Thursday, April 2, 2015

We need to believe in God

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man need God
and our post, we need to believe in God.
-Taken from our hub pages article 54,
Believing in God and religions
We need to believe in God
As the title of this post says, we need to believe in God and we can add here that also we need to pray to God. We need to do that even if the God we are praying for might be different from the God that our parents taught us to believe in, when we were young and other gods.

We need to believe in God
May God guide and help me to write the right religious things in this article?
Welcome to our post, Believing in God and religions, this post is also going to be a prelude to the theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, in the hope that people could get ready to accept our religious theory, but above all we want to say that religions are important to mankind and they need to continue, even if we might need to modify them somehow, in order to make sense to the future generation.
Dear readers, there are good reasons to believe that we need to believe in God and religions, as our forbear have done for thousands of years; we know that to some of you what we are writing here might seem controversial, just because we are not following strictly religions as they have been taught for centuries, because we are writing about this new way of religious thinking that we believe it is going to come soon, and we are going to call these writings Reconciliation of the Universe; But this does not mean that we don’t believe in God and religions the way they are today, it only means that we see these religious issues in a different way, so let me try to explain the way that I see them:
In our religious writings or theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, it is necessary that we believe in God and religions, as close as possible the way they are today, but we have realized that this might not be possible in the future, therefore, we are going to describe God the way we believe God could or would be described in the future, you see, changing God description does not really make much difference, since God is seen in different ways from different people already.
Now let me explain what are the main issues that have made us come to this religious conclusion; what we are trying to say here is that we need to believe in God and religions, because we have always believed in God or something supernatural, it is in our human nature wherever you go in this world. So let us see why and what we do in religious matters, because they seem to affect everyone of us; you see religions are very important because it helps people come together and stay together, there is no need to say and repeat it again and again that every time there are important religious happening people become interested in it and they come together to see the event.
Since today there is one of these events happening in Rome, we would like to report this event here and now, therefore this event is going to be written here-under in a special report, so that we can show you that people are interested in these happenings, it is only natural and that is one of the reasons why religions are here to stay, even if one day somebody can prove that God as a person as we assume God is today does not exist, but may exist in a different way; therefore even then people will find another way of believing in God or something that brings them together.
But now before we go ahead with this article let me assure those religious readers that worry too much with this article, because it aims to change religious things, so, let us write this article called for our reader’s peace of mind.

 Written for our readers peace of mind

For our reader’s peace of mind
To anyone who is a believer and believes in God and other religious beliefs, please read our Prayers for Reconciliation and Reconciliation of the Universe writings fully before you pass judgment and quit reading; you see Prayers for Reconciliation is only a new idealistic theory, which through discussions with other fellow believer (and perhaps non-believers) is trying to find a way on how to link all existing religions together, in the hope that because they have this new found link in common they might find hard to fight each others in the future. Reconciliation of the Universe is a theory that might help to achieve that. We have also reasons to believe that humanity still needs religions, and they need religions mostly as they are today, therefore this is why we are trying to write this theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, which would show the public a new way of seeing God and religions, but at the same times is able to leave religions mostly the way they are today, until the believers themselves start thinking in a different way.
We know that this new religious theory that we are putting forward is going to take a long time to be understood and it is also going to take a long time for me to write and explain, so we hope that we would be able to explain it clear enough for our readers.

Some difference in religions

Now that we have told our religious readers that they don’t need to worry about anything, we can go back to do what we were doing before. We were saying that we have had many discussions with our religious friends, and we have seen in these previous discussions there are many religions, and there are many different gods and in some religions gods are not even mentioned, so we may assume that for people to believe there is no need to have a real god, as we the Christian have, but the majority of the religious world seem to believe that there is a soul, as everywhere in the world people believe that their forbears are somewhere in the world of the dead and when they themself die they are going to meet again over there. Well this might happen to be just a wishful thinking, but that is what we like to believe.
Now that we have assumed that people souls may indeed exist, because the entire world believes in a way or another that something spiritual exists, and therefore a spirit or soul exists, but at the same time there are some doubts whether God exist the way that we have been taught; so, let us just assume that there is no God, then the first thing that comes to our mind is; what happens to me when I die, what happens to our souls, would they be flouting around in the universe, and if all the souls of the dead people were to come together would this become a sort of God life force or what? At this point of time we may as well assume that all the dead people souls float about in another dimension so to speak. Now that we have assumed that souls exist in another dimension, souls are not less important whether we have a god like our Christian God Yahweh or the Muslim God Allah it does not really matter.
Now, since we are talking about souls, let us look at some of the great souls:
There should be no doubts in our minds and there are reasons to believe that the greatest souls that ever was on earth is our Lord Jesus Christ; Now that I have mentioned our Lord Jesus Christ it comes to my mind my dream about Jesus Christ, you see, I was dreaming that I was flouting in the air and this immense life-force-energy that covered half the subcontinent of India, introduced itself to me while I was dreaming and floating in the sky, and he said, do you know who I am? (In a very friendly way) And then in answer to his own question he said, I am the morning star. When I have dreamed this dream I did not know what the morning star meant in a spiritual way, but I have worked it out later that it meant Our Lord Jesus Christ. You can read many of my dreams at this link, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams including this dream.
For all religious people perhaps the second most important soul is Buddha as I understand it, because Buddha was the enlightened one. Of course there are many others souls like the prophets and the saints that one could fill many pages with names, but I will stop here, because I would like to introduce the most recent one, that the Roman Catholic Church has made her a Saint, Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop. I would like to do this because it shows how and why people are interested in these sorts of religious events.
Therefore when we look at this present religious event, we have to admit that religions are very important to people even today, because people follow religions more than anything else, even the best shows on earth cannot compete with religions, because religions are an inborn need that we have. You see, at this religious event it is very likely that most if not all the Roman Catholic people have witnessed it and lots of them went to Rome just to attend this religious event personally on site.
These sort of things have always happened, and today while I am editing this hub I could not help thinking about the Madonna that we have at the town that I come from; now because I have written a hub about this Madonna story, I am going to paste the link here under, so that you would be able to check it out and see the similarities that drives the people to follow these religious events, even though this is a different Madonna altogether from the Madonna  that is being canonized today: The Madonna story, anyhow I believe that I have said enough in this post, so I will write about this new Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop in our next post, where we are going to show you that people need God and religions, as this gives them a way of life that interests them. So, see you in our next post.   
May God help us say the right things?
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
We need to believe in God
Next time with, Saint Mary of the Cross  
Some personal and religious links: 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Religions need to be modified

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
and this post, religions need to be modified

Religions need to be modified

There are many religions in this world, they need to be modified so that they are linked together better; this could be the best way to overcome religious fighting.

Religions need to be modified

Dear readers, in our last post we have talked about how this angel greeted me as, the author of reconciliation of the universe, so today we are considering how we would be able to achieve that, since we are already writing these religious articles, we should be able to write this new theory and we are in our way already so to speak.
You see, during our discussions of People life and religion, we have discussed many things and we come to the conclusion that religions might need to be modified, in order to serve better the community religious and otherwise; so, we are looking for ways of how we could suggest this religious modification, which would allows existing religions to continue as they are today, since they are mostly what people want from religions, one of the reasons for this is that people want something that gives them hope that they can exist forever, in other words we would like to life forever, but since it is not possible to live forever we would like at least to find a way for the salvation of our soul, which could live a lot longer, or perhaps forever.
Now the way to salvation for our soul can only be achieved through reconciliation with God, or god spiritual life force of the universe so to speak, so we need to find a way how to do that, and even if we find the way, in the end because of the difference in existing religions, a new way for complete reconciliation is required, so that the existing religions would be all linked together, and for complete reconciliation a new world order would be required; as you can see once you start something other things happen, therefore a chain reaction would have to happen in order to reach your goal. Anyhow if you want to know more, you can check it out at this link, People life and religion , Now I want to say that in order to solve some of the tasks that we have mentioned above, I did invite some of my friends to have a chat about all these religious matter so to speak, so we have had since then many interesting discussions, some of which we have already written and published in hub pages, and the others we will also publish later on.
So, now that we have had all these religious discussions, we have formed our own opinion on religions, so, today we believe that we need religions as much as ever, you know! Therefore we have to find a way on how to keep religions just the way they are if possible, but at the same time we have to find a way that allows us to modify religions in such a way that everybody can accept them, of course that is not easy to achieve, but we need to try it, because it is the only way to see if it works, as we have already said before man needs God and religions, so we are looking for universal reconciliation to achieve this state of religious things.
Reconciliation of the universe theory
Since we are looking for universal reconciliation of all religions, we are looking for ways of how to achieve that and therefore we are going to explain here what we need to do; as we have already said we are going to write a theory that we are going to call, Reconciliation of the universe, in this theory of Reconciliation of the Universe, we need to explain that it is going to be a new way of seeing religious things, therefore it is going to be a sketch or blue print if you like to call it that, and this blue print tries to explain how this reconciliation could be achieved. Therefore, it is as if we are going to set the stage for everybody to see that it could be possible to achieve these religious reconciliations of Reconciliation of the Universe.
In order to do that we need to think outside the accepted ways of existing religious orders, so what we have in mind is more of a spiritual setup and God is being set at the top of this spiritual setup guiding all the spiritual forces of the universe, and also all living beings or things in the universe, as they are linked together, I hope you will see what we mean if you follow our religious writings, when they are fully written and published.
Perhaps the best way to do that is that we have to consider that God is a life force that exists in the whole universe and everything is linked together from this God life force, all these spiritual life forces form a never ending cycle that flows in the universe forever, what does not live forever is being absorbed from these life energies and recycled in a different way, so that everything becomes eternal as God is eternal; we might also have to consider that we might be living within God and are part of God life force, as this seems to be the only way to explain the existence of life and God at the same time.
What we have said above changes a lot of religious beliefs, because if we live within God and God is the universe, then, one might say that if we look at the universe, we might be looking at God as well. This new way of seeing spiritual things the way that we are trying to explain could be the only possible way that would link everything together, because it would be the only way that we could be able to explain how everything could coexists together. You will understand our religious views after you read all our writings of Reconciliation of the Universe.
I believe that I have said enough in this article for now, so see you in our next religious article, Believing in God and religions, which is also a prelude for Reconciliation of the Universe, you see we need to write these religious issues many times to get the public ready to accept them. See you soon.

