Thursday, July 13, 2023

God works in mysterious ways.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and everyone of us believes what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us. This article is also in Hub Page, at this link, God works in mysterious ways 

We believe that the angels are our link to God spiritual force.  

In this blog that is a mix up of human love and religious beliefs, I feel that angels are our link to God, and also beautiful women can be a link to God, because God may use the woman attraction to drive a man to believe in God and pray God. You see, this has happened to me, that is why I am writing these religious articles. 

WELCOME to our article, God works in mysterious ways

May God guide and help me to say the right things? 

Explaining God’s ways. 

Dear readers, let us explain how in my opinion God works in mysterious ways; we have written another article how God works to help us, but in that story, we were in despair of losing our daughter; and then we believe we found her with the help of God. But this time is our emotional inner self that plays the main part, because we are talking about the love emotions between a man and a woman that most of us feel during our life; but the similarities here are that we are praying God with all our heart and our minds, but what we want is different.

We believe that God works in mysterious ways, because in this case God uses our emotions to guide us the way he wants, in other words God uses any natural thing within us and around us to guide us the way he wants.

Now, let us state what are our beliefs today, while we are writing these articles; I must say that my beliefs about religion is that I have to do what God Almighty wants me to do; so, I must listen to my soul and pray God, because the soul is that part of me that is closest to God-life-force, and can get in touch with God: But to do that my soul needs to be pure and free from sins, my heart needs to be pure and my mind needs to be pure. So, I must pray God our Almighty Father to forgive me my sins.  

Almighty Father, I pray you with all my heart, my soul and my mind to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I can be worthy to be you humble servant and write these religious writings according to your will; Father, hear my prayer, amen.

Dear reader as you can see, I am praying God our Father who is in heaven to forgive me my life sins, because we need to be free of all impurities, if we want to come close to God life force, because God life force can only help those who in God’s eyes are free from sins, or have asked for forgiveness and have tried to live God’s ways, and by doing that they have established a link with God spiritual force.

Praying God to help us. 

So now, let us try to write another prayer that expresses my writing intentions to God and at the same time keeps that link with God existing life force.

Here to God our Creator I turn praying; thus.

Almighty Father forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus, I would become worthy to pray and ask for help and guidance, and because I am spiritually clean you can help me, while I write these religious writings and Prayers.

Here we feel that we need to explain, the reasons why we are praying many times; you see, I am a simple self-educated man who wants to write about religion, which is a hard subject to write even for a good writer; because of the different and controversial opinions that it can start, so, I want to feel that I can receive help and guidance from God. In other words, it is our emotional inner self that pushes me to do all this praying. Because I want to show how God works in mysterious ways.

Now, because of my life experience, and my religious dreams, some of which can be found at this link, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams. I am going to write about these religious life experience how God works in mysterious ways, because I want to share with you my life experiences, which have helped me to understand some religious beliefs, and these beliefs, have led me to write about religion. 

Anyhow, let me write this article of how God works in mysterious ways.


God works in mysterious ways. 

Now, let me say how God works in mysterious ways because it has happened to me. I have also observed that God uses the natural forces around us to achieve what is needed to achieve. To explain what I have said, let me go back to my articles of Dreamland, in those articles I have written about religious dreams, normal dreams and daydreams, and I have also written about my love for a special woman, and as you know to desire a woman in a sexual way is a sin unless she is your wife. But in life these sexual desires happen, more than people would like to admit.

Anyhow, in my case even knowing that those desires were a sin, the intensity of desire for this woman love is so great and painful that it drives me to pray to God in the hope that God grants me my heart’s desire, because I had fallen in love violently, and I was wishing to God that He would ease my unwanted love pains, and it is the prayer that I had to pray to God that makes the difference. Because my prayer is very intense, as it is driven by my love pains that are intense, and by praying and praying again, slowly I became aware that God had made me fall in love with this special woman to make me pray and return back to Him. You see, this is how God works in mysterious ways, since I was led from a sinful state of mind to pray God, and by praying God, I return to God.

Therefore, after what has happened to me, I have reasons to believe that God uses the forces of nature to turn things around. So, I am sure that God has driven me through such a painful event, to make me go back to Him.

You see, while I was going through this bitter sweet love event, at the same time I was praying God with all the strength of my heart, in such a way that my prayer were at least equal in strength if not greater than my love for this woman, and all these prayers have driven me back to God, and this is what makes me believe that God works in mysterious ways.

 These are God's strange ways. 

Let me go over once again about our beliefs how God works in a mysterious way. You see, the reason that made me start to write these religious writings; it was because during my life I have fallen in love with a beautiful woman. And I wanted so much to reach her and win her love that I started to write, in the hope that by writing to her I could reach out to her and win her love.

But then, nothing has ever happened about my dream of love, except that I was driven to write lots of love feelings and other things about this beautiful woman, I have also written many love letters which I have never send to her, but I have kept them in my original ‘Dreamland’ writings; so, that I could remember those love emotions that I went through at that time of my life.

Now, it follows that because I have been driven from the force of unwanted love to write these love letters, I have learned how to write English better than before this happened. Therefore, it has become easier for me to write what I need to write, like these religious articles.

Therefore, I believe, that God has set me up and made me fall in love with this beautiful woman, and God made me believe that I could win the love of this beautiful woman by writing to her, and He made me believe that this would happen if my writings were well written. Because only then she would be impressed and could love me, since she is a learned person herself and could not accept an ignorant person as her partner or friend.

Therefore, I believe that God has made me dream a beautiful and painful dream of love, knowing that I would be driven by the powerful force of love from within myself, and driven from the pains of unwanted love which would never let me go even for a moment. So, I believe that God has set me up, so that one day I would be able to write my own beliefs about God and religion, therefore, God has driven me back to him in his own mysterious ways. 

With this belief in my mind, and with the help of God, that I pray to guide me in these religious writings of Reconciliation of the universe, I will try to write my religious beliefs the way that I see them, hoping that God will help me in my effort. So, I am praying God to help and guide me.


My prayer to God. 

Now, what I have written above is one example of how God works in mysterious ways, and I hope it explains the reason why I am writing this religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, I feel driven from an inner force that I must write these religious writings, so, let me say a prayer to God who can help me write them, since God has driven me to write these religious writings in his own mysterious ways.

My prayer

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Our Father who art in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, praying with all my heart, my soul and my mind; I am praying you Our Heavenly Father, hoping that the guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth would help me to write, these religious writing according to your will.

Almighty Father, the intention of my writings is that I want them to reconcile the world’s religions to each other, and to reconcile every living human being to God life force of the universe.

I believe that I should have named these writings, Reconciliation of the Universe; since this angel from heaven, in a dream has greeted me as the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe.

Now, let me describe the setup and what we want to achieve.


We are going to set the stage for the entire world to see.

And whoever will read our writings might have to agree.

That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity.

So that, we could stay in touch with God-life-force for eternity.

For this reason, I am writing these religious articles and praying God to help me.

I am praying to you, our Heavenly Father that through the ever-present guiding force of The-Holy-Spirit on earth; you would guide and help me to write the right religious things in these articles. Father, hear my prayer, Amen.

Dear readers, I hope you can see why I believe that God works in mysterious ways.

I believe that we have said enough in this article; so, see you in our next article; Religious views on news

To see more and the original article click on this link, God works in mysterious ways

May God bless us all.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Mankind religious beliefs.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and everyone of us felieves what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us. This article is also in Hub Page, at this link, Mankind religious beliefs. 

There are many religions in the world, and most of them have built spectacular places of woreship. In this photo above we can see the front of the Roman Catholic Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome


Welcome to our article, Mankind religious beliefs

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, we believe that we need God and religions, even if we were to believe that there is no god; but that cannot be accepted from mankind, therefore, we must accept that we need God and religions; this is obvious from the fact that there are many religions in the world.

Today the main religions are Christianity, Muslim religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions, when we look at the several places of worship that exist in the world, we know that religions are important to mankind, and therefore they are here to stay. So, in this article, we want to look at our religious beliefs; because we want to see what we can learn from them, and if it is possible suggest improvements.

Anyhow, we have called this article, mankind religious beliefs, because we believe that mankind needs religions and to believe in God. Anyhow, can it be that religion is an inborn sixth sense within us? Or we believe in what we have been told to believe from our previous generation? We do not know; but let us see if we can answer these questions, as we go on writing. 

I belive that this is the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. This is a very old and important place of worship for the Muslims. 


These are mankind’s religious beliefs. 

