Dead souls circle 75

Spiritual circle one negative

The abyss circle one negative

Or the dead souls circle

Welcome to our article ((22) (75)), spiritual circle one negative, the abyss, or the dead souls circle.

May God guide and help me to say the right spiritual things?

These are the souls that end up in the abyss, in the abyss there is not much to see as it is an immense place, and the souls that end up there flout around aimlessly, that is until they smash into each other's and destroy themselves.

The abyss, or the dead souls circle
Dear readers, this article is going to cover several things all at one, so it is not going to be easy to understand for our readers, since we are switching from one thing to another several time, you see, we have reached this boundary where things change, so we have to change with them as well. But, let us start to say what we want to say. For a start, while I am editing this article, I may say that up to now we have used most of those spiritual things that people believe existed, so, at this very moment we have reached the boundary of what we believe existed.
Now, let us see what we have done until now; in our long and imaginary journey of the spiritual world of the universe, and here we need to say that it has been our human imagination that has guided us this far, however through our imagination we have learned many things and we continue to learn new things every day, because by extending the knowledge that we already have we are able to imagine what could be next to a certain degree of accuracy, and this is what we are going to do next here, because what we are going to imagine next is that missing part that would be able to link all the existing life forces of the universe together, so that they would form the eternal cycle of the life energies of the universe.
Now, at this moment after visiting circle two negative also called Lucifer circle we have reached a stage, where we have exhausted all what is believed to exist in the spiritual world, or perhaps we should say that we have reached a stage in the spiritual universe that people more or less have believed to exist, because most religions believe that God exist, angels exist in many forms and the devil also exist and we have described the devil as the negative angels of God, and therefore it should follow that people souls exist as well and they together with God/s, angels and devils form the never ending life cycle of the entire universe, so, we have assigned a place in the spiritual universe where they would belong, as we have already explained in our own way, how they could exist in the spiritual universe.
So, now we need to use our imagination again to see how we could link everything together. At the end of our last article we have said that the souls end up in the abyss; this could be said that it is very much like when our bodies die; then our bodies with time they will return to be dust and the souls end up in the spiritual or dead dimension, or perhaps we could say the second dimension; in a parallel way the souls that end up in the abyss are dead souls, they will disintegrate there and they belong to another dimension, perhaps we could call this the third dimension.
So, now through our imagination we should design a way how the dead spent souls that have ended up in the abyss could be reused again, this might sound strange in the beginning, but this is how most times things happen, it is the natural law that somehow recycle everything one way or another; so this natural law could also be applied to our dead souls in the abyss, but let us see what we have been saying so far and then we will talk about the abyss connection.
What we have been doing
During our description of the spiritual world of the universe, we have been able to use all those religious beliefs that we believe exist, and from them we have written our imaginary religious journey, where we have assigned a place in the universe to all the spiritual entities that we have been lead to believe exist, now that we have gone through all our imaginary spiritual circles of the universe, in our religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, we really hope that our spiritual theory would be right, and all spiritual things that we have talked about really would exist close enough to the way we have described them, even if what has been said could have some exceptions.
Now, I have to say that for me it has been spiritually a very hard journey, while I was going mentally through the negative life forces of the universe circles or stages, and for this reason I need to thank God our Father who has given me the strength to write about it, even if some of it has been written in a shortened version because of the fear factor that I was feeling while I was writing it. Therefore, before we start talking about the spiritual circle one negative and what could be in there, in this part of the universe that we could call the abyss, because it borders the abyss of the universe; I would like to thank God our Father that has guided me through my dangerous spiritual journey.
But before we do that I would like to explain a bit more how we believe the spiritual life forces of the universe work; for this reason, we have attached two sketches beside this article to explain how we see them. Now these sketches are not very clear at the moment but they can also be found at our Google site address, where you can find more details. In these sketches there is a part called the abyss, which we believe that it is a part of the spiritual universe that could be called the third spiritual dimension; this third spiritual dimension is a very large part of the universe and is able to connect at the very far ends, the positive life forces of the universe to the negative life forces of the universe, but at the same time it keeps them apart, because of its vastness and because all the spiritual forces that end up in the abyss go through infinite changes, so they are not what they were when they went in the abyss, as they have completely disintegrated and they have become something else.
You see, we could describe them thus: they are like some vegetable matter when it rots away and becomes manure, you cannot tell what this manure was before, but from this manure, things could be grown again, this is what the abyss could be like, it is like changing those dead souls to something else that could be used again. You see, only when all these changes have taken place, only then they can be reabsorbed from God magnetic life force, to be used once again in the never ending life cycle of the universe. Now that I have explained this issue the way that I see it to a certain degree, I am going to pray and thank God our Father for helping me and giving me the courage to go through the negative circles of the spiritual universe; you see my spiritual inner self feels that I need to do this.
Thanking God our Father
My prayer to God
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I am praying you my Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father I am praying and saying thank you with all my heart for helping me in my religious writing journey of reconciliation of the universe and specially for giving me the courage to write about the negative life forces of the universe, where anybody would be apprehensive to talk about, because of the danger factor that we would expose ourselves spiritually, so I thank you our Father God of the universe. Father, hear my prayer and continue to protect me, with my spiritual journey.
Dear readers, I know that you might be thinking, why I am saying all this as if everything that I have written is indeed real and it is not just an invention of my mind? Well, I say that for me everything is indeed real; in fact all my religious writings could be real, if you stop to think about it, or at least part of it is real, you see as I said this is a theory based on religious beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation, therefore at least part of this should be real, of course it needs to be proven if it can be real or not, but I believe that I am on the right track so to speak, because I believe that I have come very close to the truth.
Also in this hub after thanking God our Father, as we have done above, we will be writing about circle one negative the abyss, we have called this part of the universe the abyss because it is at the beginning of another dimension, where the dead spiritual souls go through many changes, we will try to explain a bit more about what could happen to the dead spiritual souls as we continue to write our articles, and at the same time explain what the role of the abyss would be, as it is supposed to connect the rest of the spiritual universe together, so let us talk about the abyss connection.
The abyss connection
The abyss connection of circle one negative is one of the most negate spiritual place in the universe, it is situated at the very edge of the negative life forces of the universe and it takes in all those negative spiritual force energies that cannot be kept any longer in the known but imaginary spiritual universe. If we want to give another description to this abyss we could say that it is the portal that connects the living spiritual world to the dead spiritual world, which we could also say that is the third spiritual dimension, just because it is different from the spiritual world, as we believe it is.
There is not much known about what is beyond the abyss, except that it is a very vast place, but it must exist because that could be the only way that would take all spiritual things through the full life cycle, you see, it is not like the spiritual forces of the universe that in one way or another have been mentioned or believed to exist, Perhaps the abyss may have been mentioned in the Bible a few times, and it seems to be the place where nothing returns not even the souls; whereas the spiritual forces have been mentioned several times in many ways, starting from God Yahweh, the angels, the devils and the souls of people.
Now, because there is no accumulated knowledge of this place that we are calling the abyss connection, which in order to describe it better, we might have to call it the third dimension. We could call this the third dimension, because if we count from where we are standing on earth as the first dimension and this includes all the living existing things; the second dimension is the spiritual world as we have been talking about in these religious writings, and the third dimension is what happens to the souls when they die in the abyss so to speak. You see when the soul’s die they move into another dimension, very much like when we die and we move into the world of the dead, which we could say is another dimension.
Anyhow, now what we are looking for here is how the entire life force of the universe could be connected together and we are going to work it out somehow, or at least suggest a possible working way how it could be connected together and how it works.
How we see the connections
At this point of time we know that we need to connect the entire life energies of the universe together, so that they could form a complete circle or hoop, so that they could go around and form the never ending cycle of the life energies of the universe; but, at this point of time in this article, we can only say that there is a very wide gap between the negative life forces and the positive life forces that needs to be explained, in order for the life forces of the universe to complete a full cycle, because as we have already said, there needs to be a cycle that goes around forever, so that the spiritual life can go on forever, so, we can assume that whatever is in the abyss becomes modified a great deal, so, some of it becomes positive at the other far end so to speak, because in a way it is connected with circle 1 positive, where the positive energies only are absorbed by God magnetic force and God can regenerate life again from them, while the negative energies remain in the abyss of the universe, some of them might be absorbed from the negative forces and the rest might be floating around forever.
