We know that man needs God, so, it would be helpful if religious issues or other issues, we discuss them with our friends, so that we could see what other people think about those issues, and this is what we are doing in these articles.
Welcome to our article, Religious discussions three.
Dear readers, we call this article, religious
discussions three, being the continuation of discussions two, where we left with
Gino wanting to talk to our friend John very likely in an aggressive way, so,
let us see what he had to say?
Dear readers, to make it easier for you to
understand, we want to let you know what sort of a bloke Gino is; you see, Gino
likes to make an argument out of anything, religiously Gino is a Christian or
Christian agnostic, it depends on the way he feels he may even act as an
atheist, so, we wonder what he is going to say to John next.
Now let us say who is John; well John is a
religious bloke that believes in his Jehovah witness religion, therefore,
everything for John is exactly as the Bible says. Now as we have said in our
last article, Gino is keen to talk to John, therefore, looking at these two
friends that seem to be on a collision course, we are concerned about it, but
at the same time we are curious how this religious debate is going to be like
soon. So, let us see first what Gino is going to say to John:
Religious debate or discussions.
Continuing the discussions; Gino to John
Hey John, did you hear Mark speech; I believe that he knows a lot
about religions, doesn’t he? So, now that you have heard those religious issues,
and knowing that there are lots of other religions in the world because man needs God,
I am asking you this, are you still going to think the same way and follow your
Jehovah witness religious beliefs blindly? Or are you going to be like one of
us and be open to religious comments, and sometimes accept the outcome of that
comment. You see, we can never be sure, if what we have been told about God is
correct; therefore, we must ask ourselves, whether they are true or not. What
do you say to that?
John to Gino
Look Gino, Mark may know a fair bit about
religions, I will give you that; but you have to admit that what he has said is
only general knowledge and nothing else, that is the way I feel about his
speech; also I need to add that I am not convinced that religious things are
exactly the way he said, so, I am still one hundred per cent sure that I am
right about my own religious beliefs and what is written in the Bible, so, I am
not going to change my religious beliefs at all based on Mark speech okay!
Gino to John
John, you are really a believer and believe
whatever is written in the Bible, but really you should think about your
beliefs, as you have heard there are a lot more religions in the world, so,
there may be, I say may be that one of these other religions is right and your
beliefs are not. Look I don’t want to be hard on your religious beliefs, but
there are people that think otherwise; in fact, there are even people that do
not believe in God at all. They are intelligent people that recon that God does
not exist and there was no creation as the Bible says; because there is no need
for a creator to create life, you see, it is possible that simply life just
came about by itself, and then with the passing of time it grew and became the
way it is today through evolution, you know there is a theory about this issue
and most scientists agree with it.
John to Gino
I am sorry to say this Gino, but today you sound to
me that you are an atheist; I thought that you were a Christian and that you
believed in God, I think I have made a mistake in judging you a Christian,
because today you don’t sound like a Christian at all, you know what I mean, a
Christian is a person that believes in God
and fears God, because he wants God to see that he is a good person and that he
follows God commandment, therefore he deserves eternal life?
Gino to John
I know that John, but you see I wanted to see what
you thought about other religions, beside your Jehovah wetness religion. For
instance, do you believe that God created everything in seven days like the
Bible says, or do you have some doubts about creation yourself?
John to Gino
There you are again; you are indeed an atheist and
next thing you are going to say to me, that through evolution and the forces of
nature everything created itself and that we are monkeys that through evolution
have become humans. You know what I mean, monkeys eating bananas, do you see a
monkey in yourself and me or do you see a person. Just listen to me Gino,
monkeys are monkeys and cannot be anything else, and humans are people like
Adam who was created as a person, like God said in his own image, don’t you see
Preventing a religious argument.
My comment (Frank)
Up to this point the rest of the group I, Mark and
a couple of other guys were talking various things, while at the same time I
was paying attention to what Gino and John were talking about, because I
thought that Gino could really upset John, and I knew that I was right to think
about that because something was going to happen, therefore, I had to prevent
this religious argument escalate. So, I winked at Mark and pointed out to him
that something needed our attention, and we moved closer to Gino and John, and
then I said: you two really want to solve the world religious problems right
away, don’t you? But I have to tell you that it is unlikely that we can find a
way, if you carry on arguing the way you do, because it is more likely that we
can find a way, if we have the same views.
Now since you have started this conversation about
creation and evolution, which is the most important evidence that we want to
find out, if we can find any evidence. The point is that we need that evidence
to decide about our religious beliefs, and about how much creation took place,
and what could have been the role of evolution, in other words how the creation
of mankind happened.
I believe that to do this we need to break our
information source in small pieces, then decide with our logic common sense, if
what is being presented to us can be true or not. In other words, what is
presented to us we must question the questionable and answer those questions
Now since Gino and John have started this
conversation about creation, let us try if we can do something about it?
Having decided to try to keep this religious issue
going, in the hope of finding out, what my friends thought about it, I raised
my voice and said, may we have the attention of everybody please. Because I
would like to ask you these questions about creation and the creation of man?
Some answer to our questions.
Hereunder are some answers to our questions, in these discussions.
Please answer our first question: do you believe
that man was created from God the same way as the Bible says?
John answers to my question.
Of course, that is the only way possible for man to
be created, because God is the creator of everything, it says so in the Bible
and the Bible is the word of God.
Gino answer
Look, I have to say that I am a Christian, but even
though I am a Christian and believe in this religion, I doubt very much that
God has created man from plain earth soil, because there must be another
explanation how man came about to be created, and why the Bible claims that God
made man from plain earth soil or clay?
Mark answer
I see what you mean Gino, so, I say that for myself
don’t see any logic for God creating man from dust, let us call it dust,
because in the Bible “Genesis 3:19 says. “By the sweat of your face you shall
eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you
are dust, and to dust you shall return.” But that is the Bible and there must
be a good reason to say that at the time it was written, but here we need to
find out why it was written like that, if we want to get a logic answer?
Peter answer (This is another friend that came to
the meeting)
Just to say something for friendship sake, I have
to say that I believe a lot like Gino, so, I think that if I use my brains and
logic explanation, I say that there must be another logic explanation why the
Bible claims that God made man from plain earth ground, but I cannot think what
was the reason.
Mike answer (this is another friend at the meeting,
he may be an atheist?)
What I want to say here is that we are living in
the 21st century, and we know a lot more now than when the Bible was
written, so, by logic explanation hearsay from well educated people and my own
intelligence says that God did not make man from earth ground, because that may
be an impossible thing to do even for God. This is my answer, I am saying this assuming that God exists;
you see God may not exist. What about that?
Frank (me the writer)
I see every one of you has got a different view or
beliefs about how man was created, so, we need to ask more questions to find
out the reasons why it is like that.
So, let me see what we can ask you next time.
Dear readers, do you see what we mean here? This is
how religions are today and people will move away from religions if they cannot
be explained better in the future. So, it is up to us to do something that may
help humanity understand these religious things, even if religions are explained in different ways.
Having said that, now we want to suggest that
perhaps a new way of interpreting religious books could help. Perhaps a new
religious theory that allows God and the forces of nature work together; in
other words, God, uses evolution to create all living things and everything
else. This can result in a less powerful God, but even that can help. Because
then, the terrorist groups that kill in the name of God, may see God less
powerful and give up killing other people, in the name of their powerful God.
After these religious discussions above, we started
to talk about other issues that are not worth writing here, since we want to
talk here about religions only.
See you next time in, Religious discussions four.
To see more click on this link, Religious discussions three.
May God bless us all.