Saturday, February 1, 2025

New Testament discussions.

MAN, NEEDS GOD. We believe that there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore, every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and every one of us believes what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us say the right things. Anyhow, the religious discussion that follow, are also in this article in Hub Page, at this link, New Testament discussions

The New Testament of the Bible is the Gospel and what Jesus taught us.  

The New Testament of the Bible describes how Our Lord Jesus Christ lived and preached, his teachings were mostly about love and understanding. Which was different from The Old Testament, where everything was based more on fear your God and do what you are told than love.   

Welcome to our article, New Testament discussions

May God guide and help us to say the right thinks?

Dear readers, in our last article we talked about the Bible, being the Hebrew history and a religious book as well. In this article, we will discuss the New Testament and other religious views. 

Anyhow, today we want to talk about The New Testament. We know that religious issues are complex, and they take a long time to understand, for example today we are working to find a way, how to survive the atheist attacks; how to stop pedophilia in the religious orders and how to stop extremists to use religions for their own violent acts, which is absurd the way that religions are being used from these extremists.

These religious issues happen because of the way religions have been made in the past, yes religions have been man-made for the purposes of controlling the people, but today they are not working the way they are supposed to work; of course, we accept that God and other spiritual entities exist, or need to exist, for this reason we should continue to believe in God and religions, and it would be helpful if we could link all religions together. 

Anyhow, because we believe in God and religions, in the last post we have written about the Old Testament, which is the religious book that tells us how this religion was made in the beginning; of course, it all depends how people understand the Bible, because people see it in different ways, but that does not matter, because it is still the most read religious book in the world.

Anyhow, we want to find ways that can help religion survive, the atheists and extremist attacks. Because of the actions of these groups, the religious community needs to ask, whether it is wise to believe in religions the way they are today, or we should look if there is a better way. Anyhow, we have to keep in mind that we have talked about the Old Testament, in our last article, so, I have asked Mark to comment on the New Testament. Now, let us see what Mark is going to say.


Comments on the New Testament. 

Mark’s comment

Hi to everybody, today I have been asked from Frank to comment on the ‘New Testament’ and the existing religions as I see them today. You know, every one of us sees religions in a different way, so that is the reason why I have been asked to comment, on religions. Anyhow, last time we talked about the Old Testament, today we will talk why we switched from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and if the New Testament is going to last forever.

If we look back in time, we will see that there were religions that were practiced for a period of time, and then they were abandoned for another religion, but religions have always existed, as far back as any human record can be found, therefore, religions are necessary to humanity, if they were not necessary, humanity would not have invented them.

Now do not get me wrong, because I have said that religions were invented; so, you start thinking that I am an atheist. No, I am not an atheist, but I believe that God exists, and the spiritual world exists, even if we find them in another dimension.

Now, let us talk about the New Testament, how it was connected to the Old Testament, and how can connect to future religious beliefs, since I believe that everything in the world is linked and this includes religions.

Anyhow, religions are so made that they try to give the people something back when they follow religions, most of them promises future benefits even if these benefits are to be found after dead in the spiritual world, but people see those benefits important and follow religions.

Now, since with the passing of time things change, the value of the benefit can change, perhaps not the afterlife benefit because nobody knows if they even exist, since nobody can come back from the dead and tell us; but other benefits that are more down-to-earth change.

For this reason, religions need to change to fit the needs of the people, what I have said may sound unreal, but that is what happens. Now let us look at why the change occurred from the Old Testament to the New Testament.


Explaining why the New Testament. 

To explain why the New Testament came about, we must look at religious history, where we will find that old religions gave way to new religions, during religious changes that occur from time to time; in the Old Testament Yahweh is the Hebraic God that the Hebrew people worshipped, and this worship was renewed  by Yahweh freeing the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharaoh who was keeping them as slaves.

But Yahweh was a tough god to deal with. The reason why Yahweh was a tough God to deal with, it was because the Israelites were also tough people to deal with; in other words, I believe that people get the god that they deserve according to their behavior. Just think what the Hebrew were doing, when Yahweh was leading them to the Promised Land. People in those times were very tough and violent; therefore, they needed a tough god and tough laws to guide them in the right direction, that is the reason why the Old Testament was violent. This type of religion lasted for a very long time, as it was needed until things changed.

Now to give a description of what happens next, let us say that God saw that the people had become tamer, so, God thought to bring a new religious way, and this is when Our Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth to show us how to live peacefully on earth with this new religious way, which today is known as Christianity; so, let us talk about The New Testament and Christianity.


The New Testament is about Christianity. 

Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, it has several different denominations, they all derive from the change of religions that our lord Jesus Christ brought, with his teaching in words and examples. Jesus was able to change the Ten Commandments without losing any of their meaning, by saying that we should love God our Father and should love our neighbors as ourselves. This is what I believe he wanted to say, even if he used different ways or words.

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the greatest prayer that the world has ever known, when he was asked how we should pray our Father in heaven, Jesus gave us 2000 years ago; The lord’s prayer, which is the prayer that we pray even today, starting with: Our Father who art in heaven; and so on. I hope you see what I mean.

So, we know the New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and his religious teachings. Jesus Christ teaching were followed by many people, so, a new religion was formed, which we call today Christianity, which is near one third of the world population, these new religious teachings of Jesus formed the New Testament, which has lasted for 2000 years, and we will be using them in the future. 

Here I want to point out that the teaching of Jesus Christ was about love and humbleness, like you should love your Father God, and love your neighbor and don’t do anything to others that you would hate if anyone did it to you. We can add that Jesus Christ taught us to be merciful. So, Jesus Christ was a loving person and taught only about love. So, the New Testament is about love your God, and the Old Testament about fear your God, and do what you are told. 

So, our Lord Jesus Christ was a very loving person but let me point out something odd that happens at the end of the Christian Bible, I find that at the end of the Bible suddenly Jesus Christ personality has changed suddenly. This is out of place with the rest of Jesus Christ teachings, this last book is called Revelations, where the end of the existing system is forecast, we find that the Lord Jesus Christ is behaving like Yahweh in the Old Testament, therefore, we are suspicious whether it is our Lord Jesus Christ that dictate Revelation through this angel.

Anyhow, Revelation is written in a dramatic way, it seems that it has nothing to do with the New Testament and the way that our lord Jesus Christ was teaching us.

Now, let me say briefly something else, Christianity achieved two major things, one was that it split the old Jewish religion, one part of this religion is today Judaism, and they still use most of the old Bible, in their religious book called the Torah, and the other one was that the pagan religion came to an end, after a few century, when Christianity took over under Emperor Constantine. Here we can add from these religious changes another religion came up, the Muslim religion. That is all for now, let somebody else have their say.


Revelation discussion. 

Our friend Gino speech

Hello, I have been asked to say something, and I am willing to say something, but I will be as brief as possible.

Anyhow, I believe that I have said something on this subject a while ago, so, I am continuing to tell you, how I see this last chapter in the Bible called Revelation. My personal beliefs are that Revelation is a separate issue from Jesus Christ teaching in The New Testament. If we look at the way it has been written, revelation is another violent episode that the whole world is going to be subjected to, if and when it happens, therefore, it is as if we are going back to the Old Testament, where the fear of God was the main driving force, I am sure that it has been written for that intention in mind, in other words to control the people through fear. Of course, there must be another explanation for it, and I am still trying to understand.

But, today the only other thing that I want to point out, is that the intentions of Jesus Christ and the New Testament, is all about wanting to guide the believers through love and understanding and not through fear, therefore, the book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, seems to be out of place. I hope you see what I mean.

See you later.


 My comment and conclusion. 

Having seen what Mark has said about our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught love and humbleness and also what Gino has said; we cannot avoid becoming suspicious of the reasons why Revelation has been written like that. It was to change things, for this reason we believe that today religions need to be modified. When we talk about modifying religious meanings, we are talking about what is hidden behind those meanings that we see at first sight, and the reasons why they are like that. Here I may suggest that Revelation has been written like that, because there was no other way to keep the Christian people together in those troubled times.

Anyhow, we must assume that because these religious problems exist. If we want religions to survive, we must modify them, and if modifying religions is not enough, then religions need to be changed in such a way that they have to survive, because man needs God and religions, it has been so, since the beginning of the world.

Therefore, we want to suggest that a modern religious way needs to be brought about with a modern method, which has got to take in all particulars of each and every religion that exist today, once we have done that we have to try to fit all the pieces together, as we do with a jigsaw puzzle. In other words, we must try to find the way of how life and religions complement each other, and there is no difference if one belongs to another religious group.

We need to show religious people that they can be together, they can stay together because the life energies of the universe and the spiritual energies of the universe are together, and we are all connected to them, also life and spiritual things form a never ending life cycle of the universe, in fact, God can be described as the life giver; this is what we are going to put forward in our last part of our religious writings that we call, Reconciliation of the universe.

Now, if we are able to do that, then with this new theory, it is possible to explain how everything including spiritual things may exist in the universe and how religions can co-exist together in the future to serve humanity, as it has done in the past, I know that this may not be easy, but we must try, it is the only way to find out. You see, we believe that religions need to continue.

I think we have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article, Religions need to continue

To see more click on this link, New Testament discussions

May God bless us all.