In our vision of our imaginary spiritual world of the universe, the abyss is the only part of the universe that nobody seems to know what really could happen in there; therefore, we may need to compare the abyss with what we have already written. Using our own imagination of course as we have already done with the positive and then the negative life forces of the universe, by measuring these spiritual forces as we have said, one can come to conclude that perhaps the abyss covers from one third to half of the entire cycle of the life energies of the universe, but really nobody knows how vast it is, therefore we may have to guess its size and its function.
In our imaginary sketch the Abyss is really the last link of the negative life forces of the universe on one side and at the same time it is the first link of the positive life forces of the universe, on the other side. In order to do that it must be vast to say the least, perhaps this can be said to be the third dimension. Now that we have said that I have drawn a sketch of all the life forces energies of the universe, and I am trying hard to find a way how I can transfer it to Hub pages, which is not going to be that simple for the time being, but I hope to be able to do that soon.
Anyhow, for the time being we are going to continue to talk about the negative side, which is situated near the negative side, as we have written in the second circle negative, therefore for this reason the abyss may also be called circle 1 negative, just because it is situated next to it.
We believe that the abyss covers all the space that exists between our galaxy and the other galaxies of the universe. Here is almost complete endless void, except for the presence of the smallest possible particle of energy, which floats around throughout the cosmos; some of these particles have come from the disintegration of anything including those negative souls that have reached the most negative part of the universe, where they speed around in this part of the universe until they smash into each other, and when they smash into each other’s, they disintegrate and become the smallest existing particles of energy in the universe, which can be positive or negative, the positive particles float around the abyss and when they come close at the other end to circle 1 positive, they will be attracted by the magnetic life force of God of the universe, which absorbs them and from this new energy start a new cycle of life.
Therefore, in our theory of Reconciliation of the Universe God becomes the engine of the universe, since God attracts these positive life energies to himself, and then sends these energies to all other spiritual beings and through them to real living beings, and thus the endless cycle of God and its life energies of the universe continues forever. Therefore, God exists because life exists, because for anything to be endless and exist forever, we need something that goes around and around forever, and this is what we are trying to say here.
My last say for the time being
My last say for now
We need to add just another small description here so that it may make sense to the readers; you see, we have to imagine that these life force energies of the universe flow around the universe, while they are doing that they go through all these chances that we have described in our religious writings, starting from God and some of them ending in the abyss, and then on the other side of the abyss, God life force attracts thee positive energies and passes them down the positive circles, as we have already written in our Reconciliation of the Universe writings in the beginning and here above.
In order to compare this with other known cycle of existing things, let us compare the life forces energies of the universe with water on our planet; The water in the oceans evaporate and forms clouds, and then the clouds move around in the sky until they find a place where the temperature drops to a certain level that droplets are formed so it rains, the rains when they fall on the earth some runs into the rivers and then into the sea and oceans, and some of it helps vegetation to grow, and it does many other things as well, but in the end the water evaporates again in one way or the other and a whole cycle is started all over again. I hope you see what I mean, even though the life forces of the universe are not exactly like water.
Now that I have almost come to the end of our imaginary religious writings for the first time, I know that my hubs need to be edited many times and I may also add another few hubs, one called the third dimension and another one Explaining the entire universe in a nutshell. I need to do all this before they become good enough in order to be published as a book one day I hope, and for our readers to understand fully what we would like to convey.
But for the time being I am going to have a short break and think how to improve our religious writings. So that, next time we may add more articles and do a better job overall.
Here we would like to point out that somewhere in this writings, we have already said that these religious writings are ahead of the present times; therefore they need a few decades before they would be fully understood. So only time will tell.
In our next hub, in order to complete the lifecycle of the universe, we will be talking about the third dimension, or the dead spiritual dimension, this third dimension is supposed to be the link that links the negative life force to the positive life force of the universe; I believe that we have said enough in this article, so see you in our next hub, the third dimension.
May God bless us all!
See you next time

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