Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Spiritual dreams and what they may mean.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 
Anyhow, in this article we will talk about dreams and try to connect our spiritual dreams to the spiritual force of God and other spiritual beings.

When we sleep, we dream many dreams, they are all sort of dreams, some people believe that the dreams must mean something to the dreamer, so, it would be helpful to know their meanings, anyhow, in these article, we will try to explain what we can about dream and our spiritual dreams. 


Welcome to our article, Dreams and What They May Mean

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, in this blog, we are shortening the original articles about dreams, we will talk about spiritual dreams, since we want to talk about religious dreams. But, if you want to see the original article click on the link above. 

Anyhow, in our last articles, “Dreamed about God”, or “I dreamed about God”, we talked about God send dreams, so, now we want to explain our dreams, to connect them with our spiritual dreams. 

Now, let me explain, we believe that we are made of two different sides, one is our physical side and then we have a spiritual side, the spiritual side cannot be seen, as it is supposed to be from another dimension and belongs to the spirit world. But when we dream, both sides play a part in our dreams.  

Now, since we are writing about spiritual dreams, we must accept that the most important night-dreams that we can have in our lives, must be those dreams that come from the other side, which people call the spiritual world of the dead, where all spiritual beings exist.

From what we have been told from our fore-bearers, the souls or the dead can communicate with us during our sleep, also God and other spiritual being can communicate with us in our dreams.

People believe this, because even the Bible reports many dreams that are God send dreams, as we said in, Dreamed about God, you see, it is believed that God communicate to the dreamer’s important things that are about to happen. So, we must imagine that God, the spiritual world, the souls of the dead and the cosmos are all connected, if we want to make sense about God send dreams.

Anyhow, dreams belong to the land of dreams, but they can mean something. Most times dreams can be what we feel inside, and those things that for some reasons we want to have in real life, or perhaps avoid in real life. But anyhow, we can dream about them, as there is no restriction in dreaming them. Then, dreams come and go just the way they happen, even if there is a link between the dream and the person dreaming it. 

Anyhow, I believe that dreams are strange things that go through our brains at night, so, we should not put too much weight on them, but at the same time we should, because they can mean something to us. 


Now let us talk about our dreams. 

Dreams are very shifty things, in fact, I think that dreams are the light fantastic, because they can change at any time without warning; they can change in any shape, form or color, when they change too much it becomes a confusion, so, we give up understanding them, at other times dreams can mean something to us and we want to understand them.

Now, in this article, we will be talking about normal dreams, and about religious dreams. Because these articles will be written beside religious articles, we will be more serious when we talk about religious issues, so, we will avoid those dreams that can offend religious believers. Anyhow, the dreams that we dream at night are not easy to explain, but I will try to explain some of them.. 

Anyhow, we dream many dreams during our lives, they cover a large field, some of these dreams can be daydreams, and plain dreams that we dream at night. Dreams happen for many reasons, and the word dream has many meanings, you see, at this very moment even the dream of writing about dreams, can be said to be a dream of the writer.

So, dreams can be linked with our life happenings and desires. Dreams can be true or false, since they can represent things that have happened to the dreamer, or they may be false, because the dreamer cannot see that this dream can be linked to him, because nothing similar has ever occurred in his life. We believe that these dreams come from an unknown source and they can mean different things to the dreamer.

Dreams can be hard to understand what they mean, but if we try hard to learn their meanings, we can understand what dreams may mean. You see, even when we tell a dream, it may have different meanings to the people involved. I need to explain here, of course, I have dreamed the dream that I am telling you and that’s true. But it is only a dream and it cannot be the truth just because it is a dream; but at the same time, it cannot be a lie as well, because what I am telling you, it has taken place at least inside my mind. You see, dreams are dreams and they can cover a large part of everything, so, you can just dream about anything, they just happen when we are asleep. 


Let us try to classify the types of dreams.   

