Prayers of Reconciliation
This is the beginning of our angel poem
You, angles of the realm of glory,
you tell us about the eternal story,
you tell us about the creator's glory,
you tell us the wonders of God's creation.
This is the beginning of our angel poem
You, angles of the realm of glory,
you tell us about the eternal story,
you tell us about the creator's glory,
you tell us the wonders of God's creation.
We all sing glory to God Most High.
God’s heavenly angles sing in the sky.
They sing for God their lullabies.
They sing glory to God Most High.
Glo-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-ria
In ex-cel-sis De----------o.
People prayer to God
People are praying God with whatever prayer they believe they should pray, it is just people prayers.
Here under we have written some of our own prayers, you are welcome to learn them, as it could be worth to know, it is just the way that we believe we could pray in the future.
People are praying God with whatever prayer they believe they should pray, it is just people prayers.
Here under we have written some of our own prayers, you are welcome to learn them, as it could be worth to know, it is just the way that we believe we could pray in the future.
People prayer to God
to our hub (12), Prayers of reconciliation
God guide and help me to write this article of, Prayers of Reconciliation?
readers, as we have already said in our previous articles, today we believe
that religions need to be modified in order to serve humanity better, because
there are some elements in existing religions that could be even dangerous, as
we can see just about every day in the daily news, where extremists groups use
religion as an excuse to do their violent deeds; so, in these religious
writings we are going to suggest a new modified religious way overall; now, if
and when religions become modified also their people prayer need to be
modified, or new prayers added to the existing prayers, so, here we are writing
some new prayers that the people of the future might add to the existing
religious prayers of today. So let us start with this new prayer, as the people
prayer to God;
People prayer to God
Praying God for reconciliation
Our Lord God with our personal
concerns we come to you praying God-Most-High, master of the universe and life
giver to every living and spiritual beings, we are praying thee for forgiveness
of our sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force energies of the
universe that we all belong.
My Lord God, I am praying thee and
hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you
would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and
thus, I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayers of forgiveness and
reconciliation would be heard and accepted.
My Lord God, Almighty Father, I am
praying thee in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation,
cleansing, guidance and blessing, and after receiving them, let me be your
humble servant.
My Lord God, hear my prayer forgive
me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with thy spiritual and
eternal benevolent life-force energies of the universe that give spiritual life
to every living being; Amen.
Dear readers and religious
believers, now that I have written our first people prayer above, I need to
explain the reasons why this new prayer is somehow different from existing
religious prayers. Perhaps it is not that hard to understand, if we put into
consideration all religious issues put together; but before we say anything
else, I would like to write another prayer that would be explaining our main
religious beliefs, we are going to call this prayer, we believe;
We believe that God is our spiritual
Father, since He is the spiritual life force in the universe that makes life
possible on earth; we believe that this God Our Spiritual Father is the eternal
benevolent life force that gives life to every living being; we believe that
this benevolent God that we believe in is above all other existing Gods that
the world has known, because from his life force energies of the universe, all
existing gods, all the spiritual forces and all living beings have been born;
and we believe that there are no negative life force energies at all in this
spiritual God that we believe in, since It is pure positive life energies of
the universe; and we believe that from this pure God life force all other Gods
were born and also all other spiritual forces that exist in the universe.
(This is what we believe in and this
is the way that will or might allow us to modify religions, so that they can
serve humanity better in the future; at least this is what we believe in, so we
hope we are right. May God be our judge).
Now let me explain why we believe
that religions need to be modified and new prayers added to the existing
prayers, in order to start a new way of seeing religious issues. As you can see
we have written these new people prayers, in a style that might be able to
bridge the existing ways of praying to the old ways of praying, in fact we only
suggest that these new prayers that we have written here, and also other
prayers that we are going to write in this article and other religious articles
later on be used as additional prayers to the existing prayers.
The reasons why we have done that is
this; we believe that in the future religions need to be modified in order to
serve humanity better, because today there are elements in existing religions
that could be even dangerous to themselves and other religions and people
around them, as we can see just about every day in the daily news, where people
kill other people in the name of their God, which in reality we believe that
could never happen, because God is the Father of all living beings on earth,
therefore, God cannot turn against himself and kill his own children, as all
living beings are part of himself; but at the same time people seem to be using
God and religions to make wars to other people; so here with these new people
prayers we are trying or going to suggest a new modified religious way, this
will include some new prayers that the people of the future might add to the
existing religious prayers that exist today.
So, we hope that these new people
prayers make sense to our readers, as our intentions are very honest and I dare
say even brave, because we dare suggest today a new modified united religion
for the entire world, when people fight to keep their old religious ways as
they are, they do that just because, they want to control people, as they have
done in the past for centuries and even thousands of years, so they are not
willing to change at all.
We have said a few religious things
that are somehow different from the existing ways, so, we believe that not all
our readers might see these new religious prayers and the new suggested
religious ways the same way as we see them, so they might be alarmed and leave
us, for this reason let us write something for our readers’ peace of mind.
Introduction for our readers’ peace
of mind
our readers’ peace of mind, may God guide me to say the right things?
anyone who is a believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs,
please read our Prayers for Reconciliation writings fully before you pass
judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only the
beginning of an idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow
believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all
existing religions together; therefore our religious beliefs and the existing
religions would remain mostly the way they are today. So, don’t you worry if
our religious writings could sometime sound different from the ways that we
usually hear religions being preached these days, as it will be all explained
as you read them, and after reading them, then you can judge for yourself at
the end of our religious writings of Prayers for reconciliation and Reconciliation
of the Universe?
I have already said in my other hubs, these religious writings are being
written in good faith for the future benefit of mankind; as we are writing them
in the hope of being able to suggest how to solve some very serious religious
problems that are effecting the entire world today. In these religious writings
we are in search of ourselves in a religious way, so, while we are discussing
what our theme is, we will be also looking for religious options that could
improve links between religions. In our last hub we have talked about, my
personal spiritual circumstances. In this hub we will be writing about: Prayers
of Reconciliation; People prayer to God and other prayers; as we are editing
this article presently, we would like to add also a small article before we
finish about some comparison between some religious prayers of different
religions, so that people will see that we all may have different prayers, and
then try to say a few things about what we have published already.
I am repeating this explanation here again, because some of you may find these
religious writings controversial, but I am sure that at the end everything will
be all right. Therefore, now let me think of a prayer to God or some prayers to
God, so that God would guide and help me write the right religious things, and
therefore, I would be able to explain what we would like to achieve with these
religious writings.
Suggesting new
readers, this sub article here could have been the opening article for this
hub, but we have moved it here to give the prayers that we are writing the
importance that they deserve. Anyhow these articles are being written to
highlight the future prayers that humanity may have to use, if and when
humanity accept that there is this need to modify religions and perhaps
amalgamate all religions to a single religion; well not really a single
religion, because that could never happen completely, because there will always
be some different religious beliefs, but here we are talking of a religion that
is capable of linking all existing religions together. We believe that this
religious change is going to happen soon or later, because it has happened in
the past several times.
it has not really happened in the past, in the same way that we would like it
to happen here, because there has never been a single religion for the entire
world, but we would like that it happens anyhow, and therefore, since religious
changes have happened in the past, it will happen again in the future; we know
that this is only our belief for the time being and therefore people may or may
not accept it; but we believe that it is wise to be ready, if and when this
change is going to happen, so let me start by writing one of the first prayer
that we would like to suggest for the religion of the future:
prayer here under is a prayer that could replace the sign of the cross in the
pray in the name of our spiritual and benevolent God, Father of every living
pray in the name of the benevolent and merciful Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is
the main link to the spiritual forces of Heaven;
pray in the name of the benevolent Holy Spirit that exists everywhere in the
universe, together with its angels and its saints.
pray to these benevolent spiritual beings, since they are the link to our
spiritual souls, in the hope that they will hear our prayer and help us join
them when we die, Amen.
I would like to add another explanation here, why we are trying to describe our
spiritual forces thus, instead of using the simple way of the sign of the cross
that we are using today; you might say that we are copying a real tiny bit from
the Koran, where their God Allah is always mentioned with a lot of
descriptions, before and after His name. You can see what we mean here, as we
are going to write a short comparison of prayer and one of the Muslim prayer
called the first surer, before we finish this article. We are going to do that
because that is one of the ways that can be used to compare the existing
religions of today and the way people pray.
My personal prayer to God
is one of my personal prayer to God, it is my personal prayer because it
mentions that I am praying God and asking God to help me with these religious
writings that I am writing here.
Another prayer to God
This is another prayer to God and it is one of my personal prayers that I pray, in the hope that God would guide me to write the right religious things.
My Lord God, benevolent and merciful
Spiritual Father, I am praying thee with all my heart my soul and my mind
earnestly, hoping that in your benevolent mercy you would let be a healthy old
man and live a long life, Father guard and protect me from all dangers and the
forces of evil, and let me be a very wise man, so that I would be able to live
the rest of my life according to your will, and also be able to continue to
write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will,
and in such a way that humanity could accept them and use them for the future
benefit of mankind; amen.
readers, this is one of my personal prayer that I pray, since I am writing
these religious articles. So, let me try to explain how I feel about my prayers
and why they have been written this way. As you can see, my prayers above are
directed to our Lord God, who is the benevolent and merciful Father God
Most-High and that is good, as God is really the divinity that we should all be
praying before any others and also because God Most-High would be the centre of
all the existing spiritual life forces of the universe.
see, by praying to God-Most-High directly, not only we would be able to say a
better prayer; but we would also be able to neutralize any doubts in the mind
of other people who belong to other religions and have different gods; because
God-Most-High would be the focal point where all religions could and would meet
together; this issue is going to be explained fully in our part three of our
religious writing of, ‘Reconciliation of the universe’ (you see all religions
are looking at their highest spiritual point), therefore if we pray to God Most
High, we may appear as spiritual brothers to all the others world religions at
the same time, because we would be able to bypass any doubts of separatism in
the minds of people belonging to other religious groups, at least this is our
intention, I hope you see what we mean.
course all religious groups have their own way of praying, and they could keep
their own praying ways, if they like to do so, since that is the way that their
people know how to pray. We are sure that it will not make any difference at
all how they pray, because they still should be able to link their own prayers
to our benevolent Father God Most High, as God-Most-High is the highest of all
positive life-force of the universe that guides the entire universe, and
therefore, He links all religions together, since all religions have been born
from Him.
are praying to God
Let us talk about people prayers to God; in order to do that
we may have to assume that since all human beings and religions have been born
from God Most High, and since all existing life has been born from his/its’
life energies of the universe, as we believe they are and have been saying in
our articles; then whichever religion you happen to be in has a direct
connection to God and God life force energy of the universe. This might not be
easy to understand at the beginning, because this is a new concept of seeing
God; but all will become clear later on, as we will be explaining to you again
and again while we go on writing and explaining our religious views and you
read them. But now let me say just a few more things about this praying
subject; pointing out to you how and why a prayer (a person who prays) should
start to pray his own personal prayer.
Any praying person should start to pray in his own personal
way that is in the way which he has been taught to pray from his parents or
community which one belongs. Therefore, in these religious writings we will not
be able to show everyone how to pray or start praying, because we would only be
able to pray our own way; and therefore, we all must try to use your own ways
of praying, because our own ways would be the portal of our own soul and it
cannot be changed, so let us use our own ways, even if we happen to use
sometimes a strange personal way of praying to God.
Now, since most of our prayers in these religious writings
will be direct to our Father God Most High; in order to keep to the highest
focal point for all world religions to agree: Just because I happen to be a
Roman Catholic person born and baptised , I am going to use the most important
opening way that a Roman Catholic person uses when they start praying, so, the
opening prayer or first link in my personal case would be to our spiritual
Father, God Most High, and it would be the sign of the cross, which is the sign
of the Holy Trinity as this clearly states in the words, The-Father, The-Son
and the Holy-Spirit. Of course there are also other ways on how to start praying
to God our spiritual Father, which is whatever one religious person is using as
opening prayer in his own personal religious ways as I have said above. It is
also possible for anybody to pray going through smaller deities and saints and
we will talk about these prayers in a chapter later on if we can.
But now let me go back to the prayers written above that we
have written in this article and prayed and how I feel about that, since we
have prayed God for forgiveness and reconciliation: I can tell you that I feel
more confident that God will hear my prayers, not only for my reconciliation
writings, but also for help and otherwise, and in his own ways through the
guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit God will help me write my religious writings
according to his will, which are the most important part of my writings here.
And God would also help me with my personal wants and needs, which they are
mostly to keep me safe and healthy and to keep safe and in good health all the
members of my family. Well, I need to believe about all that, because believing
is very important in religion.
So now dear readers allow me just for a moment to talk about
my own personal needs, because as a human being I have also my personal needs
and this is one of the main reasons why I started writing about religion, and
as you can see I am still writing these religious writings here. Therefore,
because I need some personal help right now, what I am going to write here
would be my personal prayer to our Father God Most High, in the hope that God
would hear my prayers, and so would help me by granting my earthly requests.
I believe and we all need to believe that for God everything
is possible to do, even those things that for us humans beings seem impossible
to do, and I believe that as God is our heavenly Father He would be very
helpful, merciful and compassionate towards us, but we have to try to live
according to His will and pray to Him if and when we need His help, because
this could be the only way for God to help us, so, we should turn to God and
praying state our needs, even if what we want and what we need for us humans
seems an impossible thing to humanly achieve; you see by praying to God we
renew our hopes, here we need to say that hope is a lot better than despair.
You see, we believe that praying to God is hope for those that need hope most.
Therefore, as I have already said and let me say it again,
another of the many reasons why I am writing these religious writings here, it
is because nowadays I need really help from God, since only God would be able
to help me. I believe that I need God’s help right now, because there is
illness in my family and the doctors don’t seem to find a good lasting cure,
so, I have no other way but to turn to God and pray with all my heart, my soul
and my mind, I am praying God just like most people would pray, but from the
bottom of my heart I feel that I have to do more because of my special needs,
in order to receive from God what I would like to have, and therefore, these
religious writings that I am writing here are dedicated as my personal prayer
to God Most High, in the hope that God would help me and grant me my earthly
Other prayers and
what we would like to achieve
Because this article is about writing or saying some
reconciliation prayers, as we have already explained and written above, where
we believe that we have written some opening prayers to God, in the hope that
God would guide and help us, while we are here on earth; now it follows that if
we believe in God and therefore also the afterlife and we believe that we shall
return to God when we die, then it would be important also that there should be
prayers for praying to God for the time of when we pass away; so here we are
going to write a prayer or two asking God to let us be near him when we pass
away, anyhow what is written here under are some prayers that we would like to
suggest, however you can always pray your own way with our own prayers.
Prayer of reconciliation for when we pass away
My Lord God, benevolent and merciful Father, I pray you above
all that you guide me in such a way that I would be able to live the rest of my
life according to your will, so that when I pass away I would be reconciled
with your eternal spiritual life force of the universe and therefore I should
be ready and worthy to come to your heavenly kingdom, in the hope of staying
within your presence, we ask this in the name of our lord Jesus Christ; My Lord
God hear my prayer, amen.
Prayer to our lord Jesus for when we pass away
My Lord Jesus I pray you to help me by sending me an angel
that would guide and help me, so that I would be able to live the rest of my
life according to God the Father’s will and when I pass away let this angel
guide my souls safely within your presence, into the Fathers’ heavenly kingdom,
Lord hear my prayer, amen.
What we would like to achieve
With these prayers that we have written in this article,
which could be said in addition to our normal prayers that we personally use,
we would like to find a new futuristic way how to pray to God of the future,
since we believe that religious changes are going to happen, so for this reason
we are going to do the following;
We would like to set the stage for the entire world to see,
and when you read these religious pages you may have to agree with me; we have
this opportunity that God the Father is giving us and for this reasons I am
praying God to help me.
