Friday, August 12, 2016

The two life forces of the universe

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, the two life forces of the universe
The two life forces of the universe

The angels of God, belong to the positive life force of the universe, and they dwell near God of the universe.


The negative spiritual life force, it is believed to be those angels that have rebelled, so, they dwell faraway from God of the universe.

The two life forces of the universe
Dear readers, this post, The two life force of the universe, is the continuation of our last post, Describing God of the universe, where we said that we were going to write about the two life forces of the universe. We think that there are good reasons for us to believe that the entire spiritual life force of the universe is split in two parts, the positive part and the negative part; so, in this post, we will start talking about the two life forces of the universe
In our religious writings so far, we have been talking mainly about the positive life force of God, so, what we have written above is mostly the spiritual positive life force of the universe, but we need also to talk about the negative life force of the universe from now on, in order to complete the whole cycle of the life forces of the universe and how they would or could work together.
In our imaginary description of the spiritual life forces of the universe in these religious writings, God being the most important part of the spiritual life forces is at the centre of the universe and He is the prime mover of all the spiritual forces of the universe, therefore if there is no God there would not be any spiritual life forces either and there would not be any life also, because God is life and if there is no god there is no life. Now, these life forces could be positive or negative; and now, let us see how these two life forces might work together, even though they are somehow different and at the same time they are opposite to one another.
As we all know these religious writings have been based on what we believe, or what we have been told to believe from our religious leaders, our teachers, our parents and elders and some of these beliefs are just our own imagination; so here we are putting all the religious pieces that we  know together so to speak; and since we have always believed that there are these two opposite spiritual forces, let us try to see how they could fit in, in our imaginary picture of the spiritual life forces of the universe, since we would like to describe them in order to find a way and modernise religions the best way we can; and that is if religions could be modernized.
These two life forces being different to one another happen to stand side by side only at the boundaries where they meet each other, but really there is no definite spiritual boundary as the change is gradual, in fact the boundary is more like a neutral ground, where positive and negative forces mingle together and is hard to say to which side any of these life forces belongs, because at the boundary position they are almost the same, but then, if one moves away from this boundary their differences increases, that is to say that if one moves toward the positive central life force of God, the positive factor increases: But if one moves toward the negative central force, the negative factor increases.
The negative life force usually stands in opposition to the positive life force of God of the Universe, but even though it stands in opposition it does most of the time God’s will, because they need each other, in order to complete the life cycle of the universe; however, we need to say that there is only one God throughout the universe, which is the only life force that guides the universe, and also there is the flow of energies that has to flow in the right direction: this flow of energies that we are talking about is not easy to explain in the text in a few words, and for this reason we have to find a way how we can draw a sketch about the life forces of the universe, and then find a way how to see it, because at the present time we cannot copy a sketch with the browser. So we hope to put a link here that somehow can go to our, God of the universe sketch, in out Google site; but even here the sketch cannot explain everything.
Warning if you happen to find your way and see the sketch in our Google sites, you have to understand that this is only the beginning of our sketch and we are trying it out to see if it works, you can find the sketch at the bottom of this Google site under the name; GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, so, you click on this link below go to the bottom of the page and click on the link, GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, and follow also what we have said above.
Now that we have explained how to visit our Google site, and we assume that you have visited it and seen out sketch, we are going to talk about the negative life force, since we have written about the positive force already.
The negative life force
The negative life force
So far we have been talking about the positive life force of the universe, which has we have said it represents the life force of God: but we need also to write and explain the negative force of the universe, but before we start writing about the negative life force of the universe I ought to pray to my Lord God for my own spiritual safety, because I need to be protected, you see I believe that every time we are going to talk about the negative life force, we need to say a prayer to God for protection.
My Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, I am praying for my own protection, because I am bound to write about the negative life force of the universe, in order to explain the whole life cycle of the universe to our readers, therefore I am concerned for my own safety, since the negative life force may want to harm me, just because I am talking about it. And it is for this reason that I pray you My Lord God to protect me from the force of evil. Lord, hear my prayer and protect me, amen.
As I have already said I don’t like to write about the negative Life Force of the Universe, but because I am bound to explain the whole life cycle of the universe I have to write about it anyhow.
