Study of religions
Searching for God
Welcome to our
article page (2), study of religions
May God guide and
help me to write this religious article?
In our study of religions, we want to point out that we would like to see God as a man, but even Moses met God as a burning bush, so, God as a human may not exist, as we have some doubts about it.
This is the book of the Bible, it is the most read book in the entire world; from the Bible many religions have been born in a way or another; so, more than half the population of the world believes in religions that have derived from the Bible. But even this religious book cannot explain all our human religious needs.
In our study of religions, we want to point out that we would like to see God as a man, but even Moses met God as a burning bush, so, God as a human may not exist, as we have some doubts about it.
This is the book of the Bible, it is the most read book in the entire world; from the Bible many religions have been born in a way or another; so, more than half the population of the world believes in religions that have derived from the Bible. But even this religious book cannot explain all our human religious needs.
Here is a photo of the Jerusalem Temple, from the mosaic laws that are written in the Bible, where Moses is the main person that started writing the Bible, the Bible itself and this temple, most of the western religions have started; to mention some of them: Judaism, Christian Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims and others religions they all derive from the Bible. In the beginning the Bible is the religious and history book of the Israelite and it has influenced many civilizations.
Study of religions
Study of religions
Dear readers, as we have said in our previous article of
this new religious set-up, while we are studying religions we are also looking
for ways that would enable us to write or re-set our religious articles in a
way that would make sense to the readers; at the same time, we don’t want to
change our articles too much, because we would like that they would still make
sense if you read them in the same order that they have been written the first
time. Having said that, now I have to say that I have been studying and writing
articles about religions in hub pages and other sites for a few years now, and
I will continue to study and write more religious articles in the future,
because I feel as if I have been called from God to do that.
Now, even though I feel that I have to write these
religious articles, sometimes I ask myself where are these religious studies
and these religious articles that I have written taking me I don’t know yet? I
know that I have learned a few religious things that I never knew they existed,
or I had the wrong concept about them and by learning them I have set them
right at least in my mind, so now I would like to pass this new found knowledge
or belief if you like to you our readers.
As I have said above I have started writing these religious
articles a long time ago, you see, I started to study religions and write about
religions because I wanted so much to find a way out of some ugly religious
happenings that happen in the world these days, like the paedophilia, the
terrorist attacks and also atheism. So I have read many religious books already
and I will keep reading more religious books if they come my way, or I am going
to read some of them again, just to make sure that I have understood them,
because I am in search of God and a religious system that is going to be
capable of doing what religions are supposed to do; in other words the right
religion, or a unique religion for the entire world, which at this point of
time I believe that I have formulated a fairly good idea in my mind, therefore,
I would like to write about a super God that is a benevolent God and is able to
guides the entire universe in a benevolent way, so as I said, I have some good
ideas and would be able to suggest that to the public.
Anyhow, I know that I have learned many new religious
things, so, here I have to say that every time I really discover a new
religious meaning or understanding, I have to go back again to my previous
articles to see how far off I have been in the beginning, so, some of those
articles that I have written need to be edited in order to be in line with my
new religious understanding, therefore some of them will keep changing and
hopefully one day I will come very close to find the true God and religions,
and therefore a religion that is capable of overcoming those inconvenience that
happen today.
Now, because as you can see I am in search of a benevolent
God and the meaning of our life seriously; for this reason I hope that one day
I will clearly be able to write my religious theory that is becoming everyday
more clear in my mind, this theory includes this super benevolent God that I
would describe thus: (There is only one God throughout the universe and God is
the life essence of the entire universe), I know that this phrase does not make
much difference by itself now, but I indent to learn enough in the future until
I would be able to suggest clearly how to fix those religious problems
seriously for good, as I have already been trying to do for a while, in my
religious writings.
At the same time, I also believe that we all have to do our
best and try to pass any knowledge that we have acquired during our life to the
future generations, whether this knowledge is religious or otherwise even if
this knowledge we have acquired may not seem very important, we need to pass
this acquired knowledge on as we have already written in our Yola website, , the
duty of any human being.
From the religious study that we have done, it becomes
obvious that there are many religions and there is some difference between
these religions to say the least; we have already written many religious
articles that we have published in hub pages, most of these articles are about
Christianity and about the Bible, since I happen to be a Roman Catholic person,
and therefore, because that is the first religion that I have known and
practised, I can talk about it more easily that other religions that I have
only read about them, therefore, Christianity and the Bible are the religious
issue that come to my mind first.