We could say more about what we would like to achieve with
our religious writings, but because we want to avoid repeating the same
religious things every hub, we are only keeping a fewer hubs with the necessary
descriptions; but everything in a way or another will be explained in full.
my prayers
readers let me explain about my prayers in this hub and about myself; I guess
that most people will like this prayer at the beginning of this article, and
some of the other prayers that are written in this article; but there will be a
few of our readers that won’t like them, so they will be trying to bring them
down by voting this article down, and in many other ways.
say to those people that don’t like my prayers to try to understand what is
really going on here. In order to explain this briefly, I have to say that my
point of view here is that I feel that I am a seer, so, I believe that I can
see what is happening in the world today and this makes me sad and concerned,
because this includes religions very much, so, I am concerned also about what could
or would happen to religions in the future, since they are not as peaceful as
they are supposed to be.
because I believe that I am a seer, for this reason the spiritual forces of God
have made me believe that I should write these prayers in this article, they
are new prayers that could one day bring humanity closer to the spiritual life
force of God, at least this is what I believe they could achieve; You see I see
that religions will slowly change, because there is a need that religions
should be all unified, because a single religion is what the world needs today,
therefore our religious writings are planned to help achieve these changes, you
will understand that if you read all our religious writings.
to those people that try to run my religious writings and my prayers down, I
suggest to them to write their own prayers and religious beliefs, if they
believe that mine are not good enough. And then, if they persist to run my
prayers and religious writing down, let the will of God of the universe
prevail, and if God thinks fit to abandon them punish them or forgive them then
let them be punished or forgiven to whatever degree God thinks is right.
God guide us all?
Short comparison of prayers
Dear readers, we have written a few new prayers, according to the needs
that we see coming in the future, but now I believe that it could be helpful,
if we make a shot comparison of how people pray between some of the main
religions, just to see the main difference, so what I am going to write here
may or may not be correct, but it is the way that I see it; we are also writing
the very beginning of how people pray, but the prayer themselves are very long
and complex, but let us see the similarities:
Roman Catholic prayers
The Roman Catholic prayers may be said that are easy, they are also easy
because anyone of us can pray anywhere, in fact we could be walking and
praying, or doing a task and praying, of course the best place to pray is to go
to church and pray.
We start with the sign of the cross;
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, amen.
Then we would usually would follow with
The Lord prayer;
Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us, and
lead us not into temptation bud deliver us from evil; Amen.
This Lord Prayer has a few versions, according to what Christian religion
one follows, the original one is written in the Bible; The New Testament
Matthew gospel 6,9to13
These are the two most important prayers that most people pray.
Islam prayers,
Praying in Islam is a lot harder that the Roman Catholic way, for a
start they are required to pray 5 times every day to their God Allah, to do
that they should get ready first, they should cleanse themselves, then turn
towards Mecca and bow down to their God Allah while saying their prayers; here
I have to say that I don’t know enough to say much, but I believe that this
here under is their first prayer that they start with, followed by other
prayers according to their rules; I believe that in their first surer they bow
down saying:
The first surer
(1) In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
(2) All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin
(mankind jinns and all that exist)
(3) The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
(4) The only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the day of recompense
(i.e. the day of Resurrection)
(5) You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each
and everything)
(6) Guide us to the Straight Way
(7) The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way)
of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray
(such as the Christians)
For what I understand this above is the first surer, that they say every
time they pray, it would be followed by another surer according to their rules.
I believe that it is hard to be a Muslim; I prefer my Roman Catholic religion
that is a lot easier on their followers.
I might come back one day to add more, if I believe that it is important
What we have published
we have published
that I have partly explained to you the reasons for my personal needs, let me
inform you dear readers what we have already published in hub pages, so that it
would be easier for you to follow what has been said and why.
of all I need to say that this hub, Prayer of Reconciliation is a hub written
for these prayers herewith, and although the name sound similar to another hub
it is not the same, you see the other hub Prayers for Reconciliation was/is
really the beginning of our religions writings, what happens now is that, in
this religious review we have started from a different
point of view, so that we could explain better to the
readers how these reconciliation writings have come about, and from there worked
back to reach the old starting point of Prayers for reconciliation and so on;
anyhow we have published already these hubs called:
from, RECONCILIATION FORUM, and these are the links hereunder:
of Reconciliation is this hub you are reading now.
BE CONTINUED: Next time with, Biblical discussions
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