Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Religions are spiritual beliefs.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we might be able to believe in a single God and religion. This is what we are trying to say in this article of, Religions are spiritual beliefs  

We are guided from what we believe. Our spiritual beliefs tell us that, the power of God of the universe can only be accessed by praying God, so, let us pray God our spiritual Father, when we need guidance or help from above.  

Welcome to our article, Religions are spiritual beliefs

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, we need God and religions to live a meaningful life. If religions were not needed, we would not have invented religions. You see, religions are our spiritual beliefs, and we do what our beliefs guide us to do, for instance, why I am writing these religious articles? I must say that I have been forced from my own religious beliefs to write them. So, we can say that it is our spiritual beliefs within us, that drives us to do what we have to do.  

Anyhow, when we talk about religions, we must accept that religious beliefs are our spiritual beliefs, which we feel within ourselves, because we know that God and the universe have been there all the time; it is unwise to say that there is no God, because even if there is no God like a person, God must exist, even if God is different from our present description of God.

Anyhow, we can describe God as being life, because God can be the existing life in the universe, and you and I are a tiny part of God life force of the universe, therefore, God can be the imagine of a man, because we are part of God. Or, we can see God as a spiritual being, with all his power in the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit can give life to every living thing. This can explain how life came about, and how God created life, because whatever energy can change inanimate things to animate beings can be called God. 

Now, because God is the life energies of the universe, there is only one God throughout the universe, so, God is the master of the whole universe, and therefore, He is the eternal positive and active life-force that makes life possible on earth. God keeps the entire universe alive, and he guides the whole universe with his greater wisdom.

We are describing God as the positive life force, because we believe that the positive life force is where all life begins, and the negative life force is where all life ends. We will explain our views better, as we continue writing. 

Anyhow, I believe in this God-Most-High who is the eternal unseen life-force that guides the whole universe, even though I cannot see Him. And I believe that the whole universe is full of seen and unseen things, and even though I cannot see them I know that they are there, and they are working together in a parallel way with the seen alive beings; therefore, they are helping each other in the never ending life cycle of the universe.

I believe that since God-Most-High is the active life-force of all living beings in the universe; it follows that all the life-force born from God, to God they shall return when they die. Therefore, I believe that through God-Most-High-life-force every living creature receives their gift of life, and at the end of their lives, their life-force will return to God-Most-High-life-force.

It is believed that within this parallel spiritual world, all living beings that return to God’s life-force, may be judged according to their lives’ deeds. We will explain this better when we write, Reconciliation of the Universe.

Anyhow, I believe that I need to explain what we want to achieve to our readers.


For our readers' peace of mind. 

Anyhow, before we continue writing about spiritualty, let me explain to our religious readers that they don't need to worry about it, and please read our Prayers for Reconciliation writings and Reconciliation of the Universe, before you pass judgment and quit reading.

Now, in this article, we want to point out that Religions are spiritual beliefs, because it is what we feel within our heart and soul, and these spiritual beliefs is what drive me to do what I have to do, to achieve what we want to achieve.



We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see,

And when you read these pages you might have to agree,

That this is the golden door of golden opportunities,

That God is willing to give to us and to all humanity.

Therefore, I am praying God to help and guide me.


Anyhow, there are reasons to believe, that a better outcome can be achieved by studying the major religions. After that, if there are any doubts in our minds, we should pray God to help us and thus I am praying.

Praying God for help and guidance. 

Here I am going to pray God for help and guidance.

I believe in the existence of God, I believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and this God is the life energies in the entire universe, which can make life possible in the universe. While this God seems different from the God in the Bible , we are still believing, praying, and talking about the same God.

Anyhow, we need to pray to this God of the universe, in the hope that he will help us, so, let us pray God for help guidance and acceptance.


My lord God, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth guides and help me; So that, I can write these religious writing as humanly as possible according to your will. Father hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.

Now that I have said this prayer to God for help and guidance, I assume that God has heard my prayer and makes me think the right things to write. Therefore, I must assume, that the first thing that comes into my mind is what I need to say, and this is what comes to my mind.