We have also learned some of the other religions and we
have tried to compare and connect these religions and our religious articles
together, but they are becoming too many and also a bit confusing, and
therefore hard for our readers to follow them easily, so I believe that one day
I should find a way how to choose some of the best articles and link them
together in a special group, so that it would be easier for our reader to
follow our religious beliefs, the rest of our articles would still be available
to read, but they will be used as our own reference. One might say that what
seems to be missing is a good connection that connects everything together in
the shortest way possible; but then I would say that there are some connections
built in articles, the only problem is that they don’t seem to be enough, and
this is what I am going to talk about next.
In search of connections
Here, I would say that we are in search of our benevolent God
and connections that would connect all religions together, and at the same time
we would like to connect our religious writings together better, and again at
the same time we would like to connect them in a more compact way, because the
way that we have done it the first time is a bit loose; for this reason they
may seem too long and their real meaning is not very clear, but everything is
there it needs to be connected better I believe, so if I am able to do that in
a clear way people will be able to see what we mean, of course this is only
part of the connections we are looking for.
You see, we need also to connect with our spiritual God
with our lives and everything else, since it seems to me that everything in the
universe forms a cycle, therefore everything is connected together, anyhow this
is how I see these religious things; now I have to say that I believe I am a
seer, because I feel that I am able to see things through my mind eyes better
that the average person does, otherwise I would not be writing these religious
articles; So, as a seer I would say that all existing life in the universe
forms a never ending life cycle of the universe with God being at the centre of
it, and being the life giver of the entire universe.
In order to be able to describe God of the universe, I believe
that it would be better for me if we copy a very good Italian writer that has
done a similar religious set up in the Middle Ages using the general knowledge
that was available in those times, so if I use his idea then we would be able
to describe God of the universe in a similar way as Dante Alighieri did with is
“Divine Comedy”, of course I could never come close to this Italian genius as a
writer. In fact I am not even thinking that I am a writer at all, I believe
that I am just a man that would like to state what I think about religions, in
the hope that this would be able to help somehow; anyhow I would like to copy
from Dante, part of the way of how he set his spiritual journey up, and
therefore set my religious descriptions a bit like Dante did, with the
exception that everything happens in the universe instead of being underground
and on the other side of the earth and only a small part in the heavens. You
see Dante did write his Divine Comedy so well that since then even the
religious leader have believed that what Dante wrote could be religious
With this idea in mind and using the general knowledge that
we have today, one day we might be able to shorten our religious writings and
connect them in such a way that they would be easier to read and they would make
sense to our readers, of course there are going to be changes in religious
values, as we are going to use the wider knowledge that exists today, so we are
trying to pool all religions together, and from what we have learned describe
our new God life cycle of the universe; you see, there are reasons to believe
that God is life and all existing life flows through God life energies of the
universe, so let us search how to describe for our benevolent God of the
In search of God
We have been searching for God in our religious study for a
long time, we have also written a few articles about it, and here are a couple
of links that would prove our efforts, God exists because life exists, and Man needs God, of course there are more articles about God
that we have written, and also a lot more that other people have written as well. Now if you would like to know
our religious articles you could try to find that yourself in our religious
writings, because here we don’t want to crowd this space with hubs addresses.
Anyhow in our search for God and how we would describe God,
we have found that perhaps it would be worth to merge some religious beliefs
and describe God as a life force of the universe that gives life to every
living thing, of course this view of God might be more in line with the Indian
religions than our Christian religion, since the Bible at the beginning says
that God made man in his own imagine (Genesis 1- 26, 27), therefore God would
like a man. But the reality is that nobody has seen God, so today we might
think that God is an old wise man, just because of this description in the
Bible and also because man would like to see God as a man.
Anyhow mankind would like God to be man like and we would
feel cheated if God is not like one of us. Now, let us go back to the time when
Moses met God for the first time in the form of a burning bush, so even then
God did not show up as a man, and there are many other times that God would
talk to Moses and other prophets, but this is more in a spiritual form, since
nobody seems to say that they have seen God in person.
Anyhow in these religious writings, we should be able to
describe our benevolent God, in such a way that he is like God Yahweh as the
Bible says, with the exception that he is more benevolent as you will be able
to see when you are going to read our set-up of God of the universe, because in
our theory of Reconciliation of the universe or God of the universe, Yahweh,
Jehovah and later on Allah, the God of the Bible and later the Koran, that go
also under other names as well have the top place in our descriptions in the
life forces of the universe.
These religious ideas and many other things is what we have
found in our religious study, but there are times when we have doubts in our
mind, so we ask ourselves whether there is a real God as the Bible says, and
also this; does God follow us listens to our prayers and answers our prayers.
Because, in our search for God and praying God we have
found that God most times does not answer our prayers, and so some doubts have
come to our mind, whether God really exists and answers people prayers, or whether
God is just an invention of our human mind because we want to have a God like a
person that guides and help us. Here first of all I am going to tell you my own
personal experiences here under, and later on we will talk also about other
people experiences as well.
There is no God or divine help involved
Dear readers, while I am studying religious and writing
these religious articles, and at the same time I am also in search of our
benevolent God, in order to understand better where we are stand in this
spiritual and religious world, I have to say that I have had some negative
experiences that I believe I do not deserve, just because I believe that my
religious writing are a sort of prayer to our lord God, therefore God should
hear my prayer and not ignore me, so I have prayed to God many times beside my
religious writings, but still God is ignoring me; so, if I have my doubts about
the existence of a benevolent God, may God forgive me?
For these reasons that I have explained above, I have to
say that these days I feel as if I am on trial from God, just like Job of the
Bible was on trial: Of course to understand what I mean about Job of the Bible
one really should read the Bible about Job trail, where Satan challenges God
about Job faithfulness to him, anyhow it is a long story, even if one tries to
make it short, so, if you don’t know the story and you would like to read it,
because you would like to know more about Job trial this is a link to the
bible,, where
you would be able to read the story in full.
Having said that now let me talk about my own trial just
for a moment; my own trial today while I am writing this article is this
sickness of my family members, starting with my wife, then my daughter and
today even my son, they are all depressed to the point that it is becoming hard
to talk to them and guide them, or say something to them that could help; so I
ask myself what I have done to deserve this, I believe that I have done nothing
wrong to deserve it. So, why my God has abandoned me, I deserve better, I know
I do, or at least I believe that I do.
Because of all these negative personal experiences that I
am having, when I think about my own personal circumstances; sometimes I am
forced to believe that there is no God at all; you see, so many terrible things
happen in the world, beside what is happening to me and God does nothing to
stop them; so, one should be forgiven, if one thinks that there is no God; and
for this reason I think that there is no God, but at the same time I am almost
scared to say it, in case there is God and God will punish me for saying it,
so; May God forgive me if I have got this wrong?
The following statement is a paradox of what I am saying at
the same time; because I seem to be switching on and off in these religious
matters, what is the matter with me? You may be asking yourself, why I am not
able to say at once what I have to say about my trials and other negative
things and be done with it. So, let us see if we could do that.
Whatever is happening to me and my family I believe that we
don’t deserve it at all, so, I have to ask myself, why when I pray to God, God
ignores my prayers? And then strange as it may seem I continue to pray God, in
the hope that God answers my prayers; it is like I am stuck with praying God
and I have no other way. But I am not the only one doing this praying to God,
or any other deities or saints for that matter, because there are other people
that have problems also and therefore they pray God also, so I believe that I
am not alone.
When I feel like this low that I may become even emotional
from the pains that are in my heart, I feel that I would like to say more in a
future hub, that I am going to call; Praying God, or Pray for me, where I would
like to pour my heart out and tell you all the pains that are in my heart; I
hope that I will find my time to write this hub in the future. For this same
reason sometimes I start to believe that I am writing in hub pages to escape my
pains, and at the same time write all this as a prayer to God, in the hope that
God hears my prayer.
Now, let me make an effort and leave behind all these pains
that I feel in my heart and let me write something positive in our next
article, instead of writing our hub of, Praying God. You see, at this point of
time I believe that it would be better for me if I follow with our next hub
called, ‘To save the world’, because I believe that it is more important to
write about issues that are positive and that involve the public at large,
instead of writing some personal issues; of course I am going to write also
Praying God one day, but not in this shortened religious set-up So, see you in
our next hub.
May God bless us all?
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