Sunday, December 25, 2022

Does God answer our prayers.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, Will God answer our prayers?

One day Moses went up Mount Sinai and met God in the form of a burning bush, the burning bush talked to Moses and said, I am Yahweh God of the Israelite. God gave Moses the ten Commandments and then helped Moses to free the Jews from the Egyptian Pharaoh, so, the prayers of the Jews were answered from God. But today does God answer our prayers?   

Welcome to my article, Will God answer our prayers?

In this article of, does God answer our prayers, may God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, I must say that we all have doubts during our lives; one of these doubts is about if God exists and if God answers our prayers. I must add here that I believe in God, but my God can be different from the God that most Christians believe in; but when we pray, does God answer our prayers? 

You see, I am praying God every day of my life; I pray God with our Christian traditional prayers, like the sign of the cross followed by The Lord prayer, and then other prayers; I pray God with my own prayers that I have written, I pray God and hope that God answers my prayers by granting my earthly request. I have written several prayers in these religious articles and one of them is written here under; now the question is. Does God or will God answer my prayers?

Let me explain, today we are not asking God to do something special for us; because we are not like the Jews that wanted Yahweh their God, to help them reclaim their Promised Land that they left when they went to Egypt; we are not like the Muslim people that want their God Allah to help them conquer the entire world, and while they are doing that and killing people, they also believe that when they die , they will go to paradise. 

You see, we are only praying God to help us in our daily struggle and health issues. We imagine our God to be a benevolent God that helps anybody that prays to him. So, let me write a prayer that I pray after the traditional prayers.

Prayer to God

With my personal concerns I come to you praying my lord God, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation to thy spiritual life force, I am praying in the hope that I would become worthy to pray, and my prayer would be heard and accepted, I am praying in the hope that you would hear my prayer for help and help me and my family overcome these family illnesses; Father hear my prayers and help us, amen.

I have prayed God many times, but God ignores my prayers, so, my family problems go on and they never seem to end. So, I start thinking that it is unlikely that God answers our prayers, I cannot think of any other excuse, and I believe that I should be worthy in God’s eyes, because I pray and write religious issues. Okay, I do not go to church on Sundays. But I don’t go to church on Sundays, because of this illness in my family, so, I must stay put at home. Sometimes I think, if God wanted me to go to church on Sunday, then God could have made it easier for me to go to church.

Dear readers, I need to be more patient and refrain to criticize God, since it is risky to criticize God, as we know God is God and we are supposed to accept anything from God, even if it makes us suffer, because there can be other reasons why it is so. But I believe that if we pray God, then we deserve to be heard and answered from God, otherwise why we pray and believe, and accept whatever it comes to us because it is God’s will, I want to ask our readers?

I must say that in my mind, heart and soul, there is this understanding that goes on like this; if there is a God like a person, then this God being our Father should listen to his own children, and so, God should answer our prayers according to what we deserve, otherwise we will not believe in God anymore. So, we come back to our first question; will God answer our prayers? But let us continue to look for an answer.


Looking for an answer to our prayers. 

There are days in our lives, when things go the wrong way, but nothing is more frustrating than when somebody is sick, whether it is oneself or a member of our family. When these sick family members are sick for a long time we despair, because even the doctors cannot find a way to make them well; so, the only thing that is left for us to do is turn to God and pray. So, we pray God with all the strength that is in our heart, and we believe that if we do that and have faith in God, then, God may answer our prayers. So, we pray God with great faith, hoping that God will answer our prayer and make us well again. But does God answer our prayers?

I am asking this question several time, because I want to know, if there is anyone who has proof or feels that God answers our prayers.

You see, I don’t know any more what to believe today, I have prayed to God for a long time for help, but God ignores my prayers. Not only I have prayed God many times every day of my life, but I have also written many blogs and Hubs about religions, I have done this in the hope that it may help religions to survive in the future, so, I feel that whatever I write in these religious writings, it is like praying God all the time; but God does not take any notice of that either. Perhaps God has more important things on his mind, because people believe and do different things all the time, like the following issues that go around today.

So, let us see what is happening in the world, that can keep God busy and forget about my personal prayers. You know, some people believe about the end of the world, as it is written at the end of the Bible; so, there is going to be the end of the world soon; this time we even have a date; the end of the world will be the 21st of December 2012 as they have forecast? Is this event going to happen? We do not know. Perhaps it is a bit like asking, if God answers our prayers.

So, I am going to say here what my heart and soul tells me, I believe that there is no end of the world on the 21st December 2012, it cannot be I don’t see even the signs that other people claim to see, the only thing I see is that religions need to be modified and that is not the end of the world. You see, if religions are modified then it marks the end of some religious beliefs and the beginning of something else, so that, we can say that a new system has arrived and the old system has ended, that is the only end that I can see today. Anyhow, today while I am editing this article the 21st December 2012 has past and nothing has happened, so, the world has not ended. Thanks God it was a false alarm.

Prayers and observations.    

While I am writing this article, I pray God about my personal problems, I pray God with great faith, hoping that my prayers will be answered, so, I pray God thus:

My Lord God, Almighty merciful Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy, you would forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, so that, I am spiritually clean and worthy to pray and my prayer would be heard and answered. Today I am praying because there is sickness in my family, and this worries me and my family, therefore, I am praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy, you hear my prayer and help me, amen.  

Now, this is not the only prayer that I pray to God, because I pray many other prayers, in the hope that God hears my prayers and help us. But even though I have prayed God many times, God does not answer my prayers; but I continue to pray God. So, even when God does not answer our prayers, we still pray God. It is like having to do the last possible thing that could help to solve our problems, and thus we continue praying.


I believe that most of us, when we have some personal problems, we will turn to God and pray for help and guidance, in the hope that God will answer our praywes, by granting our earthly requests. But does God answer our prayer? 

 Praying God for an answer. 

Now, as I have said, I have been praying God for an answer to my personal prayers, for this same reason I have been writing religious articles with many prayers written in them, then I am writing the theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, because they are my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God hears my prayers and answers my personal requests. But I have to say that up to today God has not answered my prayers, the way I wish God would answer.

So, this family sickness worries me; I am afraid that can become worse, and for this reason I am praying, and I will continue to pray, because at least I feel that I have done something that could help. You see, I need at least some hope, and God is hope for those that need hope most; so, I continue to pray God, and therefore, I am asking myself:

Am I not worthy to be heard from God about what I need?

What is God waiting for, to answer my request?

Is it not enough the religious writings I have written and all the prayers that I've prayed?

To prove to you that I have written in Hub Pages many religious articles, which should be counted as my prayers to God, I am going to make a shortened list of these articles including the link,,

I believe that these religious writings should be counted as prayers to God Most High. Anyhow, even if God does not answer my prayers, I will still pray God in the hope that one-day God will answer my prayers and grant my earthly requests.

All this is because, man needs God and because, God is hope for those who need hope most and for this reason we pray, even knowing that God may not answer our prayers.

I hope you have had time to read some of our articles, so that you can see what we mean. Anyhow, I will continue to Pray and write my religious articles, even knowing that God might not answer my prayers. Because God is hope for does that need hope most.


Dear readers, we are continuing to write more religious discussion, then we will write part three, Reconciliation of the universe. See you soon, in next article, Reconciliation talks

To see more click on this link. Will God answer our prayers?

May God bless us all.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Religious discussions and prayers.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, Religious writings for all humanity

I believe that man needs God, and that we need to pray God every time we are concerned about anything; so that we linked to God life force, then God can help us if we need help. 

Welcome to our blog, Religious writings for all humanity

May God help and guide me to write this article of, religious discussions and prayers. 

Because we need to pray God, let us start this blog with a prayer. 

