Saturday, April 16, 2022

People religious concerns.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, People religious concerns

This sketch shows the main religions of the world, as we can see, there are many religions in the world. Now, we believe that there must be a point where all these religions meet. So, in these religious writings we are trying to find that point. So that they could be linked and agree agree with each other. 

Welcome to our article, People religious concerns

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Today, the people that believe in God and religions must be concerned. Because religions are not as popular as they were in the past; Even the press is slack in reporting religious events. So, we should ask ourselves, what are the reasons and what can happen in the future?

These religious concerns are real, but what is causing it we are not sure, perhaps religions being the same old thing is failing to attract attention. I know that today we are more concerned about what is happenings in the world than religions; but whatever is the problem with religions, we should have been able to come up with solutions.

The religious problems of today might not be as extreme as the inquisition, when religions were out of control, and they did a lot of harm to those people that were not following religions blindly. So, people were burned at stake, because they said things that did not agree with the clergy religious beliefs.

Today the Christian religions are more moderate, but some harmful practices can still be there, today religions are arguing less than fifty years ago, when most people avoided people of different religions. However, they still do not trust each other much when they should be trying to live in peace together.

I believe that religions must fulfil the role of being merciful and friendly; because if they cannot do that, then they become useless, since they do not help to live our lives better. So, it is time that religions become more tolerant. We want to suggest that religions should be looking for a starting point, where all religions have the same religious beliefs in common.

Anyhow, we the people must be concerned about what is happening. Take for example the Muslim religious extremist; how can we explain that people kill other people in the name of God and religions. This is worse than the Cristian inquisition; at least in the Christian inquisition there was a kangaroo court, were the accused might have been able to defend themselves, if they were innocent. But the Muslim terrorist can kill people just because you belong to another religion.

But there is more, how can we explain that in the Roman Catholic Church, the priests must avoid sex; but then they become pedophiles', which is the lowest of the sexual crimes.

Anyhow, there are religions in this world, that promise many things but deliver very little, and if there is anything to be delivered is going to happen after we die, which is impossible to prove, so, what religions are promising us is an empty promise. But we like this promise that gives us the chance to live forever, because nobody likes to die, so, we accept this promise with open arms, even knowing that it is a dream that may never become true.


Today main religious problem. 

Today the Christian religions are more tolerant, they preach how we look in the eyes of God when we sin. But what about the other religions, therefore we are concerned.

You see, today we must be concerned, because while I am editing this article what is happening in the world is shocking; this time it is not the Roman Catholic clergy that goes out to kill people, but it is the Islamic State that kills people because they are not Muslims, they don’t put them on trial, they just kill them, even the most innocent people are killed this way. So, this is another reason why we must find a way that makes religions more tolerant and friendly to each other.

So, we must find a way how to make religions friendlier to each other; I know that mankind needs to believe in God. So, I am reviewing what we know, and then try to fit all religions in a way that can make them friendlier.

For instance, we know that man needs God, and perhaps God needs man also; we know that there are these existing religious beliefs, which in a way fulfil those needs that mankind needs. But for me those existing religious beliefs are not enough, because there are things that don’t work the way they should, so, I believe that we need to upgrade religions in a way that they will be accepted from most believers, and at the same time, they are friendlier with each other. At the same time control the pedophile priests and suggest a way that the Muslims and the atheist can accept. So, let me suggest a way, how we would like to set it up.

We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see,

And when you read these pages you might have to agree,

That this is the golden door of golden opportunities,

That God is willing to give to us and to all humanity.

Therefore, I am praying God to help and guide me.

My Lord God, I pray you to guide and help me, since I am concerned about what I am writing, I am concerned in case I make mistakes, but at the same time I know that it needs to be done, so, I pray you Father to help me,

Father hear my prayer, amen.


We are studying religions.   

You see, we are studying religions; and what can be done to make them work the way they should. We believe that to achieve that, we must break free from the old traditions, which for thousands of years, have been observed from most religious believers. So, for us to suddenly break free from the old religious traditions will be hard. I am also concerned that the entire world can hate me for writing what I am writing here, and for this reason they may not accept these new religious views, until they realize that religions must change.  

Now, this does not mean that they must accept what I am writing here, but the fact remains that religious changes are needed, to achieve cooperation in the entire religious world of tomorrow.

Anyhow, if I want to write these changes that we believe are needed, I must believe that if it is God’s will that I must write these religious articles, since I feel driven to write them. So, I pray God to help and guide me.

Anyhow, I am inclined to believe, that the reasons for the religions being what they are today; it has been because people were frightened to change them until today.

But as you know, even though in the past, it was not right to change religious traditions, today it is right to modify, change or upgrade religions, to solve the problems that we have today; but also, for other reasons, so, let us talk about the reasons for religious change.


The reasons for changes. 

Today we have this different view, because things are changing quickly, and this is also changing our way of thinking and perceiving things, including religious beliefs. In the past, we went to church on Sundays, we listened to the sermon that was being preached, and then we went home and thought about it, we compared it to our life and if we were doing the right things. In the past, we believed what was being preached to us, since there was no other source of knowledge.

But today it is different, news is readily available to the public, we can learn and compare things, so, our views can change, because of what we have learned. All these changes that are taking place now, are going to change even faster in the future, one of the reasons for these changes, it has been the computer; and we know that the computer is here to stay; therefore, changes will happen even faster in the future. We know that these changes are going to take place, because even today we see the need for these changes, and this includes existing religious beliefs and religious orders.

So, to make the right adjustments, everything must be reviewed and modified to suit the present time; otherwise, the existing religious ways, will not make sense to the present generations; and they will make less sense in the future. Now, if religion does not make sense to the believers, there is a good chance that people could abandon religions.

To explain this situation better, let us imagine how everything was done in the past. In the past not many people could read, and for those that could read, there was a good chance that they never had a Bible to read, so, everything was left to the priests who followed their religious ways, that is the reason why nothing has happened for centuries.

Today everything is different, most people can read and write, they can use the computer to search for anything that they want to know, so, knowledge has changed in favor of the simple people, because anybody can learn how things are, instead of the few people that to control the people, they used the same ways that their forefathers used to control the people. For these reasons we believe that in the future religions need to be modified.

Future religions. 

Anyhow, we believe that the time is coming, when existing religious beliefs cannot stay as they are, and people who believe in God and religion must do something about it, like suggesting a new religious theory, to ensure that religious beliefs can last forever; because we know that man needs God, and also God is hope for those that need hope most, therefore, religions are needed.

What we are suggesting, must take place in the near future, even if we find it hard to modify religions. We need to do this, because human evolution has reached an advanced stage, and I dare say that humanity starts to question the present religious system, because we are living in the age of reason, where the human mind helped by the computer perceives and understand more things than we used to in the past.

Then, we are living in the age of the computer, which enable us to learn things faster than before. Because of this computer devise, some of the people are becoming intellectually advanced, and through this acquired knowledge, they can ask themselves what’s the use of religion nowadays. Because they can perceive that some of the existing religious traditions, don’t fit well with the needs of the people. Therefore, the atheists may have a point to say that not only God does not exist, but also say that religious traditions have become useless beliefs.

Therefore, to avoid this happening to religions, we are trying to find a way to achieve these religious modifications without upsetting anybody; we need to do this step by step and link everything together, because only if we can link all existing religions together, we will be able to save religions the way they are these days. May God help us achieve that.

I believe that we have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article of, Religious review

To see more click on this link, People religious concerns.  

May God bless us all.