We will try to classify the dreams that we dream, because we want to understand them. We believe that there are two types of dreams, they are: the dreams that we dream when we are asleep, and the dreams that we dream when we are awake. The dreams that we dream when we are awake are wishes and thoughts that we have, so, we can say they are wishful thinking; but let us talk about the dreams that we dream at night.

The dreams that we dream when we are asleep can be divided into three types at least:

(1) Shallow dreams, that can be our body dreams.

(2) Normal mental dreams and deep psychological dreams.

(3) Dreams from the unknown, from the Afterlife world and also the cosmic world.

All the dreams that we dream when we are sleeping are linked close together, so, it is hard to know when one ends and the other begins, in fact, they overlap each other a lot, and some daydreams can creep into the night dreams.

Sleeping dreams, Type-one.

These type of dreams are mostly shallow dreaming, and they are a reflection of life that we live at that particular time, and part of these dreams we’ll dream while we are half asleep, and part of them when we are fully asleep; these dreams reflect the happenings of the day before, or what we have thought that was about to happen, or something that our body needs and the need surfaces in our thought as we sleep, so, we can say that our activities and desires shows in our dreams.


Our activities are shown in our dreams

We believe that our activities shows in our dreams; in dream type one, it is likely to happen that if we have had a very busy and confuse day, our dreams will show that feeling of confusion, and while we dream of one thing it suddenly changes to something else, and there are times when the very same objects that we have used during the day may come into our dreams, perhaps they will be there only for a split second, or they are replaced by something else and only the rhythm of the happenings may be present in our dream. If we want to understand our dreams, we must remember that it is the dreamer himself that can understand his own dreams better than anybody else. 

Anyhow, these types of dreams seem to suggest that our mind is sorting out the happenings of the day before, and perhaps filing them in its own way in a our brain, before our mind can have a rest and move on doing something else.

A second type of these dreams, it is when we are asleep, and our body feels the need to have something that is necessary to its welfare, then we may dream of the desired things: So, if we go to bed hungry in our sleep we may dream of food, and we try to eat it but we would not succeed, so, our hunger remains with us. If we are thirsty we may dream of water, and of fountains and other drinks, but somehow, we don’t drink and if we do we wonder why it doesn’t quench our thirst; and this is all because our body needs are still present in our dream.

You see, if we need to go to the toilet for a piss, then, we will dream of trying to find a toilet, and we will have all sorts of problems to find a spot to piss, and when we have found one and try to piss we wake up and find out that we need to go to the toilet.

So, all these types of dreams have a purpose, which is to adjust any difference between mind and body while we are asleep. And, our mind needs to dream in order to review those day happenings, and file them in its own way.

We believe that it works like this:

For example; if you fill up a clean glass with dirty water, and then leave it on the bench overnight: In the morning you will find that most of the impurities in the water are settled at the bottom, and a few that are lighter than water at the top, so, most of the water now is clear water.

In a parallel way like the glass of water, while our body rests at night our mind works by sorting things out and settling things down, so, during our dreams our mind is looking at the impurities that are settling down, and our dream are the process of settlement and purification. The conclusion for this type of dreams is that: Dreams type-one have something to do with the ever-present body needs of the dreamer.   


Dreams type 2 and cosmic dreams

So, let us talk about sleeping dreams, type-two and three. Dreams type two and three are different from dreams type 1. So, we can say that, dreams 2 and 3, are the mental dreams, and they include deep psychological dreams and cosmic dream.  These are the real dreams that we dream, we dream them when we are waking up from a deep sleep; they can be called the dreams of our minds, or our souls. These dreams can be detached from the present body needs; therefore, they cannot be explained like dreams type one.

So, when we dream these dreams that are not connected with our body needs, like dreams type 1, the following question can arise; why do we dream these dreams and where do these dreams come from?

We believe that they can exist and come from the cosmos, since the cosmos can hold all the records of the universe. So, let us assume that the cosmos can hold any record within itself, and the way of how everything is communicated in the whole wide world, therefore, there are all sorts of sounds, words and ideas flouting throughout the cosmos, now when we go to sleep we can tune into this cosmos records, and so, we may dream anything at all including the strangest things. It can be like looking at the TV where you tune in and watch whatever is there. This setup can apply to all spiritual being of the cosmos, this can explain how God and the other spiritual beings use the cosmos.

Well this is our imaginary way to explain these dreams, whether it is right or not we cannot tell, but it is a possible way how things are in the world of dreams. So, let us talk about, dreams and spiritual beliefs. 

Dreams and spiritual beliefs 

Dear readers, dreamland has no known limits, we can dream anything during the knight. We can imagine anything during the day. Artists have used this freedom to write or paint many things, one of this is this picture above, artistically it could be the land of the dead. 


Dear readers, in these articles, of dreams and spiritual beliefs, we are continuing to explain dreams type two and three. Now to understand this issue better, we must look at the history of mankind, to see what our forebears believed in the world of dreams. You see, they believed that the spirit of the dead can visit us in a dream and give us messages, to warn us about what can happen in the future. 

Anyhow, type 2 and 3 dreams, can be past experience that surface in our mind while we are sleeping; or they are of psychological nature; so, while our mind is at rest, our brain tries to sort things out. Some of these dreams may remind us of long past events, or make no sense at all. They are a bit like the dream in type-one, but they are not because we can’t find the connection to our activities or present body needs; but there can be a connection, if we look for it, and the connection is more mental than physical, and then, there are our own religious beliefs that play a part in modifying our dreams.


Wanting to understand our dreams. 

Anyhow, mankind has been interested about the meaning of dreams; because these dreams are detached from our bodily needs, therefore, we ask ourselves whether our minds can tune-in another dimension, which can exist and it is believed to be the cosmic life-force of the universe, including the afterlife and the world of the dead.

Some people believe that the dead people know everything before it happens, so, they want to warn us about these things, and they try to communicate with dreams, where they can give us coded messages, since they are not allowed to tell us in a straightforward way, at least this is what many people believe.

In fact, there are people that believe in their dreams, and they want to know their meanings; these believers will tell their dreams to their partners, relative or friends that believe in dreams the same way they do; and by telling them their dreams, they hope that their friends can help them find what those dreams mean. 

Anyhow, we don’t think that there is anybody that can answer what that dream means, because the same dream may have a different meaning to a different person. Because the person that is telling the dream must take into consideration his own feelings while he is dreaming.

However, I believe that there are meanings in dreams, because if at night I dream something, and the day after something happens that is similar to my dream, I must accept that my dream has foretold me the happening; What else can I do?

So, it is events like these that will make us wonder, whether the dreams that we dream are there to foretell us the future. And if they are: Can we find an advantage by knowing the meanings of our dreams? Perhaps we can, if we remember our dreams and what happens afterward, so, let us try to understand dreams for ourselves.


Understanding our dreams.  

To understand our dreams, we must ask ourselves many questions and do the following.

(1) Let us keep a record about the dreams that we dream.

(2) Let us ask ourselves why we do dream such dreams, and what sort of dreams they are.


Are my dreams happy dreams, or sad dreams?

Do I feel secure while I dream, or do I feel threatened?

Are there friendly people with me, or are they hostile?

Can I move freely in my dreams, or I must struggle to move?

Am I alone in a large open space, or am I in a maze wanting to find my way out?

When a dreadful dream ends, does it end because I wake up from fear? Or does it end because I have overcome the dangerous obstacles and the dream finishes, and I wake up because it is time to wake up.

So, all these dreams suggest that while we are sleeping our mind is not completely resting: but it is reviewing our life and our past, so that it can adjust our thoughts in such a way that they would make sense to our own mind, then our mind files them in its own way and be in peace with itself.

But there are dreams that cannot be explained like that; because they don’t belong neither to the body nor to the mind of the dreamer: But they seem to come from an outside source, which can influence our minds while we are sleeping. Perhaps our minds can listen to messages from the cosmos when we are sleeping, through our sixth sense; or our subconscious mind can tune-in in a different dimension of the cosmos, since this is the only time when our mind is free and capable of doing this tune in, or could it be our ancestors’ souls that try to communicate with us.


Dreams from the other side. 

Now, I believe that dreams can come from the other side; so, here I am going to tell you one of my dreams, that I believe has come from the other side. I have dreamed this dream a long time ago. 

Anyhow, when I dreamed this dream I was in my late forties: but in my dream I was a young lad about twelve, and there was with me this old and wise lady in her sixties, (This difference in age between me and the old lady was there in the dream, to show that I was a newcomer to the world, compared to the old lady that must have been ancient, and that had lived her life long before my time, as she seemed to me very wise.) anyhow, we were at an ancient fountain called La Cavallina, which is a fountain that I have written about in our article, The town I came from.

Anyhow, in my dream, while we were at this fountain, I had with me half a dozen dishes and some cutlery that I had to wash, and then I had to take them back home, which would have been the house of my grandma in the old part of the town; the old lady that I was with was instructing me to wash the dishes only under the first spout of the fountain, which is the most upstream spout, and to keep the dishes and everything else only in the small bay under the first spout, because that was the only way to have the dishes hygienically clean. So, I sure followed her instructions and washed the dishes where she said, but in the end a few of my dishes ended up in the second bay of the fountain, and I was worried, but the old lady said don’t worry: I protested to her and said; but you said to me, that to keep the dishes hygienically clean they must be kept only in the first bay, and now some of my dishes are in the second bay, and they have been contaminated; what can I do? And the old wise lady replayed to me again. Don’t worry just for this time, because when you wake up, you’ll know why it is all right just for this time.

The dream ends there, and when I woke up, I realized that it was only a dream: Therefore, if the dishes were contaminated it didn’t matter, because it was only a dream and it wasn’t real life. But the teaching of how to wash the dishes, in case there was an outbreak of infectious disease that could infect people using contaminated food or utensils was to be learned from this dream.

I believe that the old lady in my dream is the spirit of one of my forbears, and she must have lived during an epidemic of infectious disease, where she had learned that to survive one has to wash dishes and other utensils properly under running spring water. So, in my dream she wanted to pass her knowledge to me.

I suppose that my dream above is enough to make me believe about the afterlife, and that dreams can come from the other side. And that it is possible to get in touch with our ancestors through the cosmos, or whatever there is that can get us in touch with the souls of our ancestors. So, let us look at this possibility of dreaming and tuning in.


Dreaming and tuning in the cosmos

I believe that it is possible that we can tune-in the cosmos of the universe when we are asleep, or to spiritual forces that happen to be around us when we are dreaming. You see, we may dream of something, and when we wake up and talk to a family member or a friend, they start taking about the same thing that we have dreamed, even before we start talking about it ourselves. Or we find that they have dreamed a dream like ours. Can it be coincidence? Is it possible that there is an external force that has made this possible? Or, is it possible that our minds can communicate our thoughts while we are asleep?

These happenings suggest that, there are records available around us when we are dreaming, so, it is easy for us to tune in the same stuff at about the same time; or, our minds may have a sixth sense about communication without words when we are asleep. 

This sixth sense that we have, in theory can tune in the cosmos, including the afterlife world, therefore, through this sixth sense, it is possible for passed-away people to give us coded messages in our dreams, as the ancient people believed. 

Here I’d like to say what I have been thought dreams could mean, if we want to understand them.

When we dream of passed away relatives or friends, are they males or females? Do we feel that they want to convey something to us? Do they seem concerned about us, or they seem normal? 

Here I want to say that most people believe that, to dream about a passed away man is a good omen, but a passed away woman is a warning, and the degree of the dream being easy or complex, is the degree that the dreamer may feel if anything happens like the dream.

During my life I have had lots of dreams of all shapes and forms, and within these dreams there is a very special dream, and I believe that it is a very special dream for me.

Because in this dream, I have been mentally in touch with the cosmos, whether I have been in touch with the cosmos or not it, is not possible to prove, and it could turn out to be only all my mind work. But I like to believe that in my dream I got really in touch with the cosmos, and, I did reach the highest active life-force of the universe, God. I have written about this dream in our previous blog, God and the most important dream of my life. 

Anyhow, I believe that we have said enough in this article, but, we will continue to talk about our dreams, since there are more spiritual dreams that we want to talk about, in our next chapter that we  call; Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, 

To see more click on this link, Dreams and What They May Mean

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

God and the most important dream of my life.

We believe that MAN NEEDS GOD; we wish that God is human, like us, and God is a powerful man, like how this photo of Michelangelo painting and God can do anything he wants. But there are people that believe otherwise,  so, for universal acceptance, we should describe God in a different way. 
So, let us assume that, God is spiritual and it is the life energies of the universe. Now, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides the entire universe, and gives life to every living thing. Therefore every living thing and spiritual thing is part of God, since God is the essence of all life in the entire universe. 
Now, let us imagine God the way we like, and let us see what our beliefs make us dream. 

Michelangelo picture of God as a powerful man. 

God of Michelangelo, I believe that God can be described in many ways, but we want God to be a man like us, most likely like how Michelangelo painted God. But when I dreamed about God, God was a man acting like a priest in a special ancient church. in my dream God put a hand on head and said, THIS MAN IS A BIT OLD, BUT SO WHAT. 

I have dreamed about God.   

Welcome to our article, I dreamed about God

Dear readers, in this article we are talking about God dreams, since dreams can be the link that links us to God and the spiritual universe. We must say that we do not know how many things there are, that can link us to the spiritual force of God of the universe; but we believe that dreams are one of them. 

Now, to understand this dream that I dreamed about God, we must look at our personal needs and beliefs that can influence our dreams. Anyhow, when we dream about God, we believe that the dream means something important. Therefore, for me, that believe in God and spiritual beings, to dream about God, is the most important dreams that we can have. Therefore, this dream that I dreamed about God, is “the most important dream of my life”. 



Anyhow, I am saying this because I dreamed a special dream and this is what I dreamed that night, the 18th April 1994, which happens to be one of my daughter’s birthdays, and I believe that this dream is a premonition dream, as if I should do something in my life.

This dream starts like this; I am at the top of a flight of stairs, in a very airy building, which is very much like a large shopping center; there are a lot of people on this flight of stairs going about their business. But we all seem to be just standing there, nobody seems to move much or be in a hurry to move at all. I happen to be standing near a lady, and we both have intention to go down this flight of stairs, that is whenever the crowd gives us the chance. This lady that I am with seems to be my fiance, and we are both to get married soon, in the same church I really got married. I am really trying to be nice and sweet to her, and I could not see any reason at all when all of a sudden she left me and everybody else, and somehow she managed to go down the flight of stairs and went away from me.

The dream fades a bit away here, but restarts somewhere else immediately.

And then, there I was floating in the air a few meters above the ground. (There are times when I dream that I am floating above the ground, or above a crowd of people, most times I feel stressed, and I try so hard to fly until I float above and over the people, or above and over my problem, whatever that problem might be). But this time I am floating uphill on a large hillside that resembles a hillside in the country that I came from: there is a small dirt road on this large hillside that will pass in front of the town cemetery on the way to town.

While I am floating, I am making the sign of the cross like when one is praying several times for unknown reasons, it was perhaps that I felt uneasy or in danger: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and again and again.

With some difficulties I float above and across an unknown bridge. But then the dream changes and, I am entering a church together with the same lady, that lady which I was with when I was at the top of the flight of stairs at the beginning of the dream. (this lady that I am with is supposed to be my wife, but she does not look exactly like my wife, mostly because, her hair style is like the Madonna that we used to carry around town, when there is/was a religious procession.) There are only a few pews in this Church that we have entered, and perhaps a dozen people sitting there. This Church is situated right at the top of a high hill. Its interior looks very ancient and tidy, it is very airy but small; one could say that it is only a Chapel. But the pries there is the best pries one can ever have, because the pries there is God Himself.

I and my lady companion go to sit in a pew, she sits so far away from me, so, I try to sit closer to her and be nice to her, but she gets up and goes away, just as she went away when we were standing on the flight of stairs at the beginning of the dream.

After she left I kept sitting on the same pew in the church, and I was wondering why she had left me so suddenly, then I turned my head around and saw that on this special golden-stone-floor as only the ancient people used to built the Priest appears, or should I say that God Himself appears, or perhaps it is the Holy Spirit that appears to me. He is/was a middle aged man of martial appearance, taller than an average man but not a lot taller, well dressed but His cloths were only normal everyday cloths, I could say that He is the most perfect man that I have ever seen. Suddenly I found myself beside Him and He placed one of His hands on my head, and His other hand on my back, just where my back is usually sore, and then He said: THIS MAN IS A BIT OLD, BUT SO WHAT!! And then again while He was putting a bit more pressure where my back pain usually is: BUT SO WHAT!! (As if whatever the matter was with me, the outcome would make no difference at all). And then He let me go.

So I moved away from Him to go back to my sit, but before I sat down at my sit I turned around, and from where I was I could see Him again on that golden-stone-floor, as He (God) was turning away from us and leaving us. At the same time I became aware that He was carrying in His hand a large hoop as His symbol of power.

The hoop seemed to be about eighty centimetre plus in diameter, and attached to the hoop there were about two dozen little hangers, and on each of these hangers there were several small pieces of material like cloth, He (God) just touched one of those pieces of cloth as to demonstrate: and from the four corners of the church; I heard voices which sounded like, as if all the molecules of air were talking with a single voice, and they were saying: He touches one of these pieces of material, and He knows everything up to the smallest possible existing particle.

Here my dream slowly fades away.

What a shock one can have to dream about meeting God, so, later on when I woke up in the morning I thought; maybe I am going to die soon? Perhaps that's the reason why I had this dream about meeting God.


So, I dreamed about God

Anyhow, as I have said, I have dreamed about God, and I have written it above. To know more visit these links; https://sites.google.com/site/godintheuniverse/Mankind Dreamland, and, Dreamland dreams and beliefs.

Now, I want to point out that our mind tries to understand dreams, especially if we think that our dreams have important messages. You know, people have always attached importance to dreams, even in the Bible they talk about God sending dreams to people.

Perhaps it is our wishful thinking, that we want to see that there is a permanent link, between us God and the spiritual dimension, where God and its angels and other spirits dwell; on earth we call this the spiritual world or the world of the dead. Anyhow, I have dreamed about God, and for me this dream about God, is a very important dream, because since I dreamed this dream, this dream has affected me and even today I feel it is changing my life.


The question about God’s sent dreams. 

Now, let us talk about God’s sent dreams, because even the Bible says they happen. We believe that dreams are the medium that links us  to the spiritual life force of the universe; because through the dreams we may become aware of things that we don’t know, but they exist in the universe, and somehow our minds can view those things in our dreams. I know that we don’t know a lot how this works, but these things we believe exist, so, we may as well try to understand them.  

So, we want to ask our readers; who else has dreamed about God? And we invite you to share your dream with us. I know from reading religious and history books, that people have always believed that their dreams mean something, so, here are a few examples that I have found:

Let us start from the Bible the most read book in the world; some people say that 1/3 of the Bible is about dreams and visions, there are lots of important people in the Bible, that have dreamed a God sent dream; the most important dreams that we hear mentioned in religious rites are about: Abraham, then Joseph (in Egypt), Daniel, and Joseph (Jesus father) and others.

Religious people believe that God has always talked to His children in their dreams. Today we don’t attach much significance to vision and dreams, as we did in the past, but I believe that whatever they mean is still there.

Starting from Abraham, which is about when the Bible history started, there are many dreams mentioned in the Bible.

Here are some links to see what we mean.




The dreams written in the Bible.  

There are many dreams written in the Bible, that is hard to say which is more important. So, I believe that we should start in a chronological order from Abraham, who was one of the first people. Abraham had visions, dreams and Covenant with God; it seems that in those times, God was more willing to show up on earth than now.

In the Bible, Abraham father of many nations, talks with God many times, whether God was there, or it was a vision is not clearly explained. At the beginning, in the Bible Genesis 12/1, Yahweh said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your family and your father house, for the land I will show you’. That is how God starts to talk to Abram in the Bible, so, Abram later called Abraham by God, was talking to God, it ends up that Abraham had a Covenant with God, that is valid even today; because this is the link that links humanity to Yahweh the God of Israel and the Bible.  

One of the most mentioned dreams in the Bible, is the Pharaoh dream, which Joseph the son of Rachel and Jacob (Israel), Jacob was the son of Isaac and nephew to Abraham. Anyhow, this Joseph interpreted for the Pharaoh these dreams, that the Pharaoh had, and thus he saved Egypt from famine.

The Pharaoh dreamed of seven fat cows, which then were devoured by seven skinny cows. In a second dream Pharaoh dreamed of seven good ears of corn, which were then devoured by seven shriveled ears of corn. Joseph interpreted the dream thus: In the land of Egypt there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. The Pharaoh saw what the dream meant and acted accordingly and saved Egypt from the following future famine. Thus, God through Joseph saved Egypt from famine, and Joseph gained the Pharaoh trust, so, he was put in charge for collecting collect-able food during the years of plenty, and then distributing food in the years of famine.

Another interpreter of dreams in the Bible is Daniel

At the Persian court, Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and Nebuchadnezzar rewards Daniel with a high position at the court. A few years later, Daniel was called to interpreter another dream, regarding this immense tree that was cut down, and then allowed to sprout again; with great caution Daniel interpreted the dream thus; the immense tree was the great monarch himself, that would be driven from mankind and live in the wildness for seven years, but then, he would be allowed to return to his former self and regain his kingdom.

As it happened, the year after the dream, Nebuchadnezzar became insane, and for seven years he lived as an animal, but then he regained his sanity and his kingdom again. It is said that this was God Yahweh plan, to punish Nebuchadnezzar for being arrogant, and believing to be above God. This event also helped prepare, for the return of the Jews to Israel, since Nebuchadnezzar, now believed that God was above him, so, he let the Jews go. Well that is the way that is explained in the Bible, Yahweh cause all those things to happen, so that, his people could return to their promised land.

Another important personage is, Joseph (the father or stepfather of Jesus) he had many dreams and visions, which helped him to understand the situation and the will of God. Through his vision, an angel appeared to Joseph, and said that Mary was pregnant from the Holy Spirit of God, and he should accept her pregnancy; so, Joseph got married to Mary, a pregnant girl, because Yahweh’s angel explained to him the facts of her pregnancy. Joseph had other vision of this angel, and several warning dreams in his life, which helped him to avoid dangerous situations, since in those times it was dangerous, and people had to avoid dangerous situations. There are more dreams written in the Bible, but I think I have said enough.


Closing notes of dreaming about God. 

Now that we have written about these dreams of well-known people in the Bible, let me talk about my dream; I have to say that I am still concerned about my dream and what it could mean. Because you see, these people that I have written about were God chosen people, and in the Bible, they are portrayed thus. But you and I we are simple people who dream dreams, which we believe are God sent dreams. So, we believe that dreams are important.

Anyhow, we have written our dreams in Dreams and Dreamland, and other articles,  Dreams and What They May MeanDreams and Spiritual BeliefsCosmic Spiritual Dreams

So, we will continue to talk about dreams. See you soon. To see more click on this link, I dreamed about God

May God bless us all.
