Thursday, November 25, 2010
Preparation for introductory explanation
Man needs God
Preparation for introductory explanation
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You, angels of the realm of glory,
You tell us about the eternal story,
You tell us about the creator's glory,
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Preparation for introductory explanation
Before I can start to say what I need to say, I need to say a prayer to God, so that I may be able to prepare myself for my own, Preparation for introductory explanation, so, let me pray.
I come to you praying God-Most-High master and eternal life giver of the universe, I am praying thee for forgiveness, reconciliation, cleansing, guidance and blessing.
Father, I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayers of forgiveness and reconciliation would be heard and accepted.
I am praying in the hope that I would receive your forgiveness, reconciliation cleansing, guidance and blessing, and after receiving them, let me be your humble servant.
Father, hear my prayer forgive me my sins and bless me; so that I can live in harmony with thy eternal life-force and be able to write these writings according to your will; Amen.
Let me try to explain how I feel about the above prayer.
My dear reader: As you can see, my prayer above is directed to our Father God Most High and that is good, as God is really the divinity that we should all be praying before any others.
By praying to God-Most-High directly, not only we are able to say a better prayer; but are also able to neutralize any doubts in the mind of other people who belong to other religions, and we will appear as brothers to all the world religions at the same time, because we would be able to bypass any doubts of separatism in the minds of people belonging to other religious groups, as God-Most-High is the focal point where all religions meet together.
Of course all religious groups have their own way of praying, and they could keep their own praying ways, if they like to do so, since that is the way that they know how to pray. I am sure that it will not make any difference at all how they pray, because they still should be able to link their own prayers to our Father God Most High, as God-Most-High is the highest of all positive life-force that guides the whole universe, and therefore, He links all religions together, since all religions have been born from Him.
Forgive me my reader if you find hard to believe what I have just said above, and also what I am going to say next: but all will be explained to you again and again as I go on writing. But now let me say just a few more things about this subject; pointing out to you how and why a prayer (a person who prays) should start to pray his own personal prayer.
Any praying person should start to pray in his own personal way that is in the way which he has been taught to pray from his parents or community which one belongs. Therefore, in my writings I will not be able to show everyone how to pray or start praying, because I will only be able to pray my own way; and therefore, you must try to use your own ways of praying.
Now, since most of my prayers in my writings will be direct to our Father God Most High; in order to keep to the highest focal point for all world religions to agree: Just because I happen to be a Roman Catholic person, I am going to use the most important opening way that a Roman Catholic person uses when they start praying, so, the opening prayer or first link in my personal case to our Father Most High is the sign of the cross, which is the sign of the Holy Trinity as this clearly is stated in the words, The-Father, The-Son and the Holy-Spirit. Of course there are also other ways on how to start praying to God our Father, which is whatever one religious person is using as opening prayer in his own religion as I have said above. It is also possible for anybody to pray going through smaller deities and saints and I will talk about these prayers in a chapter later on.
But now let me go back to the prayer written above that I have just prayed and how I feel, since I have prayed God for forgiveness and reconciliation: I can tell you that I feel more confident that God will hear my prayers, not only for my reconciliation, but also for help and otherwise, and in his own ways through the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit God will help me write my religious writings, which are the most important part of my writings here. And God would also help me with my personal wants and needs, which they are mostly to keep me safe and healthy and to keep safe and in good health all the members of my family.
So now my dear readers allow me just for a moment to talk about my own personal needs, because as a human being this is one of the main reasons why I started writing about religion, and I am still writing these religious writings here. Therefore because I need some personal help right now, what I am going to write here would be my personal prayer to our Father God Most High, in the hope that God would hear my prayers, and so would help me by granting my earthly requests.
I believe that for God everything is possible to do, even those things that for us humans beings seem impossible to do, and I believe that as God is our heavenly Father He is very helpful, merciful and compassionate towards us, but we have to try to live according to His will and pray to Him if and when we need His help, so, we should turn to God and praying state our needs, even if what we want and what we need for us humans seems an impossible thing to humanly achieve.