I believe that, today we are still looking at our religious beliefs, because we want to know how they started, to do that we may have to start looking from the beginning of our life and see what evidence we can find. So, let me tell you how I see this human situation. 

When a human being is born he (here he represents all mankind) knows nothing about religion or anything else, all Mother Nature has given him is a sixth sense that will help him to survive and thrive, so, he learns how to drink his milk and how to get his mother attention, so that, he may feel secure in her arms and survive. If there is within him a sense of religious belonging nobody knows. 

But then, as he grows up, he learns his mother tongue, and through this language he’ll learn everything that is useful to survive according to his parents’ knowledge, he will learn religious beliefs according to his parents’ beliefs. Therefore, if his parents are catholic, he will be catholic too, if his parents are orthodox, he will be orthodox too, if his parents are Islamic, he will be Islamic too, if his parents are Buddhist, he will be Buddhist too, he can belong to any religion. Anyhow, the point is that he will be believing in the same religion as his parents do, since that is what is being taught.

Now we want to point out, that notwithstanding all these different religions, which we can believe in, and all those languages that we can speak, there are things in common that we all believe; which is that most of us believe in God and religion or spiritualty; we have also within ourselves that inborn will to survive which wants us to live forever, which will stay with us all the time until we die, and perhaps beyond it, in our afterlife, if there is an afterlife.

So, it would be obvious that the will to survive is attached to religious beliefs, because religion is the only thing in this world that can give people hope to live forever.


Life affects our religious behavior. 

Whatever events we experience during our life, it will affect our religious behavior; therefore, notwithstanding this need of religions that we have within, and the will to survive that we carry within us; I believe that when we learn something, this something can change our point of view. 

So, during our lives, our religious beliefs will go up and down according to our needs. Now for clarity sake, let me talk as if we are talking about a single person; therefore, this single person while he is a child he is keen to believe and practice religion, the way that his parents have taught him, because religion gives him a sense of protection from dangers and evil, like his parents have taught him that God can protect you if you believe in God, and pray to God when you need help; and it is for these reasons that he would pray to be protected from God if he feels he is in danger; of course, there is also a sense of fulfilment, since he believes that he has done the right things according to his religious beliefs.

But as he becomes older and strong and sure of himself, then he may think that these beliefs about protection from God are useless to him, because he feels that he is indestructible like most young people do, therefore, he believes that he doesn’t need any supernatural power to help him, this sort of behavior is particularly so in the young males in the presence of other people. Therefore, if there are a few men who believe in God, they will not be showing it to their peers, for fear of being ridiculous, even though they know that deep down in their hearts they believe in God, and they know that believing is the only way to salvation for them, and their desire to survive forever.

Therefore, when a man becomes old, he still wants to survive forever, even though he knows that we must die one day, so, the only thing left for him to do is to believe that his soul will survive, in the afterlife of course. And therefore, he goes back to his religious beliefs, he goes back to what his parents have taught him and together with his acquired life knowledge and wisdom he tries to find a way to eternal salvation knowing that religion is the only link which promises us a way to salvation, 


Our religious beliefs. 

Mankind’s religious beliefs are those beliefs that we carry in our heart and mind. If we look at religious history, we will find that since the beginning of recorded times, there were religious beliefs that mankind sought even then; in fact, since the very beginning of known times, therefore, it would be right to assume that we have been searching for a reason why we are living here on earth, and even now we are still searching for that same reason, and for the creator of all living things including our lives.

So, some of us believe in creation, and that there is a creator; but not everybody believes in that. But we are looking for that life-force that made life possible on earth, even if there is no real creator. So, our religious beliefs are based on the fact that we want to know about our existence and from there we start asking questions. So, the first thought that comes into our mind is that we ask ourselves, what’s the meaning of our life on earth?

This question brings up many more questions like: How and when did our forbearers’ lives start? Why are we living here on earth? Who gave us our lives? Is there a god who gave us our lives? And if God is our life-giver what’s the meaning for us being here? You see, what we have been taught by our forebears may not stand up to logical human reasoning, so, we keep asking questions hoping that one day we will know the answers.

But even today, a large portion of people are not satisfied with the existing religious explanations. These doubts that we have may be due to the fact, that we want those religious explanations to run in a parallel way with our own thinking, therefore, those explanations may not be right, because they have been written with the knowledge that the writers had when they wrote them.

Most of us have been led to believe that God, or the life-force that made life possible on earth resides in heaven, and we call this life-force God our Father or God Almighty and many other names. But most of mankind believes in this life-force in a different way, therefore, we are still searching for consensus about a single universal life force capable of creating life on earth.

Dear readers, I suppose you have noted that there are times I refer to God as a life force in the universe, I am doing this because that could be the only way to get all existing religions together. You see, a life force that create all existing life on earth can be accepted from everybody; and this includes also the atheists, we believe that a life force would be better to have, than my God or your God. I hope you see what I mean.


Explaining my position as a writer.   

Dear reader, I need to explain how I understand the Bible: because I understand the Bible, in my own personal way. Anyhow, the Bible is the Bible and it is supposed to be written per God’s inspiration, or at least according to God’s inspiration at the time it was written the first time? Therefore, I do not intend to change anything, not even a word.

But there is a problem with mankind religious beliefs, when we read the Bible today, because one has to keep in mind, that, the style in which the various writers have written the Bible represents the times and the places and the needs of those days when the Bible was written; one needs also to keep in mind the capacity of the writers of that period and how they could express themselves openly, as they had to do it with what was the general knowledge of those times, it also had to be written in a way that the general public of those days could understand what the writers meant.

So, to understand the Bible, the modern readers should leave behind their greater knowledge of today, they should imagine themselves to be at the same level of awareness as the writers and the people of those ancient times were. Then try to compare it with today’s knowledge and values. Having said that, it does not mean that we should accept what the Bible says with no reserve, but we should look at ourselves and ask ourselves, if we had to write the Bible ourselves today what we would have changed? And, what sorts of theories we would put in place, so that the main religious stream would accept them? You see, religions need to be written according to the times that they are going to serve, which takes us to the following explanation.  

Some readers believe that only what’s written in the Bible is right, and everything else has got to be wrong: But they are making a great mistake, because they fail to see that the writer of those days could only write what they knew and was common knowledge in those days.

Anyhow, there is the fact, that I believe in my religious theory, of Reconciliation of the Universe, as if I have been inspired by God, because it is something that I have been carrying in my soul, my heart and in my mind, it will be a bit different from what we believe today, but I believe that it can help people to believe in God and religion in a futuristic way.

I believe that we have said enough in this article. So, see you next article,  God works in mysterious ways

To see more click on this link, Mankind religious beliefs  

May God bless us all.


Sunday, May 14, 2023

Religious beliefs explained.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and everyone of us felieves what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us. This article is also in Hub Page, at this link, Religious Beliefs Explained

Now, this photo is only showing the Bible, but there are many other religions in the world. Anyhow, the Bible is the most important religious book in the western world, it is also the most read book in the world, it starts by explaining how the world was created, including how we were created. It ends how the world would end in God terms. 
The Koran is the religious book of the Muslims, it derives from the Bible, because Allah their God says that he is the same God of Israel. But the written laws seem to be very much different from the Bible, I believe that they were written to guide the Muslim people, and because in those times the Muslims were fighting wars, the written text were in favour of those that are fighting those wars. The other main religion is Hinduist and the other religions that derive from it. they also try to explain how creation came about, but it is different from thr Bible.   

Welcome to our article, Religious Beliefs Explained

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear reader, we are carrying out these religious studies, so that we can understand what the people religious needs are. Because I believe that to understand religions, we need to reason within ourselves what our religious needs are, and the reasons why they are so, if we look at our previous article, Praying God for help, you can see our personal needs, perhaps other people have different needs and beliefs; but these are my religious beliefs and explanations. 

So, I ask myself, what were the psychological forces that have made me become a religious believer, and now I am even writing religious articles; here I must say that there are many things.  

Now, since we are writing religious articles, we want to explain what we want to achieve, and say something to our readers, but it is not easy. So, I am praying God to help me;

Almighty and Merciful Father forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of any impurities that affect my soul, and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you for help and guidance, and you can help me to write these religious articles, and, Reconciliation of the universe articles. Father hear my prayer! Amen.


Religious beliefs explanation. 

Now let me explain my religious beliefs, as far as I remember when I was young, I have always believed in God, the way that I was taught from my parents, grandparents, relatives and those religious institutions that I went to when I was young. But I have behaved like any other teenager when I was in the company of other young men, so, my friends and other tough people would not ridicule me about my religious beliefs, therefore, in a way I was forcing myself to live my life in a religious vacuum, because that was the way most of us young men used to live.

But many things have happened to me since then, and those happenings have changed me, because late in my life my religious beliefs have become stronger. Therefore, today I must say that my religious beliefs have become so strong that I had to start writing them. You see, I am a believer, I believe that God has been the active force that has made me change, and God has guided me in such a way that I have become a great religious believer. And I assure you that God will guide anybody that wants to be guided to do his will, so, they will be enlightened and know the truth about God

So, what has happened to me are many God’s driven things, which I am still trying to understand myself fully, and I believe that there are times that these religious happenings have happened to me for a reason, I have observed these happenings and some of the most important ones I have written down, as these happenings have been the ones that have changed my beliefs.

So, let me make a list of those happenings, I will call them religious predisposition; since I believe that people have a disposition towards religion within themselves.

 My religious predispositions.

1) I believe that I had a religious predisposition, plus during my life I have had personal religious dreams, which have reinforced my religious predisposition; I must say that these religious dreams that I had, they are written in, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, and they played a large part in making me a religious believer.

2) What I am going to say next, is a contradiction by itself, because during my life, I had an experience about deep human love, which turned those love feelings into religious beliefs. I want to tell you about this love with no physical love happenings. You see because I wanted to write to my sweetheart, I had learned how to write English, because I wanted to write to her; therefore, I believe that God made me fall in love with this special woman, so that I would start writing my long love letters to her, and in doing so I would have to learn to write to a higher standard. Now the outcome of this love was a one-sided love affair, and nothing ever happened between us: Therefore, those love feelings were turned into religious beliefs, since I started to pray God to help me with my unwanted love. So, I believe that God works in mysterious ways.

3) I believe that I have had also this supernatural encounter, where I was greeted by these supernatural beings as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe; you see, the outcome of this encounter has greatly reinforced my religious beliefs, as I am sure that there is something out there that follows us closely and knows what we do; of course there are also many other reasons why I believe what I believe today.


The other religious reasons. 

Explaining the other religious reasons, while I have been writing, ‘Reconciliation of the Universe;’ I felt that I had to pray God for protection, I had to pray God because of this unexplained danger that I felt, whether this feeling of danger was caused from my own writing, which are different to the normal religious writings, therefore, I was worried if I got them wrong in the eyes of God.

Anyhow, one may ask what sort of protection I wanted from God. Well, I don’t know exactly, but I have been feeling within myself that only God could protect me and my family from the danger that I felt; you see, I was going to write new religious things that people had never said before, so, I felt that I was exposing myself to danger; but even when I felt this danger I continued to write my religious articles.

Anyhow, there was also this feeling that I have had during my life, that my family needs protection from God, because looking back at my entire life, I believe that I have had to struggle more than the normal share. And looking back at my parent’s family history, and the great misfortune of my father death from a lightning strike when I was only five years old, and other things. Anyhow, today I can add that I have also a sick daughter and a son, and I hope that God will help them. So, I can only think that God will help me and my family, if I continue to write my religious writings as a prayer to God, and while I am writing them, I pray God to help me.

Sometimes I feel that God has forgotten us, I even feel that I am being tried like Job; this story of Job is written in the Bible, but at the same time I continue to write my religious articles. Now because I am a believer and I believe in God, even if the way I believe is different from the way that other people believe in God, I feel that I am still a believer, and I wish God would help me.

Anyhow, whatever is the reason I turn to God and pray in the hope that God remembers us and helps us? So, I pray to God our Father to forgive us our sins. So, Almighty Father, whatever it is this drawback that affects my family, I pray you Father to help us overcome it, and I pray you to protect us and let us live a healthy and better life. What I have said may seem somehow strange, but a believer believes many things, even if what he thinks is strange.

Writing religion articles as a prayer to God. 

So, here I am my lord God, writing these religious writings as a prayer to God Most High, in the hope that God would help us. Now, above all I pray God for my children, so that they can live their lives better than I am living mine. Therefore, my religious writings of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’ is a prayer to God our Father. So, I hope that God accepts my writings as a dedication of my faith, even if my writings are different from the normal classic religious writings, because at the same time I believe that I am trying to improve religions, by trying to set new goals in a way that all existing religions can be linked to each other; so that separatism cannot be possible any longer, when these religious suggestions that we are writing are accepted and used.

Therefore, I believe that it may not matter if these religious writings are not the classic religious writings, because I have to follow my idealism, my heart and my soul, if I want to be true to myself, so, I have to write what they lead me to believe in, after all it may be what God wants me to write.

Therefore, may God our Father hear and accept my prayer in the form of these religious writings, and also the prayers that I pray every day of my life; I am praying in the hope that God grants my children and their offspring a safe, healthy and a better life than I am living myself.

Deep within my heart I believe that the act of my writing, Reconciliation of the Universe and other religious stuff is the most likely prayer that God will accept from me, so, I hope that God would protect me and my children and their offspring and grant them a healthy and better life in the future. So, if God wants me to write these religious writings as a prayer, then let it be, even if I have to spend the rest of my life writing them.  Father, hear my prayer and help me. 

I believe that I have said enough in this article, so, see you in our next article called, Mankind religious beliefs

To see more and the original article click on this link, Religious Beliefs Explained

May God bless us all.


Monday, April 24, 2023

We pray God to help us.

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe, and everyone of us felieves what we believe., pub-9256279988632468, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 
Anyhow, I believe that we are guided from what we believe, so, in these articles we will talk about, how by using our own imagination, we can find a way how to link all existing religions together. You see, all religions are based on beliefs, and beliefs can be modified, if we allow them to be modified, therefore, if all religious beliefs are modified the same way, one day we can believe in a single God and religion. So, the unbeliever believer can be disarmed. 
Anyhow, what follows here is what has happened to me during my life, and I believe that if we pray God, God can help us. This article is also in Hub Page, at this link, Praying God for help 

During our lives, we have many problems, and it could be helpful to remember, that in our hour of need we can turn to God and pray. Because when we pray, God hears more that we say, answers more that we ask, gives more that we imagine, in his own time and in his own way. So, let us cotinue to pray God. 

Welcome to our article, Praying God for help

Dear readers, we pray God to help us, so, I am praying God for help, because my greatest hope remains with God. You see, when things go wrong, we always pray to God. That is why, Man needs God, and prays to God, and  today there is another member of my family sick, very much like my daughter that I have described in our previous article, but this time is my son. The most painful part for any parent is to see their children sick. 

It is hard to believe that whatever you do and whatever you say to them, they don’t listen to you, because they don’t realize that they are sick and they need help, you may tell them to go to see a doctor, but they will not go, so, they become even sicker; because they are sick they do stupid things and keep doing stupid things that worries people that are around them.

Therefore, today in my hours of need, I am praying God to help me; what else we can do when we need help? Now, I need to say here that since I am a Roman Catholic, I am starting most of my prayers the Roman Catholic ways, but if you happen to be of another religion, then start your own way as you have been taught from your forbears, you need to pray to the God that you believe in.

And thus, I pray:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy-Spirit, I am praying God for help with all my heart my soul and my mind, hoping that in His Mercy God will hear my prayer and  answer my prayers and help my family.

Almighty Father to you I turn God Most High praying for help in my hours of need; I am praying you since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life giver of every living thing; therefore, I believe that for you to heal any living being is possible, so, I am praying and asking to help my daughter and my son who are sick, to let them become healthy again.

Father, hear my prayer and help us, by letting my daughter and my son be healthy again, amen.

Dear readers, man needs God and pray to God; just look at me and how I am restless and desperate to find a way out from the illness of my daughter and my son. So, now for me the only way left open is to pray God, what else can I do to relieve the pains that are in my heart, therefore, I will continue to pray God and hope for a good outcome.


Praying God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

When we pray we can pray to several entities, that is the way that we have been taught from our religious leaders and elders of the Roman Catholic faith, other religions pray in different ways; for instance, the Muslim pray to their God Allah, and for what I have heard that is the only deity that they pray to. For us Roman Catholic our religion gives us more freedom; so, some of us will pray to the Virgin Mary, some people may pray to Saints, we all seem to have our ways of praying; for me since I have started to write these religious writings I like to go straight to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ, so, here I am praying Our Heavenly Father and this time I am praying in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Almighty Father, I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, since Jesus is the divine link that You have given to us, so that all humanity could come back to you through Jesus love. We believe that since Our Lord Jesus Christ has been here on earth, and lived like one of us human beings, He knows firsthand our anguishes, our despair our misery and pains; so, we feel that Jesus can understand us fully when we ask for help, and thus, I pray to Jesus in the hope that through the powers that you have given him he can help us:

Here I pray and hope for a better outcome for my daughter and my son illness, we know that you are a merciful Father, because, when Jesus lived with us on earth he said, ask our Heavenly Father and it will be given to you free, since our Heavenly Father will give you good things if you humbly ask Him. So, I am humbly praying and asking you Father to help me, in the hope that you can heal these two members of my family.

Heavenly Father, I pray you to have mercy on us and help my daughter and son (names) who are sick to become healthy enough, so that they can live a normal life and be independent. Father, hear my prayer! Amen.


I am praying God for a grace.   

Dear readers, I need to explain, why I am going around in circles and praying to God our Father again and again; but what else can a man do when the situation becomes desperate? I suppose we can only pray God pray and pray, in the hope of improving the outcome.

Therefore, I am praying God in my hours of need, thinking that I must pray God for a grace, since only a grace can help my family. I believe that if I pray God with all my heart my soul and my mind, a grace can be coming my way. I am praying God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, because I believe that my prayers have a better chance to be heard and answered favorably. So, Father, hear my prayer and help me, amen.

Almighty and merciful Father today I am praying for help in my hours of need, since I believe with all my heart my soul and my mind that for you everything is possible, since you are the creator of every existing thing and the life giver of every living thing.

So, in my hours of need, anguish and concerns to my lord God-Most-High I pray thus:

My Lord God, Almighty and merciful Father, in these hours of need anguish and concerns, I am praying you with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly, I am calling on your mercy to help my doughter and my son. 

I am praying for help in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who knows our human needs and who is the bridge and the way that binds humanity to the eternal life force of God of the universe.

I am praying and hoping that in your mercy my prayers for help would be heard and answered in a helpful way for my doughter and my son. Father hear my prayer and help us! Amen.

Having prayed to our Father God Most-High I feel more hopeful that God can answer my prayers and help my daughter and my son to become healthy again, therefore, my greatest hope remains with God, what else can I do, as I have done everything humanly possible already.


My greatest hope remains with God. 

Dear readers: I keep repeating the same prayers to God our Father; but you see, a believer cannot move away from his religious beliefs, because beliefs can be hopes, and God is hope for those who need hope most. Therefore, when we need help from heaven above, our greatest hope must remain with God. So,

I am praying to Almighty Father, in the hope that God hears my prayer and help my daughter and my son be healthy. If I must do something myself to help them, let me see what I need to do, and if the curing doctor is going to be the means whereas my daughter or my son can be healthy again, then let the curing doctor see what needs to be done. I believe that our Heavenly Father can help them to be healthy; so, I will continue to pray.

I believe that for me to achieve worthiness and receive a grace, I must do something important in the eyes of our Father God, so that God takes notice of me, like writing a religious theory, which can help to guide humanity back to Our Heavenly Father. So, I will write my religious theory as a prayer of gratitude to our Almighty Father, and I humbly pray God to accept my writings as my personal prayer to him. I am going to write this religious theory, of reconciliation of the universe, even if I should write it for the rest of my life.

Therefore, I should write my religious articles, since I have promised God to write them. Because I feel deep within my heart that the outcome of my prayer, is equal to the beliefs that I have within myself; so, I must keep praying and writing, if I want my children to become healthy again.

I believe that one day my religious writings can be helpful for mankind, because they can help mankind consolidate their religious beliefs, or at least help mankind find their way back to the true God, to believe in God and to serve God. And these writings can become one day the beginning of the New Religious World Order. So, I believe that it is my duty to God and to all humanity that I must write these religious beliefs. Since I believe in what I am writing, since I feel this force within me, and it drives me to write my religious beliefs. Therefore, now I am going to write, Reconciliation of the Universe, which is going to be a theory capable of connecting all religions together; this can help humanity work out their religious differences.

Anyhow, I will continue to pray God, in the hope that God would help me, even when God does not answer my prayers, what else can I do, except pray in my hours of need. This is all I can say in this article.

See you next time with, Religious Beliefs Explained

To see more click on this link,  Praying God for help 

May God bless us all. 
