Religious issues 82

Religious issues of today
Welcome to our hub (82) Religious issues of today
May God guide and help me to write the right religious things?
There are many religions today, and this sometimes does not work well for the rest of the community. So we are asking ourselves, what could be done to improve the situation.  

Religious issues of today

Dear readers, we have already written many articles about our religious theory; so, this article could be the end or the beginning of our religious theory, as these talks about religions would never end; we have said our religious theory because there are several religious theories and many religions as well in the world today, check these links below taken, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia to see what we mean.

Sociological and anthropological metatheories of religion generally attempt to answer at least two interrelated questions:

Now let us go back to our theory, in this article, we would like to explain why we are going through all these troubles by writing these religious writings and our religious theory; we would also like to explain on what views these religious issues have been written; we would like to point out that mankind needs God/gods and therefore religions, because we have had this need since the beginning of the world as we know it and this includes also these days.

We all very well know that religions have been built in such a way that they are able to guide the people in a way that would help regulate the way of life of the believers, but there are other benefits as well, since religions gets people together and they are able to support each other in a friendly way within their religious community, therefore religions are there for the benefit of mankind, but sometimes it doesn’t work the way it should working.

As we can see today some of the existing religions are not doing what they are supposed to do, because they have not been set up to deal with today’s religious problems and therefore a new view of religious beliefs needs to be set up, so that religions can still do what they have to do for the future benefit of mankind.

This might seem to be a new approach to some of us, but it is not, there have been many attempts to change some religious ways in the past, but until today they have not completely succeeded because the existing religions have opposed it strongly, some of these attempt can be found in the works of philosophers a couple of these that comes to our mind are; friar Giordano Bruno and Baruch Spinoza, see Philosophy of Spinoza. And many others philosophers that thought of God as pantheism, which in a way God is everything and is everywhere, instead of believing that God created everything, which if we use our common sense, they are very likely right in thinking that God is everything.


Why we write these religious articles

The reasons why we are writing these religious articles, we believe that there are several reasons why we are writing these religious articles, you see when we look at the news these days there are always some religious happenings that seem to be out of line with what religions are all about; because of these happenings that seems to happen rather often, people start thinking that religions are not as useful as religious leaders want us to believe they are, so we have started thinking that perhaps, Baruch Spinoza, Giordano Bruno and other philosophers might be right and God might not be exactly as described in the Bible, so it would be useful to review our religious beliefs including those beliefs that come from the Bible.

Now if you have read some of our religious hubs, starting with Prayers for Reconciliation and many others, you might have noticed that this is what we are trying to do, we are suggesting to modify religions in such a way that they could agree with each other more easily, therefore our views that God might not be the creator, but rather God is pantheism and therefore God is everything put together.

Anyhow this is only one of our ways of seeing how religions could be changed and still help in the future and our way is not the only way that these religious modifications can be carried out; you see all what we know is that something needs to be done, because things are changing and therefore these changes bring in other chances including religious beliefs.

You see, for these reasons people start moving in other directions; we who believe in God and religions would like to stop them doing that, because we would like to keep religion going on indefinitely, but it is not easy to do, because this is not just the fault of the people that move away from religions, but it is most likely the fault of the religions themselves that have not changed like everything else is changing. Of course we have to admit that religions have always done lots of good things in the past, but every now and then they miss the point and do terrible things that some people don’t like and don’t agree with them. We have also to admit that there have been some really nasty events when religious leaders have led people through religions to do these deeds. You can compare these bad deeds or events with what is happening today, when people kill other people in the name of their God, anyhow this is what is happening today, but, let us see also what some of these deeds were starting from the past.


Bad religious deeds

Bad religious deeds

Let us see those useless and unjust things people have done or are still doing using religions, if we start from the beginning of the world and look at various ways of religious beliefs, we will find that in the beginning people used even human sacrifice to appease the gods or whatever they were afraid of. Then thanks to Yahweh God of the Israelite this practice was not used in the religions that followed, since Yahweh substituted human sacrifice with animal sacrifice and because of this change humanity has learned that human sacrifice is the worst kind of religious practice.

There have been a few more events that people have done in the name of God and religions that need to be mentioned, just to compare how these things come about and when they happen they seem okay; but, then with the passing of time we can see that what we have been doing in the name of God and religions a lot of times have been wrong.

Now let us mention a few historic events that have happened in the past; take the crusade for instance, at the time that they were going on the Christian religions were thinking that they were doing a great thing in the name of God going to Palestine and free the Holy Land from the Saracens; which in reality is what is called Islam today. Of course there was a starting point in order to wage this Christian holy war, and this was started from the invasion of Jerusalem and the killing of thousands of peregrines from the Turks; all this was followed by nine crusades and many people died for this cause; by today we could even ask whether these crusades were necessary or was just another mistake that religious people made in the name of God and religions.

One of the worst aspects of religions executing people has been the witch hunt that lasted for centuries and it is estimated that 40,000 to 100,000 people were executed, just because these people seemed to do things that religious people thought were contrary to religious beliefs, so they labelled them as witches that worshipped the devil instead of God. The religious leaders of those days all they needed to do was to prove that these persons were not following religions the way they did to label them as witches, and then they would execute them; most times they were burned alive, which one can imagine how cruel it was.

One of the better known people that suffered under those inquisitions was the burning at the stake of Giordano Bruno 1548-1600; a Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, astrologer and astronomer; his views of the universe were different from what the Bible and therefore the religious leader of the day believed; and also his views of pantheist beliefs, which are different from the Catholic beliefs got him in trouble and he was burned at the stake. The Roman Inquisition

A better known person today than Giordano Bruno was Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642 who was also a physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher; he was condemned from the inquisition but escaped the dead penalty, but he had to spend the rest of his life under house arrest where he wrote most of his works that we know today.

When we look at history we would be able to find many more examples that would undermine the religious credibility of today, but this is not going to say that we should not follow religions, because religions have a very useful role in guiding mankind, even though as we have seen above they make several mistakes. Now this is all what we are going to mention about the past, but let us see if we are any better off today.


Today’s religious dilemmas

Today there are still religious problem going on every day of our lives, because the world has not yet found a better way to deal with them, we believe that as long as religious beliefs stay the way they are, it will be very hard to find any sort of consensus, as there are too many issues that need to be looked at and perhaps modified. So let us mention a few of the religious issues that seem really to upset the religious community of the world today.

We see that there are at least three or four religious issues that come to our mind everyday of our lives, because of these religious issues we believe that religions need to be modified in such a way that become more acceptable to the community at large, so let us look at these issues:

One of the first issues that come to our minds is that the religious system is failing to do what has been designed for, in the case of the Catholic Church the clergy is corrupt in many ways and one of the worst things in this religion is the existing paedophilia in the clergy. Our view on this issue is that whoever practices paedophilia should be severely punished, first by the church by excluding them from their clergy and then by denouncing them to the authorities that would send them to prison if they need to be so punished. Now let us say what else can be done to prevent that; here our views are that if the clergy is allowed to get married this problem of paedophilia would become a lot less, because those physical needs would be satisfied in a normal relationship. Here under are a couple of links that you can use to check this out.

We could say a lot more about these religious issues that the Catholic Church, and not only the Roman Catholic Church but also other religions fail to address, but we have to leave it for another time, since there are other things to mention, first of all it seems to me that religious leaders try to avoid these issues if they can; so, instead of fixing them they do something else to sway the attention of the people from these bad issues, see what this new pope is doing:

Now, I hope you see what I mean, when we say that they try to change to attention of the people; you see, while I have been writing this article, the Pope head of the Roman Catholic Church has been visiting Brazil; so, first of all let us see what is happening today in Brazil, since this Pope visit seems to be ending well, even if there have been some ups and down during the visit; after that we will go back to talk about the atheist and the religious extremist, and then we will try to see what could be done for the future benefit of all mankind.


Today great religious event

Dear readers it might seem to you that most times in our religious writings, we are talking about the church in a negative way, but we are not, since our aim is only to point out what seems to be wrong in some parts of religions, so that something could be done to fix it. Now today we have some good religious news that we would like to share with you all and this is the visit of Pope Francis in Brazil.

We may say that this visit has been very popular if we just look at the crowds that have followed the Pope and there is no doubt about it. Pope Francis seems able to attract lots of people, especially the poor people that really need religions to give them hope in life, because as we all know, God is hope for those that need hope most.

Here-under is a small part of the news report on this event, if you would like to read the report how the visit ended, click on the link below.

RIO DE JANEIRO, Rio de Janeiro — Pope Francis left Brazil after leading a giant beach mass for three million pilgrims, ending his historic trip to reignite Catholic passion with pleas for a humbler Church.

The first Latin American-born pontiff flew back to Rome hours after addressing a sea of faithful who waved flags, danced and chanted "long live the pope!" on the crescent-shaped shoreline of Rio de Janeiro's Copacabana beach.

Now that we have talked about the present news, let us go back and talk about the atheists and the extremists.


The atheist and the extremist

The atheists and the extremists are two groups of people that stand at the most opposite point of the religious spectrum, but at the same time they attract a lot of attention to themselves, because both these groups are damaging religions: we know that the atheists would like to destroy religions and any beliefs about God openly, because they do not believe there is God; at the opposite side the religious extremists are using religions with the beliefs that they are even helping religions, while they are really fighting for their own advantages against the other groups, so they have set everything up as if it is the will of God that they do these atrocious deeds and kill people in the name of God and religions, so when we look at these two groups we feel the need that something needs to be done, in the hope that these damages to religions could be stopped.

So what can be done is the question here? Well we have to say that there is no easy answer here, but we need to try; as you have seen from what we have already written, we are trying to suggest a new supper religion that is able to connect all existing religions together, and at the same time it could help the existing religions to be modified in such a way that it would become harder for religious people to use religions for their own advantages.

Our views are that if religions could be modified, as we have suggested in our theory of, reconciliation of the universe, and then made to work in such a way that the extremists would not be able to use religions to do their violent deeds, also the atheists would not be able to say that God does not exist, because God would be all the life forces energies of the universe that make life possible on earth and therefore God exists in the form of energies; now because of all these modifications that could and would take place, it would become easier for the existing religions to modify also without upsetting the believer too much. Now if that could be done, then religions would still exist mostly as they are today and they will work in the future benefit of all humanity.

This might be all for the time being that we need to say today and we will be adding other religious articles if and when we see the need, at the same time we will be editing the existing religious articles that are already in hub page, in the hope that we will be able to make a clear picture of what is being said.

May God bless us all?

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