Therefore as I have already said and let me say it again, another of the many reasons why I am writing here, it is because nowadays I need really help from God, since only God would be able to help me. I believe that I need God’s help right now, because there is illness in my family and the doctors don’t seem to find a good lasting cure, so, I have no other way but to turn to God and pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying God just like most people would pray, but from the bottom of my heart I feel that I have to do more because of my special needs, in order to receive from God what I would like to have, and therefore, these writings that I am writing here are dedicated as my personal prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God would help me and grant me my earthly requests.
Now that I have partly explained to you the reasons for my personal needs, let me write the introductory explanation of my religious writings.
Man needs God
Preparation for introductory explanation
Next time with; Introductry explanation.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Should we believe Bible Revelation?
Man needs God
Should we believe Bible Revelation?
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You, angels of the realm of glory,
You tell us about the eternal story,
You tell us about the creator's glory,
You tell us the woders of God's creation.
Should we believe Bible Revelation?
Let us talk again about the Bible Revelations
My dear readers, I need to explain that for this post to make sense to you, you need to read also a previous post called, Man needs God, John's speech because this is another answer to that religious problem discussed over there. If the link above does not work, you can scroll down this blog page to find it.
Anyhow in that post my friend Gino was saying to me that I should take the easy way out because; You can’t rush things in a situation like this. Because, I should really read the Bible once or twice more from the beginning until the very end; or at least all the new Testament to find the meaning of what has been said, and then and only then, I would be in a position to decide what to do.
Mark said the same thing to me; I believe Gino is right and we should not rush things, take your time man! There is plenty of time to do what you want to do.
Then if it is God’s will that you have to write these religious writings, God will make sure that you will find enough time and also the right way how to do it?
What is written hereunder is one of the answer which I would have given them.
OK. but just let me say first a few more things about what I believe the Bible is: I believe that the Bible is two books in one, or perhaps several books all expressed in one single book, so, the Bible may have several meanings also and not just one meaning, therefore one has to be careful to attach just one meaning to the Bible. I know that the Bible has been used only as a religious book for a very long time; but look it is also a law book, it is stated clearly in the Bible that it is a law book, they say that it is all God’s laws, as it is shown in the ten Commandments for a start.
So, let us just assume that there is this real God, who talked to Moses and that this God has laid down the laws as written in the Bible: but then; did this God talk to Moses every single time? Or sometimes Moses wrote his laws as the need dictated, so that he could control his people as best as he could?
Of course what I have said (written above) is just an example, but with this Moses’ example I want to point out that this could be the case for just any other laws and religious writing in the Bible; so, one has to assume that not everything written in the Bible is God words or inspired by God.
Having said that I can now assume that Revelation in the Bible that we were talking about with John may well be that something written just because it needed to be written like that at that particular time.
I do not believe in Revelation and tribulation as written in the Bible, because practical reasoning in my mind says that it is not going to happen that way at all; so, I feel that if it is going to happen as it is written in the Bible and therefore I am wrong in assuming that it is not going to happen, then I have reasons to believe that I am being used from God’s life force of the universe, (or whatever you want to call nowadays living God, if there is a god indeed), as I said I am being used from God as the forerunner announcing that the first seal in Revelation is about to be opened, and therefore, Revelation is truly going to happen just the way it is written in the Bible.
Do you see what I mean? Whether it happens just as it is written in the Bible, or I and somebody else who might be saying the same things as I am, about nowadays religious writings saying that Revelation is going to happen, Revelation will cease to exist, in one way or the other, therefore then, Revelation could be said that it has taken place, since a new religious system would be installed.
So, I am not particularly concerned about those threats in Revelation, because in one way or the other I fulfill God’s will.
Of course we are going to talk again and again about this subject later on in these religious writings, but now let me say a short prayer:
Almighty Father in heaven, I am praying you with all my heart my soul and my mind to forgive me my sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, so that, I would became worthy to write these, religious writings reviews, as humanly as possible according to your will; Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.
Man needs God
Showld we believe Bible Revelation?
Next time with; another thread.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
One Australian Saint
Man needs God
Prayers of Reconciliation
One Australian Saint
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Other links with similar religious interest:
Angels of the realm of glory,
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
One Australian Saint
The first Australian Saint:
This is a special day for all Catholic Australian
And this is a special Post
One Australian Saint that everybody will be talking for a long time is here.
Reported on the news
The canonisation of Mary MacKillop has been hailed as a day of rejoicing for all Australians, and a very special day for the Sisters of St Joseph.
In front of a crowd of about 50,000 Catholics from around the world, the Aussie bush girl Mary MacKillop became Saint Mary of the Cross.
Australians were estimated to make up between 6000 and 8000 of the crowd for the ceremony to canonise six saints, and they let out a huge cheer every time Mary's name was spoken.
Australian and Aboriginal flags were dotted throughout the crowd, and the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart - the order St Mary co-founded - stood out in their bright blue scarves, waving yellow Mary MacKillop balloons.
They were all there to see the canonisation of One Australian Saint.
Members of the official Australian delegation - including Cardinal George Pell, Sister Maria Casey, Sister Anne Derwin, Bishop Philip Wilson, Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop and Foreign Affairs Minister Kevin Rudd - addressed the media following the canonisation ceremony in St Peter's Square.
"This is a day of rejoicing and it's a day first of all for the Josephites - we rejoice for them, we rejoice with them," Cardinal Pell said.
"But it's also significant for the rest of us, as Australians and as Catholic Australians."
The Vatican estimated 50,000 people would be present in St Peter's Square for the occasion.
Cardinal Pell had his own way of summing up the impressive crowds.
"I thought the square was probably well and truly three-quarters full," he said.
"I thought it was a very respectable turnout. I was at the grand final of the AFL and it was a much bigger crowd than that."
Postulator Sister Maria Casey, who has worked hard for years to get Mary's sainthood recognised, said it had been a very emotional day for her.
"I felt very moved when the Holy Father actually spoke the words of the canonisation and I was able to look up at Mary looking down on us and out onto the square and I thought, `Mary, we've acknowledged you at last'," Sr Casey said.
"It was a very powerful day and a wonderful culmination for the many people who have worked on this cause since 1926. It's been a long journey.
"People say would I write my book but I say it could not be published yet."
Sr Casey said she had a discussion with the Pope, who remembered his visit to Australia for World Youth Day in 2008 with great fondness.
"He remembered very fondly his visit to Australia and being at Mary MacKillop's tomb," she said.
"He said it was a great day for Australia.
"He sends his greeting to all of Australia on this very happy occasion, and to the sisters also."
Mr Rudd said he felt humbled on hearing about the lives of the saints.
"As we listened to the life of Mary MacKillop and read the lives of those others who were canonised today, it gives you a genuine sense of smallness," he said.
"That is, that these are truly great people. It is a humbling experience."
(End of report)
Man needs God
One Australian Saint
Next time with, another normal thread
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Religious writings review
Man needs God
Religious writings review
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Other links of interest:
You, angels of the realm of glory,
You tell us about the eternal story
You tell us about the creator's glory
You tell us the wonders of God's creation.
Religious writings review
Now let me talk about these religious writings review.
Dear reader and believer, first of all, I would like to inform you that the following religious writings review are going to be written according to the existing religious beliefs; because they are not trying to change anything from the existing beliefs at all, and in fact they are being written in order to consolidate in a collective way what I/we believe is known today, so that existing religious beliefs may have a better chance to survive and be useful for the benefit of future generations. So, don’t expect much change from these reviews, even if sometimes they may seem to you that they are not completely according to the existing religious beliefs. The reason of writing these ‘Religious writings review’ is to find a way how to connect the present with the future.
Personally I believe or at least I hope that God likes the idea that I should write my religious writings review, since a strange event has happened to me, as I personally have proof to believe that I have been greeted from an angel from heaven as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe; I am saying this because there is no other possible explanation for what I have heard and seen. This special encounter I am going to write fully at the beginning of the part of these religious writings review, which I call Reconciliation of the Universe.
