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and this post, second God circle positive
Second God circle positive
Circle No: 2. Second God circle.
This is how god life force could be described, in the centre of our galaxy, as a large field of positive life energies that is able to give life to every living thing.
This is my own sketch of the spiritual life forces of the universe, in this case God is at the top, the whole sketch shows how the spiritual forces move in the universe, forming a cycle of life that never ends.
In this spiritual circle number two, there are many gods and goddesses, so we have mentioned a few in our text, so we could have added several photos here. So I have chosen just one to represent the imaginary rest of them.
In this photo are Indian goddesses, sometimes it is hard for me to say much about these Indian Gods; but anyhow the point here is that, I believe they are all near God life force of the universe.
Second God circle positive
Dear readers this
is the continuation of our previous post, our ways of describing God, we have
talked in our previous post about, circle one positive, so in this circle, we
are going to talk about, circle number two positive, so let me write or say a
prayer before I start writing about this God’s circle
My prayer for the
second circle positive
My Lord God Most
High, I am going to pray you to help me; I am praying you my Lord to help me
find my way about what to say in this circle.
So, to the Creator
of life in the universe I humbly pray. Father, help me to write my religious
theory the correct way and so, I pray.
My Lord God, merciful and benevolent Father I am
praying thee to help me, knowing that my Lord God is pure life energy and to
talk about God’s life energy or force I have to be pure as well, and I know
that this is the only way that God may accept my ways of saying religious
things. Now, knowing that as a man I am not pure, since during my life as a man
I have sometimes sinned, I pray you our Father God to forgive me all my life
sins. So, Father I pray you with all my heart my soul and my mind to forgive me
all my life sins and purify me; and then when I am purified help me and guide
me to write this religious theory about the second circle positive of our
theory, Reconciliation of the universe; Amen.
After praying God
our Father, hoping that God would guide me to see and say the right things, I
feel more confident and this is how I see the second circle positive.
Holy, Holy, Holy,
this is the only way that I can start writing about this second circle
positive. In this second circle positive Yahweh (Jehovah) Allah and our Lord
Jesus Christ are there forever present, as they are part of the central
life-force of God and part of our Lord God the Father of every living thing.
Therefore, in this
circle there are most of the world gods and the Nephilim’s as they are the
spiritual children of God central life force, they are very powerful spiritual
beings indeed; they have immense supernatural powers within themselves and they
are the most powerful spirits of the universe after God the Father; they are
able to move independently from God’s energy source, even though they have to
return to God central energy source sometimes to recharge themselves, even if
this event may happen once in a thousand earth years.
Therefore, they all
serve God the Eternal Father willingly as they are God’s own children and also
because they will still depend from God’s life energy forever.
This is also the
place where all the good and spiritual gods of the world are, and each and
every one of them are here no matter to what religion one might belong, for
sure one will find his own spiritual god here in this circle, because after all
they are the children of God the Father, the central-life-force of the
universe. One has to understand that they are here because; God the Father
being the central life force lets them be here to help run humanity, since
humanity believes in them, so all past and present gods are there to represent
that part of the community that has believed in them, and anyhow they are part
of the positive life force of God.
So, here are, or is
the Indian God Brahman, which seems to be like the Christian Trinity, since
Brahman Trimurty is supposed to be three gods in one: Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiver, they have also their consort goddesses Saraswati, Lakshimi and Shakti;
there are many more other gods that humanity has believed in their existence,
there is Thor the Viking God and some other spiritual entity that represent the
old pagan religions here are also the main spiritual leader like Buddha that
has created the Buddhist religion and many others that I don’t know or remember
their names; all these entities are there to represent all those souls of
people that have believed in them, you see it would be logic to believe that
all the souls or spirit of past people need to have a link to the central God
life force energy, therefore they are all there and they are all part and also
subject to the central life force of God.
Anyhow, what we
need to say next is that we have to point it out to you and remind you that,
all these gods in circle number 2 positive they are gods, but they are not the
real central God-life-force of the universe, because they are only part of the
central God life energy, since God the central life force created them and
takes care of them, and also allows them to do lots of things as long as they
follow God’s central life force direction. Therefore, because they are
spiritually powerful they are Gods, so, they can easily be mistaken for a real
super God from earthly people, because of their immense supernatural powers, as
we have said they are Gods but they are not the super God that we are searching
for, who is the central life force of God of the universe and would be the one
and only real central God Himself, and this God would be capable to connect or
link every spiritual and living thing together. But let us look at what most
people believe and have believed in the past.
God people and spiritual existence
Let us just mention
a few beliefs and folklore tales about these spirits that are in this dimension
with God, as it is said that they sometimes are able to visit our dimension and
they are able to do some supernatural things and one of this event is even
mentioned in the Bible;
It is mentioned in
the Bible, that some of these spirits used to come down to earth and mix with
humans; they made love to women and even had children with them, their children
had also some supernatural powers, and could easily overrule the common people
will. But God the Father of everything didn’t like what they did, therefore
after the flood, God the Father has set up a boundary around earth, and He has
forbidden those powerful spirit to come down to earth. So now they could come
to earth only if there is a mission from God to accomplish.
Here I have to
explain to my readers once more that notwithstanding the many gods’ like
spirits that I have acknowledged above, there is only one true God throughout
the universe. Because only the central life force of the universe is the real
God, and therefore the Father of every living thing, so it is for this reason
that, there is only one God throughout the universe. Of course the others are
gods as well, because we see them as gods and therefore they are gods, but they
are not the central life force that guides the entire universe and give life
energy to every living thing.
What we have
described above is only a small part of the whole universe, so at this moment
the theory of, Reconciliation of the Universe is not a clear picture of
everything put together. Anyhow, this will become clear to you our readers, if
you follow us and read the following articles that will be written soon.
THE UNIVERSE is to be continued; next time with a description of the positive
circles number 3 and 4, God’s central sit of government, see you there.
May God bless us
Man needs God
Second circle positive
Next with; God third circle positive
Some personal and religious links:
Some personal and religious links: