Thursday, December 17, 2020

The fourth circle tormented souls

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

We believe that the entire spiritual force form a never ending cycle, so, we trying to describe the entire cycle, and here we have reached the forth circle negative of tormented souls.  

The fourth circle tormented souls 

Just like in Dante Alighieri inferno there are more tormented souls in this fourth circle, they have got to be like that, because souls are in these circles negative by degree of negativity and what they have done during their lives. 

The fourth circle tormented souls

More Hell tormented souls

May God guide and help me to say the right things.

Dear readers, in our imaginary spiritual journey of the negative spiritual forces of the universe, we have visited and written about the fifth circle negative; so, now we are going to visit and talk about the fourth circle negative. In this negative circle, there are more Hell tormented souls; the souls in this circle are worse off than circle number five, because it is closer to the central negative life force of the universe; but let us mentally visit and describe this circle.

Now, we need to pray God for protection in these negative circles; so, we need to say a prayer to God, even if we say, My Lord God protect me from the force of evil, in this fourth circle negative.

We know that it is boring to repeat, that we have to pray for protection from God; but that is the only way to feel safe; you see, praying is natural, if you feel that you are in danger. So, let me explain, we are going deeper in the spiritual negative territory, and as we go deeper the danger increases, it increases because there is more negative activity there, so, we must be careful and guard ourselves by praying God.

Now let us try to explain it another way; you see, the supernatural forces have more power over people that believe in them, and above all when these people talk about them, and even more when one is sympathetic to their cause. Of course, the people that don’t believe in them, can be affected by them, perhaps by a smaller degree, or they are affected and they don’t know the reasons what is happening to them; so, be on your guard and pray God for protection, especially while we are talking about these spiritual negative circles.


Prayers to God for protection

Because I believe in the spiritual world, I feel that it is a dangerous place; so, I am writing another prayer for protection, for the fourth circle negative.

My lord God and Almighty Merciful Father I am praying you for protection, while I am visiting this fourth circle negative, you see, I am praying because these negative forces seem to me so powerful. So, I am scared to talk about them, unless I feel protected from you Almighty Father, and thus I pray:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I pray here with all my heart, my soul and my mind, I am praying to Yahweh, because I believe that he is the only true God that cares about humanity, because he came down to earth a long time ago on Mount Sinai, where he met Moses and talked to him, therefore, he cares also about our souls; so, I pray God, because I fear the force of evil in this fourth circle negative, while I am mentally visiting it and writing about it, and thus I pray to my Lord God:

My prayer;

To Our God Yahweh, to you I turn praying God Most High, master of the universe and life giver to every living thing; I am praying you to protect me from the force of evil. My Lord God, while I am mentally visiting and writing about this fourth circle negative, I feel that I can be in danger, because I am talking about the forces of evil, so, I pay you to send me an angel to protect me.

I am praying also to protect my readers that read these articles. So, Father God, I ask you to protect us, and let me see through my mind eyes, what I should write, and write it in such a way, that what I write is close to the truth. I ask you Father to help and protect me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father hear my prayer. Amen.



Entering the fourth circle

Prayer while entering the fourth circle negative

Dear readers, before we say our prayer for the fourth circle negative, we must imagine what could be written at the entrance of the fourth circle negative, in all languages of the world:

This is the gate that leads to the place of no return, since those who enter here can never return, except for those few that come in the name of God and God of the universe has granted them safe return. This is how I imagine the fourth circle negative entrance is. And now let us pray;

So, I am praying a prayer like the fifth circle negative, while I am mentally going in the fourth circle negative saying this prayer aloud:

I come to visit this fourth circle negative in the name of God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ the Son, I come in the company of this angel that the Archangel Michael has given me to protect me and make sure that I return safely to Mother Earth circle, at the end of my visit of the negative forces of the universe; therefore, I am in the company of this wonderful angel of God while I am visiting and writing about the negative life forces of the universe; I am saying this, so that you know who has sent me, so, allow me to see what it is like here, so that I can report what I have seen in writing, to the living people on earth at my return.


More tormented souls in this fourth circle negative

After praying as I have said above, this is how I imagine the fourth circle negative:

In the fourth circle negative, everything is more controlled from the negative angels, because things are a lot worse than the fifth circle negative, therefore, there are endless armies of negative angels, which I feel all around us, but I am not seeing them, because I am not even trying to see them, because if I see them I might become scared, and it may even be dangerous to see them; so, I am satisfied to look around at the section of dead people souls, which are not happy in this situation, so, they are lamenting their unfortunate position in one way or another.

In this circle, there are no welcome signs, but a voice can be heard saying; this is the fourth circle negative and unlucky is those souls that come in here, as there is no turning back from here onward, you can stay in this place forever or be moved farther down closer to the boundary of no return. There are also signs written in any language of the world that say about the same things as the voice that one can hear.

The dead people souls in this circle, are worse off than the souls that were in the fifth circle, they form a few groups, as they are not all the same, and they have not done the same nasty deeds; the greatest number of these souls are those that have killed their fellow man, or they have caused people to be killed one way or another, but not all of them are here, since the worst of them have only been through here and moved already to the lower circles, so, I guess that the souls of Attila, Stalin and Hitler and other mass killers have gone past here already, since they were too restless to stop here, anyhow, here in a group are those leader that have waged wars just for the sake of waging wars and killing, they still keep up appearance as strong souls, but at the same time they realize that from here on there is no way out for them, because in the future they are going to die, when they become too restless and will be driven to circle three negative, which will be another step closer to their death and total destruction. We will explain this situation better, as we go on writing our articles and explain the role of the abyss in this imaginary spiritual world.

Of course, there are many other groups that we can talk about, but to make a long story short, we will say only that the rest of these souls here have done lots of nasty deeds, therefore, they were of a nasty disposition when they were on earth, and they continue to be of a nasty disposition even here, they have never done anything useful for the community, when they were living on earth, as they have lived their lives by using the community resources, but not contributing to them; most of them are robbers, and other people that did not care for the rest of the community, so, during their lives they took whatever they could, even if they had to use force, so, they made the other people of the community feel frustrated and miserable, they were no good at all, and that is the reason why, they have been sent to this circle, they too are waiting for their turn to be moved to circle number three, if and when they become too restless to stay in this circle.

So, in this circle, there are robbers and people that have committed murder, whether they killed people to rob them, or for other reasons and many others nasty things, there are also those that have killed for sexual gratification and many other souls that have done nasty deeds; I wanted to write a few names down, but at this moment I cannot think of doing that, because it is hard for me to name them, but they are here in this circle, because of their nasty life deeds.

Anyhow, while we are visiting this circle, I can hear my special guardian angel explaining to me, that as we go deeper in these spiritual negative circles, we will encounter worse things, and we should be very careful about what we are doing or saying, so that we do not upset the negative forces, after all my angel is saying that this is their God’s assigned domain as you know.

So, I am thinking, okay we should be careful, but how bad it is going to be when we move to next circle? Well I suppose we must wait and see. From what I hear and see, there is a lot more that we can talk about in this circle, but we must move on, as I don’t like to stay in these negative force domains a moment longer than it is necessary. And thus, we move towards our next circle.

Anyhow, here we can say that we have described another link of the chain of the spiritual life forces of the universe. So, see you in our next article; the third circle negative, the dying souls circle.


Man needs God 
The fourth circle of tormented souls 

Next with; the dying circle
Some personal and religious links:

May God guide and help me to say the right things in these articles? 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The fifth circle tormented souls

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

Dear readers, we are continuing our previous discussions about the existence of the spiritual forces. 

The archangel Michael gave me an angel that would accompany my in the circle of hell. 

The fifth circle tormented souls  

May God guide and help me to say the right things?

Dear readers, Fifth circle tormented souls is another link that describes the spiritual life cycle of the universe. This will be a longer that usual blog, because it has been a long time since we have written anything in this blog.

Anyhow, we have said that the negative circles can be spiritually dangerous, so, we must protect ourselves by praying God. Therefore, to protect yourself in this negative circle say at least a short prayer to God, even if you say; My Lord God, protect me from the forces of evil, while we read or write this fifth circle negative.

I believe that we must pray, when we talk about spiritual things; I pray to make sure that I am protected. I hope you understand that it is necessary to pray for protection. It will make you feel safer.

I know that you are thinking that this is all an invention of the writer mind, so, why we should pray if these things may not exist? Okay, I admit that these religious writings are an invention of my mind; but what about if this invention has come to me because I believe in God and pray God; so, God has guided me to write what I am writing now. Anyhow, this knowledge is part of the life forces of God of the universe, and through the cosmos of the universe, God bestows it to anyone he likes.

Anyhow, in this article we will be talking about my own prayer for protection, that is: My prayer that I am praying while I mentally go into the fifth circle negative; This is how I mentally see the fifth circle negative; and, who are these people tormented souls?


My prayer for the fifth circle negative

These are my thought and prayers for the fifth circle negative, I feel the need to pray again, because I am worried to talk about these negative circles; and thus, I pray:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I pray here with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying because I fear the force of evil in this fifth circle negative, while I am mentally visiting it and then writing about it.

My prayer;

My Lord God, to you I turn praying God Most High, I am praying you to protect me from the force of evil, while I am mentally visiting and writing about this fifth circle negative. I feel that I am in danger, because I am talking about the force of evil, so, I pray you to protect me and to send me an angel to protect me.

My Lord God help me, by letting me see what is right and what’s wrong to write here. So, Father let me see through my mind eyes what I should write, then write it in such a way that I will not upset anyone, and that what I write here is as close as these spiritual things are. I ask you Father to help and protect me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father hear my prayer!


Entering and praying in the fifth circle negative

Before I enter the fifth circle negative, let us imagine, what it can be like if I had to walk from the sixth circle negative to the fifth circle negative. When I reach the fifth circle, I see that there is this large entrance, what is written on this entrance, that from our point of view we call Hell. There will be written in large bold letter the following;

Whoever comes through this entrance goes in the place of eternal sorrow, where there is no coming back. So, leave all hopes behind once you go through this entrance, this is the will of God.

And then in a corner in very small letter it says; there is only an exception to this rule, it does not apply, when it is the express will of God, and those who come to visit come in God’s name.

This is what is written at the entrance of Hell, in all languages; and there are voices saying the same thing in all languages as well. Anyhow, let us go in and visit this circle in the name of God, since we must invoke God in order to be able to return to our own earth circle safely.

So, I am praying while I mentally go in the fifth circle negative; I am praying God to protect me from the force of evil, so, I am praying God thus:

While I am going in the fifth circle negative I am saying this prayer aloud: I come in the name of God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ the Son, I come in the company of this angel that the Archangel Michael has given me, to protect me and make sure that I return safely to Mother Earth circle, at the end of my visit of the negative forces of the universe; I am saying this, so that you know who has sent me, so, allow me to see what is in here, because I need to report what I have seen in writing, when I go back to mother earth circle.


The fifth circle negative description

This is how I mentally imagine the fifth circle negative:

This circle is what is known on earth as Hell. In this circle there are the souls of people that have lived their lives in a detestable way, and those who deny God forever. Anyhow, the souls in this circle are here to stay, for a long time and even forever; they are not the worst souls because the worst souls have been moved to the other lower circles, closer to circle one negative and the abyss, where even the souls will die forever.

Therefore, you may guess that souls like Attila, Stalin and Hitler and others mass murders that have lived in the world and done violent deeds have gone past this circle quickly; they have been moved in a lower circle, because they are very negative and restless, as they have their own violent ways and cannot change.

Anyhow, the rest of the souls that are in circle fifth negative, they seem to be at the mercy of the negative angels, but the reality is that the negative angels are only doing their job, they are not doing anything that would increase the sufferance of these souls; the souls in this circle have no future except for a very few, because most of them will be staying here forever, or even worse they may even be moved to a more strict circle, they are tormented souls since they are not happy about themselves, the negative angels mind them and give them tasks to keep them busy, it seem as if they live under marshal laws, or like soldiers in the army. When some of them fail to follow what the negative angels have ordered them to do, they would be tormented and punished from the negative angels.

But you see, for these souls is not easy to do what they have to do, because of the negative energy within them, so, they behave badly and are punished, so, we could not say that the negative angels are punishing them, because they like to punish them, it is more like a reaction that cannot be avoided, because those souls need to be controlled, if they are not controlled the entire circle may become unstable.


Anyhow this photo above wants to describe a scene from Hell, in the fifth circle negative, where the souls of dead people are constantly tormented, because of their negative disposition. 

Who are these souls?

Who could be these tormented people souls?