I must find a way, how the world religions can live in peace with each other, this must include all religions, even those religions that today encourage violence, because those are the religions that need to be modified most. Then there is a second task which is, we need to neutralize the atheists, to give the believers hope, because, God is hope for those that need hope most.

Anyhow, we believe that religions are our spiritual beliefs, and most of us have always believed in God. For this reason, religious believers need to come up with new religious theory, to prove that there is a Super-God of the universe, so, we can neutralize the extremists and the atheists.

Now, I want to add that in my lifetime I have come across people that believe that God is just a spiritual being, or God can be anything, or God can be the cosmos of the universe, by the cosmos of the universe we mean that God is every existing thing that exists in the universe.

Anyhow, I am trying to put forward my own religious theory of God of the universe, in the hope that people accept it; or at least, get people interested in having their say on religious matters.


Other religious beliefs. 

Most of us believe, that God our father is the Creator of everything, and He drives the entire universe as He likes, since any existing things in the whole universe belongs to Him; like the earth and everything on it; like the growing vegetation on land and in the sea; and all mankind irrespective to where a person is born and to which race that person belongs; and He is also the master of the stars and celestial planets.

We believe that God is our spiritual heavenly father, so, to Him we should turn for help when we need help, because we believe that any good father loves to help his own children; it should follow that God who is the best father of them all should like to help us more than anyone of us thinks possible, and that happens if we turn to God our Father and praying ask for help. Because that is the only way that God can help us; you see, while we pray a link is established between us and God, if we do not establish this link God cannot help us, so, let us pray God when we need help.

Therefore, let us pray God when we feel threatened, helpless, or concerned, and when we need his guidance or help, to do the right things and live according to God’s will. So, I may as well start praying God, hoping that God helps me overcome my concerns. While I am writing this article. my concerns are mainly about the atheists and the Islamic terrorists, that in their own ways are trying to destroy our religious beliefs; for this reason, I want to find a way how to neutralize them, and so, I pray God to help me.

Now let me explain my prayer, just because I happen to be a Roman Catholic born, I have been taught to pray like one, and therefore, I have only modified my ways of praying to a certain extend through my own beliefs, which are a bit different to the existing religious beliefs. So, today I am praying to the living God who is the active God-Life-Force of the whole universe:


In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying and humbly asking our Father God-Most-High for help. I am praying because I feel from within my heart that I have been called to write these religious beliefs, and that I should write them to fulfil what I have been called to do. And by doing my duty, I can help humanity avoid some harmful effects that extremists are planning. So, Father if it is your will, and you want me to write them help me. 

So, I pray you Father to let your guiding force guide me to write these religious writings, and then, because I am concerned about writing them for my own safety, help me overcome my concerns and fears about writing them.

Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article,  Biblical discussions

To see more click on this link, Religions are spiritual beliefs

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

About God and the atheists.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Anyhow, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we may be able to find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified in the same direction, one day we might be able to believe in a single God and religion. This is what we are trying to say in this article of,  God and the atheists

Here we are talking about God and the atheists who are people that do not believe in God, so, I believe that to overcome this problem, we need to describe God in a way that even the atheists can accept, which can be as follows. God is a spiritual force that exists in the cosmos of the universe, so, by looking at part of the universe, we may say that we are looking at part of God, this is how we can describe God in the future. 

Welcome to our article, God and the atheists

May God help and guide me to write the right things.

Dear readers, the atheist are those people that do not believe in the existence of God. Now the atheists do not believe in God, because they do not see the need of having a god. You see, most of us believe in God and believe that we need religions to guide us and follow God’s laws; and because, God is hope for those that need hope most, so, we cannot follow the atheist ways. 

Anyhow, we hope of finding a way how religions can be modified, so that the atheists can accept the existence of God, like everybody else. I believe it can be done, if we believe that God is life, and all religions can be linked to it, to do that we need a Super-God, and this Super-God should be able to connect all existing religions.

Now, let us say what we are going to write in this article. In this article we will be writing about: There is a god even for the atheists. Talking about a possible atheist’s God. Which God is for the atheists? Now let me say a prayer to our Father God Most High, in the hope that God hears my prayer and helps me say the right things.