Now let me explain, just as the positive life forces of the universe is formed by a large number of positive angels; the negative life force of the universe is formed by angels that have rebelled against God’s rules of the universe, because they find those rules hard to follow, since those angels carry a defect within themselves. They are not as pure as God’s angels because they carry some negative life energy, and this is what makes them rebel against God’s rules. So, they have to reside at the very far end away from God’s life-force, and in some ways they do the opposite of God’s life-force.
Therefore, the life-force of the universe is split in two camps: One camp is with the positive life-force of God, and the other camp is with the group of rebelled angels, which is the negative life-force.
Most of these negative angel’s function just like God’s angels, therefore they are charged to take care of all the negative souls of the universe since these souls are like themselves.
A few angels of the negative life force are so loaded with negative energy that they may become evil, and then they have a tendency to mingle wherever and whenever they can with life in the universe, in the hope of possessing this life for themselves some of this God-created-life.
The negative life-force then may try to use this possession for its own end; anyhow this is how some people beliefs could be explained.
In the negative life-force section, when some souls become uncontrollable forever, they are sent in the abyss where they destroy themselves and in doing so they break the existing life energy to the smallest possible particle, which are then left floating freely in the cosmos.
Some of the negative life force particles can attach themselves to the negative life force; at the same time God magnetic life-force is able to attract all positive particles of life-force throughout the cosmos of the universe to Him, and form this energy God is able to reprocess and starts a new life cycle.
You see, for life and everything else in the universe to last forever, there must be a cycle that goes around forever; this is how we can imagine God of the universe and all other spiritual forces in the universe could be, they can form a complete life cycle and God and life can exist forever.
Now that we have explained somehow part of God life forces of the universe, let me pass you some important information and warnings, before we start writing about the negative life force of the universe and what it does.
Important information
You all human beings that are living on earth, this is the most important thing that you should learn to do: You should love and pray God with all your hearts, your souls and your minds and follow God’s commandment all the time, and if you do that God will guide you, and you should not live in fear of God because God loves you: But you must be careful and you must not move away from God spiritual life force energies of the universe, because then God will not be protecting you; and if God spiritual life force is not protecting you then the force of evil may be able to harm you. So in my wisdom that God has given me, let me suggest this to you:
Love and pray God with all your heart: But fear the force of evil because it may harm or destroy you.
What I am going to say next is based only on my own human logic reasoning, so there is no certainty about it really happening the way that I am going to describe it here. But as we all know near the end of the Bible in Revelations it states that God is going to put an end to our present system, some people call it apocalypse and believe that real great wars and immense destructions are going to happen and after that a new system will be set up from God and its angels; but I think that this might be only a wishful thinking that people have, because they want God to be their leader so that they are free of any responsibilities.
Here, our view on this subject is this that these great wars and tribulations will not happen, because they seem very unlikely to happen just for the reason of bringing a new system: you see, there is no need for these great wars to happen, but at the same time we believe that there are reasons that things need to change and will change, so, in the days that will come sometime soon in the future we hope there will be a change for the better. We believe that the universe may then be divided in three main parts, instead of two parts as it seems to be at the present time, and it will be done in a more defined way that it is at the present time.
So that, God will reign supreme in the first part of the universe just as He does now, and in the second part, God and Mother Nature will reign together, with a minimum interference from the negative forces.
When that time comes the negative life force of evil will be restricted to influence life on earth, and only Mother Nature with the help of God will reign over this part of the universe; anyhow this way of seeing things might be our wishful thinking as well.
Therefore, the negative life force will only be allowed to reign freely in its assign third part. Here I mean that in the future, that the two combined positive and negative circles number six and this includes also our planet earth number seven will be controlled a lot more by God angels and Mother Nature and a lot less from the forces of evil, as it is the case is at the present time.
Having explained the above and before we start talking about the negative force we will end this part by saying that: If we want to be good Christians we must love God and fear the force of evil.
Now, here we want to inform our readers that in our writings from here onward, there will be no life force of evil that exists just for being evil: But whatever is not part of God positive life force, and in a way does the opposite of God life force will be described generally as the negative life force of the universe, therefore the description as the force of evil will be kept to a minimum, because it is not correct to describe it as evil all the time, since the negative life force has a useful purpose as well, and it is only a small part of it that sometimes may turn evil and dangerous. But of course in our prayers we may still describe it as the force of evil, because it is the only way that we can pray God for protection, since we would like to be protected from God from that part of the negative force that might become evil.
I believe that we have said enough in this post, (the two life forces of the universe), and it is becoming too long for today average readers, so, see you in our next post called, Warning to our readers.
May God bless us all?  
Man needs God
The two life forces of the universe  
Next with; warning to our readers
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