We need to say that there are many tormented souls in this negative circle, that to make a list of them is impossible, but we will try to describe a few of them, hoping that the life force of God of the universe helps us see what we need to say.

So, let us start from the better ones; there are some souls that should not be there, as they have lived their lives in a way that has helped humanity, but they have denied the existence of God, and they have tried to influence other people to believe in the same way; we can say that these are the better people of the atheists group.

Next to them in a worse spot there are the atheists, who not only have denied God, but they have also called God’s name in vain, calling God all sorts of names, but now they are ashamed of themselves for having done that; and then there are the atheists, that did not want to believe in God, so, they did nasty things against humanity. Even murders were on their mind, to satisfy their own wants. These are the worst of the worst of humanity that are in this circle, but most of them have already been moved out to the next circle, which is stricter and controlled from powerful negative angels.

Of course, there are other souls that belong to other groups and religions, these souls have done nasty deeds during their lives, because they did not know better, as they had never learned about these spiritual things and therefore, they are in this circle of the painful and tormented souls. This circle stops short of having those souls that during their live have willingly killed other people, these souls are housed in the next circle and past next circle, where they are strictly watched from the negative angels and punished when they don’t behave the way they are supposed to behave.

As we have said, there are lots of souls in this circle, and we can go on telling about them for a very long time, if we want to describe most of them properly. But I have no intention to do that.

There could be a lot more to write here, but I do not dare to write it. You see, my dear readers, even though I have prayed God for protection, I am still worried to write about this negative circle; therefore, I am trying to keep it as short as I can. See you in our next article, where we will be talking about, Circle four negative More Hell Tormented Souls.

May God guide us to understand these spiritual ways.

May God bless us all.


Man needs God 
The fifth circle negative 

Next with; more tormented souls
Some personal and religious links:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The sixth circle negative

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, Man needs God
and this post, the sixth circle negative
The sixth circle negative

- One of my own sketches, where I am trying to describe the life forces of the universe. There are two sketches that are better than this one. You can view them, if you use the link pasted in this post.

The sixth circle negative
Welcome to our article the sixth circle negative.
May God guide and help me to write the right religious issues in this article.
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, warnings and prayers, if you have followed our posts in this blog, you know that we are writing about the spiritual forces of the universe. To describe them we have divided them in circles, and we have already written about the positive circles, and now we are writing about the negative circles. So let us continue our spiritual forces description of the sixth circle negative.
We have called this article the sixth circle negative, but it could have been called “the eight circle as well” if we had continued to count from circle one of God life forces of the universe positive side, but because we just would like to give a more important position to Mother Earth, since we live on earth and therefore it is our point of view, because we see everything from this point of view from planet earth, we have changed the way we count them; so, the negative circles will be counted backward, as we move away from earth as we continue writing.  
Dear readers, I suppose that by now you have become aware that we are trying to describe the entire spiritual life forces of the universe the way that we imagine they are, or perhaps how they could be. We need to explain here that in the beginning we thought that it could have been enough to describe only the positive life forces of God for people to understand the way we see these spiritual forces; but now, it seems that it is not enough because we want a better and clear picture of these spiritual forces that could exist in the universe the way we mentally see them, we want also to keep going until we would be able to describe a complete circle, so, we are going to write about the negative life forces of the universe as well, because they are part of the spiritual life force of the universe; and also this might not be enough, because we would like to show you how all the spiritual forces of the universe could form a cycle, just like most other things do in the universe do, so that the spiritual life forces could go on forever, just like everything else goes on forever.
Here we need to say that there are several other issues that we have to talk about, the first thing is that we know for a fact that we are concerned to write about this negative force, as we have already pointed out on our previous articles, because it could affect the readers in a negative way, as there are no happy things to talk about in these circles, it may also produce some spiritual concerns that is how I see it at this present time, so, we need to do something about that as well.
However, I believe that not only we need to continue to describe the negative life forces of the universe, but at the end of it, we need to describe how some of the negative forces would and could completely disintegrate and some of it become positive again, so that a complete cycle of the life energies of the universe is complete. You see, we have become aware that we need to describe all the spiritual life forces of the universe, in the life cycle of the spiritual energies of the universe, in order to have a full picture of it all.
In order to make it easier for the readers to understand our theory, we have been able to make a small sketch where it is easier to see how we believe God of the universe can be within the life forces of the whole universe. If you would like to see our sketch of God of the Universe, here is a link and follow the instructions how to get there. the sketches in this link are larger and have more details than the one shown in this page. 