My prayer to God Most High

Almighty Father I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind, to guide and protect me from all dangers and the spiritual forces of evil, then let me be a wise man, so that I can write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will, and in such a way that humanity can accept them and use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father hear my prayer amen.


There is a god even for the atheists. 

Yes, we believe that there can be a god even for the atheists, if we describe God in a futuristic way. We need to do that because, it would be good, if there is a God for the atheists, of course, this god must be close enough to the atheist’s own beliefs, so, in this article we are writing a theory called, God for the atheists, which the atheists can accept.

We hope that religious believers accept our religious suggestions, since we are trying to describe a new religious way, in the hope that we can change the atheist’s views about god existence, and we can live in peace with them. Since we have our own reason for believing in God, and God is hope for those that need hope most.

Anyhow, let us imagine that God does not exist, we the believers that need God want to find our way back to God, because mankind needs God, so, we believe that it is better if we find a way how to modify God, in such a way that even the atheists can accept. Even if this modified God is different to the God we know now. 

After all, Man needs God, and perhaps God needs man, otherwise what does a god mean if there are no followers? And what will those people that rely on religions for guidance do, if there is no God and religious guidance?


Talking about a possible atheists’ god. 

I believe that it is possible to describe a god that the atheists can accept, if this God is simply Mother Nature. Or we can say that God is life or the life energies of the entire universe, then we can say that the life energies of the universe, are those natural energies that make life possible on earth, and therefore, they are both God and Mother Nature.

Now, in last article called, Religious discussions and prayers. There were two issues, one is religions and God is hope for those who need hope most, the other issue was about the attitude towards the religious believers.

As we know the atheist believe that the world is better off if there are no God or religions. Sometimes I believe that they are right, to believe that religious beliefs and God can brings more harm than good. For instance, when we look at what the Islamic terrorist do, because of their beliefs, since they believe that they can kill everybody that does not agree with them. This is when the atheists are right; so, it would have been better if people did not believe in this God.

I must say that I don’t agree with the atheists, but at the same time I must say that the extremist terrorists are worse. Therefore, I cannot agree with both. Anyhow, we don’t agree with their ways of thinking because we believe that mankind needs God and religions, it has been so since the beginning of the known world, so, let me describe briefly how I see the history of religions hereunder.

When we look at the history of religions, we cannot avoid noticing that there have been many religions in the past, which have lasted for a while, then things changed, and religions changed; so, what was believed for a long time slowly died away and was replaced from another form of religion; sometimes not completely new but modified; so, religious beliefs can modify with time without any harm to the religions themselves. Therefore, if we believe that history repeats itself, then there is no harm in changing religious beliefs.

So, what should we do if religions need to change? Of course, we know that there are causes that can changes religious beliefs, and one of these causes is that today everything is changing, and changes bring in other changes, so, religions will change as well.

We have reasons to believe that today the computer brings knowledge to the people very fast, this new knowledge makes people ask questions, because they want to check out for themselves everything; so, soon or later they will not be satisfied about their own religious beliefs, because they can see something that does not make sense, and therefore, they will start abandoning the existing religions, unless these existing religions change in a way that satisfies the people beliefs and they are according to the modern values that people attach to them.

Now since religious change are going to happen, we need to think what sort of God people will accept in the future. Therefore, we are writing a description of Go d of the future, which the atheist people can accept, because it is close to their way of thinking, so, let us explain how we see God of the future that even the atheists can accept.


Which God is for the atheist?  

What or who is God that even the atheists can accept?

Anyhow, we believe that, God exists because life exists. But to make the atheists believe in God, our future God needs to be described in a way that even the atheists can accept. Now we mentioned the philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, who did not believe that God was the ways religious leader want us to believe; because Baruch Spinoza was more inclined to believe that God was something other than a person, in fact he carefully puts forward the idea that God is in everything and that we live within God, he thought that God was pantheist, therefore, every living thing is part of God; Baruch Spinoza’s God may be like Mother Nature. If we follow these lines of reasoning, we can describe God that even the atheists can accept. 

Anyhow, God can be all living and spiritual things and the life energies that exist in the universe; this means that every living thing is part of God, therefore, no living thing can exist without God-life-force-energies, therefore, just to give a name to these life energies, we may have to call these life energies God-Most-High; now, this God-Most-High is the most important part of the life forces of the universe, but as we know we cannot see God or any of these life forces of the universe; so, we have to use our own imagination to describe how all this is like. My imagination suggests that throughout the cosmos of the whole universe, God-life-force gives life to every living thing, communicate with every living thing and can record everything that happens and what the living beings do.

Now, let me explain the cosmos as I understand it, since the cosmos is every existing thing, by default the cosmos can do anything, therefore, the cosmos has everything and can communicate with everything, therefore, the cosmos has the capacity to keep all past records, and the present and future records of anything that happens. You see, if we are able to keep records in our own ways, it is obvious that in nature there must be a way to keep records, since we cannot create anything that does not exist, therefore, we may have to accept that we can only discover the ways of nature how to keep records, so, we believe that there must be a natural way to keep records within the cosmos, because the cosmos is everything and can be the mediums to achieve anything.

Now, let me go back to describe God that even the atheist can accept.

We believe that there is only one God throughout the universe, and this God is the active life-force energies of the entire universe; therefore, every living thing is part of this God- life-force energies and nothing living can exist without God, because God is life itself.

This is the briefest way that I can think of how to describe a God for everybody including the atheists. I believe that this article is too long, so, see you in our next article, Religions are spiritual beliefs

To see more click on this link,  God and the atheists

May God bless us all.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Discussions and prayers

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 
Anyhow, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we may be able to find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified in the same direction, one day we might be able to believe in a single God and religion. This is what we are trying to say in this article of, Religious discussions and prayers

Most people believe in God, and believe what is written in the Bible is the word of God, so, they discuss this with their friends many times, while they discuss and pray. We might say that praying is an inborn force that guides people to pray God. We can say that God is hope for those that need hope most. so, when I pray it is this force that guides me to pray to God.  

Religious discussions and prayers

Welcome to our article, Religious discussions and prayers

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, we want to discuss about religions, I believe that when we talk about religions we must pray God for help, and we must make sure that what we are writing can be accepted from God, so, praying is the best way to start with, most prayers are similar, so, we cannot avoid repetitions. Anyhow, let me write some prayers.

My prayer to God

My lord God, with my personal writing concerns I come praying to you God-Most-High, master of the universe and life-giver to every living thing, I am praying for forgiveness of my life sins, and for reconciliation to thy spiritual life force, I am praying in the hope that you forgive me all my life sins, so that, I become spiritually clean; I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in your mercy you would guide and help me write this religious article according to your will, and in such a way that these religious writings can help humanity. Father hear my prayer and help me, amen.

Now, let me add another personal prayer that I pray often.

Personal prayer

My Lord God, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind to guide and protect me from all dangers and the forces of evil, and let me be a wise man, so that I can live the rest of my life according to your will, and write these religious writings as humanly as possible according to your will, and in a way that humanity can accept and use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father hear my prayer and help me, amen


Personal religious feelings. 

Dear readers, I must confess that I feel as if I am being driven by an inner force to write these religious articles. I know that this force that I feel within can be a psychological wave within my brains, and that, it has been trigged from my own religious beliefs. Anyhow, after reflecting about this God sent task that seems to be within my mind; I have concluded that I cannot find peace, unless I write these religious articles. Anyhow, today I have decided to talk to my friends about religions, in the hope that they can help me.

Now, while I have been waiting for my friends to arrive. I have realized that one of the reasons why I need to write these religious issues, it is that I see God different from everybody else, and I understand the Bible a bit different from everybody else; therefore, I need to explain to my friends that, in the hope that by explaining it, my friends will understand me better, and they can help me with their input of approval or disapproval of whatever we discuss.

Anyhow, while I am thinking what we should discuss with my friends, I have become aware, that one of the triggers of wanting to write these religious beliefs: one is about the atheist’s denial of God existence; and the second one was the shock of the 9-11 terrorist attack on American soil.

We know these two groups are completely different in their religious beliefs, because the atheists deny the existence of God, but the Muslim terrorist believe in their God to the point of carrying these terrorist acts and killing themselves in the name of their God Allah.

This situation is very strange, because these two groups of people have nothing in common, and politically they could have been described as extremists, one would be the extreme right and the other the extreme left.

Now, I believe that what I am going to suggest next is strange also, because I am suggesting some religious changes; because I believe that by changing religious beliefs both groups can be neutralized, of course, this can work only if everybody believes in a new religious way. You see, we have in mind this theory, which we are going to suggest, in these religious writings.

Other religious reasons and prayer. 

Now, what I have written above is part of the reason why I am writing these religious articles, you see, I am writing them as my personal prayer to our spiritual Father God Most High, which I pray from the bottom of my heart, my soul and my mind every day of my life.

Therefore, within these religious writings, will be written lots of prayers. In some of these prayers I’ll be praying God for forgiveness, in some prayers, I will be asking God to protect me from the spiritual forces of evil. Here I believe that I must explain again that my beliefs are based on a new way of understanding God spiritual life force of the universe. So, I am praying in a new way.  

Another one of my new prayers

My lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, Father Most High, master of the universe and life-giver of every living thing; I am praying you Father for help and guidance. Father let my guardian angel suggest me what to say, when I am writing these religious articles. So that, I am inspired and can write my religious writings, in such a way that they are acceptable to the Spiritual beings in Heaven, and to the living beings on earth. Father hear my prayer and help me, Amen.


Religious discussions at the meeting. 

After greeting each other and made ourselves comfortable we started to talk about religion, and I said; I guess that you have come the two of you, because the others don’t want to take part in these religious talks. Don’t they see that we are talking only about religions, and we hope that by talking about it, we can find a solution.

Here I want to point out, that changing religions is not new, if we look back at the times of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will see that even Jesus Christ tried to explain religious issues to the Jews in a different way, but the religious leader of the time did not want to understand Our Lord Jesus, so, they crucified him to neutralize the new religious ways that he was preaching. They wanted religions to be the same and Yahweh their God. 

Anyhow, tell me about your own findings, what people are saying, when you talked to them about God and religion, and what has been happening lately that is worth mentioning?

Here my friend Mark was ready to answer me, and he had a nice surprise for me, when he said later, that, ‘God is hope for those who need hope most’; and this is what he said:


God is hope for those who need hope most.  

Mark comment

Well, I am glad you asked; I say that most of the people that we have talked to, they are not interested talking about religions willingly, and those who are talking, have expressed themselves in many ways. 

Here I have to say that most people believe in God and religion the way it is today. You see, most religions have been the same for thousands of years, they are used to these religious beliefs; so, the people do not want any change in religion, they are happy to stay with the ways religions are now, and if they have any doubts in their minds, they are not showing it. So, it is a waste of time to talk to them unless you agree fully with their religious beliefs, and you talk to them, just to have a friendly chat.

There are people that have doubts about today’s religions, so, they are ready to talk about their religious beliefs, these people don’t feel sure whether what is being taught about religion is the right thing to do. So, they ask many religious questions, but they have no answers for any of those questions. You can talk to this group of people, and they talk to you willingly, but they are not much help either, if you want to find new religious ideas.

We have noted that right in the middle there is this large group of people, which believe in God to a certain point, these people want to know more and ask questions, in the hope that they can find their way and return to religion, they feel that religion is still important to them. These people seem to want to follow religion just to have a sense of belonging to a group, as they like to have friends and religion gives this religious link to them that helps them have friends.

Then there is at the extreme end of this middle group the agnostic, they believe and at the same time don’t believe in God and religions, one does not know what to do with this group, and yet they are the most interesting ones, because they want to know more.

And then, there is this last group of people, which I can call the danger group of religious beliefs, they are the atheist, they don’t believe in God and religions, so, for them it is better if religions did not exist. They are intelligent people and have a good job, so, for them there are no worries in life, therefore, they don’t need God and religions to help them with their lives. Now, because they do not need God and religions, they blame religion for the bad things that religions have done in the past. They talk about religious extremist to run down religions, since the extremists kill in the name or their God; they don’t see that mankind have to blame themselves, because no real religion tells its believers to harm anyone.

But then, attached to this well-educated atheist group, there are people that are not educated, and they don’t believe in God just to protest their bad luck, as they are not happy about what the world is giving them; so, because of this belief they may become the worst sort of mankind, because they don’t have any respect for humanity, and also they don’t have a God or religion or any other restrain within them. 

Anyhow, I have learned from these enquiries; and I want you to remember how I see religion now, as this may well be important from now on, if we are going to talk about religious issues, because I believe that religions are important to keep, even if one day they need to be modified. Religions might not be a universal human belief, as we have seen with the atheists; but God and religions are still needed today for those people that are unfortunate, as they feel within their heart that they need God to protect or help them. For this reason, God and religions are needed, because; God and religion is hope for those who need hope most.

So, remember that, Religion and God is hope for those who need hope most.


Comments on Mark speech.  

My comment on Mark religious’ speech

Looking at what you have said, we wonder about this erratic people behavior. So, we must consider that people are not sure about religions, or not as sure as they were in the past. Therefore, because of this people behavior, today religions are not as powerful as they used to be, because people don’t believe everything that religious leaders tell them.

Because of this present religious movement, there are extremist groups like the atheists, that would like to see that God and religions disappear from the face of the earth, because they believe that God does not exist.

Now, I believe what the atheists say, and let them have their ways, it would result in a religious chaos.  The world cannot afford to stop believing in God. As Mark said; Religion and God is hope for those who need hope most.

Now, let us see what Gino wants to say.


Gino's comment. 

These are Gino's shortened comments

Let me talk about Mark speech first: I have to say that Mark and I agree on most of these religious issues; but I want to say something about the atheists, especially when they ridicule the religious believers. I must say that any believer should avoid talking to atheists about religions; because it is hard for religious believers to defend themselves.

They attack believers asking proof of the existence of God or any religious matter, so, Mark is right when he calls them the danger group of religious beliefs. Let me show you a few examples about what they talk to get the believers off guard.

You believers say that God is Omnipotent, now if God is omnipotent then God can do anything no matter how difficult the task is. Today, there are many things in the world that need to be fixed, why your God does not fix them? For these reasons we say that your God does not exist. We believe that God and religions are there only to control people. For these reasons we believe that there is no God.

This reasoning goes on with many god’s attributes and they challenge the believers to give proof of the existence of God and its attributes.

Gino said many other things, and then he said. I hope I have explained myself clear enough in this difficult task.

Your speech is clear enough for me I said, and Mark said the same.

Now, let me write my own comment.


Frank's comment. 


We have talked about many religious issues, and today I believe that we need to find a way  how religions can exist in peaceful existence. But at the same time, we must agree that to achieve peaceful existence is not easy, because of the way religions are made, therefore, I hope that you agree that religions need to be reviewed, they need to be in line with the present times, which embrace religious changes. 

I know that it is not easy to do that, but we must not give up, so, let us imagine anything that can help us achieve that, let our thinking minds, run free with no limits imposed on them, let the sky and beyond be the limit, let us imagine that God is life, and all religions belong to the same religious chain, which links religions together, at the highest spiritual point possible. 

Now, while searching the Internet, I have found that there was a philosopher called, Baruch Spinoza, 1632-1677 who believed that it is more likely that God may not be the way that religions want you to believe God is; but God is more like Mother Nature, therefore, it is more likely that we are all part of God, and God is everything, so, every living thing in existence is part of God; now, this can be the link that we need to use, to link all existing religions together.

Therefore, if we think like Spinoza and add it to the knowledge which we have today, we can describe a god which can co-exist with all existing religions. So, in the future, let us describe this God for everybody; which we can call God-Most-High.

I think that we have said enough in this article, but we will continue with our religious discussions in next article called,  God and the atheists

To see more click on this link, Religious discussions and prayers

May God bless us all.