Because of this encounter, I believe that God is going to help me write my religious writings review of Reconciliation of the Universe in his own ways. I am saying this, because I know that for me is not going to be easy to write them as I am only a simple unlearned man, so, only with the help of God I may be able to write these writings.
You see I seem to get in all sorts of trouble when I try to write anything at all, and I get in far more trouble when I want to write important things like religion, because while I am trying to write about God’s things I end up writing my personal things. You see both these two subjects are too closely related for me as an unlearned and untrained human being, and the only thing that I would be able to do is to try and keep them separate as much as I can, so that it would make it easier for me to write them, and for you my readers to understand what I intend to say. May God help me while I write them!
Therefore now, since I believe that I have no other choice; but to write my religious writings since I have seen this angel from heaven who greeted me as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, I believe that it would be very foolish of me if I don’t write my religious beliefs now. So, let me just go ahead and write them, and may God help me!
I believe that God’s things are very important to express properly, so, let me say a prayer to God-Most-High, which is the highest and the holiest positive life-force of the whole universe, so that He would help me express myself the best way I can, before I can start to talk about any religious matter and my own personal needs.
I believe first of all that I should really try to be worthy to pray for what I want from God. So, first I have to pray God to forgive me my sins, so that I’ll be reconciled with God life force and therefore I would become worthy to pray to Him; and then I could pray and ask God what I would like personally to have, or be helped with.
So, let me pray my personal prayer of reconciliation to our merciful and Heavenly Father God Most High who is also the collective positive life force of the whole universe.
This is my personal prayer of reconciliation, in order to live my life according to thy will:
Yahweh, almighty Father in heaven, I am praying you with all my heart my soul and my mind to forgive me my sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, so that, I would became worthy to write these, religious writings review; Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.
Man needs God, blog
Religious writings review
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Prayers for Riconciliation
Man needs God
Prayers for Reconciliation
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There is a time when we know we need to do something, so we just start doing it because we believe that it is the right thing to do. This is one of those times, so I hope to God that I and my friends are doing the right thing. You see, some of us have had some supernatural experience, which together with our own life experience has made us come to a conclusion to write a book about it. Under below is how we start writing this religious book, check it out!
By the way, let us know what you think, if you can spare the time?
Angles of the realm of glory,
You tell for ever the eternal story,
You sing about the Creator glory,
You tell the wonders of God’s creation.
We all sing glory to God Most High.
God’s heavenly angles say in the sky.
They sing for God their lullabies.
They sing glory to God Most High.
Glo-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o o-o-ria
In ex-cel-sis De----------o.
These religious writings have been started purposely the way above to attract the attention of the readers; so that, any reader can understand at a glace what they can find in the pages of these religious writings. They are the preamble of the religious writings, which are going to be written hereunder, and they show clearly that these writings will be talking about God our heavenly Father, and religion and lots of other heavenly things, and this is mostly what you will find written within the pages of these writings, since they mainly will speak about God and heaven and what’s there within.
I firmly believe that I am writing in God’s name, not only because of what I have heard and seen, but also because I believe that only the existing and active God life force can lead anyone like me to write about religious things, even though they are so hard for me to write. And from the bottom of my heart I hope that my religious writings could one day serve God and help humanity understand God’s will, or at least improve the knowledge of what’s known today.
Of course we are all earthly human beings, and because we are earthly human beings there are unavoidable earthly things to be discussed, and therefore, they will have to be discussed here within these writings also; but they are going to be only those things that with God and heaven link, so, I will try hard not to write any other earthly things that is not part of religious things.
So, to whosoever will read my writings, God will help them to understand and believe in the right things, since God is greater than anybody thinks, as He is beyond any human understanding.
So, please drop every earthly thing from your mind and listen just for a moment for your own sake, because this is the good news for all human beings. You see God is offering us the most beautiful thing in the world, since God is inviting us to save ourselves forever, if we willingly try to find our own way on how to go back to Him. Therefore my dear reader and believer, it follows that if one wants to live a good earthly life, and then live the eternal heavenly life in the presence of God , one must believe in God and follow God’s ways, so one must try to do what God wants one to do all the time; which is that one must try to be in touch with God life force all the time, and if one wants to be in touch with God life force, one must be pure at heart, and even that might not be enough; but there is certainly one way, and that way is that we should ask God for forgiveness of our sins, and then we should pray God, pray and pray, because to be in touch with God life force it’s the only known and sure way.
