Describing God for everybody
Welcome to our
article ((1) (98)) God exists for everybody
To describe God that exists for everybody or our God of the future is not easy, since God is a spiritual being and therefore invisible, so, we can only imagine God that exists within the universe. so, the universe could represent God for everybody
Describing God for everybody-THIS IS A SHORTNED WAY OF SEEING GOD.
To describe God that exists for everybody or our God of the future is not easy, since God is a spiritual being and therefore invisible, so, we can only imagine God that exists within the universe. so, the universe could represent God for everybody
Dear readers, as
the title of this article says God exists for everybody; God is not just for
you and me, or for a group of people that want God to be their exclusive God,
so that they can use their God in their own twisted ways, as we can see this
happening everyday of our lives, people are even killing in the name of their
God. Today it looks like that it is the sign of the times, when people go on
killing other people and then they shout;
God is great!!!!!
Just because they have killed somebody.
(or perhaps we
should say, Allah is great!!!!!!, since this is the name of their God that lets
them kill other people in his name).
Looking at these
horrible things happening, we will have to ask ourselves; are these extremist completely
nuts, or brain washed to believe that their God wants them to kill somebody?
When we hear these
things happening, we can only assume that there must be something wrong in
their religious teaching, because it is not possible that a true God wants to
kill people. Anyhow, this is what we believe in; we believe that there must be
a God of love above all other spiritual entities, this God is equal for
everybody and does not kill anyone, because all existing life is part of God
life; therefore, if there is a spiritual entity that allows killing in his/its
name, it cannot or should not be called a God, it should be called a devilish-god
or the devil himself.
We believe that the
role of religions is to guide people peacefully; therefore, in the hope that in
the future we could help to stop this horrible negative religious trend, which
we believe that it has been born from misrepresentation of God and religion; we
are going to suggest here, how people should view God for everybody in the
future. For a start God needs to be a pantheistic God that is in everybody and
everything; God needs to be a loving God, and more like Mother Nature that
helps everything to survive and thrive; to describe a God like that properly is
going to be difficult and it will take a long time. But because in these
articles we want to make it brief, we are only going to describe that spiritual
part of God, which will be as close as we can to the existing God that we
believe in, so that people could see the link.
Now, because our
suggestion are for the future, what we are going to describe here is ahead of
our times, as we are trying to describe our God of the future; and because,
what we are going to say in this religious article, it might not agree with the
views of some of our readers; before we say anything, we would like to
apologise to those religious believers that believe in God the old way, because
we have not been able to find a way how to describe this God that exists for
everybody the way that they would like to see God described.
Therefore, we are
going to describe God for everybody in a new Spiritual way, because we have reasons
to believe that God exists for everybody and needs to be described as such. You
see, it would be absurd to believe that God exists only for those that believe
in God, as God is believed to be now; because there is life on earth and
whatever has made life possible on earth could be said to be part of God, so,
we believe that God exists because life exists; for these reasons, we are going
to describe this God of the universe with the following description here under,
and then, we will continue to describe and explain other religious issues
including some of the main issues that worry us all. But first let us describe
how we see God of the universe for everybody.
God of the Universe
Description of God of the universe
We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God
is the spiritual life force energies of the entire universe, it must be so
because there is no other way to explain how life came about on earth,
therefore, we believe that there must be a God, which would represent all those
positive life energies that make life possible on earth and perhaps the entire
universe; you see, these positive life energies could only be called God,
because there is no other name to describe them with, so, God exists at least
in the form of these positive life energies that make life possible on earth.
But at the same time we believe that God exist also as described in the Bible,
the Koran and other world religions as well, since God would represent the
positive life energies and therefore the souls of the people that have believed
in God; as we are going to describe this God in more details as we go on
writing these articles.
Now that we have
described this God of the universe the way that we believe God could be, it
does not mean that those gods that have been described in the Bible and other
religious books do not exist, because we believe that they do also exist within
the spiritual life forces energies of the universe that we have described
Anyhow, let us
welcome you again to our religious article, and then, explain the reason why we
are writing this article God exists for everybody, you see, we are writing this
article, because we believe that humanity has used God and God existence to the
advantage of some special group of people; when in fact God exists for
Today, the main
groups that using God to their advantage and are usually in the news are some
Muslims groups, some of these extremist groups even kill in the name of their
God, which in our view should never happen, because God is the creator of life
and life itself, therefore, God could never want to kill a part of himself.
For this reason, we
know that humanity has described God in several ways, one could even say that
humanity has described God in such a way that they would have an advantage for
themselves, because that is the only way that explain the role of the several
existing religions of today. We have to say here that this is one of the main
issues that has influenced us to write this religious articles and write about
how we believe God should be described.
So, we have
described our idealistic God above; but there is more to say, because some
people see God in a very different way than most of us see God; whether they
are write or wrong we do not know; but, we would like just to point out that
there are other ways to describe God, as this photo here under shows one of
those ways.
Having said that,
now let me go back to our main issue, so let us try to explain our other
religious points of view.
Our other religious points of view
Dear readers, we
have been studying and writing religious issues for a few years already. In our
studies we have found that there are too many religions in the world, so, we
have tried to understand the reason why it is so; the only reason that we could
find is that humanity needs religions and a God, if they didn’t need a god they
would not have invented God, or several religions and God, and also gods and
goddesses, this human attitude has been so, since the beginning of our recorded
Dear religious
believers, we know that now you are all upset, because we have said that
humanity has invented God, when you believe that God really exists and we agree
with you that God exists, or God could exist in many forms, since people
believe in different gods. Therefore, give us the chance to explain what we
really wanted to say here; we did not want to say that God does not
exist at all, like the atheist do; but, we wanted to say that humanity has
described God in such a way that their God would only help those that believe
in that particular God, so their God has been modified or invented to a certain
degree to serve themselves only. We believe that this is the fundamental reason
why there are so many religions in the world today.
From what we have
written here above, it is obvious that today religions are more or less set up
in a way that they could or would fight each other easily; because as we have
said, they have been set that way when they were made. So, we have been
thinking about what could be done to stop this religious negative issue. Here
we have said negative issue, because religions bring also a lot of positive
things in everyday life of their believers, therefore, it is worth to find a
way of how to stop these negative religious issues wherever possible, and at
the same time try to keep those positive issues that help humanity.
So, what can be
done, one may ask? To answer that question is not easy, if it was easy it would
have been done already from the previous generations, but, they have not been
able to do it because it is very difficult to do so; they also did not have the
chance that we have today to learn about other religions, as we can easily do
today. Having said that, now we could say that, the most important thing that
we could do, is that humanity should try to describe a God that exists for
everybody, because we believe that God really exists, therefore God needs only
to be described in such a way that could be said, that this is the right sort
of God for everybody, so let us talk about this God that exists for everybody.
Therefore, now I am
thinking what we have written at the beginning of this article, and asking
myself if it is the right description for this God for everybody, because I
don’t know if what we have written above is the best way to go about, but
anyhow, I am forcing myself to write and say what I think this God that exists
for everybody needs to be like to fulfil all those requirements that need to be
fulfilled, in order that in the future all humanity may believe in a single God
that may be able to embrace all other existing Gods, without upsetting
religious believers, if this could be achieved, then, this single God could
indeed be the God that exists for everybody.
We believe that we
have already written some of these religious articles that could explain that,
but there are too many views and discussions in our long religious versions,
so, they are hard to follow, therefore, we believe that we should keep these
new descriptions of this God that exists for everybody, in a very compact
version, so that our readers would be able to follow us more easily; and then,
one day we may add some links to out longer versions that could be used as
well, if our readers want to read them; you see, we need to keep these
religious writing to a minimum, because today readers don’t seem to have much
time and patience to read very long religious issues, they want the result, as
soon as they start reading an article. In order to keep them to a minimum, let
us talk only about the spiritual side of God and God spiritual universe.
God and the spiritual Universe
Dear readers, we
know that what we are going to say next, it is going to be too far away from
the God we believe in now; so, some of you are not going to like it at all, but
in order to achieve what we have set-up to achieve, we are going to do it
anyhow. You see, we believe that God exists as the main spiritual life force
energies of the universe, like what we have just written at the beginning of
this article, which is a very shortened version of God and the spiritual life
forces energies of the universe. We know that this is only our vision of how
God could really be like, but has we have said at the beginning of this
article; we believe that most civilizations needed a God and they made up their
own God, so their God was made up according to what they needed most. In a
parallel way, today the world would like to have a God that is able to serve
the entire planet earth and not just a group of people, so we need to believe
in a God that is able to do that because we need a God that exists for
everybody to achieve that.
Having said that,
now we need to convince people that our religious views are worth trying, of
course that is not going to be easy, so we need to explain many things, before
they would accept our views of our spiritual God that exists for everybody; we
would like to say here also that most times our religious articles are not pure
religious beliefs or discussions, in fact they might be said that they are more
philosophic discussions than religious, because we would like to back our
beliefs with what we believe it could really exist. So let us say what we need
to say, whether these discussions are philosophy or religion.
As we all know,
religions are very complex, they are complex because they have to fulfil at
least two main issues; one of this issues is that they have to be made in such
a way that people would believe what is being preached to them is true, the
second most important issue is that they are a set of rules that those people
that belong to that religion should follow, so that the follower of those set
of rules should be able to live in peace with their fellow man; but there is
more, as we are going to explain here-under.
As we have already
explained at the beginning of this article, religions are man-made and they
have been made to serve the needs of their followers, so in the past they were
made to serve that group of people that would follow them, this would
automatically exclude those people that would belong to another group; here we
need to point out that this old set-up of separatism is bringing trouble to the
religious world today, as some extremist groups are able to use religions for
their personal advantages. So, this religious world that exists today needs to be
looking for a different religious set-up, where the entire world would be able
to believe in the same God and religions together.
In order to believe
to the same God and religion together, first of all we need to believe that God
exists, because some people believe that God is a complete lie; but we believe
that God exists and could be described in a way that even the most atheist
blokes could and would accept this God; as you know, we have already describe
this God at the beginning of this article, and we believe that even the
atheists could accept that description of God.
Now, when we are
writing religious issues, we have generally two ways that we could use, because
in religious matters we have the physical side and the spiritual side, we can
use any of them to convince the people about that religious issue, we are
talking about. In this version that we are writing here, we are going to try to
use mostly the spiritual side, we are doing this in the hope that we would be
able to make our religious articles shorter. In this shortened version we will
be talking about the spiritual universe side more than usual, but before we
start to do that we would like to bring to your attention something important
that we have learned when we have written our religious articles for the first
time; so, we would like to state that in the future it would be helpful, if all
serious religious books would state in the first page, or in the first
paragraph this phrase:
There is only one God throughout the universe and God is the life
essence of the entire universe.
This phrase above
is going to be the most important statement in all our religious articles of
course, therefore all our religious articles have been written to show our
readers how our God of the universe fulfils this part and why it has to be like
this, of course this has already been written in what we have already published
in our hub, Reconciliation of the Universe, which could be
part of these new shortened writings, because it is a very important article.
Anyhow, we would have liked to say more, but as we have said, here we are going
to write a shorter version of our religious writings, so, I believe that we
have already said enough in this article, so, we will see you in our next
article, where we are going to write about God and spiritual beliefs and other
religious things.
May God bless us
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