In the name of the Father, The-Son, and The-Holy-Spirit, to you I turn God Most-High praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said ask the Father in my name and it will be given you for free: So, here I am Almighty Father praying, to let the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit on earth help me to write my religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe, in such a way that humanity accept it, and uses the theory for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer amen.

Now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident, to say why I am writing these articles. We are writing these religious articles, hoping that with this theory that we are suggesting here, the belligerent religions that base their religious faith in fighting other religions will end, because all religions will be linked to God Most High, 

Anyhow, we want to set this theory in a way that the entire world can agree, that we are finding a way to God for all humanity, so, we are writing God’s things to help humanity.


These are God's writings for all humanity.

We have written many religious articles, but I am still concerned and ask myself whether I am doing the right thing, because people may hate and curse me, because what I am writing does not agree with their religious beliefs. So, I am praying God to shield me from these people and the forces of evil.

So, while I am writing this religious article, I hope that God, through the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit on earth helps me, so that, I can say the right things and can reach the hearts of all human beings, therefore, they will understand me and they will accept and follow our religious suggestions.

Here I believe that I need to explain how I see these religious things. You see, even though I believe in God, and my God is not like the God that most western religions believe; I still believe in the same God and pray God, therefore, I am praying God to protect and help me, and at the same time, I am turning to the world hoping that they understand what we are saying, because what we are saying here is new, and it is not easy to understand. For this reason, I am praying God to help me write this article clearly and help the readers to understand our religious views?

Common points of view.

Because our religious views are different from the normal accepted views, it is necessary to start from a common point of view that can interest everybody, so, nobody feels left out. We believe that life is the most common subject that can interest everybody, since we are living human beings. And then, show that life is the central link that links us to God and everything else, since God is life and gives life to every living thing, and the life force of the entire universe.

Now, let us explain how I see and feel about life itself, because I feel that life is the greatest mystery of the universe, and we human beings are the highest specie of life that exists on this planet earth, and for this reason, it is our duty that we find what links us to God of the universe.

We must admit that we don’t know enough about the rest of the universe; so, we must start from what we know, and by using our imagination and our life link to all existing life, we must explain to ourselves if there is other existing life, and the supernatural existence of the spirit world, which is believed to exist in a parallel way with our world.

Here we need to believe that deep within our subconscious we carry our own record from the beginning of our existence; this record is shown in the form of our instincts, which can guide us during our lives. These records or instincts within us are not clear, as we do not get clear signals from them, because they are all mixed up with our religious beliefs, and with our emotions of love and hate, including things that happen during our lives.

Therefore, we need to think about these mixed-up feeling and beliefs within us, and with the help of God try analyzing them. So, let us pray God to guide us, so that we can understand our own life and how it is related to other things, and through our own instincts, beliefs, emotions and other things, we can describe our own feelings about love and life; and then how these inner thoughts emotions and other things can be the same thing with the existence of God and life.


The way that we see it. 

Let us say a prayer to God, before we write the strangest things of our life, which come from our inner self, and they may or may not make sense to everybody else; but to ourselves they do.

Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul, and my mind to help me to say the right things about life and its' connection to thy eternal life-force, since we believe that you are life and the life giver of the entire universe, and carry the knowledge of the entire universe, so, Father, hear my prayer and help me say the right things in this article, amen. 

Let us talk about love, life, God and the mystery of life that some of us feel within our heart.

So, let me tell you how I feel about life.

I feel that life is love, and love is life itself,

And that one could not exist without the other.

Therefore, if life could not exist without love,

Then I better love, or I may as well be dead.

Dear readers, let me tell you about me and how during my life the love of this woman has changed me. Sometimes I believe that God has set me up with this woman love with no love happenings, so that, I could understand life and love and be able to express myself more clearly. So, I hope that you will believe me, that these things happen. 

Of course, I guess that this must have been part of my destiny, because I have reasons to believe, that through these feelings of love for this woman God did set me up, in such a way that I had to go back to Him and do his religious work to help humanity, since I believe that this has happened to me for a reason.

Because of these intense love emotions that I went through in my life, I have become aware that there is a close link between falling in love and life and God-life-force, and so, I have reasons to believe that God is love, and it can be described in a parallel way with my feelings of love for this special woman, since they may be somehow one and the same thing. So:

I feel that life is God and God is life itself,

And that one could not exist without the other.

Therefore, if life is God, I’d better believe in God.

If I don’t believe in God, I may as well be dead.



Of course, life is a great mystery, as we cannot explain life how it began; even when there are excellent explanations, they are not perfect, as there is a second explanation which contradicts the first. So, when we think about life, we are led to ask ourselves: How did life begin and what is its driving force which makes life possible on earth?

My instinct and my logic reasoning mind tells me that there can be only one explanation to this question; there must be a life driving force in the universe, and this driving force is a supernatural life force, and we call this life force God; this God might not be like the God in the Bible, but it is there, so, we can say that God exists at least by definition, because God is life.

Life and God-life-force can be one and the same thing; so, life existence can be explained thus:

The ever-existing God-life-force of the entire universe,

From the beginning of times has created life on earth.

And even if life on earth now and then might change a bit,

Life will run in a parallel way with God-life-force for eternity,

Because life is God and God is life itself.


Some personal point of view. 

Dear readers, these articles are about our religious study. Anyhow, today in the world there are different religions, they argue with each other because of their differences, and sometimes they are fighting each other. We are sure that this fighting is not what religion is all about, because I believe that God and religions, are usefull only when they teach us kove and respect our fellow man.

Now, I feel disappointed about religions, because with the electronic communication that we have, people should have found a way how to understand and love each other; but instead they are fighting each other even more. Therefore, it is better if a new way of understanding is found, so, the world can be a better place to live in.

At this point of time, we are asking ourselves; what can be done to fix this religious problem? 

Well, to answer that question is not easy; but we believe that we must try and learn how-to live-in peace with each other. We must admit that people in the past did not have enough knowledge to fix that, because they knew only what was happening in the neighborhood and not the whole world; so, they did not know what to do.

Anyhow, we want to say that today the time is approaching when changes to the present religious system are required.

Therefore, we believe that the religious system needs to be updated, in such a way that the world future generations can live in peace with each other. So, the future generations can still believe in God and religions. 

So, to the learned people of the world, we invite you to make an effort and think about God and religious things, and then do something about it, because for centuries religions have been neglected and left behind the way they were, because in the past people did not have the means or knowledge that we have today, or they assumed that everything had been done. So, they did not see that everything was going to change; but today because everything changes, also religions need to change accordingly.

Anyhow, I believe that I have said enough in this article. So, see you in next article, which is a special article called, Will God answer our prayers? And then we will go back to religious discussions. 

To see more click on this link, Religious writings for all humanity

May God bless us all.


Friday, October 7, 2022

Religious theory aim.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of, Religious theory aim

We humans have this need to believe in God, so, we pray God when we need help, today I am writing these religious articles, because I want to say what I believe needs to be done to help religions become one single relgion in the future, so, I am praying God to help me. 

Religious theory aim

Welcome to our article, Religious theory aim. 

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, we want to find a way how to reach religious reconciliation for the entire world, we believe that there are a couple of ways that we can suggest, so, we are writing our theory of, ‘Reconciliation of the universe’, to show how we believe religions can be set in the future. They are being written to overcome the drawback of today; here we mean the atheists and the religious terrorists fanatics. We believe that we should write our articles, in a way that we can suggest to the people that religions need to be modified, so that they can become a single religion in the future, because religions are basically all the same. For this reason, I am praying God to help me write this religious theory.


I am praying in the name of the Father The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, which is the Holy- Trinity, which is the greatest known positive life-force that guides the whole universe according to the Roman Catholic Church and other religions that derive from the Bible.

This is my prayer for asking God to help me.

In the name of the Father, The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, to you I turn Heavenly Father God Most-High and I humbly pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said ask the Father in my name and it will be given to you free: So, here I am Almighty Father praying and asking you that through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, you let the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit help me to write this religious theory per your will. Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.

Now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident, and I can continue to write my religious articles. The only thing that is still on my mind is this, because what we are writing is different from normal religions, some religious believers can be alarmed, but they don't need to, because religious beliefs are not going to change.

Now let us go back to talk about our religious aims:


Religious theory and its aim

As the writer of these religious writings, I can say that I have a dream that one day I can help religions to be united, under a single Super-God that represents life, since I believe that God is the life giver of all living things.

Anyhow, I believe that I have a theory that can bridge all religions together; whether this theory may be right or wrong I do not know; but I have reason to believe that it is worth for me to write my theory to see if it works out.

The aim of our religious theory is to find a way that helps overcome those extreme religious difficulties that the world is facing today. We believe that religions have been set in the past the way that they have been set, because they had to fulfil the needs of a group of people, that lived isolated from other groups, so, this was the easiest way to set them.

We believe that what’s happening today is wrong, because some religions fight each other’s, instead of trying to peacefully coexist with one another and help each other in the name of God.

So, We believe that to overcome these problems and bring a peaceful solution of coexistence to religions, we need to find a way how to treat all religions the same way; so that, all existing religions can stand side by side in harmony with each other, because they have in common the highest religious order possible God of the universe.

If it is possible to set and explain that all religions come from the same source, which in our case we can call, God life force or God Most High, therefore, we are all brothers in the eyes of God.

Now let me explain why God needs to be explained as life, or a life force energy that gives life to every living thing; it is because the life force energy can be accepted from everybody including the atheists, who don’t believe in God. But there are difficulties to do that, so, let us discuss what they could be.

Discussing difficulties and needs. 

Now we need to say, that even though we have this religious theory to suggest to the world, hoping it helps to find a solution to religious problems. At the same time, we know that it is not going to be easy to do it, because people are used to the old religious ways. But as we have said, we need to suggest something useful to the public, because these old religious ways do not help reconcile with other religions.

So, we know that it is going to be hard to find a good solution; but we believe that we cannot avoid these religious changes, therefore, a new approach is required. Now, in our religious articles, to achieve what we have set up to achieve, we have been forced to set everything one step higher than the present religious beliefs, so, all religions can converge at this spiritual highest point, therefore, we hope that these changes we are suggesting, will achieve mutual brotherhood and understanding for all religions.

In our religious beliefs, God represents life, and can be described as the life force of the universe, who is the positive active life-force that guides the entire universe and gives life to every living thing; we refer to this life-force as God Most High. So, God Most High is the highest of all existing positive life-force that exist in the universe, and from this life-force all the existing life and all existing gods were born, and they exist because this life-force exists; therefore, all existing gods no matter to which religion they belong are linked by this force. However, any one of them can work independently when required; so, we can assume that there is only one God throughout the universe, because everything starts from this life force and every living thing needs to return to this life force to continue its living spiritual role.

Now let us describe briefly what this Reconciliation of the Universe theory is like.


Theory of Reconciliation of the Universe. 

Brief description of Reconciliation of the Universe

At this point of time, we believe that the best way to explain our theory, is to explain our religious theory writings in two main groups, which are those things that are seen and those things which are not seen but are believed to exist in the universe.

Group one is the group of the known things, like life on earth as we see it, acknowledging the existence of life, then our body our terrestrial understanding of things as we live and feel them.

Group two would be the unseen things, these unseen things and their existence are hard to explain, because they cannot be seen or touched, therefore, they are only believed to be there. Anyhow, we feel their presence within our souls and our minds, so, we believe that they exist, but they are in another dimension, which runs parallel to our own dimension.

It is believed that our soul is allowed from God to move from one dimension to the other, and that will happen only at out birth and at our death. Sometimes, we may have had an experience and seen something from the other dimension, like what I believe I have seen or dreamed: (Which is that I have seen or dreamed about an angel who has greeted me as the author of “Reconciliation of the Universe.”)

Then these two groups that we are talking about will have to be split in smaller groups, so that it is easier to write about them and to understand what we mean.

Since we believe that we have no other choice but to write our religious beliefs, otherwise I would start thinking that I have not done my human duty; let us start planning what we have to do, we believe that this task is greater than anyone can imagine, as we have to find a way on how to convince the whole world that what we are writing here is worth learning, therefore, we are going to tell the whole world what are the most important things that we will write. Which is this:

We will have to set the stage for the entire world to see.

And whoever will read these writings might have to agree.

That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity.

In order to stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity

For this reason, I am praying God to help and guide me.

I believe that this is what we need to do presently, until we write the theory of Reconciliation of the universe, after other religious discussions, in order to convince the people including ourselves, that what we are going to do is necessary.

We have said enough in this article; see you in our next article, Religious writings for all humanity

To see more click on this link, Religious theory aim.  

May God bless us all.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Religious concerns and prayers.

 MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. This is what we are trying to say in these articles. Hereunder is our article of,  Religious concerns and prayers,  

Whatever we do, we need to believe in what we are doing. Anyhow, these religious articles are being written to find a way, how to connect all existing religions together, because I believe in God and religions, so, I need to pray God with all my heart, my soul, and my mind, in the hope that God would hear my prayer, and would guide and help me do the right things. 

Welcome to our article, Religious concerns and prayers . 

Dear readers, we are starting this article by saying a prayer to God, because we are concerned.

My lord God, with my concerns, I come to you praying with all my heart my soul and my mind earnestly, in the hope that you guide and help me write these religious articles according to your will, and in such a way that people can accept them and use them for the future benefit of mankind, Father hear my prayer, amen.

You see, today I am writing these religious articles, but I am concerned about writing them, so, I am asking myself, what those learned people will say about these religious writings? I know, I must be concerned, because learned people think that they are better than us, so, they accept only what they think is right. But religions are only our beliefs, and they cannot be proven to be right or wrong; but at the same time, we are concerned about our beliefs.

Anyhow, when we look at the religions of today, we must be concerned about saying anything that do not follow mainstream religions. We must be concerned following the religious extremist or the atheists because they are extreme.

You see, we can divide humanity it two extreme religious groups, the believers who believe in God and creation, which we call creationists and the atheists who do not believe in God and creation but they believe in evolution, with most of the other groups in the middle. So, what is the best thing to believe one may ask? My answer to this question is that we must follow what we believe, what else can we do?

So, I must not worry about my Religious Writing Concerns, because if I worry, then I have lost the battle before I start fighting it. Anyhow, I believe that I must write these religious articles, with the intention that one day they can link all existing religions together, at least this is my intention. So, these religious articles must be written in such a way, that can overcome those obstacles that keeps religions apart. So, if we can suggest the right things, then all religions can be modified, and they can form one day a single super religion.

Anyhow, I believe that religions need to be modified in the future; but we need to explain how that can be done, if I do not explain it properly, then the learned people will attack me, to discredit me and my beliefs, one of the reasons is because people hate changes. So, when it happens, I will be forced to defend my position whichever way I can.  


What will people say. 

What will the well-educated people say about our religious writings?  

We know that there will be learned people that will say that I am crazy, and above all that I am not a well-educated man like they are, so, why I dare to write this religious theory, which is a subject that even well-educated people don’t want to write; because any change from the accepted ways can create problems. Therefore, they will try to blame me for anything that can happen. They will do that even knowing that our intention of writing this theory, is to solve existing religious problems, if we can suggest a way, how that can be done. 

So, I am concerned that these learned people will want to say straight into my face: How dare you write all this religious stuff knowing that you do not even know how to write properly as we do, since you have not been trained as a religious writer, so, you do not know how to write. At the same time, they will find excuses for not writing something themselves; even knowing that this religious problem needs to be solved. Anyhow, they will blame me for writing these articles as an excuse, but still, I am pretty sure that they are not going to do anything themselves, because if they had intention of doing anything, they should have done it by now. So, when this happens, I will try to defend myself.

Defending my religious writings. 

Because I believe that they will attack me. When they attack me, I will be forced to defend myself, and this is one of my answers to them: The duty of any good and worthy man is this; a man has got to do what a man has got to do, and the duty of any good man is that he should give back to the world more than what he has received from the world. You see, when a man is born, he receives the gift of life, and therefore, he should try to create other lives if it is possible and do other things as well, to leave the world in a better way. 

Now, during his life a man learns many things, and by the time he is old he knows more than when he was born, and also more than an old man of his own age would have known, when he was born; therefore, the duty of any good man is to give back to the world what he has learned from it, in order to improve the knowledge and the position that he has received since his birth. And by writing what he has learned during his life, then, when he passes away he can give back to the world a bit more than what he has received from it, and by his contributions and other people contributions, the entire world can become a better place.

Here I must admit that there are other personal concerns in my case; you see, while I am writing this article, I am praying God to protect me from any harmful affect that these writings may bring. So, what are my greatest fears you may ask?


These are my greatest fears. 

Dear readers, I am concerned how to write my religious theory. My greatest fears about writing these religious articles, are that what I am writing can upset religious people, because they will not understand what we want to convey to them, so, they may feel threatened from our religious theory, because they are living in a religious world, which was created in the past. Now because they have believed what they believe for a long time; they fear any change, therefore, they are unwilling to change their beliefs.

For this reason they will hate me for writing my religious beliefs, the way that we are writing them, and they will want to harm me and curse me for writing them, and this cursing is another of my worries, because I am inclined to believe in curses.

You may ask why I worry about curses; it sounds childish. But you see, I am a religious believer and whoever believes in God and religion cannot help to believe in the possible existence of curses and their effects, the Bible has many examples of curses written in it.

For these reasons, I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind our Heavenly Father, who is the life giver of all living things on earth, I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the bridge and the way that binds us to God the Father, and since Jesus Christ did come to live with us on earth as a man, he knows our human misery and our pains, I am praying to Jesus in the hope that Jesus intercede for me the spirit of God Most High, in the hope that they would shield me from curses that these religious writings may attract. May God help me from these curses. Anyhow, let me pray God to help me overcome my fears, so, here I am writing some prayers to God, to overcome my fears.


Whatever problem we have in life, if we bevieve in God we pray God. 

These are my prayers. 

These are my prayers to overcome my fears:

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, to you I turn God-Most-High master of the universe, I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind; I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I would become worthy in your eyes to be your humble servant, and I pray to be allowed to write these religious writings in your name.

Almighty Father I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who once lived with us here on earth and knows our human misery, our fears and our pains; here I am praying in fear of the unknown, since what I am writing here is not yet known, so, it may bring unknown personal risks. Father I am praying you to shield me from any danger that may arise from these religious writings that I am writing here, whether they are in the form of physical threats or curses, from people that oppose these religious writings.

Almighty Father I am praying you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ to shield me from the forces of evil, since the forces of evil may want to harm me, because I am writing these religious writings. Father hear my prayer, amen

Dear readers, I hope that you understand, why I have these concerns, and my fears of curses, now my fear of curses takes me back to the last page of the Bible that sounds like a curse.

I am worried also about religious extremists because they may want to physically harm me, just because what I may be saying is a contradiction of their religious beliefs. Therefore, in their extremist view they want to harm me, or even kill me, so that their extremist beliefs are not interfered with. May God help me from these mad religious extremists!

Now, let me explain, I want religious people to see, that God and religion are not there to make wars; but they are there to help all humanity to live in peace and in harmony with each other’s.

So, these are my Religious Writings Concerns as you can see? And now, I must believe that if I keep writing in God’s name, in the end, God will help me, and God will help me write the right religious things.

This is all in this article, see you, in next article, Religious theory aim

To see more click on this link, Religious concerns and prayers

May God bless us all.