You see, we really believe that, Man needs God, we also believe that humanity may be better off if they believe in God and religion, so we have started writing, Prayers of Reconciliation, I hope you understand us, anyhow let us continue our book.
Angels say
You ought to pray to Our Father Most High,
God's heavenly angels would tell us from the sky,
Pray and tell Father what would be your heart desires?
So Father could decide what would be your supply.
So, I've prayed to Our Father God Most High,
Father of the entire world that guides the universe,
Let there be an angel from the realm of glory,
That would guide me to tell your eternal glory.
And then one day I had a real surprise, because my prayer above was really answered:
Incredible as it may seem this event really took place and even surprised me, because while I was going to the local shops one very late afternoon just before sunset, I saw three persons that I had never seen before on the footpath which I was walking on, they were fully dressed in simple tidy everyday clothes even though it was summer, and in summer most men here ware shorts, while women ware flimsy clothes to keep cool. Looking back at this event it seems to me that these three persons were waiting for me to pass near them; and as I was approaching them two of them a man and a woman started walking towards me leaving the other man alone, so that I had to walk between them to keep going to this shop, they had to be from heaven, because what the man left alone on my left said to me no human being on earth could ever have known at that time.
One of these angels said to me with a courteous jest.
But I was terrified from this sudden happening and moved away from them in fear.
About this supernatural happening I will describe to you later on, in a more detailed way, in a special place within these writings, where it would be easier to understand why this happened to me, since in that position it will make more sense to the readers. For now I want only to say that this apparition is what really pushes me to continue to write these religious writings, since this is for me the proof of the existence of a higher intelligence in the whole universe and the proof that we are not alone.
Prayers of Reconciliation
Next time with, Born from the need of circumstance.
Just remember that, Man needs God.
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Man needs God
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Man needs God
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There are times when we believe that God is up there looking at every move that we make, but there are times when we think that God does not exist, this has been humanity dilemma from the very beginning of our known life records.
So, it may come down to whether God does really exist and our need to believe in the existence of God. What do you think? Does God really exist?
Michelangelo face of God, Jupiter and the Aztec god
These are some images of gods that mankind has worshipped.
Here I have to add that nobody has really seen God, as God is supposed to be an unseen life force which humans are unable to see.
How it all started is hard to say; but let me have my personal say about these beliefs and why, Man needs God.
Atheists do not believe in anything, so for them there is no God; but I believe that there is a God even if I cannot prove it and if there is no God mankind still needs God.
Perhaps man has invented God to help themselves for many reasons, one of the reasons is that it was started out from our inner fear of the unknown.
What I have just said may hurt some people feelings, but we are a fearful lot. We are looking for security all the time, so we live in communities to feel safe; it is human nature to feel this fear of the unknown and it is good because it helps us survive.
The origin of religion therefore may well be an extended reaction to our inner fear, which we try to control by simple reasoning of our mental capacity. So when we were or are facing unexplainable things, we have found a way out in religion, which is good at explaining the unexplainable, and so, religion helps us and makes us feel more secure.
For religion to exist and be helpful to us needs a god as figure head, so this is how god and religion is seen from most people.
What I have just said would make people think that we have invented God ourselves, but I am not sure about that; because it is still possible that things are as the Bible says, which is that God created us.
The fact still remains that man needs God.
As I have said above; man needs God, and God needs man.
So let us try to discuss and learn the reason why in this blog post, or the following posts, as I am sure that this is going to be a long discussion and I will be writing many posts.
What do you think? Does God really exist?
Post a comment and let us know your views.
Next time with, What God could be like in the future.
See you next time and remember that, Man needs God.
You are all invited to take part in these writings and please, write to us and let us know what you think about it all.
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Come on, give us a hand and start writing something!
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See you soon.
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