New religious setup
Humanity and religions
Welcome to ourpage ((1) (88)) New religious set up
The world needs religions, but is looks like that there are too many of them, so, perhaps one day they need to be modified, at least this is our view that we are trying to tell the world.
The world needs religions, but is looks like that there are too many of them, so, perhaps one day they need to be modified, at least this is our view that we are trying to tell the world.
Humanity and religions
Dear readers,
we are writing this new religious setup article/s for the following reason:
We have become
aware that our religious articles that we have already written, they are too
long for today’s readers, as they cover too much ground and are not easy for
our readers to follow, because they take the readers on a rather long journey,
where we ask questions and discuss many religious things; so, we are going to
edit and where necessary rewrite them in a different set up. The reason for
doing this is because our existing religious articles want first to explain the
reasons why religions could and need to be modified, and very likely there is
no harm done by modifying them, and then why we need to modify religions, so
they are unintentionally set in a way that takes far too much time to explain
what our aims are; in fact they first of all try to convince the public that it
is possible to modify religions, so they take the readers on a journey of long
explanations; therefore the readers becomes tyred to read all these religious
explanations that seem to go on forever.
Now, for this
reason as we have said above we have thought to do something about it and
shorten most of our explanations to a minimum wherever possible, after all we
can always go back to our other original articles in ‘Hub Pages’ and other sites
that we have linked them to, if we want to study the reasons of the changes
that we are going to suggest in our new religious theory. We have also to say
that we cannot really change everything our own way, because whatever we do we
have to be careful while we write in hub pages not to repeat what we have
already said.
Anyhow, in
order to shorten our religious studies and discussions in this article and the
following religious articles, we are going to concentrate our finding in a way
that it would be easier for our readers to follow us, and therefore we should
start looking at today religious problems, because today problem are very much
like the event that gave me this idea of suggesting a new religious way that
could fit everybody.
You see, even though
in my mind I had already some religious ideas; everything became alive and linked
to September 11- 2001 when that dreadful terrorist event took place in USA that
seems to have changed the world forever; for this reason my religious ideas
that I already had made more sense to me, so I started to think about it more
seriously what could I do with them. Now, because of that violent event and
many other violent events that followed one follows what is happening in the
world, so here again one wonders what could be done to stop those violent
happenings; and for me the only contribution that I could give to the world is
suggesting a new religious way, since the most violent events seem to be linked
to religions.
Now the
terrorists that carried out that terrorist event were religious fanatics, at
least that is how it was reported from the news of the entire western world; so
it was very upsetting for all religious believer that religions would make
people kill other people, in the name of their God and therefore religions: I
was very upset too, I remember that I could not believe that this was possible
that religions could have done that, but according to the news they did make
these blokes kill, in the name of their God, in the belief that they would go
to paradise, because they had served their God and their religious beliefs
well. Of course we Christian don’t believe even for a moment that they will go
to paradise, if anything they will go to Hell, because they have killed human
beings willingly; in our religious theory we are going to show the world why
they have to go to hell and not paradise at least that is our beliefs.
Anyhow, this
terrible happening above and other tragic happenings that seem to happen in the
name of God, gods and religious beliefs are really hard to believe, because it
is not possible that religions have been made to kill people; so, these events
would make any of us think twice about religions, for this reason, we should
ask ourselves whether religions are just a way of life that we elect to live
according to certain rules, these rules are manmade and therefore they can be
changed whenever there is this need to change them, there are also other things
that could be said, but let us go back to our main discussion and how these
happenings have affected me and the entire world. So, one would ask, why
humanity uses God and religions to kill other people and what could we do about
Humanity and religions
I believe that
here we need to talk about the link that we have between humanity and God,
since humanity seems to use God as they like, and at the same time they want us
to believe that it is God’s will; so, they do the nasty things that they are
doing, and then blame God for it. Their attitude is completely out of place
with what religions are supposed to be like; so it is very important that
people understand this difference, as we believe that if there is really a God,
then God cannot be so low to come at the level of these crazy people; these
crazy people that would like to kill other people in God’s name, they can only
be crazy people.
While I am
thinking about what we have written above, it comes to my mind that perhaps we
should call this new religious way that we are going to suggest, “Humanity and
religions, or humanity and God “, because we would like to discuss about how
the people use God to their advantage and some other different arguments that
come to our mind about this subject religious subject.
of these subject, we have already talked about in our hub, Man needs God, so
we are not going to repeat that here, however we are going to talk about many
other religious things, one of those things is about what sort of God humanity
needs, so let us discuss this issue, so that we might have a better idea what
we need to do.
we have said many times already, religions are man-made and because they are
man-made they can be changed and there is no harm in doing that.
see, man has made religions to suite themselves, you need just to look at them
to understand it, I am not going to describe how just about any civilization
has had their own gods that would help them the way they wanted; because here I
only want to describe the God that we all need today, in order to help put an
end to those religious fanatics that use religions to kill other people; so
what sort of God we need today?
humanity need a god that is capable to connect all religions together, a god
that does not take part and chooses a group of people and leaves the others
behind, a god that looks after all living human beings as being all equal, we
need also a god that is compatible with today advanced human thinking.
beliefs are that this sort of God does really exist, as the spiritual life
force energies of the universe and this God guides the entire life force of the
universe. Now as there are no ways that this God could be described easily, we
would only add here that this God is a benevolent God that loves all existing
life, the rest of the description could be found in our religious writings of,
‘Reconciliation of the universe’ where we are going to describe the best way we
can all the spiritual force of the universe.
that we have said what humanity may need to do to solve the main problems, let
us discuss other things that affect religions like the Atheists?
Theist vs. Atheist
let us go back to talk about the reasons why we are writing these religious
articles, at the same time when the terrorist event took place I was already
taking part in discussions in a forum called, ‘Theist vs. Atheist’ so, in a way
I was thinking how could or would religions survive the atheist’s attacks. In
those discussions it was obvious that the atheists were always going back to
attack the theist believer in many ways; all these discussions made me believe
that there are a lot of things in religions that are not correct, because that
was how the atheists were able to attack the theists, therefore, even the
religious book of the Bible has many mistakes in it, as I was going to find out
and then explain later on in my religious writings of ‘Prayers for Reconciliation, anyhow this is just one of the many
articles that I have written and now I am compacting them; anyhow, now let us
go back to the terrorist attack, and see what changes they brought about.
the terrorist attack brought another argument that the atheists could easily
use against religious believers, now the atheist could also claim that
religions do more harm than good, so what could we the believers say to defend
ourselves; we the Christian religious believers were being attacked from two
sides, we wished that the atheist would attack the Muslim religions as well,
instead of attacking the Christian religions only, but up to now I have not
seen even one atheist article that takes on the Muslims.
these happenings made me think that the atheists are able to attack religious
believer just because we the Christian believer are sitting ducks, we believe
in the same old religious things the way that we have been told to believe
whether they are right or wrong, so it becomes easier to attack us because the
atheists are able to forecast our reactions of their religious attacks, since
we the believer have a set of rules to follow.
I asked myself, what about if the boundary of religious beliefs were to be
moved and expanded in a different way, would then the atheists be able to
attack us? Or would they stop attacking us the believers just because they
would not be able to forecast the outcome of their argument?
is the reason why I have continued to study other religions, or at least I have
read a few books, in order to understand better what the human needs of
religions are; here we have found that we need religions, as we have tried to
explain in our article, Man needs God, of
course there are also other reasons, for instance; we humans have been and are
continually searching for a reason why we are here on earth; this is a
continuous dilemma that nobody has ever been able to answer for good, and of
course many other things as well.
What I have
written above are some of the reasons why I have been writing about religions,
therefore I need to continue to write about religions, in the hope that I will
find an easier way that the public could understand easily, So I am going to
take a philosophical approach and restart writing about religions from the
beginning, as we have said at the beginning of this page.
This is philosophy
Before we can
really talk about what it could be done about religions, we are going to
explain to our readers that what we are doing here at this very moment, this is
a philosophical way about discussions that aims to solve some of our religious
problems. Why it is discussion about religions and not real religion being
passed as philosophy I will explain here; you see we would like to discuss
openly about religions and all its possibilities, so, sometimes we have to pass
them as philosophical discussion it gives us a wide scope and we are free to
say anything in favour or against religions or anything else.
So we need to
discuss our ideas, just as the picture beside here says and many past
philosophers have already said, so let us try to do just that, it might help us
solve the problem:
The reason of
trying to pass part of these religious writings as philosophy, it is because
philosophy gives us more freedom of speech, whereas religions have already set
rules which everybody is supposed to follow; now, because we would not be able
to follow these religious strict rules, as our aims are that religions need to
be changed, for this reason we are not able to write everything as religions,
so every now and again in a way we are going to double talk between religions
and philosophy.