We have some writing concerns

As you know, here we want to talk about the negative life forces. So, we have written that long prayer above. You see, this is not a pleasing article to write or read about; but this circle needs to be imagined and written about, because that is the only way, that we can describe how the spiritual world can be.

Anyhow, because we want to write about the spiritual negative life forces of the universe, we are concerned for our safety, so, we need to pray God our spiritual Father for protection. Because God our spiritual Father is the greatest protection that we can have in the spiritual world. Therefore, in the name of God the father, I am writing this sixth circle negative; I must write this in God’s name, because it is the only way to be protected from the negative force of evil, while we are talking about this negative circle. So, let me pray God to protect me, guide me and help me, from this negative force. Let us pray.


Concerns and prayers to God the Father

I am concerned, so, I am praying God to protect and help me in this sixth circle negative. And you must say a prayer to God for protection in this negative circle, even if you say this; My Lord God or Almighty Father protect us from the force of evil. You see by praying to God, you open a link with God’s life force of the universe, and therefore, God can protect you.

Praying for the sixth circle negative

My Lord God with my personal concerns I am praying with all my heart; in this prayer I’d like to call you by that name, which you gave us when you came down to earth to help the Israelite, because I don’t know of a better way on how to call on your Greatness. So: Yahweh (Jehovah) Father of all humanity and God of the Israelite; You who in the Bible have been well described in greatness and deeds, to you I turn and to your mercy I appeal:

To Yahweh our Heavenly Father I pray here with all my heart, my soul and my mind.

Almighty Father I pray you to protect me from the force of evil, because I must write about these negative life forces, in the religious writings of the sixth circle negative. So, I need your protection from the force of evil. Anyhow, protect me, and let me see through my mind eyes, how the sixth circle negative is like and what I should write.

Almighty Father I ask your permission to visit the negative circles, and with your permission, I can say to the forces of evil that you have allowed me to go there in your name. And I pray and ask you to send me an angel that can protect me from the force of evil, while I am mentally visiting and writing about the negative life force of the universe; in case the force of evil wants to harm me. I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father hear my prayer and help me, amen.

Now that I have written my prayer to God, I know that I have opened a link with God, so, God can protect me.

Anyhow, now that I know that God can protect me, let us describe this sixth circle negative.


 Describing the sixth circle negative

Dear readers, to describe the sixth circle negative, we must imagine that we are walking into this circle, even though we know that these descriptions are imaginary, so, it is our mental description of how we imagine these spiritual circles; we talk about them, as if we were there in the spiritual form, and were walking in there and looking around.

In going in the sixth circle negative I am saying this prayer aloud: I come in the name of God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ the Son, I come in the company of this angel, that the Archangel Michael has given me to protect me, and make sure that I will return safely to Mother Earth circle, at the end of my visit of the negative forces of the universe; therefore, I am in the company of the guardian angel of God while I am visiting and writing about the negative life forces; I am saying this so that you know who has sent me, so, allow me to see and report what I have seen.

In this negative spiritual circle six beside earth, there are lots of individual souls of negative life energy, there are also the negative angels of God, there is a large crowd of them, there are all sorts of souls big and small, it is like in circle six positive, except for the fact that these individual souls of life energy and the angels have a negative tendency, for this reason they have been placed in the negative side. So, there is some difference that I need to explain.

It is believed that for the souls in this circle is harder to return to live on planet earth, and if they return, they should accept to live a lower life than last time, when they lived on earth. This is God’s will, since God wants to give them another chance and see if some of them can return to the positive side.

But because these bodies of life energy are negative, the angels of the negative force will not let them go to live another life on earth easily. The main reason is that, they may continue to generate more negative force, and that is not good for the entire living world, since if too much negative energy builds up, it can bring trouble to the whole living world, and it can drive the living world to an early end.

But who are those souls you may ask? These are souls of people that are not bad, we believe that some of them are from the atheists’ group that happen to be there because they did not believe in God, their souls are the most likely that will be offered another life on earth, so that they can live their lives according to God’s will.

But most of the souls happen to be in this negative circle, because they were unlucky during their lives on earth, so, they are miserable and unhappy, because they think that it was not their fault, because they were driven to do nasty things.

All the souls in this circle are guided from the negative angels of God, who try to give them something to do. Anyhow, this negative force is guided from angels that have a negative tendency; those angels must mind the negative souls and keep them in their assigned place. It is a job that God has assigned to them, so, they are the keepers of the souls that end up in the negative circle. And therefore, these negative angels do the same thing of what the angels of God positive life force do in their own circles.

Anyhow, we know that this sixth circle negative is run from these negative angels that oversee these negative souls; but let us imagine who are the souls that populate this sixth circle negative.


Souls of the sixth circle negative

Now to populate the sixth circle negative, we must imagine when people die and their souls return to the spiritual circles; where the angels of God sort them out and decide, which souls are going to stay in the positive circles, and which souls are going to go in the negative circles, starting from this sixth circle negative, and going down to the other negative circles, which are worse than this circle.

We believe that there are more negative souls than positive souls in the spirit world, therefore, most souls when their bodies die come to these circles, the reason that the two sides are not equal, is that the negative souls have an outflow, they will find the way to the abyss and disintegrate, so, there is more room for the souls in the negative circles than in the positive circles where they can live forever, you see it is hard to go in the positive circle for that reason and even harder to reach paradise.

But let us imagine who these souls could be, which will end up in these negative circles and other circles below this one. They are all sorts of people that have done bad things in life and have become negative, for one reason or another; so, they are not good enough to be in the positive circles.

Now let us talk about the most prominent bad souls that pass through here and go in the lower circles. They are the souls of those people that have harmed individual being physically killing them, they are sent here to pass through here and move in the lower negative circles, because there is no pity from God of the universe, for those people that have killed other people willingly; because they have killed God’s life and did not even repent; God cannot forgive them. So, they will be dealt with according to their life deeds and be sent to places like prison forever, where they will receive the same punishment, as they did to the people they killed, and one day they will be sent into the abyss and their soul will die forever.

Here we must use common sense, and ask ourselves, how can a mass murder or serial killer that has killed people, just for the joy of killing them go anywhere else except hell, where it will be dealt, with the same harshness that it has inflicted on earth to other human being, and in the end it will be destroyed, so that it can never hurt anybody again.

For this same reason this applies also to any leaders that have ordered to kill indiscriminately; just ask yourself, how Attila the scourge of God could be sent anywhere else, his soul had to be sent here and moved down to the stricter circles immediately? Links to check Attila the Hun

Attila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Attila the Hun -


How could the soul of Joseph Stalin go anywhere else? He must have come through this circle to be sent to the lower circles, that is the only way that it could be, as he was a killer that ordered many people to be killed, he was also an atheist at the same time, and people were forced to be unbelievers under his rule, because no religion were allowed under his rule; so, God can never allow his soul in the positive side.

Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How could the soul of Hitler go to the positive side or paradise when he killed so many people in the Second World War and in a parallel way how could any other violent soul that has done something similar go to paradise? It is foolish to believe that people that harm humanity end up in paradise, as there is only one way for them; they have to go to the negative force and hell and be moved to the worst circles, until the time comes when they will go into the abyss and disintegrate.

Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyhow, I know that I should go on and populate and explain this negative circle more, but I am going to leave that for another time. Because I believe that I have said enough in this article. So, see you in our next article, the fifth circle negative tormented souls.

May God bless us all.


Man needs God 
The sixth circle negative 
Next with; some writing concerns
Some personal and religious links:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Warning and prayers

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe.
Welcome to our blog, man needs God
and this post, warning and prayers
Warning and prayers
God's central life force of the universe is the positive life force that gives life to the entire universe, without this force there would be no life anywhere. God sends its life force around the universe in a never ending cycle; this life cycle includes also the negative life forces of the universe, as we will explain, as we keep writing our articles.

Warning and prayers
Dear readers, this post is the continuation of our last post, the dawn of a new era, where we were about to say that our next post is different in nature, because we are going to talk about the negative forces of the universe. Now, when we start to talk about the negative forces of the universe there are some unknown spiritual dangers, so we need to pray God to protect us, so let us talk about these warning and prayers
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As we have already said before, we need to pray God for protection before we read or even write anything about the negative life force of the universe, just in case the negative life force would or could harm us just because we are talking about it. So, let us write a prayer and pray God for protection to start with
In the name of The Father, The-Son and The-Holy Spirit, I am praying you my Lord, you who is the Spirit of God Most-High and master of the whole universe and of all seen and the unseen living things. I am praying you with all the strength that I have in my heart in my soul and in my mind for protection from the forces of evil; because I fear the negative life force of the universe when I have to write about it: But, in this part of our religious writings that we call Reconciliation of the Universe I have to write about the negative life-force of the universe, and for this reason I need your protection my Lord just because the forces of evil might be able to take advantage of me while I am talking about them.
My Lord God, hear my prayer and protect me from the negative life force of the universe! Amen.
And also,
Almighty Father, I am praying for protection from the universal forces of evil; not only during the time that I am writing ‘Reconciliation of the Universe,’ but also forever after that, even when my religious writings have been completed and I don’t need to write any more. And I am also praying you my Lord to protect my family, and my relatives and my friends, everybody and everything that directly or indirectly are or may be linked with me in any ways. Because I fear that the forces of evil might want to harass me and those who are near me, just to confuse me, upset me or harm me, only because I have been writing or reading ‘Reconciliation of the Universe.’ And it is for this special reason my Lord God I pray for your protection, and I also pray you my Lord for the protection of anyone who one day might read our religious writings.
Therefore, I pray you my Lord to let my prayer which I have written here to be also my readers own prayer for protection; so that, any of my readers should not suffer any harm or any loss which may be caused from the forces of evil, only because they might be reading that part of our religious writings which talks about the negative life force of the universe.
It is for these reasons, that I humbly and with all my heart I pray you my Lord God and I ask you for your protection for me, my family and my readers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lord God, hear my prayer and protect us from the forces of evil! Amen.
The negative life force
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Dear readers, here above we have written a prayer to God to protect us from the forces of evil, because we need to talk about it. Now that we have done that, in this last sub-article we are going back to write about the negative life forces of the universe. Therefore, this might feel like a second introduction to the forces of evil, which could be said to be the links between the positive to the negative life forces of the universe; because in order to understand our theory of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe,’ one has to keep in mind that the negative life-force is a necessary part of the whole spiritual life-force of the universe, because it is needed to complete the life cycle of the universe. It is necessary to exist and be there because; the negative life-force happens to be just like the sharks in the ocean that clears the waters of sick and dead fishes, and the vultures in the wildness that clear the land of dead carcasses, and in doing so they both leave the environment in a healthier state: So too the negative life-force of the universe, which sometimes may be called the force of evil, works in such a way that looks after the sick souls and in the end clears sick souls of all sorts, and it leaves the universe in a better and clear state.
Now the so called force of evil, which is the negative life-force in the universe and therefore in a way it could be said to be the opposite of the positive life-force of God of the Universe, it is necessary that it is described in here as such, so it must be described in exactly the opposite way of God of the Universe, and also described in a negative way.
Now before we write anything of importance at all, in the eighth circle positive, which can also be called the sixth circle negative of ‘Reconciliation of the Universe’, we need to pray God of the Universe to protect us from the forces of evil, because within here I have to write about the negative force of evil, and I feel exposed to the evil life force, while I am talking about it, I am saying this because if I am talking about the force of evil, in a way I become linked to the force of evil, just because I am talking about it, therefore I should fear it in case it may take advantage of me. You see, there are reasons to believe that anything spiritual usually shows up to those people that believe in them, while they think about them, and more so to people that are sympathetic to their cause, therefore it is for these reasons that I need to be protected from God and I need to feel that I am protected from God, as this is the only way I might feel safe enough in this position.
Therefore, in order for me to feel safe, I am going to write a special prayer to God, where I would ask God that I should be allowed to go and visit mentally the forces of evil and then write about the forces of evil in his name. In other words, I would like to say to the forces of evil, while I mentally visit them; I have come to visit you in God’s name, so that they would not harm me.
That is the only way of how I will be able to write about the forces of evil.
I think that I have said more than enough in this article; See you soon in our next article called; The sixth circle negative, which might also be called the eight spiritual circle if you keep adding them up from God life circle.
Man needs God

Warning and prayers
Next with; the sixth circle negative
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