Friday, June 17, 2016

Nature of the universe

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this lost, nature of the universe
Nature of the universe
There are reasons to believe that the universe is formed of many galaxies, and we belong to this galaxy that we call the milky way, which includes our solar system and our plant earth, as we have been told many times before; anyhow, here we are trying to talk about the nature of the universe.

Nature of the universe

Dear readers, as we have said in our previous post, Mother earth circle, here we are going to describe the nature of the universe
But, before we start writing about how the universe came into being, by using what is widely known and accepted in the world today, and also by using our own imagination. I would like to pray to God Our Father to guide and help me to write what’s within the universe, since God is an integral part of the entire universe, and it is believed that God is the ruler of the whole universe. So let us just pray God our spiritual Father, first of all.
Opening Prayer
My Lord God and Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart my soul and my mind to forgive me all my life sins and purify me, since I know that I need to be clean and pure in my heart and my mind, before I can ask and receive any help about anything, because only when I am pure and clean you would and could accept me and help me. So, Father first of all forgive me my sins, and then open my mind eyes to understand and see what I need to see, and help me to write the right things in this article about the nature of universe, and also, the links that link the life force of God within the Universe to us and the universe. Father, hear my prayer!
Nature of the universe
We are going to write here, a general simplified and logic explanation of the universe, as seen from a simple minded man that uses logic explanation. Now I want to point it out that our explanation does not want to tell anything new to the learned people, but it is trying to explain this to simple minded people, especially for those religious people that believe in anything at all, just because they have been told to believe it, even if it is impossible to be so. Anyhow, we believe that they have the right to know that there are some universal laws of existence in the universe that cannot be changed, therefore, everything that happens is subject to these universal laws; so, let us explain:
The universal law of existence within the universe remains the same forever, and also the complete mass of the existing matter put together remains always the same, although there are countless elements existing within the universe.
But although the amount of matter of the complete mass does not change, it is possible for some elements within it to go through a process and transform themselves to another element or value.
Therefore, one can safely say that within the universe: Nothing comes out of nothing, and nothing can be destroyed; since the existing elements can only be transformed to another element or value.
The general way that the matter of the universe behaves
Within the universe the masses of heavenly bodies behave in their own normal way, and the general law of the universe is that they spin around in many ways even the small particles could and would spin around within themselves. So most of the heavenly bodies spin around on their own axis and the smaller ones orbit around the larger ones, and they together orbit around some other centre of attraction, and this centre of attraction orbit around to some other centre of attraction. They all orbit around each other to a set speed that is equal to the centre of attraction pulling force, that is to say, that the force of attraction is equal to the force of speed of the body that pulls away from it: So that, a balance is thus reached and this will keep the universe running for ever as it is now, or perhaps for millions and millions of years still to come.
In order to simplify it let us just talk about our galaxy. Our galaxy is part of the whole universe as we already know, and the heavenly bodies in it behave just as we have described above. But as we all know, in our Milky Way galaxy there are other things in existence that we know of: Such as life, electrical energy, radio waves and other things; of these other things we will be talking about them later on, at the moment we want to say that in the other galaxies, because they can be bigger or smaller than our Milky Way Galaxy, also these things may be slightly different, since their size and composition may be different.
Our Milky Way Galaxy
Now let us talk about our own galaxy. Within the Milky Way Galaxy which is our galaxy, there is a lot of electrical energy floating around, which may well be that in the beginning it came about because of the spinning of the heavenly bodies, or was it the other way around, and perhaps it was the existing energy itself that started to spin around the heavenly bodies in the first place: This is hard to know how it all came to be the way it is now. But it is a well-known fact that electricity can be produced by a generator being turned by a turbine, or by a steam engine, or any other sort of motors: And in a reverse cycle electric energy is used to power electric motors, so it works both ways.
Anyhow the only point that I want to prove here is that there is electric energy throughout the galaxy, and it does not matter how it came about to be there in the beginning; and because of this energy there are also electromagnetic fields: and radiations of all sorts, gamma rays, infrared rays, different sorts of radio waves, ultraviolet light, visible light, X rays, and many other things including some that we don’t even know that they exist.
All this floating electrical energy and everything else put together within our galaxy is being guided from a natural force that has always existed, as we have already explained above in this post. But some of us want to believe that it is all guided from a supernatural force that might well be part of God, just because we would like to have a God to turn to in many instances, so we call this supernatural force God as we know it today.
Anyhow, in our religious writings here this supernatural force that we call God, it is part of the energy itself, and this force we will be calling God of the Universe in our religious writings is part of this force as well. And now, it is about this supernatural force that we are trying to explain in these pages the best way we can. So, we are asking ourselves, how God of the Universe came into being; which we will try to somehow explain it, in our next post, since this post is becoming too long. So, see you soon, in our next post called, how God of the universe came into being.
Man needs God
Souls, angels and planet earth 
Next with; Mather earth circle.
Some personal and religious links: 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mother earth circle

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, mother earth circle

- This is one of our imaginary sketches,  of how the spiritual life forces of the universe form a never ending cycle in the universe. Our planet earth would be at the centre, which would be at the boundary between the positive life forces of God, and the negative life force of the universe.

Mother earth is surrounded from the spiritual forces of the universe on both sides; and the angels of God guide and regulate those souls of the spiritual forces that come down to earth to live on earth and other things as well.

Mother earth circle
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post called, “Angels, souls and planet earth.” Now, the seventh circle or place of our spiritual world in the universe is mother earth circle, which is the planet earth surrounded by lots of spiritual life forces forming a large circle around it. Planet earth including the circle that surrounds it is a bit different from the other spiritual circles, because the spiritual position of our planet earth is between these two spiritual forces, on one side we have the positive forces and then the negative forces on the opposite side, because it is placed at the boundary and between both circles, circle six positive and circle six negative; (Circle six negative can be also called circle eight counting from God central life force) here we may have to add that this is only a possible description of our imaginary spiritual world within the universe and we are going to say more about these spiritual circles that we have mentally divided later on, when we talk about the negative circles in the universe.
But now, since we are talking about spiritual things and religions and perhaps we will have to modify those existing religions in this process, because we believe that it would be done for the future benefit of mankind as we have already said earlier; for this reason, we believe that we better pray God to help us write the right things for our seventh circle of Mother Earth, so let us pray again,
Prayer for the seventh circle mother earth
Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart my soul and my mind, I am praying that you would forgive me all my life sins and purify me, so that I would become purified from my sins, and then I will be worthy to write about our planet earth, which is about us and your creation on earth. So Father, forgive me my sins and purify me. Then let my guardian angel suggest and help me to write only the right religious things when I write about mother earth and your created life that’s on this planet, and also the way that you set-up for us on how we should live our lives here on earth. I pray you Father to let me see through my mind eyes what I have to describe; let me feel it within my heart what I have to write: Father, hear my prayer, amen!
This is how I imagine within my mind what happens in circle No: 7;
There are souls of all sorts in this spiritual circle that surrounds earth and the most advanced souls, who happen to be the souls of us people, are praying God.
Prayer of the souls who are going to live on mother earth:
We who are the souls that are going to be send to live on earth, we all pray to God our Father to give us strength, so that we should be able to live our lives on earth according to his will, in such a way, that when the time comes for us to pass away and become spirits again, we should be ready and worthy to return to his kingdom as better and stronger souls.
We who are going to live on planet earth know that our earthly life will be a sort of trial, and when our time comes to pass way, then our life that we have lived on earth will seem only a dream, and if we compare our life on earth to eternity it will seem completely nothing. So we pray God our Father to grand us to live our life on earth in peace and prosperity, but above all let us live according to His will, so that at the end of our lives on earth we may return to him as better souls and earn eternal life.
This is how I imagine planet earth:
We are travelling within and in between the two combined circles number six in the universe, while we are travelling within the universe through this double combined circle, we travel with the company of God’s send angels, which dwell on the sixth circle positive side and move along with planet earth through the sign of the zodiac. The angels of God are those who help regulate God’s life-energy-units that are to be sent to earth, as I have said in circle six positive.
Earth has an invisible barrier around itself, which helps to isolate earth from the floating life energy of the universe, and this is from the positive and also the negative life energy, so that the life energy allowed to come to earth is regulated from the angles of God.
Within the barrier it’s where life exists as we know it on earth, and the most important life in God’s eyes is us the human race. God the creator of everything takes great pride about us human beings, because we can think and reason and therefore we are a tiny bit like God Himself. Therefore, God loves us so much that he has always tried to help us, in the hope that we would be able to understand Him and follow Him.
But most of the times up to the present time there have been times when we have failed to live according to his will and his expectations. So if nowadays we happen to live in a dreadful way it’s only our own fault, because God has tried to teach us his own good ways.
We who live on this planet earth are all God’s own children; there is no doubt about it since God is Our Spiritual Father and the life force of the entire universe. You see since the very beginning of the world God has many times given us a tiny bit of His-life-energy, and in order to explain to you how I imagine it and what’s on my mind, and how we have been created from God’s life force, I am going to start from the very beginning when the universe was born, and to do this I have to stop for the moment writing about circle seven (mother-earth), and write about the nature of the universe, and at the end of that, and other necessary explanations we will complete our writings about circle 7 mother earth.
But, I believe that this post is already long enough, so, we will be writing about the nature of the universe in our next post called, Nature of the universe. See you soon.
May God bless us all?