Here under in
our sub article about the two gods, we are in search of a super God that would
be able to overcome most of the existing religious problems that we have today;
there you can have your pick whether they are philosophy or religious talks.
You see if I were to say that this is the religion of the future and discuss
about two gods, people would say that I am half crazy; but if I say that we are
having a philosophical discussion about two possible gods that could work
better in the future for all religious people, then the public would be more
willing to accept our philosophical theory. Now let us see how we could
describe these two super gods that have the best attribute to overcome what
needs to be overcome.
Consider the two Gods
In order to
overcome what needs to be overcome, we need to dig deep and by using our brains
find a new way; so, let us look at the state of religious things overall, in
other words let us start from the beginning in order to understand what we are
doing here; here we are trying to explain religious beliefs and why humanity
has religions, and also the need of religions, since humanity has always
believed in some deities or spiritual existence, so we need to continue in the
same direction, if we want to find a solution within the spiritual existence
that is the only way that people could accept our religious theory.
Now we do not
claim like some atheist people who state that there is no God, because we
believe that God exists, as we have already written in this article, God exists because life exists, and we are going to continue to prove
God existence, even though our aims are to suggest some change to our present
day religions, our God of the universe would or could be somehow different from
the present beliefs, so let us see what God could be like, in order to make
sense to the atheists as well. I know that now you are going to say that this
would be impossible to achieve, but let us see what we have in mind, because I
believe that there are at least two ways available to us. Now let me describe
these two ways, because I believe that these could get also the atheists
on-board and might be very close to the true existence of God, or God universal
life force, if we feel that God is more like a life force than a person. So let
us see what these two gods possibility could be.
First God
God is the
entire universe and everything that exists in the universe, so God is
everywhere and is everything, so, we live within God and are part of God,
therefore the natural laws are god laws; a God like this by default would be
accepted by everybody, even the atheists will not be able to say that there is
no God, because God represents every physical thing or spiritual thing in the
entire universe, therefore, God exists because the universe exists.
If we would
accept a God that is everything, then this god by default would be able to do
just about everything possible, you see whatever happens, it happens because
God made it happen; however this is not the God that humanity is searching for,
because humanity wants a god like a person that guides them, we can see that
from any religious book that we read, they all contain rules that guides the
believers of that religion, sometimes these rules have been made to serve the
people at the time when they were made, so, when those things change religions
might have to change, in order to serve the people the best way possible.
described this first god possibility it is obvious that this god could not
fulfil our human desires, so it cannot be accepted as a super God that is able
to link all other existing gods and religions together, which would be our
super god that we need to solve the present religious problem that exist today.
But let us separate the physical universe from the spiritual universe, so that
we may have this second God possibility explained; and then see if this
spiritual God would be able to fulfil better what we are looking for in a super
Second god
As we have
said, we are looking for a super God capable of linking all existing gods and
religions together, and not only that, but this super God should be able to
fulfil all our human desires and expectations. These human religious desires
are already written in most of our present existing religions, but these
religions have been written in a way that would represent the time when they
were written, in the old time most communities would for safety reasons try to
be self-sufficient, so, they believed in isolating themselves against
outsiders, for this reason religious text were written in a way that they would
become isolated; they also do not trust each other and even might fight each
other; but today we need a God that links all religion together. Now that we
have explained what sort of God we are looking for, let us see if the spiritual
god that we have in mind could be our super God that we are looking for.
We know for a fact
that the spiritual God is going to be better, because we have already written
about this God of the universe in our religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe, of course what we have written there is
not completely finished, so we are going to write more religious and
philosophical articles, because we would like to see that everything is linked
together properly, and in a shorter way if possible.
When we do
that, we need to explain also on what grounds we are setting our spirituality
discussions and beliefs, where God of the universe is going to be the driving
force of all existing life of the universe, we have also to try to explain in a
compact way whether they could be really true.
Anyhow I
believe that I have said enough in this hub, so, we will see you in our next
hub about, our spiritual beliefs and talk about collective spiritual beliefs,
perhaps this is an easier way to achieve our religious aim; see you soon!
May God bless
us all?
Readers please
note: because we are resetting our religious articles, the hubs or articles
that follow this one may not exactly follow each other, therefore you have to
keep this in mind, while you are reading them.
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