord God of the
universe, to you I turn God-Most-High, and I start to pray with all my heart,
my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am
praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth
would guide me; So that, I would be able to write our religious writing and
this article about, the creation of mankind, as humanly as possible according
to your will and in such a way that mankind could accept them, and then, use
them for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me!
The creation of mankind
Dear readers, even
though I have prayed God several times and I would like to make our readers
believe that I am still a believer; before I start talking about ‘The Creation
of Mankind’ the way that I imagine it could be, I have to pray God again and
hope that our theory is acceptable to God as well as us humans, because what we
have in mind to say is not exactly what is written in the Bible, or what most
of the people believe at the present time. So what we are trying to say here is
going to be a new way of religious thinking, or a new religious theory if you
like that tries very hard to reconcile the old beliefs with this modern world,
and this is what makes me feel concerned because our theory might be far away
from the present accepted religious ways. So this is the reason why I go back
to pray God to accept our religious theory and guide me in such a way that our
theory could be acceptable to Him, and therefore one day also to the entire
religious world. So let me just pray God:
My Lord God, I pray
you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of all impurities that may
affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayer
would be heard and accepted, and therefore I would become also worthy to write
what I have to write in our religious theory, therefore I am praying you to
help me and let me see through my mind eyes, what I need to write in this part
of our religious writings called ‘The Creation of Mankind. Father, hear my
prayer and help me.
Dear reader, after
praying my Lord God I feel more confident, but at the same time before I say
anything about what I am going to write next, I am praying God to forgive me if
I got it wrong, since what we are going to say here might sound completely a
different story compared to what is written in the Bible; but these are our
beliefs and we have to follow them, if we want to be true to ourselves. Anyhow,
we have to do this in order to follow our logic human explanations of how
things could have evolved and how man was created later on, we have to do that
because we have to try to reconcile as much as possible God’s creation with
Mother Nature and Evolution in order to make sense, otherwise it would be
better to leave religious things as they are now, even knowing that they are
not completely true.
So now let us talk
about the creation of mankind, which may not have been a real creation at all,
as it seems to me that this present Era is the continuation of an earlier
creation, therefore, there are reasons to believe that, ‘The Creation of
Mankind’ may very likely have been a direct link to the beginning of time and
creation, and that God, or perhaps we should say, the life forces energies of
God of the universe, in conjunction with Mother Nature and Evolution have
worked hard to bring it about for a very long time, as it took millions and
millions of earth years for life to reach its present advanced state, here I am
talking about mankind the most advanced life of our planet earth, which happens
to be us human beings that God seems to be interested in, or at least we
believe that this is the case between God and us; you see it makes us feel good
when we think that God is interested in us, because we are the best part of the
spiritual God life force of the universe.
Anyhow, in order to
continue our explanation, and in order to connect creation and evolution we
have to tell you what we believe could have happened; You see we believe or
guess that all this could have happened during the last 100,000 earth years or
there about, that God of the Universe has really been interested very much
about His own creation of life on earth, because one of the evolved species of
His creation had become so advanced that they were able to start thinking for
themselves, which is/was a very good thing indeed.
Having seen that
there are so many living species on planet earth and some are very advanced, we
may have to assume that in order to reconcile Evolution with Creation we need
to come to a conclusion of how things could have happened, so, we believe that
it may very likely be like this: Perhaps, after all God did not need to make
Adam the first man on earth from a piece of dirt, because there were already so
many animals around to choose from, and all God had to do was to improve one of
the thinking animals, as this was the way that God used to work to improve his
own created earthly life.
(Now, I suppose you
can see the link that we believe exists between God and evolution.)
So, God selected
one of the best unblemished males of those existing animals which looked almost
like a man and improved him. By putting this selected animal to sleep and by
using his power He changed this animal to a real man, God also gave this man a
special soul when He blew on his face to wake him up, and God called this
transformed animal who had now become man Adam. God might have used the same
way to make Eve, in order to give Adam a wife; you see all the animals were
male and female. But anyhow we might have to accept that God created Eve from
one of Adam’s ribs, because it is written in the Bible, we never know what
could be the truth. You see today scientists can create a new animal by
crossing some of these animals’ cells.
