Our religious views 37

Our religious view point
Welcome to our hub (37), our religious view points
There are many religions in the world, so, it is hard for anybody to choose the right one, so it could be that we need to find a way how religions would become one day a single super religion that could connect all religions together.    

Our religious view point
May God guide and help me to write the right religious issues?

We have reason to believe that in the religious world of today, there are too many religions for a start, therefore, people believe in all sorts of religious things that these religions are teaching us, for this reasons we need to learn from these existing religions as much as we can, before we can say anything about them. Now, if we want to talk about our religious view point, we need to cover a very wide range of religions and religious subjects, so that we would be able to relate to a very wide range of religious people; in fact, we would like to relate to all the people in the whole world if we could, even if we have to question ourselves many times over about what needs to be done before we are able to do that.
Now, let us assume that we have some ideas that could be able to achieve what we have in mind, at the moment they are not real firm ideas, but it is a start of the process that needs to be done. So now, the first question that comes to our mind while we are writing this article would be: How should we start to write our religious beliefs, so that we would be able to state clearly our religious view point to our readers, and at the same time give us some space for adjustment, if adjustment needs to be done later on.
We are going through all this process because, all religions are based on beliefs and beliefs are not a solid firm base to build upon without questioning them; in fact, beliefs are usually followed by doubts and sometimes they go up and down like a see saw, so before we can talk about our beliefs or religious point of view, we need to be sure about ourselves, and then, we should be able to say why we want to do that.
You see, I feel as if I have been called to write these religious issues, and therefore I should write them whichever way I could. At this point of time I am asking myself how I could continue to write them. To me it seems that I want to do the impossible by writing them and becoming a religious writer, therefore I am dreaming an impossible dream, where I want to do the impossible and reach the unreachable stars; but at the same time I am being driven by this inner force, so I keep going on writing them, and I hope to reach where nobody has ever reached before by writing my personal religious beliefs. I know that it will be very hard for me to write these religious beliefs that I call, Prayers for Reconciliation because I am not a trained writer, and I have never written or published anything at all before now; but I must keep writing these religious beliefs, because that is what I feel within my heart, it is as if is a God sent task that I must do during my life.
Therefore, I have reason to believe that since God has made me dream this impossible dream, which is that I want to write these religious beliefs for the future benefit of all humanity. Then God will help me reach the unreachable stars and do what seems impossible to do, and therefore with God’s help I will be able to write these religious writings and fulfil my soul life-duty final goal?
Now, because these religious issues seem to take us away from the present accepted religious way, first of all let us say something to reassure our religious readers, even though we have said this many times before.

For our readers' peace of mind introduction

Let us welcome you once again to our hub Religious view point, which is part of, Prayers for reconciliation religious writings and also a study of religions as well; in this hub we will discuss a few religious view points, in the hope of finding ways to World religious reconciliation, since this is our aim.  
Written for our readers’ peace of mind
To anyone who is a believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs, please read our Prayers for Reconciliation and also Reconciliation of the Universe writings fully before you pass judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only an idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions together, in the hope that they would find hard to fight each other any longer in the future. Reconciliation of the Universe is the theory that might be able to achieve just that.
We will have to set the stage for the entire world to see.
And whoever will read our writings might have to agree.
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity;
In order to stay in touch with God-spiritual-life-force for eternity
So, I am praying God our Father to guide and help me.
Let us explain this prayer here-under: Because I am a Roman Catholic born and baptised, I start to pray and call on my God with the sign if the cross, if you are from another religion, then, start to pray your own ways.
My prayer to God;
Yahweh (Jehovah Allah) our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I would be able to write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.

Our religious view point

Our first religious view point

In order to make it easier for me to write and make sense, and then for the readers to understand what we are saying, we have split this particular article of our religious view part of Prayer of Reconciliation writings in two religious viewpoints. In this first religious view point we are going to talk about a list of subjects, which we believe we need to talk about in order to clarify our religious viewpoints.
We all know dear readers that religion is a belief and beliefs sometime leaves the believers in doubt, as we have already mentioned above. Because of these inner doubts religion makes people ask many questions, hoping that by asking these questions those doubts may become clarified by somebody else; therefore, these questions need to be answered properly in order for the people to keep believing in religion. And this is what we would like to achieve in our own ways in this article here.
Therefore, now while we are thinking how to start to write this religious article, which seems to be a huge task ahead of us, it is becoming obvious that there are too many ways to go about it; therefore, we feel that we are going to be very careful to choose the right things to say and say them the right way. Now the most important part of it all is that we have to try and sound convincing to our readers, because they really have to believe in what they are going to read in these religious writings, if they are going to believe in our religious writings and religion at all. So, in order to achieve that, we believe that we have to take our readers through some of the same process which we have gone through ourselves, even though it might become a long and repetitive process, because some repetitions would be hard to avoid, if we have to sound convincing to people about these religious writings.
So we believe that at least we have to explain to our readers a few ways on how I became a believer, and how and why I believe in my own religious beliefs nowadays.
I believe that we are born with this inborn sense that we need to believe in a higher being who is guiding us, and that would be able to help us in case we need help? Therefore, the best way for us to achieve that is that we have to put forward a few points of view, which will explain some of our theories and why we have to believe in religion.
Then we will have to learn about existing religions as much as we can, and we will have to comment about the existing religions the best way we can, and in doing so we have to point out what are the weakness of today religions, and if possible what can be done to reinforce or correct them. In order to achieve that, we need to have a religious theory in place, and finally how do we write this religious theory?
Within our imagination we can see that there are too many subjects to deal with, and there are too many ways to go about and there are too many questions that we have already asked ourselves as we keep going on. So, I think that perhaps the best way to start writing our religious theory would be to make a list of those items, subjects, questions and ideas, and then deal with them one by one.
So, whenever we think of a new subject or question we will be writing them under this article of our Religious viewpoints, so that one day, we might be able to sort them out the best way we can while we are going on writing our religious theory of Prayers for Reconciliation, which in the last part will laterally become and be called; Reconciliation of the universe. Reconciliation of the Universe is only the name that we have given to this theory and it will not solve all the existing religious problems, as the name suggests; but it will give humanity a direction saying that if we go along with this religious theory we may be better off, because some of the religious problems that we have today could be overcome more easily. This is only our first religious view point.
Second religious view point
Our second religious view point
The second religious view point is to try to find solutions to the existing religious problems.
In these religious writings we are bringing forward this theory, that today we the people of this world understand that some religious changes would be required, and we are ready for these religious changes to take place, if no other way could be found.
The reason why we would be able to do it now and not before, it is because we continually evolve and our understanding of religious things and other complex things is better than before, so everything seems to be changing for the better, if we put our mind to it. It is perhaps for this reason that we feel ready to welcome a new age religious and otherwise, which we believe could be called the age of reason or reasoning, and this age of reason or reasoning is arriving upon us fast and we could be able to see it if we observe and try to look for it closely.
Now we have to understand that any major changes, whatever these changes might be will bring in more changes. For these reasons we believe that in order to keep mankind believing in God and religions in general, all religious thinking must be revised, and what clashes with the new knowledge adjusted, so that, it would be easier for mankind to understand and follow, this has to include everything including religions.
Dear readers you may ask, what’s the reason for revising religion anyhow? Well, nowadays mankind sees religious things in a different way; they see many things that cannot be explained by reasoning alone, so they become suspicious about the whole religious order. we believe that in order to overcome this drawback, religion must be presented to mankind in a parallel way equal to their thinking, if you want mankind to believe in religion, otherwise people would slowly drift away from their religious beliefs, as is the case with the atheists, they don’t believe in God because God does not agree with their beliefs the way they are today.
So, there are reasons to believe that the time is approaching when the old way of teaching to fear God, in the hope that our fear of God would keep us following God and we would not go astray; Today must be replaced with the love that we feel for God, and explain to the people that God will love us just because we follow His will and to fear God is not really necessary any longer in a religious way, since we could achieve the same thing just by loving God.
Also the present differences between religions must be amended so that they run more in a parallel way to each other, all religious scripture and scientific explanations must be explained why they may be different; religious confrontation must be replaced with agreements and sound reasoning by all parties, and the whole world must be taught to believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and that after all we believe in the same God; which is the God that gives life to every living thing; we must do this if we want to survive and thrive with God’s help.
In this religious view point we would like to tell you that we believe that nowadays mankind would and could be ready to accept all these religious changes because within every man the age of reason or reasoning has already begun, even if some of us may be ahead of somebody else in this matter.
Some personal religious reasons
Dear readers: I am sure that now you would like to know, what were the reasons which made me come to these religious beliefs and conclusions? I can tell you that there are two main reasons: one is that I don’t agree with certain religious issues as they are being taught today, and this has guided my inborn inner self or soul to look for a different solution, to achieve this I had to use my reasoning mind, which has guided me to do what I am doing just now, reviewing and writing about religious issues the way that I personally believe would be right.
The other reason is more personal and it has grown within me during my entire life. So, let me just say that, what have made me come to these religious beliefs are many things, which have happened during my life, and some of these happenings have made me realize that I needed help, but because these happenings were very complex, I had to believe that only God would and could have been able to help me. So, I turned to God and started to pray God to help me; and the more I prayed God the more I felt that I needed to pray, because my life needs were very complex indeed. So, my religious writings here are the continuation of my prayer to God Most-High, in the hope that God would help me and my family to solve our personal problems. Therefore, all these needs and prayers have made me feel as if I were being driven to write these religious writings. At the same time, I feel within myself that this writing is not going to be easy for me, because I am not a real trained writer.
So dear readers; please take notice of the following statements because I believe that, I was framed by God to write these religious articles; because I feel forced to write this and the way I feel is thus:
To the most improbable, to the most incapable and to the most unlearned fellow in the whole world has fallen the great task; that task, which all the past and present learned people of the world should have solved by now and should have written it down for posterity: but they haven’t done so! So, now I have to start writing this religious theory down all by myself, in the hope that other people would feel the same way and continue in the right direction that I am pointing to and follow my ways.
So, help me God our Father the Creator of the Heavens and earth, because I am going to need your help indeed to accomplish this great task. So, I pray you Heavenly Father to let me be wise and just, and let me be able to write here what I ought to write, because I am willing to try my best and write this religious theory, which will be aiming for universal religious reconciliation, but at the same time I am hoping that you would help me, because only with your help I would be able to write Prayers for Reconciliation properly, and therefore be able to find a solution, or should I say I may be able to suggest a solution to the great religious dilemma of our life time, which mankind for so long has neglected and done nothing, perhaps for fear of making a mistake if they changed any existing religious beliefs, or perhaps just because they have been lazy; so, they have been thinking and hoping that everything would be all right just the way that it has always been.
But to me and perhaps also to a few other people it is obvious that something may need to be done now, or in the near future to help religion survive mostly as they are today, so this is the other reason why I am writing this Religious view point article being a small part of Prayers for Reconciliation, and in the end Reconciliation of the Universe, and for these reasons I am praying God to help me amen. Father, hear my prayer and help me.
These religious writings of Prayers for Reconciliation
ARE TO BE CONTINUED: Next time with, Religious people contribution
May God help us all to understand his will?
May God bless us all?

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