Man needs God

Souls, angels and planet earth 
Next with; Mather earth circle.
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Souls, angels and planet earth

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God and this post, souls, angels and planet earth 

Souls, angels and planet earth

Let us just imagine that there are angels and souls in heaven above our beautiful blue planet earth and there are also many other living being.
Use your imagination and think about all the lights that you see in the sky at night and then think again that some of them are not visible and could be spiritual things from the other side. You see the spiritual world is not easy to describe, so, we can only imagine many possibilities and then describe them. So, let me describe what I imagine.   

Souls, angels and planet earth
Dear readers, starting with this post, we will write a few posts, where we will be talking about the nature of the universe, and also, those spiritual things that are believed to exist and we are giving them an imaginary place in heaven; Souls, angels and planet earth; Mother earth circle 7; Nature of the universe; How God of the universe came into being; How God of the universe started life on earth; Mother Nature and Evolution are the servant of God. Starting with: 

May God guide and help me to write this article.

Dear readers, this is a long article: we will be talking about the general nature of the universe, we will talk about those spiritual being that are believed to exist, so, we are giving them an imaginary place in heaven, in these sub articles here-under: Souls, angels and planet earth; Nature of the universe; How God of the universe came into being; How God of the universe started life on earth; Mother Nature and Evolution are the servant of God.

Souls, angels and planet earth

Here we are talking about the sixth circle positive, Angels, Saints and human souls, this is the last circle positive in our imaginary description of the spiritual forces of the universe that happen to be on God’s side, because on the other side of our planet earth (circle 7) the spiritual life forces of the universe will be described as negative forces, because they are negative, and because they are moving away from God positive life force and they are becoming more negate.

Now, to link our spiritual circles in a way that they make sense, they need to be set up in a certain order for everything to make sense, we need to link them together as much as we can, including mother earth circle 7.

Anyhow, before I start to talk about circle 7, I am praying God for guidance.

My Lord God who are in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, so that I would become spiritually clean, and then, the ever-present guiding force of the Holy Spirit can guide me. Father hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.


Mother earth circle 7

Now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident to write this article. The seventh circle mother earth. Our mother earth is surrounded by spiritual life forces forming a large circle around it. So, planet earth including the circle that surrounds it is different from the other spiritual circles, because the spiritual position of our planet earth is between these two spiritual forces. On one side we have the positive life force of God, and then, we have the negative forces on the opposite side, because our planet is placed at the boundary and between both circles, circle six positive and circle six negative. Anyhow, this is a description of our imaginary spiritual world of the universe, and we are going to say more, when we talk about the negative circles.

Dear readers, here we are talking about circle No: 7; which is formed from Mother Earth and a belt of spiritual forces that surround it on all sides. In this spiritual belt, there are all sorts of souls, but the most advanced souls, happen to be the souls of us people, and we are praying God.

Prayer of the souls who are going to live on mother earth:

We who are the souls that are going to be send to live on earth, we pray God our spiritual Father to give us strength, so that we can live our lives on earth according to his will, in such a way, that when the time comes for us to pass away, we should be ready and worthy to return to his kingdom as better and stronger souls.

We who are going to live on planet earth now, we know that our earthly life is a trial, and when our time comes to pass way, then our life that we have lived on earth will seem only a dream. So, we pray God our Father to grand us to live our life on earth in peace and prosperity, but above all let us live according to His will, so that at the end of our lives on earth we may return to him as better souls and earn eternal life.


This is how I imagine planet earth

Let me explain, this is how I imagine planet earth. We are travelling within and in between the two combined spiritual circles number six in the universe, while we are travelling within the universe through this combined double circle, we travel with the company of God’s send angels, which dwell on the sixth circle positive side and move along with planet earth through the sign of the zodiac. The angels of God are those who help regulate God’s life-energy-units that are to be sent to earth.

In the folklore tales that I have heard when I was young, earth has an invisible barrier around itself, which helps to isolate earth from the floating spiritual world, or the life energy of the universe, and this is from the positive and also the negative life energy, so that the life energy allowed to come to earth is regulated from the angles of God.

So, life exists as we know it on earth, and the most important life in God’s eyes is humanity. God the creator of every living thing takes great pride about us human beings, because we can think and reason with our brains, and therefore we are a tiny bit like God Himself. Therefore, God loves us so much that he has always tried to help us, in the hope that we would understand Him and follow Him. But some time we have fail to live strictly per God’s will.

Anyhow, we are God’s spiritual children, there is no doubt about it, since God is Our Spiritual Father and the life force of the entire universe. You see, since the beginning of the world, God has given us some of His-life-energy, and to explain how I imagine we have been created from God’s life force, I am going to start from the beginning when the universe was born. So, I will write about the nature of the universe, and at the end of that, we will complete our writings about circle 7 mother earth, so, let us look at the nature of the universe. 

To do that we must imagine these things, we can also pray God for guidance, so, I am praying. 


Our Father in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, so that I would become clean and the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would be able to guide me; and therefore, I would be able to write these religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
Now that I have written this prayer above, I feel more confident that I can write about our next issue about, Mother earth circle, but we are going to do that in our next post, since people like to read short article only, so, see you soon for the time being.

Man needs God
Souls, angels and planet earth 
Next with; Mather earth circle.
Some personal and religious links: 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Souls before birth

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, souls before birth
Souls before birth

Dear readers this photo shows you only angels surrounding out planet earth. You see it is impossible for me to find a photo that describe what is being said in the text. So you have just to imagine it for yourself.

Souls before birth

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, angels and human souls, where we were describing the sixth circle positive, so, let us continue to describe now the souls before birth. In the folklore beliefs of life and souls, it is believed that, to be born on earth a soul must go through a process and then cross a barrier, but when this soul crosses the barrier it will forget everything, so that, that soul will not remember where it came from, and will not remember whether it has lived before another life. Then the soul is ready to become a person, and at the moment that a newborn child takes the first breath, it will enter the body of such a child and become God’s own seedling.
The angels in charge of the life giving group take great care of the souls in circle number six positive, and they make sure that only the most suitable souls are sent to earth to become people.
Therefore, while most of the glowing bodies of life-energy stay put in circle number six, most of this life-energy floating in this circle may only be allowed to become animals, and only a small selected amount will become people, the rest of it can become anything, but whatever they become they have to be always near the same value as they are within the circle: So that, a large glowing body may become a large animal, and a very small glowing body may become only an insect.
Therefore, the task of the angels in circle number six is thus divided:
Group one is to select and take care of the most suitable life-energy units within the circle, who could be able to become good people, and then they get them ready to give this selected God given life-energy to the new born human babies when they are born, hoping that they would live their earthly life according to God’s benevolent will, and therefore they would become worthy to move up the ladder when they return, and be able to enter paradise in god’s heavenly reign at their return, after being accessed by another group of angels.
The angels of group number two is to collect all the people souls when they return after their death, then they will have to evaluate them according to their deeds that they did during their life on earth, and if they have done good deeds, like they have believed in God and followed his commandments, and therefore they have become better souls, then they may be given a better place in circle six positive, or if they have been exceptionally good and they are free from sins they may go to paradise: But if they have become worse during their life on earth, then they have to move to a lower place in circle six positive, and if they have been really bad during their life on earth and they are full of sins, they may have to go to circle six negative, since they have become negative, and this is where the negative force will decide what to do with them. (We will describe the sixth circle negative when we come to it).
Then there is this third group of angels that are the guardian angels, they don’t have any power to do anything special, but they are the helpers’ who help the angels in charge in circle six positive to get the souls ready, and when the souls of these persons are ready they are send to earth to live their earthly life. Now because the guardian angels are the only angels allowed from God to come down to earth, one of these guardian angel will be assigned to follow one of these souls and try to council it to live according to God’s will, in the hope that it will become a better soul. Here we have to add that many religions believe that this is true, so, they may be true indeed.
Dear readers, this is how we could imagine these heavenly things that make life possible on earth. Now, we would like to add at this stage that we would like to remind our readers that all this theory of Reconciliation of the Universe above had been written when I had that supernatural encounter. Therefore, in a way I am lead to believe that I may be very close to the truth, otherwise, why did these angels come down and greet me as the writer of Reconciliation of the Universe? See this link about my encounter; Pre Reconciliation of the Universe
This article has become too long to continue, so see you in our next article where we are going to describe the, Nature of the universe and earth; see you there.
May God help us understand his will?
May God bless us all?
Man needs God

Souls before birth

Next with; nature of the universe and earth.
Some personal and religious links: 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Angels and human souls

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, angels and human souls
Our planet earth is within this belt of life bearing energy of the universe that makes life possible on earth. You need to read the entire text for a better explanation.

This second sketch shows how life cycle of the universe would flow. These two sketches could be found in our Google sites, its address is shown in our text beside.

Angels and human souls
Angels and souls of sixth circle positive
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, the sixth circle positive; where we were talking about, this imaginary universe that we are describing here. As we have already said before that there is a wide section in the universe, which is formed form these two circles of life bearing energies and our planet earth floats between these two combined circles number six, which are crowded with life bearing energy of all shapes and forms on both sides: planet earth also takes in its journey through space, a very special set up of heavenly glowing bodies, they are the angels of God who have been sent to help us, and their task is to keep life running on earth according to God’s benevolent will.
These angels that God  has sent in the sixth circle positive have been send to help regulate life on our planet earth and they are divided in separate groups, one group is there to select and send life-bearing-energy on earth, so that those souls or glowing bodies they select can live their life on earth; another group is to collect the returning life energy at the end of their life on earth, and to evaluate them at their return, so that they can decide in which part of the heavens they may now belong, and they will be staying there until the appointed day of judgment, if there is a real judgement day; and another group who are the guardian angels is to help people live their lives on earth according to God’s will. This religious theory here is more or less what people are being told in most religions anyhow, so it might be indeed true, or at least can be believed to be true.
Of course what we have said above is not exactly what all people believe, because they believe in many different ways, but in order to write our theory, we have to find a way on how to describe this part of the heaven, and bridge the people beliefs to our religious theory, so we have to use our imagination and describe it the best way we could.
So now let us look at this circle from another point of view, looking from a distance at these groups of glowing heavenly bodies, the biggest and brightest are the angels in charge, while they guide the whole operation; next are their angels worker or helpers, and next are the guardian angels which are the councillors and the messenger of God, they have no power to do anything of importance themselves, but they help the other angels in many ways, and they are the only spirits allowed from God to enter and to leave the world of the living on earth, and their duty on earth is to council the soul of a living person, so that such a person may have a better chance to live according to God’s will. Here again we have to say that many religions believe what we have said above, therefore it has a good chance to be true.
After the guardian angels, in importance and brightness are the souls of people which are waiting for their turn to be born on earth; the angels in charge together with the guardian angels take great care of them, because they are the most important life-bearing-energy that will be send to earth to regenerate new human life. In this circle there are also lots of less bright and also smaller glowing bodies, which are the animals and insects, because anything that’s living needs the life force from God to live, even if it is only one single cell of life, this is because God is life and anything living is part of God life force.
Most people believe and this may also include some religious people, who will agree with us here, that life on earth is run from mother-nature, which in conjunction with God and with the help of God have created the existing life on earth; and to keep this life going at the best possible level as God intents it to be, three entities are required to create a new life: two of these entities are supplied from mother-nature, a male and a female of any specie, which are able to start a new life going, all they have to do is to follow mother-nature given instinct.
Then at the birth of a new human being when the new born takes the first breath, a unit of god’s life force also enters the new human body, and a complete individual is thus formed. The unit of God’s life-force that enters the new human body at birth is intended to be like God’s own seedling, and it is hoped that it will grow in a parallel way, like the person that has received it; so that, at the end of such a person’s life it will be richer, brighter and wiser than when it started life on earth. Therefore, when that person dies and the soul becomes free to return back as a soul, it is hoped that it is worthier that when it started. The angels of God will be judging the outcome, and see if that soul has become a better soul than when it started to live on earth.
I believe that this post is becoming too long, so, see you in our next post called, souls before birth, where we are going to describe how we see these souls.
See you soon.
Man needs God

The sixth circle positive
Next with; about angels and human souls
Some personal and religious links: 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The sixth circle positive

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, the sixth circle positive
The sixth circle positive
There are several sorts of angels in heaven, so they do many things as well; they also tell us about God and God creation. 
You, angels of the realm of glory, you tell us about the eternal story, you tell us about the creator's glory, you tell us the wonders of God's creation.

Angels are happy spiritual beings, they have a happy deposition and in heaven they play and sing to God the Father of all living things. But there is a group of angels that surrounds our planet earth. They are there to do God's will and guide the souls that are around earth.

This is one of my sketch shows how the life cycle of the universe would flow. These two sketches could be found in our Google sites, its address is shown in our text in this post.

The sixth circle positive
May God of the universe help and guide me to say the right religious things.
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our previous post, angels, saints and human souls, where we have written about the fifth circle positive, and then explained to our religious readers that they don’t need to worry about their religious beliefs, because they can continue to believe whatever they believe, as our articles are not trying to change them at all. So, now let us talk about the spiritual life bearing energies of the universe in the sixth circle positive
Here again I believe that we need to pray God before we write anything about this sixth circle positive of the spiritual life forces of the universe, since this is that part of the universe which may affect our life on our planet earth, as this circle surrounds half our planet earth, as we will be explaining soon, as we continue to write about our religious articles.
Prayer for the sixth circle positive
God our Father who are in heaven I pray you to forgive me all my life sins, because I am only a human being, and as human beings I am weak and I believe I may have sinned. Therefore, I pray you Father to forgive me my sins, so that I would be able to become worthy to write this religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe. I believe in your benevolence and mercy and I look forward to your forgiveness of my life sins; I also pray you to help me see through my mind’s eyes with my own imagination what I have to write in this sixth circle positive. Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.
After praying thus, I imagine that there are lots of souls and also angels in this sixth circle positive doing many things and a lot of these souls are also praying to God thus:
We pray you God our Father to have mercy for us.
We are here waiting to be called upon to do our duty.
We pray you Father to give us strength to serve you,
We want to try our best and be one day closer to you benevolent Father God.
We pray you Father, God of heaven and earth because you are our spiritual Father, and the Father of all life and every living existing thing. We believe that your life force has started every single life on earth, and this life that you have started, at the end of their earthly life would like to come back to you in good form. So Father give us the strength to live our life according to your benevolent will; let us understand your ways and teach us how to live our lives if and when we are going to live on planet earth, so that we may become better souls at the end of our earthly life journey, and so be worthy to come back to you: We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord: Father, hear our prayer and help us, amen.
While the souls pray as we have said above, the angels of the lord look after them, so they are there for good reasons, as they help and guide the souls to do God’s will, and this is how I imagine the sixth circle positive is:
I need to say that this sixth circle positive is the most important circle for us people of the earth, because in this sixth circle most of God’s life bearing energy selected to come to earth is kept, that is to say, that the future life energy of the souls that will come to earth are kept waiting for their turn in this circle, as I will try to describe it to you below, I also hope that I would be able to explain, where is this sixth circle positive.

Where is the sixth circle positive?

Here I have to say that I wish I could really draw a sketch to show you what I am trying to explain, but so far I have not been able to find a way how to do that properly within the computer, so I have to try my best to explain my theory by writing it. Anyhow I have been able to upload a couple of small sketches that you can find at this web address, as I have said also in circle No: 5:
Of course I have to say it again that this is just an imaginary theory, which I have worked out from the many folklore beliefs that I have heard during my life; now, using what I have learned from life, I am going to place all these life forces energies of the universe or souls if one wants to call them that, in a place where they could really happen to be, thinking that they should be like that just to make sense; you see, there must be order in heaven especially in this positive God side of the universe; otherwise everything in the entire world would be chaos, so let us describe how I believe it could be like and where the sixth circle positive is:
In the universe the sixth circle positive runs parallel with circle sixth negative and it would be impossible to completely separate them. But at this point I want to point out to you that, these combined two circles together with and including our planet earth, which happen to be situated between these two circles forming a very large belt of God’s life bearing energy in the universe. So it is between these two circles that our planet earth floats through the cosmos of the universe.
Within this combined double circle there are lots of individual bodies of life energy, starting with circle sixth positive which has prevailing positive life energy on God’s side, and then a mix up of life energy of all shapes and forms in the centre, and as it gets closer to the negative side it becomes more and more negative.
Therefore, here one may have to assume that the sixth circle positive being side by side with the circle negative there is no real boundary; so, where the sixth circle positive ends the sixth circle negative begin. This is also where our planet earth floats through the cosmos of the universe between these two circles of life bearing energies.
Just let us go over once again; the circle sixth negative starts with a mix up of life energy of all shapes and forms at the edge of the positive side, and then slowly changes to prevailing negative life energy closer to the evil or negative side.
Now let me try to explain why this happens, as this is just the normal behaviour of the life energy of the universe: that is to say that the positive units of life energy are attracted by the positive side, and the negative units of life energy are attracted to the negative side. (To make it easier to understand, the sixth circle negative will be described later on, in the sixth circle negative.)
Now let me go back to describe circle sixth positive. In this circle there are lots of units of life bearing energy floating around, there is really a very large crowd of them, they are waiting for their chances to come down to earth and live a life, or perhaps another life again, this may be possible, since there are religions that believe in reincarnation. So they are waiting their turn, and if or when they get that chance to be on earth, they will try to improve themselves if it is possible doing God’s will, because that’s a good way to move higher up in importance in the spiritual world, and perhaps then they would be allowed to move up in another circle situated closer to God’s central life force, which is within the universe of God’s life energy.
But for those glowing bodies of life bearing energy to come down to earth and live a life is not as easy as it sounds, because they must first be allowed to find a way which would allow them to live a life of near equal value as they happen to be now in their present state. I will try to explain this when I write about life on earth, and about the set-up, about how that could be achieved. Anyhow you can check this link; Creation and creation of mankind, as it could help.
Some needed explanation
I have become aware that we need some explanations
Now my dear readers, I believe that we have not been able to write everything the way that we believe it should have been written, so, allow me to stop talking about circle number six, and allow me to go back to the general setting of the circles that I have already written about, it is necessary for me to go back before I start to talk about number seventh item which will be our planet earth, because I need to describe some other things that I have not been able to describe until now.
As I have already said before, if we were able to see the life forces of the universe we would see them as glowing bodies that moved around in the universe. Therefore, we would see that in all positive circles generally speaking the smallest and/or the least important glowing bodies of life energy go to the farthest places, away from the central life force of God, where they wait for their tasks to be fulfilled, therefore most of them end up in circle sixth positive. The whole place that I have described up to here is very crowded with these life energy glowing bodies, but even so they never collide with each other’s, as the whole life force of God guides them; they can do so because throughout the cosmos they are in constant contact with God’s central life-force.
As anyone can see, what I have been describing above is only the main set order in the universe that keeps everything in place. But sometimes and this happens only in very rare occasions, in the middle of all this order there is an exception to this rule, there is a wanderer, which is a glowing body of life bearing energy brighter than the rest, the wanderer usually comes straight from the central life force of God, and it may have very great powers and a mission to accomplish, like the mission of Jesus Christ Son of God Most-High, who is the greatest man that ever lived on this planet earth.
Looking at what we have just said, one could assume that this is also the way that God sends his prophets and any other great religious persons on our planet earth.
What we have described above is part of the positive eternal life-force that exists in the universe, and we like to call this life-force God, and we believe that God is life and therefore the life giver of every living thing.
But one has to keep in mind that in the whole universe like everywhere else, there are positive and negative forces that must balance each other, in order to make their own very existence possible. Therefore, since God is life, God is also order and God is also goodness: So to balance this force there must be also death, evil and chaos; because to exist there must be two opposing forces.
These two opposing forces by their very nature stand usually far apart, as they cannot coexist close together; so there must usually be a dividing neutral point between these two forces in order to coexist. And this is where our planet earth stands in the universe, not because our planet earth keeps them apart, but because we happen to be where the two forces meet. So we happen to be like the dividing fence between good and evil.
Before we start to talk about our own life on this planet earth, I would like to describe the whole spiritual universe, as I see it in the shortest possible way, so that our readers may have a clear picture of what I would like to say here.
In the universe God is the positive life force, the life giver and the builder of all good things. We happen to be at the very edge where God’s life-force reigns supreme. And on the other side of us we have the negative force which sometimes can become evil, and in its chaotic way could be able to destroy everything, but we believe that this would never happen for many reasons.
But now let me talk about the active and creative part of God life force that is very close to us, which is also that part of God life force that rules our earth, and all the living things that are on this planet: Some of us will call this life-force, our Heavenly Father, or The Holy Trinity, others will call this life force Yahweh or Jehovah, and others may say Allah, just to say a few names that I know, because there also other religions that give their gods a different name, so, there may well be many more names that I could add here, and also there are more god’s names that I don’t even know, but here we are all talking about the same God life-force that with its active life-force created us all.
We believe that in the beginning God active life force created life on earth, by applying and binding with a tiny bit of His Life Energy, a few simple molecules picked up from mother earth, in this way God created the first few cells of life on earth, and then He created mother-nature to take care of his new created life. Therefore, everything that’s living on earth nowadays has come from God, and mother-nature takes care about this life on earth according to God’s will. So mother-nature works in conjunction with God all the time, as God even now is still sending life bearing energy to earth back and forth to keep our lives on this planet going. The whole of my theory of creation has been written somewhere else in my writings, so you can read it when you come to it; but now I better go back to write about circle number six positive and how the angles and everything else works.
But I believe that this post is already too long, so, we will continue to write about angels and human souls in our next post.

See you soon.

Man needs God

The sixth circle positive
Next with; about angels and human souls
Some personal and religious links: