Thursday, September 26, 2024

Talking about man creation

MAN, NEEDS GOD. We believe that there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore, every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and every one of us believes what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us say the right things. Anyhow, the religious discussion that follow, are also in this article in Hub Page, at this link, Religions could be man made

Our religious views about the creation of man. 

In the Bible it says that God created Adam from plain dirt, then he created Eva and placed them in the garden of Eden. In the picture above, Eva is about to take one of the forbidden fruits from the tree of knowledge, which was the tree that God had forbidden them to eat. because of this disobedience, God banned them from the garden, and they had to find their own ways how to feed themselves. 

Welcome to our article, Religion about man creation

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, these articles are a study of religions and how they serve humanity, and this article is about our religious views about the creation of mankind. 

As we have said in our previous articles, there are reasons to believe that religions could be man-made; in other words, they are an invention that mankind made a long time ago. So, today we are going to talk about how we believe the creation of mankind could have happened, since our friends Gino and Peter have expressed their doubts, about God being able to create man from plain dirt, therefore, we want to talk about this religious issue.

Anyhow, I start feeling that my friends have had enough about talking religions, so, they wish that we change subject and be like other people; but I still want to write about religion, and I need to continue to talk to them, because I feel better when other people agree with me about religions issues.

So, I must wait for the opportunity to talk about religions to my friends. I know that I can read articles from the media to give me an idea what to say, but that is not as good as when I am talking to my friends, because when I am talking to my friends, at least I believe that what I write about my friends speech is brand new, so, it is harder for Hub pages to find that my articles have duplicate content, which is so frustrating; when you know that you have written that article for the first time. 

So, let us talk about it, because in my case writing religious articles is even worse, because religious discussions tent to say the same things again, it is only natural that they do this. You see, if you have gone to mass at the Roman Catholic Church, I am sure that you have noted that the mass is the same every time, even the sermons have their yearly cycle, so, religion is a repetitive subject where it is hard to avoid repetitions, I hope you see what I mean when I speak of duplicate content.

Anyhow, this does not mean that religious articles can be allowed to have duplicate content, I want only to point it out how hard it is to avoid it. I have told my friends what happens in Hub pages about duplicate content and all they came up with was; you have to try harder to avoid that, perhaps you can quote what we say, so that even if we are saying the same things, it is not you that is saying it. 


Some friendly religious talks

It happened to me the other day, when Mark, Gino and Peter were having this conversation in my presence and Mark was saying to Gino.

You said to Frank that God cannot make man from dirt because that would be hard for God to do. Now, what you have said makes me wonder whether you can tell us more about the way that you see the creation of man, and about other creations that happen in the Bible.


No, Mark I don’t have much to say about the Bible creation, except that if you think about it, there are things that don’t make sense the way they have been written in the Bible, because if we use our logic reasoning mind, they are impossible to achieve even for a real God, provided there is a God. Therefore, that is the reason that I believe the Jews made up their God so powerful that could make living people from plain dirt.

Therefore, the Jews invented their own powerful God, their own ways and for their own needs and they did it in such a way that this God was more powerful of any other God, since their God could even make man from plain dirt. I hope you see what I mean.


Of course, I see what you are saying Gino! But what you are saying opens a new way of thinking, if we are willing to follow your interpretation of the Bible. You see, if we admit that man was not created by God from dirt, then also other creations may not true, or they are partly true, therefore, we must discuss it many times before we can reach a conclusion, it also opens the whole Bible to discussions, as the Bible may not be the word of God, or even inspired by God, as Frank said in one of his articles; Religions are man-made, perhaps we have to agree with Frank description of religions in this case, don’t you agree?


Of course, I agree with Frank’s descriptions, because I am trying to say the same thing.

Here Peter comes in saying.

Look I and Gino agree that man cannot be made from plain dirt, even if God tries to make him; thus, the whole thing cannot be true as our own human understanding tells us. Now, if we take away that God is omnipotent and can do anything, which is how the Jews wanted God to be, then, God must follow the physical laws that exist in the universe; then the possibilities of God making man from dirt, is almost nil and therefore there has got to be another way. You see, that is the reason why we said what we have said in the first place, about the Jews inventing their own God, just the way they needed God.


I understand what you two are saying, I was worried that you two had become atheists, like our friend John was saying the other day, when he heard what you said. Perhaps as your beliefs stand, you may be agnostic rather than atheists.

Frank (me):

What I heard from your religious talks today, can help me write how some people see religions today; it opens also the way for religious discussions, where I can learn something else about your religious views. Anyhow now let us enjoy ourselves the normal way I said.

Now that I have learned that I cannot ask my friends to talk about religious issues all the time, I must find my own way how to collect religious information that I am going to talk about, so, I am going to read more religious books, and search for religious articles on the Internet, then write my own articles.

Therefore, I have made up my mind that I must find my own way, how to research for other religious articles, since I cannot rely on my friends too much for writing my articles. Anyhow, I start seeing God in a different way, so I believe that we need to modify religions. Meanwhile we are continuing our religious articles, so, see you in our next article, where we are going to write about the Bible, Exodus and the Mosaic Laws

This is all, to see more click on this link, Religion about man creation.

May God bless us all.