The rest of the
story is all written in the Bible, how Adam and Eve failed to follow God’s instructions,
and therefore they were banned from the Garden of Eden.
Dear reader: This
is how we believe it could or should have been in the beginning, and we hope
that we got it right: and if we are not right; then, I pray God to forgive me,
because this is as far as I can imagine or see.
Having now
explained our beliefs of how God and man are now linked together, let us go
back to circle number 7 Mother earth and write what we believe has been left
out. May God help me to do that?
Circle 7 Mother earth
Let us go back to
circle seven Mother Earth.
Let me say a short
prayer before I start writing again our beliefs.
My Lord God and
merciful spiritual Father I pray you to forgive me my sins and purify me and
then help me to write our religious writings of circle 7 mother earth according
to your will. Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Therefore now, let
us go back to talk about circle number seven (Mother-earth); we have called
this article back to mother earth, because what we are going to describe here
is supposed to have happened here on earth and not in heaven, and in doing so
we can complete our writings about circle 7( Mother earth). As we have already
said, we have reasons to believe that God created Adam and Eve in a slightly
different way that has been written in the Bible; I suppose I need to explain
my beliefs here, but that is only my beliefs and I have no proof about that.
I believe that most
of the other things that are said in the Bible to have happened in Genesis
would or could be true, or at least partly true, of course there would be some
exceptions which we will try to explain somewhere else in our writings. However
now let me go back to the moment when God created Adam, and I want to bring to
the attention of our reader that God gave Adam a special soul when He gave Adam
his breath, this is necessary to point out because this would be the difference
between us and the rest of the animals; we have been given a special soul from
God, while the rest of the animals have not. You see, we need to believe in
that, because this sets us above all the rest of the animal’s world.
As we have already
said in our religious writings, that all life in the universe is part of God
life-force and therefore it is part of God Himself. But when God created Adam
this event was extra special, because God gave Adam His own breath, and so He
gave Adam this extra bit of Himself, hoping that by doing so Adam would become
perfect enough to follow Him (God), and do whatever God wanted him to do, but
as we all know, it didn’t work that way, because of the intervention of the
negative life-force of the universe in the form of a serpent, we don’t need to
write here the story of Adam’s fall because as you all know, it has been
written in the Bible and that is more than good enough for us to know it.
Now what we want to
say here is the way that God has many times tried to improve our lives.
Therefore, if we keep in mind the pattern of events of life in the universe
since the beginning of time, as we have written above and how God started life
and then improved it as the time went by, and this pattern of improvement is
also evident in the Bible if we try to find it, since God always chooses the
good people and helps them to survive; but helps to brings destruction to bad
people, so that the human race that is left alive in the end may multiply and
improve by such selection.
There is also
another way of how God improves the human race, and this is when He causes
special persons to be born; these special persons may just be great religious
persons who will guide the people of their time back to God, or it may be just
a very special person who has received a special gift from God, (Abraham) and
this person would be able to starts a new race that would follow God and
believe in God. In the Bible as you know there are children born from very old
women, who rightly were believed that would never have any children: But
because God did intervene and visited them and made them conceive, and so they
gave birth to very special children. Now if you have followed the facts in the
Bible, these special children were all very special as they had been perfected
from God before they were born so to speak, and they did great things that
normal people would never been able to do. Of course the most important of all
these people is Jesus Christ our Lord, but he was born from a virgin young girl
and not an old woman, and he has been the greatest man that ever existed, for
behold what he did to improve all humanity.
Now what we want to
make clear here is that since the beginning of the world, as we have written in
these religious writings, God has many times definitely intervened to improve
humanity, in the hope that we would become perfect beings, and so we would be
able to understand him and follow him. But so far there are reasons to believe
that we have partly failed him.
We have to do
better in the future if we want to reach perfection, and also find the way to
salvation. So it is also for this reason that we are writing our religious
writings, in the hope that we would improve ourselves even if we do not reach
But now dear
reader, in order to reach our goal, it is necessary here that we write about a
few more necessary explanations which we are going to call: God of the Universe
and the lifecycle of the universe, and other reasons which we have not been
able to explain until now, you see we need to connect properly all the
spiritual world.
Anyhow I feel that
I have said already enough in this article, so, we are going to write about God
of the universe and the life cycle of the universe in our next article, see you
May God bless us
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