Welcome to my blog, Man needs God
and this post, What my heart and mind is tilling me
Some other important religious links:
In our last post we have talked
about our soul; now let me talk about earthly things, my body, my mind and my
heart. So, let me start briefly from the beginning of our life, and let me say
what we (mankind) should really be doing about ourselves during our lives, we
should really observe what is happening around us and learn from it, above all
learn all those things that are changing during one’s own life, as this could
be more important that what is already known and accepted from the community.
Now, if one thinks about all the
changes that take place during one’s life, one could say that life is never
still and keeps changing all the time. So, life could also be compared to a
butterfly metamorphosis, which is a cycle that goes around and then starts all
over again, but anyhow let us talk about our own life in general.
When a child is born, he (here he
means also she, I, us and they) seems so innocent he looks like an angel, and
he also thinks many innocent things; so one is inclined to think that there is
a connection between the new born child and heaven and the angels, because it
feels as if he has come from heaven above.
When a boy grows up, he will
start learning and thinking according to what his parents will teach him, I am
sure that his parents will teach him religious things and these teachings will
reinforce his own inborn religious feelings, and somehow he will try hard to
live his life in a religious way as he has been thought until he grows older.
But when he becomes a grown up
man, he will becomes interested very much about earthly life and sex, this is
only natural if he is a normal healthy man, he becomes interested very much
about his human friends and what they do, and he will follow them no matter
what they do, usually it happens that young healthy people are arrogant and
believe only in themselves while they are young and strong, so, they tend to
ridicule their mates if they show any sign of weakness. Religion for these
young people is a sign of weakness; so he is trapped from these vicious
circumstances, and therefore he could not and would not follow religion very
much while he is in the company of his friends, even if in his heart he is a
very religious man.
This way of life will usually
last for a very long time during his life, in fact it may last all his life
until he becomes old, weak and vulnerable; accept if during his life it happens
that some hardship strikes him and he feels that he is in danger and needs
help, but there is nobody on earth available or able to help him, and in his
desperate position he turns to God and prays, as there is nothing else that can
help him. This is the way that most men behave during their lives; they will
turn to God and religion only when they are in danger and desperate.
But when a man becomes older and
wiser he feels the need to question his own behaviour about religious beliefs,
so, by reasoning within himself he comes
to the conclusion that it would be better for him if he returns to his
religious beliefs.
There are a few reasons for a man
for returning to religion at his old age, which are:
(1) He might have been a believer
all his life deep within his heart, but people around him were not religious
people, so during his younger life he lived as a non believer, because he felt
that he would have been ridiculed from his friends, if he had admitted to them
that he was a real believer. But now, because he is an old man he wouldn’t and
doesn’t care about what other people think about his religious beliefs, and
therefore he comes back to believing in religion openly.
(2) He might have been born in a
family whom didn’t practice religion, and therefore during his younger life he
did not believe in God and religion at all, because nobody had thought him
religion when he was young. But during his life he has met some religious
people, who while conversing have expressed their religious beliefs, this has
helped him learn about God and religion. So now, he has become religious and
practice religion openly in his old age.
(3) He might have been born in a
family of non believers, because the members of his family were all born in
this circle of non believers, which would openly ridicule or harm anybody that
was a religious member, therefore he has lived all his life as a non believer.
But now he has grown old and he
knows that soon or later he will have to die, this knowledge of his pending
death makes him look back at the way of life he has lived till now; he starts
thinking if it was right the way he has lived his life as a non believer, and
deep within his heart he becomes scared of what he has done. He asks himself:
What about if there is life after death? I know that my body death is
inevitable no matter what I do. So, is there any way that I can save at least a
bit of myself? Perhaps there is a soul that can be saved? And at his old age he
starts believing in religion, in the hope that he can save part of himself.
(4) Whatever reasons have given
rise to this man for not believing in God and religions during his young life
time; those same reasons now are viewed in a different way and they are pushing
this man to believe in God and religions in his old age. Not only will this old
man believe in God and religion; but deep within his heart he will feel the
need to pass his religious knowledge to future generations.
(5) These religious facts that I have
written above definitely apply also to me. So, now that I am an old man, and
therefore, I have learned many religious things during my life time which I
would like follow, and at the same time I feel the need to carefully write what
I have learned down for future generations.
To achieve this I need to make a
list of subject, which could and would be similar to the list of subject that
apply at the end of the chapter called, What my soul is telling me.
So next post will be about the
list of subject required
Man needs God,
What my heart and mind is telling me
Next time with another religious post.
Other similar links: