Sunday, April 20, 2014

More religious discussions

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
And this post, more religious discussions

There are many religions in the entire world, and everyone of them seem to do their job, when they are applied as they are supposed to be applied, but with some of them it is very easy to do the wrong things?

Religious discussions two

This religious article is being written to continue our discussions on all sorts of religious issues, as it is necessary to widen our base, therefore we are going to bring other people to discuss some of those issues because we believe that a group discussion may be helpful to understand what people may think about religions.
As you know dear readers, in our last article we have outlined a few things about the need to discuss the religions problems that exist today, therefore, I have invited a few religious friends to have a friendly chat or discussions about these religious issues.
So, let these discussions begin by informing our friends what we would like to talk about today.
My personal introduction
My dear friends at this meeting today I have something to tell you, you see, it looks like that I need your help, so let me briefly explain. As you all know already I am writing these religious articles and because the matter is so complex I would like to ask your opinion, because opinions count and what you are going to say could help me. You see I see problems ahead with today religious beliefs, so, I wish I could come up with a solution to today’s religious problems. Some of you might say why you have to worry about these public problems? I know you are right to say that, but somehow I am being driven by my inner self to do this, so, it is not easy to just forget about it. Anyhow, what I would like here is to discuss with you these problems and see if we could come up with a solution, or perhaps a suggestion about which way to go, so the knowledge or beliefs of each and every one of you could be very useful to say the least, this is the main reason why I have invited you to come together at my place, apart that we enjoy to stay together and talk about anything at all.
Anyhow, now that we are here I invite you to discuss our religious beliefs and I ask you not to hold back on anything that comes to your mind, because you and I are here to find and perhaps suggest new ways of dealing with this very old religious problem, as you can see in our last article if you follow our religious writings we have said that we are trying to come up with a way on how to discuss religious issues without upsetting very religious people, therefore we need to do it in such a way that would not upset religious people.
Now, I would like to ask you to have your say, if you would like to take part in this undertaking and talk about all existing religions and what they mean to you? Therefore I would be asking you in turn to have your say if you are taking part in these religious discussions. I know some of you don’t know what to say today, but perhaps later on you want to say what could be on your mind.
Anyhow today to begin with I have already asked my dear friend Mark to have something ready to say to you all, so that these religious discussions may really begin. So, Mark please let we hear what you have to say?

Mark religious speech

Mark opening speech
Dear friends, I don’t really know how to start with, but first of all I need to say that I feel honoured to be the first to be invited to speak to you about religions.
So, today we are going to speak about all sorts of religions and what we think about them, here I have to say that with so many religions around it is hard to start in any way; and also, here I have to say that although I know a bit about religions from some reading I have done a while ago, I have reason to believe that I don’t know enough to positively assure you that what I am going to say next is right or not, it is just the way I see religions, and you have to accept it as it is, because as it is, it is just a way of how I see religions today, perhaps tomorrow I may have to change my views and beliefs, who knows?
In order to start my religious speech I have chosen only a few of the main religions that I am going to talk about; but first of all I have to say that religions for us humans are necessary, as we feel this in-borne need to belong to some sort of religions, because we have always felt the need to believe in God and something supernatural that would or could help us when we feel unable to cope with something that is or seems to be stronger than ourselves.
Having said that, now let us see how some of the main religions have set themselves up, in order to achieve that and be able to explain to their people their religious beliefs. Anyhow in my speech here I am going to be brief and therefore I am only talking about the main beliefs and from where they seem to have started. As we all know, or perhaps I should say that we all should know that the most important two religions of the world today are: The religions that come from the Bible and Hinduism, which have split and evolved to other religions, of course there are other religions but we could say that they are a minority, and there are of course the old pagan religions that are not used anymore, since Christianity was able to replace them fully.
Now, let us start with Hinduism 

The Laws of Manu is a Hindu religious book where the great sage Manu is being asked from other sages, and here is described most of the religious facts. 

I am starting with the Hindus religions just because it is believed that they are the first to be written in a text, or bits and pieces of writings that later on would become a written text.
One of these books that I have read is, The Laws of Manu: The Laws of Manu explained in a nutshell that an ever existing force or energies has always existed, in the great darkness that existed before the world was born; this Self existing force or energy called (Svayambhu or something like that.) These existing energies were so complex that they were/are unknowable and unfathomable, anyhow this field or force of energy in the beginning seeded an egg and this egg became Brahman the progenitor of the whole world, Brahman split in two and created the world as we know it. Of course there is a lot more to this great Indus religion, specially how the people and the different cast were born, and we will come back to discuss it another day, but this is somehow how the Hinduism was started.
As I said in the beginning we will be talking only about the very main parts of religions in a nutshell, because every religion has a never ending story to tell, and also Hinduism is a very complex religion; for instance, if we want to find out and write the names of those Indus religions and their gods, it would fill many pages.
Anyhow, another of these religions that came from these Indus religions is Buddhism; at the beginning it was part of this Indus religions, but Budda set it up in a more advanced way, Budda is born in a royal family in 624 BC so he is a prince, he was named Siddhartha, he was born with his own destiny, as he was going to be the one that knows everything, the enlightened one and the founder of the Buddhism.
Today one of the best known religious leaders of Buddhism is the Tibetan Dalai Lama. There is a lot more to say about this religion, but this has got to do for the moment.

 The old western religions

Paganism was the old western religions
The pagan gods as some of us would know when we learned history
Before Christianity, while in Asia Hinduism was one of the most important religions; in Europe were the pagan gods. Some people say that in the beginning of paganism, it seems that one of the oldest and most powerful gods was Saturn; this god Saturn had three sons, that one day replaced Saturn as the king of the gods: the first son of Saturn was Jupiter who became king of the gods who lived on Mount Olympus Greece, the second one was Neptune who was king of the seas, and the third was Pluto king of the underworld or the dead. There were lots of other gods, goddesses like Apollo the sun god, Mars the war god Eros and Venus the gods of love and many gods and demigods and others that filled the void of any supernatural beliefs. But I believe that it would be better for me to come back another time to talk about them? Or perhaps just we have to let them be the way they are, since these Gods have been replaced with a new and very powerful God in the western world. However let us have a quick look at them. 

Some later Olympus gods, if you look for more details how it all started use the link that we have attached in The Primordials   

However we have found a hub that is very interesting and we would like to partly say a very few things about it, and then give you the link to see for yourself: (and we quote)
The Primordials
Before there was anything, there was Chaos. Unlike the Chaos that Egyptians knew as the beginning of all things which represented disorder, the Greek concept meant a state of nothingness.
From Chaos there came Gaea, also known as Earth, Tartarus, the deepest pit within the ground, Erebus who was darkness, and Nyx, or night. These four beings were called the primordial deities.
This link above is the link for this hub called, “The Golden Age: The First Greek Deities”
We hope it works for you.
We believe that this post is becoming too long, so we will continue these religious discussions in our next post called, The western world religions, where we will be talking about the Christian religions, starting with Abraham; See you there.  

Man needs God
More religious discussions
Next time with, The Christian religions   
Some personal and religious links: 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Our religious discussion

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.

WELCOME to our blog, Man needs God
And this post of Our religious discussion
May God guide and help me say the right things in these religious writings? 
The Bible is the most read book in the world, from this book other religions were born 
The Koran book below is the Muslim religious book, it is the largest single religion in the world.   

The Laws of Manu is the Hindus religious book, also from this religion some other religions came to be born.  

Religious discussions about religious problems
Dear readers, as we have mentioned in one of our articles of People life and religion, we believe that religions are being undermined by some people, and because of these unfortunate happenings, some people like the atheists make a big fuss about it and attack religions; we may have to believe that they may have a good reason for doing so, because if we look at the news about what is happening around in a religious way, we find that there are some real problems caused by religions, therefore we cannot blame the atheists altogether for trying to take advantage from all this negative happenings.
But what are these happenings that we are talking about?
Perhaps, the first and most important problems that we would like to mention here is about paedophilia in the Christian religions, which sometimes it is really disgusting; and then there is also the extremist Islamic that under pretence kill people in the name of God. These two main facts are the most extreme unwanted happenings in the religious world and they should never really happen. Therefore, mankind needs to think hard and hope that one day we would be able to find a way about how to work out these religious problems that exist today, perhaps we should start to discuss our religious problems or dilemmas with our most trusted friends, in the hope to find a way out, as we all know a collective effort is better that just a single person effort.
Having talked to our religious friends already about this, we have to say that some of our friends have some real interesting ideas about religions, which we would like to discuss and these ideas include also religious books discussions, which they think need to be discussed, even if it is going to be just discussions religious and otherwise, then we would like to publish our religious studies or discussions.
Therefore, today first of all I would like to say what I have asked our religious friends, I have asked them to concentrate and talk or write about religions, I have asked our friends to talk about religious beliefs on all sorts of religions including religious books, you see we need to take a closer look at all religious books and see if they mean what we have been told they mean, after all we have already said that we continually are in search of ourselves in a religious way, so, let us look together more closely at all sorts of religions, in the hope of finding the right answer to the existing religious problems?

Studying and discussing religions

We are studying and discussing religions, because we are in search of ourselves in a religious way; so, these religious writings could be said that it is a study of religions and how they serve humanity, we believe that in order to understand our position better, we need to look at a larger picture than we normally do, so, we have to put everything together whatever we know about religions, and then start thinking with this wider view, so that we would not be limited in our understanding of the situation?
Therefore, let us first of all start with what we know and agree about religions and its existence, and then we may be able to see better what could follow later on?
What we know now is this, that we live on this planet that we call earth, with our solar system and other planets in the constellation of the zodiac which is part of the Milky Way galaxy, all this we know and most of us agree that these celestial bodies exist, but what we don’t know for sure and we seem neither to agree or to disagree is this: does God really exist and did God create all this? And if not how did this all happen? Of course we know that the Bible says that God created everything, but not all of us accept creation as it is written in the bible, in fact today there are lots of people that believe in the evolution of living things including some of ourselves?
Now these questions that we are asking above create a lot more questions like: Can we assume that God and everything else is eternal, in other words they have always been there, and if that is the case can we say that everything together is God and everything exists within God, you see if everything is eternal, then there is no need of a creator because everything has been there all the time, so God the creator would only be a modifier that adjusted everything the way he wanted, God could still be the creator of life itself, but not the creator of the universe, since God and the universe are eternal.
Or perhaps we should assume that in the beginning everything was not defined, but slowly  the existing energies in the universe somehow crystallized and so God was formed, so God is part of the whole universe: all these assumptions are not easy to answer or understand, because it would be taking us too far away of what is known today. Therefore, it would be better for us to try to sort what the people of this world have already accepted, whether they have been partly accepted or completely accepted, and from this present accepted knowledge work our way out to find a better religious order, if we could. So let us discuss existing religious books and religious beliefs.
So, as we have already said in some of our articles, we may have to discuss all sorts of religious beliefs including religious books and the reasons why they have been written the way they have been written. Then, we have to ask ourselves about these same religious books and their application at the time when they were written and again we have to ask ourselves, if they were to be written today, would they be written the same way or would they be changed; Because this might be the reason why religions seem to fail now. You see if they fail now it is because of the different ways and values that mankind has today, compared to when these religious books were written in the first place, therefore things have changed and religions need to change also. If we do all these things then we could be in a better position to say what could be done religiously.
So the question now arises, how do we do all these changes without upsetting the present religious orders too much? As we all know there are a lot of religious orders, so it is going to be really hard to avoid upsetting them, but if we want to find a new way even this drawback needs to be overcome. It might help to tell them that we are writing this to find a religious reconciliation for the benefit of mankind, but even that might not help much, so we have to try hard to avoid any inconvenience that we may cause with this new religious vision.
Perhaps if we get together and discuss the main religious issues in a group, and then write the main issues of the discussion down, in such a way that they are only friendly discussions and views, then perhaps we may be able to avoid upsetting those religious groups that will easily be upset.
As we have already said before in these religious writings our aim is to go in search of a futuristic religious theory that would be able to link all existing religions together, and that what our aim is; and we hope to find it by studying and discussing religions with our religious friends and other religious groups?

How to be accepted

Since we would like to write some religious articles, we would like that those article would be accepted from everybody, but it is not going to be easy; so our main concern here is to write something acceptable to all religious groups on this planet earth, to do that is not going to be easy, in fact it is the hardest thing to achieve as far as I know, but we would like to give some friendly advice to our reader, like that article written for our readers’ peace of mind, where we explain what we are doing.
Anyhow since I am not so sure how to go about now, I will pray our lord God Most High to accept this earthly explanation also as my prayer for help and guidance and I am praying thus:
Here I am my Lord God praying for help: I am turning to anyone who is a believer and believes in God and also other religious beliefs and I say to them; please read our religious reconciliation writings fully before you pass judgment. God help me to open the eyes and minds of those readers and let them see that all these religious writings of, Prayers of Reconciliation and reconciliation of the universe, is just an idealistic and futuristic religious theory, which is trying to find a way if that is possible on how to link all existing religions together, we would like to do that in the hope that this new religious theory would be able to bring all existing religious orders together, and in the hope that this theory will benefit all mankind.
Now that we have explained in this article some of our intentions and the intention to call on our most trusted religious friends and other religious groups to find a way about how to discuss these religious issues, I believe that I have said enough for the time being, and therefore we will have to leave the real discussions starting with next hub. Religious discussions two
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
Our religious discussions
Next time with, more religious discussions  
Some personal and religious links: 


Friday, April 4, 2014

New religious order

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
and this post, New religious order

One of today religious order ceremony

New religious order

For complete reconciliation a new religious world order is required.
Perhaps the main reason why we are writing these religious writings is that we would like all religions to be reconciled to each other; so that in the future they could not have any reason to fight each other any more. We believe that the reasons why they have not been able to reconcile until now has been because each and every religious group believes that they are right in believing in what they are believing in, and it is the others that have got it all wrong.
Therefore, the only way to overcome that is to show them first that they might be wrong themselves in assuming that they are the only people that have got it right, and then proceed to show them than the others believe in the same God almost in the same way as they do, so they have got a lot in common, and therefore, it would be possible for them to believe in religion without arguing. Then suggest that it would be wise to start a new religion, which would incorporate all existing religious groups, and at the same time this new religious order should be able to satisfy the needs to each and every religious order. So, for world complete reconciliation a sort of a new religious order is required.
How to start this new world order is hard to say now, but somehow it must be done otherwise mankind could be lost forever in a religious way, and if and when that happens and all people don’t believe in any religion or God, then, because we have moved away from God’s positive life-force, God’s life-force cannot be in touch with us, and therefore, God protection for the human race will be lost; you see there are reasons to believe that life, the spiritual world and God are all linked together and they help each other, as long as they are linked together, but if the link is broken, because we don’t believe in God anymore, then the life force of God would not be able to help us because we are not connected; therefore then, to live a normal life would become a lot harder, in fact, in the end it might even bring mankind life cycle to an end and we may disappear from the face of the earth completely.
But we believe that there could be a way out for us from this possible religious disaster, if we believe in God and really try hard to find our way for complete world reconciliation. In order to achieve that some of us need to learn about all the world existing religions or at least the main religions, so that we would be able to compare them together and find what they have in common with each other. Then we would be in a better position to suggest to the world, which is the best way to reconcile those religions together, as our knowledge of the religious situation is increased by learning about them.
Perhaps by learning about them we could formulate a new way of religion, which would be able to include all sorts of religions and it could and could or would bring the whole world to a religious universal reconciliation.
This is what we will try to suggest in the later part of our writings, which for the time being we would like to call Reconciliation of the Universe, because that was the first name we have given them, even knowing that such name would be an exaggeration, because we will never be able to achieve or even hope to achieve complete reconciliation the whole process should be achieved step by step, and therefore it is going to take a while to come close to any sort of universal reconciliation.
Dear readers, let us explain our writing position now; you see, here we would have liked to write some important religious dreams, but we cannot do that because we have already published them in our hubs; we would have liked to do that in order to show you the link between what we have written above and what is going to be written next. Anyhow, somehow we are going to tell you what these dreams are about. Because one of those dreams has lead me to write these religious writings here, which I have called; The most important dream of my life and this dream is really the dream that has started me writing about religion, then there are several more religious dreams that I have already published in the hub of, Manfraco Spiritual Dreams. I have written about them already, because they have special religious meaning for me, as I said it was one of these dreams that started to drive me back to God and religion, and my religious beliefs nowadays have become so strong that I have to write them down, in order to find my inner peace.

How can we find the right way?

While I am writing these religious writings of Prayers for Reconciliation, in order to find my inner peace, I hope and also I want to believe that perhaps one day these religious writings could be able to reconcile everything together, and so prove to be a good religious theory for all humanity, then mankind would have to accept our religious writings and adopt them, and therefore then these religious writings might become the beginning of the new World Religious order and consensus, and also the beginning of, The New World Religion for all humanity. Perhaps then they may indeed be called Reconciliation of the Universe.
Dear readers, while I am writing this chapter I have been thinking that perhaps I should call on my religious friends and have a religious discussion to see if they believe that there is a possible way to achieve what we have written above.
Perhaps we may have to discuss all sorts of religious books and the reasons why they have been written the way they have been written, these same religious books and their application at the time when they were written, and how they may fail now because of the different ways and values that mankind has today. Perhaps then, we could be in a better position to say what could be done in a religious way.
Now that we have stated our intentions, let me say a prayer to God Most High, so that God can guide me to write, these religious writings the right way; now this is going to be a prayer to our future God, so it might sound a bit different to our normal prayer.
In the name of God-Most-High the most Holy, who is the very centre of all known and unknown gods within the universe, because they all were born from Him and they are part of Him, who has been is and will be the active life-force of the whole world, he is the life giver and creator of the whole seen and unseen worlds, so he is the Father of everything, we all owe our own lives to him and therefore it is our duty that we should serve him while we are alive and to him we should return when we die.
To you I turn God-Most-High and pray in the hope that you would help me find a way how to write these religious writings of, Reconciliation of the Universe.
Father, hear my prayer and help me!
Next post is about religious discussions, see you then.
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
New religious order
Next time with, another religious post  
Some personal and religious links: 


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Finding the way to salvation

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
and this post, Finding the way to salvation

Praying and finding ways of how to reconcile with God is one way of how we could find salvation.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our main link that can bring salvation.

Finding the way to salvation

We would like to find the way to salvation

Dear readers in this post we are going to talk about salvation, you see, during our life, we often ask ourselves is there an Afterlife? And if there is an Afterlife, what could and should we do to secure it for ourselves? These two most asked questions have many answers, because, although many religions agree that there is an Afterlife, they don’t agree on how this Afterlife can be, so, they don’t come to the same understanding and they give many and various answers to these questions. The only thing that they seem to agree though is that there is an Afterlife, even if they don’t know exactly how this afterlife could be.
Therefore it would be wise for us while we are living that we should take good care of our soul, so that our soul would be worthy and able to receive from God that promised eternal life, which God has promised us when the appointed time comes. But first we have to be worthy in God’s eyes to receive eternal life. Therefore, how can we become worthy in God’s eyes in order that our soul receives eternal life?
There are a few rules to follow: So, we should follow them the best way known to us, what else can we do? We are able to achieve only what we know how to achieve. So, how the ways to salvation can be achieved?
Perhaps the main reason why we are writing these religious writings is that we would like all religions to be reconciled to each other; so that in the future they could not have any reason to fight each other anymore. We believe that the reasons why they have not been able to reconcile until now has been because each and every religious group believes that they are right in believing in what they are believing in, and it is the others that have got it all wrong.
Therefore, the only way to overcome that is to show them first that they might be wrong in assuming that they are the only people that have got it right, and then proceed to show them than the others believe in the same God almost in the same way as they do, so they have got a lot in common, and therefore, it would be possible for them to believe in religion without arguing continually. Then suggest that it would be wise to start a super new religion, which would incorporate all existing religious groups, and at the same time this new religious order should be able to satisfy the needs to each and every religious order. So, for world complete reconciliation a sort of a new religious order is required.
How to start this new world order is hard to say now, perhaps we should get together and discuss what can be done, perhaps we should discuss even the Bible, and the reasons why it seems to some people that it does not make sense any more, and after explaining the reasons suggest what can be done? You see what we mean here it is not going to be easy, but it must be done otherwise mankind could be lost forever in a religious way, and if and when that happens and all people don’t believe in any religion or God, then, because we have moved away from God’s positive life-force, God’s life-force cannot be in touch with us, and therefore, God protection for the human race will be lost. Then to live a normal life would become a lot harder, in fact, in the end it might even bring mankind life cycle to an end and we may disappear from the face of the earth completely.
But we believe that there could be a way out for us from this possible disaster, if we believe in God and really try hard to find our way for complete world reconciliation. In order to achieve that some of us need to learn about all the world existing religions or at least the main religions, so that we would be able to compare them together and find what they have in common with each other. Then we would be in a better position to suggest to the world, which is the best way to reconcile those religions together, as our knowledge of the religious situation is increased by learning about them.
Perhaps by learning about them we could formulate a new way of religion, which would be able to include all sorts of religions and it could and would bring the whole world to a new religious universal reconciliation.
This is what we will try to do in the later part of our religious writings, which for the time being we would like to call Reconciliation of the Universe. We have to admit that what we are trying to say and do is only the beginning of what could be done and we have to learn a lot more before we will be able to succeed.
We have also to say that since we will never have enough time to do all what is needed to do in a religious way, we are forced to start as soon as possible to put our religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe; as you all know, we have already mentioned in these religious writings before, this theory might be able to form a sort of a map or sketch that can point to the right directions, then it will be up to the people of the future to continue in the same direction, or to adjust these directions if the need arises.
If we do all these things, then we might be able to find the way to salvation and reconciliation, so in our next post we will be talking about, the new religious order required.

Man needs God
Finding the way to salvation
Next time with, New religious world order required.    
Some religious links: 