May God guide and help us to understand his will?
Man needs God
Religions need to be modified
Next time with, Believing in God and religions    
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reconciliation of the universe

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.

Reconciliation of the universe

Welcome to our blog, man need God,

And this post, reconciliation part three


This is how the angel of God greeted me, but with a lot more elegance and courtesy.

This is more like what he looked like

This is how he pointed his finger to the sky above. 
And now I need to explain that all this was done from a single man (or angel) but I have used three photos to explain

Reconciliation of the universe

May God guide and help me to write these religious writings according to his will?
Dear readers, before we write anything in this post, I need to say that today what I am writing here under has happened to me, but I don’t know any more whether it was a vivid dream or it really happened or was a vision, because what happened or believe that it happened may seem unreal, but in my mind it really did happen, and this is what happened:
This is how the angel of God greeted me; I have to say that this event has really happened to me; but today I am not so sure any more, whether it has really happened, or whether it was just a vision or a dream that was so vivid that I had to think it was real, because everything seemed so real as in real life.
Dear readers, as you may already know these religious writings have now been divided in three parts, and this is part three of our religious writings; to this part three we have added two more articles at the beginning, since we would like to collect as much information as we can about religions, and also the many reasons why we are writing them, including the happening that I have mentioned above, because happening has really pushed me to start writing seriously this religious theory.
Therefore today, I am writing about this religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe, because I believe that with this theory, we might be able to change some old religious views and beliefs to make the world a more religious tolerant place, therefore we are writing this religious theory in the beliefs that it might be possible to improve religions to a standard that the future generations could continue to be religious, because today religions are not exactly the way that they are supposed to be in this modern world, as they don’t serve humanity the way they are supposed to serve humanity, that is if one looks at those ugly things that involves also religious, so, we believe that a new religious way of believing in God might need to be found, in order for religions to be able to continue serving humanity the way that they have done in the past.
You see, we are trying to link somehow the old religious beliefs with the new theory that we are suggesting in these religious writings; for this reason we are calling part three, RECONCILIATION OF THE UNIVERSE, since this theory is a new way that would somehow be able to link with all existing religions, and therefore we hope that it will be able to reconcile all existing religions.
Now that you have heard the name and the purpose of our writings, of part three Reconciliation of the Universe, as this is what we are going to do in part three of our religious writings; here we need also to remind you that this is not a new name altogether in our religious writings, since in part one we wrote that I was greeted from an angel of God saying, “greetings to the author of Reconciliation of the Universe”, and for this reason I have been writing these religious writings.
We know that the name of Reconciliation of the Universe makes you think that everything would have to be reconciled, so, we suppose that you are already wondering how could we ever reconcile the whole universe, just by using a new theory, since this has never been done before and there is no way that anybody can do that just by writing a religious theory.
We know you are right and it cannot be done right away, but one can always try to do something to improve the present situation. In general the aim of our religious writings is that we are willing to suggest a new way of religious beliefs and hope that it will help humanity somehow in the future, because as we have already said several times in a way or another, religions today are not as popular as they used to be, so something needs to be done to help religions and religious people. I believe that we have also said this, in one of our hubs in part two, Religions need to continue, this is the link if you would like to check it out; Religions need to continue,

Religious discussions

In order to link together all our previous religious discussions, in this part three we would have to review very briefly what has been said in part one and two, because in part one and two we have tried to explain the reasons why we need to look for new religious ways, and we also have tried to get the public ready to accept changes, therefore in part three we are going to write and submit to the public our religious theory as the conclusion of part one and two. You see all this work is being done in good faith for the future benefit of mankind; at least this is what I personally believe.
So, let us look at the main religious discussions that we have written so far; first of all we have discussed about the existence of God, since it is the most important subject to know in religion, of course we could not definitely establish if there is a god or not, as nobody can do that it is not that simple, but we have said and perhaps proved that there is God, even if God is just the definition of the life forces of the universe that makes life possible on earth and perhaps somewhere else in the universe.
Now we are trying to work out what to do next. In our discussions we have however agreed that we have reasons to believe that man needs God and we have written a hub about it and here is the link it you want to check it out; Man needs God, we have also discussed and written other articles about religious beliefs and why they need to be maintained, some of my friends believe and express themselves thus religiously and I quote; religions and God is hope for those that need hope most, this is the link of the discussions where my fried Mark pointed this out to us, you can check it out, Religious discussions and prayers, we have also written a hub about the existence of God, because we believe that God exists at least by definition, God exists because life exists, and we have also discussed and written many other articles about religions.
The outcome of all these religious talks has made us realise that we need to review what we have already written in hub pages, in order to let our religious theory clear to the public. In other words in our writing of, Reconciliation of the Universe, we need to set the stage in such a way that people could understand our religious theory more easily. Anyhow I believe that this post is becoming too long, so we will come back to continue in our next post; Religions need to be modified. See you soon
May God bless us all?

Man needs God
Reconciliation of the universe
Next time with, Religions need to be modified    
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Compare the Bible

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and our post, compare the Bible to other religions
The book of the Bible is the most read book in the entire world, there are several religions that derive from the Bible, the Bible is originally the Hebrew religious and historic book, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Mormons and other smaller religion derive from this book.  

We believe that The Laws of Manu is the best book to read to learn about the Indian religions. Here is the link for this book,  The Laws of Manu

Comparing the Bible to other religions
As we have already mentioned in our last post, now that we have written how the Bible describes creation and the creation of man, let us compare the Bible to the Indus religions for a start, which is again one of the larger religions of the world.
Now, to talk about religions is hard indeed, since we usually have to repeat the same things again and again just to create that atmosphere of belief, to read and understand a religious book might be okay, if allowance is made to fill the voids that have purposely been made as they always leave doubts within your mind, but when it comes to tell the public and you have to repeat what you have learned, then the trouble starts, because the best thing is to read the book to them. However most times this cannot be done and in this case because we are writing would be a copyright infringement if we write everything down the way that has been written in the book.
In order to overcome that we have to find a way that keeps the information as close as possible to the text we have learned, but at the same time allows us to say the same thing in a different way; for example; We would like to write and inform the readers about the Laws of Manu, which is one of the main sacred Indus books and perhaps the best book to explain creation and the creation of the castes according to the Indus religions.
Now, because we cannot read from the book since we are writing and not talking, first of all, we would like to find somebody that knows a bit about Hinduism and The Laws of Manu, perhaps an Indian who knows about religions. Now hoping the he does not mind to help us, we will ask him about what his religion says about creation and the creation of man, which in this case will be the castes, since in India there are castes and how these castes came about. We would like to know about the castes because here we are writing about the creation of man.
Let me say this, we are going to ask this Indian about religions and see what he has to say, at the same time we will be reading and checking with The Laws of Manu book just to make sure that we don’t end up saying something that doesn’t make sense, because we want to stay with the main stream of the Indus religions and in particular with the Laws of Manu, since we believe that it is the best religious book to follow.
Now let us see how the Indus religions start, according to the Laws of Manu sacred book:
Briefly speaking the great sages asked the great Manu about the creation and the creation of the castes, and Manu answered them accordingly.
Here we are not able to continue until we talk to our Indian friend Butta as soon as we are able to, because as we have said we would like to know also from real people what they think about their own religion.

The Laws of Manu creation

In this article we are going to talk about the Laws of Manu, but to do that we are going to talk to some Indian people about their religion, we know some Indian people and therefore we are going to talk to them and see what they say about their religion. In our case we already know that in India there are many sorts of religions, and we know also that as soon as anyone asks an Indian about their religions, they are going to say that it is not easy to talk about just a religion, because there are too many divisions in their religions. Having this in mind, we are going to ask our friends, how their religious leaders explain creation, because we believe that the creation of the world and creation of man would be mostly the same in all Indus religions.
Finally we have been able to talk to our Indian friend Butta and a few other Indian people and we told them that the other day we were talking with some of our friends about the world creation and the creation of mankind; of course we were talking about our own Christian religions and our beliefs of how everything started. Now just out of curiosity and perhaps to compare two different religions, we would like to know how the Indian religions describe creation and the creation of mankind, it took us a while to convince our friend to talk, but in the end he said:
Look, I don’t know a lot about religions because I am not a Brahman, but I can tell you a few things that I have learned during my life. It seems to me that what you want to know is too much from me to explain, so I would suggest that you read The Laws of Manu, where these things are explained, however I am telling you what I can.
You see in the Laws of Manu there are these sages that ask the divine Manu these same questions that you are asking me, so if you want to know exactly how everything was created and everything else read this book. Now just to give you an idea how the world started it goes like this:
This universe existed in the shape of darkness, wholly immersed, as it were, in a deep sleep. And then the divine Self existent Svayambhu, appeared with creative powers dispelling the darkness.
Desiring to produce many kind of beings from his body, he created the waters and placed his seed in them, his seed became a golden egg and from the egg was born Brahman, the progenitor of the world. Brahman being the progenitor of the world created everything else, this is how the world started, and now let us sees how the four castes or mankind started.
Mankind was started from Brahman, and it is said that in order to protect the universe, the most resplendent one assigned separate occupations to those that sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet.
The Brahmans who sprang from his mouth he assigned teaching and studying the Veda, they are like the priests or the house of Levi in the Bible, if one wants to compare them to the western religions. Now, because the Brahmans sprang from Brahman’s and possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of all creation.
The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to study the Veda and other duties.
The Vaisya to tend cattle, to offer sacrifices, to study the Veda and other duties
The occupation of the Sudra is to serve meekly the other three castes.
If you want to read more about The Laws of Manu,
here is the link; The Laws of Manu
Now let us talk briefly the pagan religions, that were the main religions in the western world before Christianity, this religion had many gods and goddesses and many other things and beliefs. Anyhow here is a hub link to check it out, it is good to know, just click on this link,  
What we have written above are the three main religions of the world, and it is worth to compare them in order to learn about ourselves. It is necessary to learn all this since today we have also to take into consideration evolution, and other religions that explain their own ways about the creation and the creation of mankind. So we should wonder which one of these theories is the closest to the truth.
Anyhow we would like to add more articles about creation later on if we can, but for the time being we are happy to say that these three religions cover most about creation, the only other thing we can say is that there is no real creation in the ancient religions. So these religions say very little about creation, and when they say anything is very vague; In Greek and Roman mythology it seems that creation started with Mother Earth and the sky, somehow the god Eros was born from them and he started to stir thing up and most things were created from this chaos that Eros created and many other strange things, of course some of this information is also in the link above, (hub me/agotl).
Of course we may believe that if we mix all religions and what is believed about creation in religions, we might come to believe that perhaps evolution has the upper hand, but this is not to say that God and other spiritual being have not played a part in creating every living thing, because we believe they have, as we are going to mention this in our religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe, in this third part of our religious writings.
In this very complex world of religions and religious beliefs, one may wish that there is a supernatural power to help him, and thus I say; May God guide and help me to say the right things in these religious writings.
See you in our next post where we will start, Reconciliation part three

Man needs God
Talking about creation
Next time with, compare the Bible creation to other religions    
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Talking about creation

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
And this post, Creation and creation of mankind
Talking about creation

This is an imaginary way that explains the creation and the creation of mankind according to the Bible. 

Talking about creation
May God guide and help me to say the right things in these religious writings
We all know that as soon as we mention the word creation most of us that live in the western world think about the Bible creation, this is just because we have been taught to believe in this sort of creation since we were young, because our forbears believed and talked about this creation as we do today; but then if we look at other religions and beliefs of the entire world population we realize that not all of us believe in the same creation, therefore since we claim here that we are studying religions and the ways they serve humanity, we have to look also at least to other main religions and how the world was created according to these religions and also the creation of mankind. You see it would be necessary to do that in order to have a better understanding of all religions and what are their differences, starting from the beginning and therefore creation.
Of course there are also the possibilities that all sorts of creations that the religious people put forward don’t exist at all, because it is possible that everything happened by itself as it is claimed in the theory of evolution and other things that the modern scientists claim to be possible to happen.
But here at this point of time, we don’t want to argue about whether we have to believe that creation according to religions is right or evolution is right, we want only to see how most religions explain creation and the creation of mankind. In order to do that we are going to describe a few religions and how they explain their religious creation? So let us start with the Bible creation, since we are part of the western world religious beliefs:

Creation according to the Bible
So let us see what the Bible says by using and navigating this link
In order to describe this creation according to the Bible, we are going to ask a normal layman called Don how he does understand creation according to his religious beliefs.
Okay Don, we are trying to understand the people what they think about creation, so we would like to ask you how you understand creation according to your own religious beliefs?
Don answer
I am a Roman Catholic born and baptised therefore I believe in creation according to the Bible. You know the Bible is supposed to be the word of God, or at least God’s revelations through the prophets; therefore I believe that God created the world in seven days at it is said in the Bible, even if I might have to allow that a day in the Bible might not be one day of twenty four hours as we know it today?
Don can you describe us creation itself please.
As you know; in the beginning God started by creating heaven and earth, at is said that the earth was a formless void and God created them. I know that the Bible might describe that better and make more sense but this is how I see it.
There was darkness over the water on the earth and God said; let there be light and there was light, and God saw that the light was good and divided light from darkness and he called the light day and the darkness night. God also divides the water of the earth and the sky. This is the first day of creation.
After the first day of God’s creation in the Bible, God continues to create the rest of everything else in next four days as we know them and then the sixth day God creates man.
Here Don stopped as if he had said everything that there was to say, so we had to ask Don again. Don please can you continue to describe the creation of man please.
And Don said
Now the creation of man is a bit strange, because there are two descriptions in the Bible, the first description says that God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and then he said let them be masters of everything we have created. Now you listen carefully what the bible says next, because this is a quote that I am quoting from the Bible, Quote: God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. End of quote.
Then God blessed them, saying to them, ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Be the masters of everything; this is more or less what God said to them. Of course this is not all because there is more to say about man creation, which will be written here-under. Please note that there is some difference how man was created.
Here we will continue with the second description of the creation of man

Second description of the creation of man

The second description of the creation of man
When Don finished telling us about the first creation of man, he stopped talking and was wondering whether he should continue, but we encouraged him to continue, so he said:
Look he said, I wonder which one of these two descriptions is right that is why I don’t know how to go on; anyhow let me tell you this second description of how man was created, you see, to me and perhaps to other people also it might seem that it has been added later on, so let me say how I understand it.
In the Bible it says that at the beginning, there was no wild bush or any wild plant growing, because Yahweh God had not sent rain on earth, nor man to till the soil: I think that it is strange that God needed man to till the soil and for this reason God created man, however let me continue this second creation of man.
In those times, water flowed out of the ground and watered the surface of the soil, so we should imagine that the soil was wet all the time, now here I would like to quote what the Bible says; Quote; Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. End of quote.
Then Yahweh God made a garden with all sorts of plants including the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and put the man he had made in the garden, God also let the man know that he was the master of everything.
And still there is another creation going:
Here Don sighed and said, strange as it may seem this is different from the first creation of man, because in the first creation Yahweh God made man and woman together, but here they are created in a different way.
Now the man being master of everything gave names to all cattle, birds and wild animals, but no helper was found for him.
Here the Bible says that, Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep, He took a rib from the man and made that rib into a woman; that is why we sometime hear say when man describe woman; this one at last is bones of my bones and flesh of my flash! And we call her woman because she was taken from man.
This is how the Bible explains creation and the creation of mankind.
If you want to read more about the Bible here is another link that might be a bit easier to navigate;
Now that we have described creation and the creation of mankind according to the Bible with the help of Don; we are going to move on and describe some other religions about how those religions describe creation, so that we would be able to compare the difference. However we also think that we have said enough in this post, so we will see you in our next post, where we are going to compare the Bible creation to other religions. See you there.
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
Talking about creation
Next time with, compare the Bible creation to other religions    
Some personal and religious links: