Sunday, August 21, 2016

Warning for our readers

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to out post, man needs God
and this post, warning for our readers
Warning for our readers
Because the forces of evil are by belief dwelling in Hell. With this photo we try to warn our readers, about its dangers.

Warning for our readers

Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post called, the two life force of the universe. If you have followed us, and you have read our previous religious posts, you know by now that we are describing the negative life force of the universe. So, let me explain, since we believe that all existing spiritual life force of the universe form a never ending cycle, here we have reached a place where we have to talk about the negative forces of the universe. So, because we are going to talk about the negative life force of the universe, we believe that we are entering a place of many hidden spiritual dangers, whether you believe it or not try to follow our warning, because we believe that these negative forces exist, just like the positive forces of God exists.
Therefore, from here onward, and up to the end of our writings of the negative life force, every time that you read an article in the negative life force writings say a prayer to God for protection, even if you read just a few lines. It is very important that you pray. And don’t you ever forget it!
You don’t have to say a very long prayer if you are only reading a few lines, and it could be enough to pray only like this: My Lord God, protect me from the force of evil.
But for me because I am going to write about the negative life force of the universe, and for those who are reading through it, I will be writing a prayer for protection every time we enter a new chapter or circle, and you make sure that you read it as a prayer for protection to protect yourself: But if you feel that my prayer might not be suitable for your own personal reasons, then add or replace it with your own personal prayer to God to protect yourself and make sure that you say it, even if you say it in your head only, by thinking about it.
So just to start it right, here is my very first and very important prayer for protection.
My Lord God, I pray you to protect me from the force of evil, because I am about to start writing about an imaginary journey, that would take me in the little known and dangerous part of the universe where the negative life force dwells. I know that this place could be dangerous for me if I am spiritually on my own; therefore, I hope so much that what I am writing here, it is according to your will, because I am sure that if my writings are according to your will, then, You will protect me from any danger, and I would fear nothing. But because it is not possible for me to know your will I worry about my safety, because I am not sure whether I would be protected from you My Lord without praying you. Therefore, here I pray you my Lord God with all my heart, my soul and my mind for your protection.
To you I turn God Most High and invoke You in my prayer: my Lord God, you who are the father of every living thing on earth and also in heaven, and without You no life of any sort could exist anywhere in the universe, because You are the life and the One who created life, and this includes everybody and every living thing on earth and the whole spiritual life in the universe. Because You are the life, anyone who wants to live forever, or as long as possible must be with You and obey your commandments, and those who move away from your life-force might perish forever, since there is no life without your presence my Lord, and I believe that if I am not protected from you my Lord the force of evil might be able to harm me.
So here I am writing one of my prayers for protection:
In the name of The Father, The-Son and The-Holy Spirit, I am praying you, who is the Spirit of God Most-High and master of the whole universe and all seen and unseen living things. I am praying you with all the strength that I have in my heart in my soul and in my mind for protection from the forces of evil; because I fear the negative life force of the universe when I have to write about it: But, in this part of my religious writings that I call Reconciliation of the Universe I have to write about the negative life-force of the universe, and for this reason I need your protection, just because the forces of evil might be able to take advantage of me while I am talking about them.
My Lord God, hear my prayer and protect me from the negative life force of the universe! Amen
I believe that I have said enough for this post, so I better stop now, next post will be our last bridging article called, reconciliation of the universe Era; after that we will be writing about the forces of evil, and there I will start by writing another prayer for protection every chapter. See you soon!
May God guide and protect us all?
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
Warning to our readers  
Next with; reconciliation of the universe Era
Some personal and religious links: 

Friday, August 12, 2016

The two life forces of the universe

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, the two life forces of the universe
The two life forces of the universe

The angels of God, belong to the positive life force of the universe, and they dwell near God of the universe.


The negative spiritual life force, it is believed to be those angels that have rebelled, so, they dwell faraway from God of the universe.

The two life forces of the universe
Dear readers, this post, The two life force of the universe, is the continuation of our last post, Describing God of the universe, where we said that we were going to write about the two life forces of the universe. We think that there are good reasons for us to believe that the entire spiritual life force of the universe is split in two parts, the positive part and the negative part; so, in this post, we will start talking about the two life forces of the universe
In our religious writings so far, we have been talking mainly about the positive life force of God, so, what we have written above is mostly the spiritual positive life force of the universe, but we need also to talk about the negative life force of the universe from now on, in order to complete the whole cycle of the life forces of the universe and how they would or could work together.
In our imaginary description of the spiritual life forces of the universe in these religious writings, God being the most important part of the spiritual life forces is at the centre of the universe and He is the prime mover of all the spiritual forces of the universe, therefore if there is no God there would not be any spiritual life forces either and there would not be any life also, because God is life and if there is no god there is no life. Now, these life forces could be positive or negative; and now, let us see how these two life forces might work together, even though they are somehow different and at the same time they are opposite to one another.
As we all know these religious writings have been based on what we believe, or what we have been told to believe from our religious leaders, our teachers, our parents and elders and some of these beliefs are just our own imagination; so here we are putting all the religious pieces that we  know together so to speak; and since we have always believed that there are these two opposite spiritual forces, let us try to see how they could fit in, in our imaginary picture of the spiritual life forces of the universe, since we would like to describe them in order to find a way and modernise religions the best way we can; and that is if religions could be modernized.
These two life forces being different to one another happen to stand side by side only at the boundaries where they meet each other, but really there is no definite spiritual boundary as the change is gradual, in fact the boundary is more like a neutral ground, where positive and negative forces mingle together and is hard to say to which side any of these life forces belongs, because at the boundary position they are almost the same, but then, if one moves away from this boundary their differences increases, that is to say that if one moves toward the positive central life force of God, the positive factor increases: But if one moves toward the negative central force, the negative factor increases.
The negative life force usually stands in opposition to the positive life force of God of the Universe, but even though it stands in opposition it does most of the time God’s will, because they need each other, in order to complete the life cycle of the universe; however, we need to say that there is only one God throughout the universe, which is the only life force that guides the universe, and also there is the flow of energies that has to flow in the right direction: this flow of energies that we are talking about is not easy to explain in the text in a few words, and for this reason we have to find a way how we can draw a sketch about the life forces of the universe, and then find a way how to see it, because at the present time we cannot copy a sketch with the browser. So we hope to put a link here that somehow can go to our, God of the universe sketch, in out Google site; but even here the sketch cannot explain everything.
Warning if you happen to find your way and see the sketch in our Google sites, you have to understand that this is only the beginning of our sketch and we are trying it out to see if it works, you can find the sketch at the bottom of this Google site under the name; GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, so, you click on this link below go to the bottom of the page and click on the link, GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, and follow also what we have said above.
Now that we have explained how to visit our Google site, and we assume that you have visited it and seen out sketch, we are going to talk about the negative life force, since we have written about the positive force already.
The negative life force
The negative life force
So far we have been talking about the positive life force of the universe, which has we have said it represents the life force of God: but we need also to write and explain the negative force of the universe, but before we start writing about the negative life force of the universe I ought to pray to my Lord God for my own spiritual safety, because I need to be protected, you see I believe that every time we are going to talk about the negative life force, we need to say a prayer to God for protection.
My Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying, I am praying for my own protection, because I am bound to write about the negative life force of the universe, in order to explain the whole life cycle of the universe to our readers, therefore I am concerned for my own safety, since the negative life force may want to harm me, just because I am talking about it. And it is for this reason that I pray you My Lord God to protect me from the force of evil. Lord, hear my prayer and protect me, amen.
As I have already said I don’t like to write about the negative Life Force of the Universe, but because I am bound to explain the whole life cycle of the universe I have to write about it anyhow.
Now let me explain, just as the positive life forces of the universe is formed by a large number of positive angels; the negative life force of the universe is formed by angels that have rebelled against God’s rules of the universe, because they find those rules hard to follow, since those angels carry a defect within themselves. They are not as pure as God’s angels because they carry some negative life energy, and this is what makes them rebel against God’s rules. So, they have to reside at the very far end away from God’s life-force, and in some ways they do the opposite of God’s life-force.
Therefore, the life-force of the universe is split in two camps: One camp is with the positive life-force of God, and the other camp is with the group of rebelled angels, which is the negative life-force.
Most of these negative angel’s function just like God’s angels, therefore they are charged to take care of all the negative souls of the universe since these souls are like themselves.
A few angels of the negative life force are so loaded with negative energy that they may become evil, and then they have a tendency to mingle wherever and whenever they can with life in the universe, in the hope of possessing this life for themselves some of this God-created-life.
The negative life-force then may try to use this possession for its own end; anyhow this is how some people beliefs could be explained.
In the negative life-force section, when some souls become uncontrollable forever, they are sent in the abyss where they destroy themselves and in doing so they break the existing life energy to the smallest possible particle, which are then left floating freely in the cosmos.
Some of the negative life force particles can attach themselves to the negative life force; at the same time God magnetic life-force is able to attract all positive particles of life-force throughout the cosmos of the universe to Him, and form this energy God is able to reprocess and starts a new life cycle.
You see, for life and everything else in the universe to last forever, there must be a cycle that goes around forever; this is how we can imagine God of the universe and all other spiritual forces in the universe could be, they can form a complete life cycle and God and life can exist forever.
Now that we have explained somehow part of God life forces of the universe, let me pass you some important information and warnings, before we start writing about the negative life force of the universe and what it does.
Important information
You all human beings that are living on earth, this is the most important thing that you should learn to do: You should love and pray God with all your hearts, your souls and your minds and follow God’s commandment all the time, and if you do that God will guide you, and you should not live in fear of God because God loves you: But you must be careful and you must not move away from God spiritual life force energies of the universe, because then God will not be protecting you; and if God spiritual life force is not protecting you then the force of evil may be able to harm you. So in my wisdom that God has given me, let me suggest this to you:
Love and pray God with all your heart: But fear the force of evil because it may harm or destroy you.
What I am going to say next is based only on my own human logic reasoning, so there is no certainty about it really happening the way that I am going to describe it here. But as we all know near the end of the Bible in Revelations it states that God is going to put an end to our present system, some people call it apocalypse and believe that real great wars and immense destructions are going to happen and after that a new system will be set up from God and its angels; but I think that this might be only a wishful thinking that people have, because they want God to be their leader so that they are free of any responsibilities.
Here, our view on this subject is this that these great wars and tribulations will not happen, because they seem very unlikely to happen just for the reason of bringing a new system: you see, there is no need for these great wars to happen, but at the same time we believe that there are reasons that things need to change and will change, so, in the days that will come sometime soon in the future we hope there will be a change for the better. We believe that the universe may then be divided in three main parts, instead of two parts as it seems to be at the present time, and it will be done in a more defined way that it is at the present time.
So that, God will reign supreme in the first part of the universe just as He does now, and in the second part, God and Mother Nature will reign together, with a minimum interference from the negative forces.
When that time comes the negative life force of evil will be restricted to influence life on earth, and only Mother Nature with the help of God will reign over this part of the universe; anyhow this way of seeing things might be our wishful thinking as well.
Therefore, the negative life force will only be allowed to reign freely in its assign third part. Here I mean that in the future, that the two combined positive and negative circles number six and this includes also our planet earth number seven will be controlled a lot more by God angels and Mother Nature and a lot less from the forces of evil, as it is the case is at the present time.
Having explained the above and before we start talking about the negative force we will end this part by saying that: If we want to be good Christians we must love God and fear the force of evil.
Now, here we want to inform our readers that in our writings from here onward, there will be no life force of evil that exists just for being evil: But whatever is not part of God positive life force, and in a way does the opposite of God life force will be described generally as the negative life force of the universe, therefore the description as the force of evil will be kept to a minimum, because it is not correct to describe it as evil all the time, since the negative life force has a useful purpose as well, and it is only a small part of it that sometimes may turn evil and dangerous. But of course in our prayers we may still describe it as the force of evil, because it is the only way that we can pray God for protection, since we would like to be protected from God from that part of the negative force that might become evil.
I believe that we have said enough in this post, (the two life forces of the universe), and it is becoming too long for today average readers, so, see you in our next post called, Warning to our readers.
May God bless us all?  
Man needs God
The two life forces of the universe  
Next with; warning to our readers
Some personal and religious links: 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Describing God of the universe

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, describing God of the universe
Describing God of the universe
This is one of the photos that I like to describe God of the universe. You see, God is invisible to us human, so, when we look at any part of the universe, we could say that we are looking also at God.
Describing God of the universe
Dear readers, in a way this is the continuation of our last post that we called, the creation of mankind, that post included other things as well, we ended up by saying that we need to write about God of the universe and the life cycle of the universe. In this article we will still be talking about the never ending life cycle of the universe, starting with: God of the Universe; The two opposite life forces of the Universe, Important information and Warning to our readers.
Dear readers as you may already know the reasons why we have started to write all these religious articles is that we are looking for a solution to today religious problems; at this point of time we believe that from what we have already said a new religious idea is slowly emerging in our minds, which somehow is going to be able to link the old religions together, and if and when it happens, it is going to bring in a new way of religious thinking. We believe that at this point of time we have reached a stage where it is necessary to explain and show you how and why this new idea could and would work. Now as you already know, we have already said and some of us have accepted that we need a super and benevolent God at the head of all existing religions, so that all existing religions may have a link in common and can link at this highest spiritual level, and this is what we are trying to start setting up and telling you with this article.
Therefore, what we are writing here is a new concept and describing God of the universe, or we should say God’s life forces energies of the universe, since we are describing God more as a life force and life giver that gives life to the entire universe and not as a God like person, at the same time this God life force energy is entirely benevolent, and it can elect to appear to us as a person, if he likes.
As we said in our last article “the creation of mankind”, this needs to be clarified better and more explanations need to be written in order to give our readers a clear picture, of how we imagine the whole picture of God and the existing spiritual life forces of the universe are; we have to say here also that this is the way I imagine them, therefore I feel within my heart that I have to write those things down and explain them to you, just the way I imagine them.
So let me describe to you; God of the universe and the life cycle of the universe, because there is a life cycle in the universe, just as there are life cycles elsewhere. But before we do that let us say something to the real religious believers, because they might start to think that we are trying to undermine their religious beliefs and lead them astray. But, since we have said this already in our previous article, let our readers navigate to this article if they want to read in full; The creation of mankind, so that we are not repeating that same explanation again.
Now because we are writing about religious issues, I would like to pray to God, or should I say that I would like to pray to “God the life energies of the universe” first, in the hope that God would accepts what I am about to say here, and also for guidance and help. You see after I pray I feel a sense of security, because I have called on my God to accept and witness what I am going to write, so, let me pray.
My Lord God in heaven, to you I turn God Most High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I would be able to write these religious writing of, God of the universe, as humanly as possible according to your will and in such a way that humanity would accept then and could use them, for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
God of the universe and the life cycle of the universe
Now that I have prayed God I can explain, what we are going to write next about God and the life cycle of the universe; you see, it is a new way of seeing religious things, and therefore, it is a very controversial subject capable to change many point of views in religion if they are accepted, for this reason we are concerned how to set it out properly; we know that we have to try to make it as easy as possible for people to understand it easily, but it is not going to be that easy to do, because it is a complete new way of seeing spiritual things in the universe, because what we are saying in here extends past the present accepted religious views.
Anyhow, we need to explain all this spiritual stuff as we imagine it, and how we see it, in the hope that people might be willing to accept those changes more likely, because this is one of the aims of these religious writings. We believe that we need to change and believe in a benevolent super God that is capable to bring all religions together. Now, we are also concerned about the spiritual side of course, therefore before we start seriously to write this article, I am going to pray again a short prayer to God, so that I would feel safer and also I would feel worthy of writing these religious writings.
My Lord God and Merciful Father I pray you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean, and when I am clean and purified; help me to write our religious articles as humanly as possible according to your will: Father, hear my prayer and help me!
Dear readers we have reached the stage where it is necessary to explain in a more definite way how God including the spiritual life forces of the universe are, or should we say how we see and believe that these spiritual life forces energies of the universe could be. So, in this part of our religious writings we wish to be allowed to describe God of the Universe in a schematic way, and may God of the universe our Spiritual Father, forgive me if I get it wrong. Because we have to write about our religious views in such a way that our readers will know what we mean, we have to do it this way, since our religious theory is a complete new way for everybody of seeing God of the Universe the way we believe he is, and so we describe Him thus.
In this religious theory, we need to describe our God of the universe the best way we can, so let us say this: if one has to describe God of the Universe within the lifecycle of the universe; then one has to think of the whole universe as a sphere or a circle, with God the positive and constructive life force energies residing at the centre of and/or at the top of it, while at the same time God is guiding the entire universe throughout the cosmos. The cosmos is so close netted together with God life force, and it might be said that it is part of God or an extension of God Himself. We are also pointing out that we need to assume that these spiritual life forces behave just like the rest of everything else in the universe behaves; therefore, when we put all the spiritual forces together, they will form a cycle that will never ends. Well, we have to say that this is not that easy to explain, but you will see and understand what we mean, as we continue to write about them; and also, how the spent life forces energies of the universe can find the way back to God and be recycled through God, so that these life cycle energies would never end.
Now, here we are talking about God of the universe, but because the universe would be a field too large to describe it here, by necessity we have limited ourselves to confine this description only with our galaxy, so then God of the Universe is as widespread as the whole galaxy, with the exception of the Abyss which is unclean and full of negative life energy and other unknown things, some of the Abyss we will describe when we come to write about it. We need to do that because the abyss is the enormous link in the universe that links, or perhaps we should say keeps apart the negative side to the positive side; but that will be the last piece of the puzzle and we will talk about the abyss later on, because now we have other things to talk about.
Now let us talk about the cosmos; the cosmos is everything put together and binds together every living thing, it is also the medium of communication throughout the universe, and as the cosmos covers the entire galaxy so does God’s powers and this is the reason why God can hear and see everything, no matter how hard one tries to hide it from Him. So, perhaps one may have to assume that we live within God and are part of God himself; as this would be more accurate, since God life force energies are everywhere and covers the entire galaxy.
Now, when we read the Bible the ancient Jews religious and their history book, we know that there was a time that part of the life force of God came down to earth, as this is written in Genesis when Moses met God as a burning bush, Moses asked God who was he, and God said, I am who I am; which in the Hebrew is Yahweh, this is the only time that man can claim to have seen and spoken to God face to face even though there was no God face to be seen, because Moses saw only a burning talking bush.
So, since Yahweh is the only part of God that man can claim to have spoken to, we have to assume that Yahweh is the most active part of God of the Universe life force energies; and also Yahweh is the only true God of the Universe for us, since He came down to earth, therefore for us earthlings He is the Father of everything. But, here we have to make an observation and it is that Yahweh is only part of the life forces of God of the universe and not the entire life forces of the universe, as God of the universe is as large as the whole existing universe, if we keep this in mind that God of the universe is the positive life energies and at the same time on the other side the negative life forces of the universe put together, in order to understand all this then, we need to break it down in several sections to understand the concept of the life forces energies of the universe, as there is a lot more than that to be said.
To start with we need to separate the positive life forces of the universe from the negative life force of the universe, therefore, here from now on when we say, God life force of the universe, we are talking only about the positive life force of God and the negative life force we will be talking about later on. So, now let us talk about how large is this God of the universe; all energies of the universe are part of God including the cosmos which has also many other uses and helps ‘The Life Force of God of the Universe’, because the cosmos not only is a listening and transmitting devise, but God can use the cosmos to transmit anything and any elected part of Himself from one point to another point of the galaxy, the cosmos also collects throughout the galaxy free floating positive life energy, and filters out any impurities before they reach the central positive life force of God of the Universe, since the central Life Force of God of the Universe is pure positive life energy, and will run only on pure life energy; In order to achieve this God of the Universe acts like a giant magnetic force, which attracts all the positive life energy of the universe to himself/itself, and then God distribute it as it needs be or as He pleases. Now let us talk about the two life forces of the universe.
I believe that this post is becoming too long, so, we will be talking about the two life forces of the universe in our next post.
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
Describing God of the universe  
Next with; the two life forces of the universe
Some personal and religious links: 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The creation of mankind

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, the creation of mankind
The creation of mankind
Some scientists believe that we all have evolved from a very simple life forms for thousands of years or even millions of years, so, everything is possible to happen in a very long time.

The creation of mankind

Welcome to our post, the origin and creation of life and the creation of mankind
May God guide and help me to write the right things?
Dear reads, this post is the continuation of our last post, how God of the universe started life on earth. Anyhow, in this post, in order to maintain our imaginary set-up, of the life cycle of the universe, we would like to remind our readers that we are still talking about circle number 7 mother earth, therefore, in this article we will be talking how we believe the origin of life could have come about, we believe that God and evolution have worked together including mother nature; so we will talk about the creation of mankind, the way that we believe mankind has started, and then back to our imaginary circle seventh our mother earth
In our last article we were talking about how God could have started to create life on earth; and that description was not exactly according to what the bible says, but it was a possible view of how life on earth could have started in a spontaneous way just by a bit of help from God; we have done that because this type of creation is more compatible with Darwin evolution views, so, even the atheists could accept it, as it is trying to bridges both sides, because at the same time this life was created with the help of God life energies of the universe and therefore God, and then, we followed how God, Mother Nature and evolution were working together to generate new life and keep the existing created life going on indefinitely, by doing that in a way we have paved the way of how God could continue to create new life, or how God would improve the life that he had already created; so, let us see what could be the next step in order to complete his creation ending with the creation of mankind, which is the most important creation for us humans.
Therefore now, let us continue to talk about God’s creation and then the creation of mankind, the way that we believe could have happened, because everybody that reads our articles, would like to know about what we think about the creation of mankind; so, here we are talking again about the most asked question in the whole world, the creation of mankind, because sometimes we find hard to believe that what is written in the Bible can be the real truth because it may not (in fact it does not) follow our human logic reasoning; anyhow we have our own views about the creation of mankind and we will be describing them soon hereunder.
But first let me write something for the Bible believers; knowing that with these religious writings that we are writing here, we are trying to change some of the existing religious understanding or beliefs, so that they would make sense and agree with a larger section of the community and perhaps even the atheists, who as we all know, they do not believe in God at all and knowing that it is not easy for us to write our religious theory; therefore, I believe that I need to pray our Lord God to help and guide me even how to write this prayer, as this prayer may even help the believer that they are still reading something religious, so, let me write or say this prayer here under.
My Lord God of the universe, to you I turn God-Most-High, and I start to pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. In the name of The-Father The-Son and The-Holy Spirit I am praying, hoping that the ever present guiding force of the Holy Spirit on earth would guide me; So that, I would be able to write our religious writing and this article about, the creation of mankind, as humanly as possible according to your will and in such a way that mankind could accept them, and then, use them for the future benefit of mankind. Father, hear my prayer and guide me! Amen.
The creation of mankind
Dear readers, even though I have prayed God several times and I would like to make our readers believe that I am still a believer; before I start talking about ‘The Creation of Mankind’ the way that I imagine it could be, I have to pray God again and hope that our theory is acceptable to God as well as us humans, because what we have in mind to say is not exactly what is written in the Bible, or what most of the people believe at the present time. So what we are trying to say here is going to be a new way of religious thinking, or a new religious theory if you like that tries very hard to reconcile the old beliefs with this modern world, and this is what makes me feel concerned because our theory might be far away from the present accepted religious ways. So this is the reason why I go back to pray God to accept our religious theory and guide me in such a way that our theory could be acceptable to Him, and therefore one day also to the entire religious world. So let me just pray God:
My Lord God, I pray you to forgive me all my life sins and make me clean of all impurities that may affect my soul, so that I would become worthy to pray to you and my prayer would be heard and accepted, and therefore I would become also worthy to write what I have to write in our religious theory, therefore I am praying you to help me and let me see through my mind eyes, what I need to write in this part of our religious writings called ‘The Creation of Mankind. Father, hear my prayer and help me.
Dear reader, after praying my Lord God I feel more confident, but at the same time before I say anything about what I am going to write next, I am praying God to forgive me if I got it wrong, since what we are going to say here might sound completely a different story compared to what is written in the Bible; but these are our beliefs and we have to follow them, if we want to be true to ourselves. Anyhow, we have to do this in order to follow our logic human explanations of how things could have evolved and how man was created later on, we have to do that because we have to try to reconcile as much as possible God’s creation with Mother Nature and Evolution in order to make sense, otherwise it would be better to leave religious things as they are now, even knowing that they are not completely true.
So now let us talk about the creation of mankind, which may not have been a real creation at all, as it seems to me that this present Era is the continuation of an earlier creation, therefore, there are reasons to believe that, ‘The Creation of Mankind’ may very likely have been a direct link to the beginning of time and creation, and that God, or perhaps we should say, the life forces energies of God of the universe, in conjunction with Mother Nature and Evolution have worked hard to bring it about for a very long time, as it took millions and millions of earth years for life to reach its present advanced state, here I am talking about mankind the most advanced life of our planet earth, which happens to be us human beings that God seems to be interested in, or at least we believe that this is the case between God and us; you see it makes us feel good when we think that God is interested in us, because we are the best part of the spiritual God life force of the universe.
Anyhow, in order to continue our explanation, and in order to connect creation and evolution we have to tell you what we believe could have happened; You see we believe or guess that all this could have happened during the last 100,000 earth years or there about, that God of the Universe has really been interested very much about His own creation of life on earth, because one of the evolved species of His creation had become so advanced that they were able to start thinking for themselves, which is/was a very good thing indeed.
Having seen that there are so many living species on planet earth and some are very advanced, we may have to assume that in order to reconcile Evolution with Creation we need to come to a conclusion of how things could have happened, so, we believe that it may very likely be like this: Perhaps, after all God did not need to make Adam the first man on earth from a piece of dirt, because there were already so many animals around to choose from, and all God had to do was to improve one of the thinking animals, as this was the way that God used to work to improve his own created earthly life.
(Now, I suppose you can see the link that we believe exists between God and evolution.)
So, God selected one of the best unblemished males of those existing animals which looked almost like a man and improved him. By putting this selected animal to sleep and by using his power He changed this animal to a real man, God also gave this man a special soul when He blew on his face to wake him up, and God called this transformed animal who had now become man Adam. God might have used the same way to make Eve, in order to give Adam a wife; you see all the animals were male and female. But anyhow we might have to accept that God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs, because it is written in the Bible, we never know what could be the truth. You see today scientists can create a new animal by crossing some of these animals’ cells.
The rest of the story is all written in the Bible, how Adam and Eve failed to follow God’s instructions, and therefore they were banned from the Garden of Eden.
Dear reader, this explanation above is a bit jumpy, but this is how we believe it could or should have been in the beginning, and we hope that we got it right: and if we are not right; then, I pray God to forgive me, because this is as far as I can imagine or see.
Having now explained our own beliefs of how God and man are now linked together, let us go back to circle number 7 Mother earth and write what we believe has been left out. May God help me to do that?
Circle 7 Mother earth
Let us go back to talk about circle seven Mother Earth.
Let me say a short prayer before I start writing again our beliefs.
My Lord God and merciful spiritual Father I pray you to forgive me my sins and purify me and then help me to write our religious writings of circle 7 mother earth according to your will. Father, hear my prayer, amen.
Therefore, now let us go back to talk about circle number seven (Mother-earth); we have called this article back to mother earth, because what we are going to describe here is supposed to have happened here on earth and not in heaven, and in doing so we can complete our writings about circle 7 (Mother earth). As we have already said, we have reasons to believe that God created Adam and Eve in a slightly different way that has been written in the Bible; I suppose I need to explain my beliefs here, but that is only my beliefs and I have no proof about that.
I believe that most of the other things that are said in the Bible to have happened in Genesis would or could be true, or at least partly true, of course there would be some exceptions which we will try to explain somewhere else in our writings. However now let me go back to the moment when God created Adam, and I want to bring to the attention of our reader that God gave Adam a special soul when He gave Adam his breath, this is necessary to point out because this would be the difference between us and the rest of the animals; we have been given a special soul from God, while the rest of the animals have not. You see, we need to believe in that, because this sets us above all the rest of the animal’s world.
As we have already said in our religious writings, that all life in the universe is part of God life-force and therefore it is part of God Himself. But when God created Adam this event was extra special, because God gave Adam His own breath, and so He gave Adam this extra bit of Himself, hoping that by doing so Adam would become perfect enough to follow Him (God), and do whatever God wanted him to do, but as we all know, it didn’t work that way, because of the intervention of the negative life-force of the universe in the form of a serpent, we don’t need to write here the story of Adam’s fall because as you all know, it has been written in the Bible and that is more than good enough for us to know it.
Now what we want to say here is the way that God has many times tried to improve our lives. Therefore, if we keep in mind the pattern of events of life in the universe since the beginning of time, as we have written above and how God started life and then improved it as the time went by, and this pattern of improvement is also evident in the Bible if we try to find it, since God always chooses the good people and helps them to survive; but helps to brings destruction to bad people, so that the human race that is left alive in the end may multiply and improve by such selection.
There is also another way of how God improves the human race, and this is when He causes special persons to be born; these special persons may just be great religious persons who will guide the people of their time back to God, or it may be just a very special person who has received a special gift from God, (Abraham) and this person would be able to starts a new race that would follow God and believe in God. In the Bible as you know there are children born from very old women, who rightly were believed that would never have any children: But because God did intervene and visited them and made them conceive, and so they gave birth to very special children. Now if you have followed the facts in the Bible, these special children were all very special as they had been perfected from God before they were born so to speak, and they did great things that normal people would never been able to do. Of course the most important of all these people is Jesus Christ our Lord, but he was born from a virgin young girl and not an old woman, and he has been the greatest man that ever existed, for behold what he did to improve all humanity.
Now what we want to make clear here is that since the beginning of the world, as we have written in these religious writings, God has many times definitely intervened to improve humanity, in the hope that we would become perfect beings, and so we would be able to understand him and follow him. But so far there are reasons to believe that we have partly failed him.
We have to do better in the future if we want to reach perfection, and also find the way to salvation. So it is also for this reason that we are writing our religious writings, in the hope that we would improve ourselves even if we do not reach perfection.
But now dear reader, in order to reach our goal, it is necessary here that we write about a few more necessary explanations which we are going to call: God of the Universe and the lifecycle of the universe, and other reasons which we have not been able to explain until now, you see we need to connect properly all the spiritual world, so to speak.
Anyhow I feel that I have said already enough in this article, so, we are going to write about God of the universe and the life cycle of the universe in our next article, see you then.
May God bless us all?
Man needs God
The creation of mankind  
Next with; God of the universe
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