Wednesday, April 14, 2021

God and religions for the future.

We believe that MAN NEEDS GOD; we wish that God is human, like us, and God is a powerful man, that can do anything he wants. But there are people that believe otherwise. 
Therefore, for all the people to accept God, we should describe God in a different way. 
So, let us assume that, God is spiritual and it is the life energies of the universe. Now, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides the entire universe, and gives life to every living thing. Therefore every living thing and spiritual thing is part of God, since God is the essence of all life in the entire universe. Now, let us imagine how to describe God. 


We believe that God of the future can only be described is a spiritual way. Because nobody has ever seen God and God resides in heaven, as a spiritual force in the universe. Therefore, if we are looking at part of the universe, we could say that we are looking at God as well. 

Now, let us look at God and religions for the future. 

Welcome to our article,  God and religions of the future

May God guide and help me to write the right things in this article.

Dear readers, in our last article, “Man needs God”, we have pointed out that humanity needs God and religions. But we believe that today religions are out of date. We believe that the nasty events that involves religions, happen because religions are out of date. So, we would like to suggest a solution, because man needs God and religions. So, we must look at options that can secure a continuous religious future, even if it is different from today.

Now, we believe that these negative religious happenings can be overcome, if the boundaries of religions are expanded, so that most religions can find a link that brings them together at the highest meeting point. The highest meeting point is God. Now, if this religious set-up can be achieved, the extremism in religion can be overcome.

We have said that we need a benevolent God, that can never be anything else, because his nature is only benevolent, so, he will not want to punish anybody, because his own nature will forbid it; some people will think that this is a weak God, but in our own religious theory the punishment will be self-inflicted, from the karma effect that we produce and the way the spiritual world works. Anyhow, this is the God that I believe we need at the top of the spiritual life force energies of the universe.  

Discussing other religious issues. 

Anyhow, we believe that all religions are similar in nature, we can say that they are similar because they all aim to get people together to believe in God and spiritual beings, and God is benevolent to various degrees and helps the believers of each religion; but religions are poorly linked together. All religions must be linked together, since we need God and religions, see, Man needs God, but most religions are not the same and this creates problems. 

For this reason, people can use religions the wrong ways, so, we need to modify religious beliefs; so that these people will find it harder to apply their extreme religious beliefs.

Anyhow, we are looking for religious options that can improve links between religions, perhaps a new religious theory needs to be written; we are saying this because we see signs that this is happening as we speak; see this article, Pope Francis Befriends Muslims, so, we need to ask ourselves, how religions need to be in the future. 


As we can see from this world religious map, there are several major religions in the world today, if we want to make sense, we should learn at least some of them, before we can assume anything at all, since we want to see, how religions work to help mankind. So, how religions need to be to achieve that. 


How religions need to be in the future. 

We believe that the role of religions is that they must guide us in a peaceful way, today, when we look at what is happening in the religious world, we feel that religions are letting us down, so, they need to be changed to fulfill their role, so, we must ask ourselves how religions need to be in the future.

We believe that the world is changing and is going global, therefore, the era of religious isolation needs to end, because today everything in the entire world can be easily connected, therefore, all religions need to be connected. 

Anyhow, here we are talking about religious changes and not the end of the religious system. But, if you believe that the world will end according to Revelation, written in the Bible; then you may as well believe that these religious writings could be the forerunner of that event, because the Bible revelation says that there will be a new system.

Anyhow, we believe that a new system is needed, but these religious changes that we are suggesting, they are only a proposition and they do not take effect until people accept them. Anyhow, these religious changes are not going to affect the existing religious beliefs, so, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, they are being written to consolidate in a collective way what we believe now, so that, existing religious beliefs may have a better chance to survive and be useful in future. You see, the only thing that we are suggesting here is that, there is only one God throughout the universe, and we could call this God of the universe. 

Personally I hope that God likes the idea that I write this futuristic religious change, not only because I have dreamed about God and God has touched me, I have also dreamed several dreams about God, and also I had a vision that makes me believe that I have been greeted from an angel from heaven, as the author of Reconciliation of the Universe.

Because of this vision, I believe that God is going to help me write these religious writings of Reconciliation of the Universe in his own ways. We are saying this, because I must believe that with the help of God, I can write these religious writings well enough that they would be accepted one day from the public.  

Religious changes required

We believe that since everything is changing and will continue to change, also religions must change, because there is no way that religions can escape these changes. Now, religions have not changed for a long time, therefore, it is going to be hard to change them; but if they don’t change, religions may become less attractive to the people; so, some changes are required in the future to help religions survive. One can only ask; what sorts of changes are necessary?

Anyhow, I believe that we should change religions in such a way that we can keep most of the existing religious beliefs in place, therefore, existing religions should be working the same way, as they are today.  

We have explained in our previous article of, “Man needs God”, humanity needs God and religions. Therefore, we must come up with a description of how the religions of the future can be, and how God of the future can be described, so that there is a single God that can link all existing religions together, since this is the way for religious people to live in harmony with the rest of the world. 

Having said that, now I believe that all those religious spiritual dream that I have had, they may have happened for a reason, therefore, now I have to believe that this dream about God touching me, and also other spiritual dreams that followed during my life, they have happened to me for a purpose, as they mean something special to me, and I believe that those dreams have made me worthy to write religious articles, like what I am writing now. So, I feel that I must continue to write them. 

I must say that, I am a believer with agnostic views, therefore, I do not believe every word in the Bible is the word of God or is God inspired. I believe that there have been times when the writers of the Bible have been inspired by God, but that inspiration was right to be applied at the times when that inspiration occurred.

Here I must say for instance, if God is inspiring me at this very moment, I will say that I am going to choose a religious way that has less to do with an omnipotent God and more to do with spiritual beliefs. You see, we are looking for a general God, or a god-life-force energy that can be accepted by everybody on earth, and furthermore this god is not your god or my god, but it is a god for everybody capable of linking all religions together, this is the God that can be accepted by everybody on earth today. So, what changes are required to achieve that?

So, what sort of God could be accepted by everybody?

Well, to answer that question is not easy, but looks like that we need a new religious theory. We believe that what we are writing is part of a new religious theory, which one day might be proven to be closer to the truth, of how God and the spiritual beings can exist in the universe. Therefore, the God that we are going to describe here, are descriptions of the spiritual life forces of the universe, which we believe can be accepted by everybody.

Here we must say that there are several ways to describe how God of the universe can be like, for the people to accept; but we want to mention a couple of ways that we think can link religions together better. One way is to assume that God is the life force energies that makes life possible in the entire universe, so, every living thing exists because of this god life force energy; the other God can be a spiritual God/s that helps life as we know it, it works in conjunction with Mother Nature. Therefore, if we assume that God works together with Mother Nature, it will overcome the atheist beliefs of nonexistence of God, because God is also Mother Nature herself.


How we might perceive God in the future 

Therefore, we are looking for a god that everybody can accept. So, if one day we discover that God is pure life energy, which can make life possible on earth and the whole universe, we have solved the problem.  

Anyhow, we believe that these religious changes, are going to occur soon. You see, today we are living an electronic Era, so, it could help if god was represented in an electronic way as well, after all we don’t know what god is made of, and describing god as pure life energy, can be the closest way that we can describe God.

So, we have said that god could be pure life energy, which is capable to give life to every living thing. Here we can add that every living thing depends from this god life energy, and that this life energy is recycled in the universe, and God acts as the main engine that drives this life force in the universe, so, every living thing is subject to this god life force that exists in the universe.

Now we have managed to make a rough sketch of God of the universe, and I have loaded it in the computer to show how this life energy flows in the universe, with God-life-force being at the center and absorbing all positive life energies, and then passing these positive life energies to the rest of the spiritual world, from the most important spiritual beings to the least important spiritual beings, and from this spiritual world to the world of living on earth, and from the world of the living to the world of the dead, and then, the dead spiritual force or souls find their ways back to God; so, there is a continuous link of the flow of life energies; see my sketches,  

Now what I have written is only a possibility, that God can be pure life energies, the other God that we want to talk about is closer to what we already believe, as this God consists of all spiritual things that we know already, so, hereunder is one of the possible descriptions, of this universal spiritual God.


This photo above can be one of the possible ways that we can describe God in the future. 

Describing a spiritual universal God. 

Let us imagine how the spiritual God for everybody needs to be portrayed. We believe that it is better if god is described in such a way that it is part of the whole spiritual universe, because spirituality is more acceptable than the all-powerful god that the ancient people wanted to have. You see, the ancient people needed a powerful god, because they wanted this powerful god to be their God and nobody else God.  

Anyhow, we must keep in mind that we cannot prove that God exists in a physical way, or that these spiritual beings that we are talking about exist, we must believe and act as if they exist; it is the only way that makes us feel safe in our daily life, because we are born with this need.

Conclusion, even though we know that religions need to be updated; we need to believe the way we have always done; so, we must follow religions as if these new theories that we are writing don’t exist, until the time when these new theories can be accepted.

We know that people would like to have an omnipotent God to guide them, and because that God is omnipotent, they will accept it as their God, but as we have said times are changing and religions must change. So, a way will be found that can link everything together, so that, everybody can believe to the same spiritual God. As for myself I have found a spiritual way that can link with existing religions, so, we are starting to write this new way in our next chapter called, Prayers for Reconciliation.  

Prayers for reconciliation introduction. 

Dear readers, what has led me to write our next article are several things, which you may think they are unreal, and I am not blaming you if you do that. Anyhow, we will be writing these religious articles, because of my beliefs and my vision or dream, anyhow I am not sure which one is it. 

Now, what I have mentioned, is not the only thing that has happened to me, because there are several God send dreams that I have dreamed, and therefore, I have to think about them as well, since one of them is the most important dream of my life, because in this dream God touched me and said, “this man is a bit old but so what”, as if whatever I must do, my age is not going to stop me doing it. I cannot repeat the dream here because it will create duplicate content, so, you have to go to,, to read it.

I believe that we have said enough in this article. So, see you next time in our article, Prayers for Reconciliation.

May God bless us all. 


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Man needs God, and our views of God, part two.

 Man needs God and God's views, part two.
Humanity has different views of God, so, we are going to discuss about this issue hereunder.We believe that MAN NEEDS GOD as we said in our previous article. Our human wish is that God is human, like us. Now, this is the God that we want and we have believed about this God for a long time. But there are people that do not believe in God the way we see God. 
Therefore, for all the people to accept God, we should describe God in a different way. So, it would be helpful, if we could re-describe God. So, let us assume that, God is spiritual and it is the life energies of the universe. Now, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides the entire universe, and gives life to every living thing. Therefore every living thing and spiritual thing is part of God, since God is the essence of all life in the entire universe. 

Since spiritual things and energy cannot be seen, we could even describe God like the photo above. So, this is how we could describe God of the future, but let us compare to the Gods we believe now.  

Anyhow, Man needs God, and even though we know that God is a spiritual force and cannot be seen, we would like to imagine God as a man. This is how God should look like according to the great painter Michelangelo.  

Then we have also the Indian Gods. Sometime I think that the Hindu religion is somehow like the old pagan religions, with so many gods and they all have a role to play. 

Welcome to our blog, Man needs God, and our God;s views, part two, 
(Part one and part two, can be viewed together at this web address. Man needs God )

Talking about the existence of God 

We know that man needs God, and because of our personal beliefs, we want to prove that God exists, so, what we are writing here is our theory about the existence of God, because we believe that God exists in a way or another, but above all that man needs God. So, God needs to exist and described. 

Having said that, I believe that it can be useful, if we can describe religions in a philosophical way instead of the fixed old ways, which religions have been using and are still using today, because then on a plain field, it is easier to prove the existence of God, even if God is different from our own beliefs of God. Now let us see how we can describe the existence of God of the future.

We must assume that God does exist because you and I exist, if God did not exist then you and I could not exist. Therefore, we must assume that life is God and God is life itself, and for this reason, one cannot exist without the other. I believe that this is a way that we can explain God, life, and the spiritual things that we believe in; if we do that, then it is hard to prove that God does not exist. Because God represents life itself, and since life exists, because you and I exist, God must also exist.

If we want to make this theory acceptable, we have to assume that my God may not be like your God or the God described in the Bible, but God exists because God represents the existing life on earth.

Now, let us describe our God’s theories, if we assume that God represents the existing life on earth, we must assume that God must exist, because God is the definition of life, therefore, there is nothing that can take God’s place, since God is life or the life giver of the existing life on earth and the universe.

Anyhow, God does not need to be the creator of everything, as described in the Bible, therefore, in our futuristic theory, God is the creator of life on earth and the spiritual forces of the universe. In our religious theory and philosophical writings, God is the modifier of the existing life forces of the universe and through this God-life-force the present existing life has been made possible on earth, so, let us say that God exists at least as the definition of life, because God is the life energies of the entire universe, and without God there cannot be life.

You see; we need to give a name to the existing life force of the universe. So, I say; what other name can we give to this life force that makes life possible on earth? Perhaps God is the only name that can describe this life force. Did you hear what I have said? What other name can you give to the life force that makes life possible on earth? Therefore, God exists at least by definition, of this life force, but there is more to God than just definitions. 


There is more to God than just definitions 

Anyhow, we believe that God is more than a life force in the universe, because we believe that God is a life force that can make his own decisions, therefore, God can do things independently, God is conscious and guides the universe.

In our imaginary theory, God is not Omnipotent as shown in the Bible. But God uses what exists in the universe, to start a process that with time will change whatever he wants to change, so, God is still omnipotent and conscious, but not as omnipotent as the Bible says; but God exists and guides the life forces energies in the universe.

We must accept the existence of God as a life force energy, because humanity needs God, and we cannot do without God, because most people feel better if God exists, it has been so from the beginning of times. Anyhow, God is the source of all life energy that exists in the universe. So, for those who do not believe that God exists, they must accept that God exists, at least by definition of the universal force that makes life possible on earth and we call it God. 

The universe has always existed and God is always existed, so, they can be one and the same thing, but we like to see God as a living thing, so, within the universe we see a living God that gives life to every living thing. 

God is everywhere in the universe, because God can even be the universe, so, whatever piece of the universe you are looking at you might be looking at God. So, because we cannot see God, we are looking instead at God's art work. 

Religious views of God and conversations

Anyhow, we know that man needs God, so, we must find a way for describing this future God for everybody; because we need to convince everybody that God can really exists, and exists, in a way that even the atheists may accept. But let us write first our theory in a nutshell, so, people start seeing how this new religious theory works. 

So, let us philosophize and discuss these issues in a few ways, let us imagine that God does not exist; will this solve the existing religious problem that we have today? We are sure it will not solve anything. Therefore, we are back to discuss that we need God, so, we must discuss this in a logic way and make the right decisions.

Now, let us say that it is possible to study most of the world religions, then try to take only those parts that seems good for us to use and forget about the rest of it. Now, if we put all religions together and try to select the best part of them, we can achieve what we want to achieve. Because as we have said man needs God; therefore, we need to describe why we must believe in the existence of God.

The reasons why mankind believes in God, it is because most of us feel within ourselves that we need to believe in God and religions, it has been so since recorded times. Therefore, the most important thing that we can do, is to find a new way that is able to achieve most of those religious issues that we need. So, let us imagine that we must invent a new God and religion from all existing religions, using the knowledge that we have reached today. We believe that we can achieve that because we have reached the age of reason, so, with our reasoning minds, by using this accumulated knowledge that we have today, we need to set up a religion that is able to do that. Perhaps we should think that God might be the universe itself and we live within God? As it has been suggested from past religious writers. (Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)  So, as you can see even this can be possible, so, let us imagine how we can describe a benevolent God that everybody can accept. 

There is not much to add here, because this photo says it all. 

Baruch Spinoza, but writing his Ethics in a strange way, escaped to be prosecuted by the church authorities somehow. Other people that did not believe what the church taught were burned as stake.  


Future God and religions possible Descriptions

If we want to describe God, we must imagine God, because God is invisible. Anyhow, God can be described in many ways, one of these ways has been described in the Bible, and it has worked well for a long time; in fact, it has worked for thousands of years. Other religions have different gods that fulfill the needs of their people; but today people think that God can be different from the descriptions of God in the Bible, since in other religions God is different; so, here we need to ask; what would be the best description of God, that all the people can accept as their God? Perhaps this description below might be an acceptable description for everybody.

There is only one God throughout the universe and God is the life-force of the whole universe, every living thing is part of God life force and no living thing can exist without God, because God is life itself.

Now that we have said that you can see that this new way of seeing God, it does not make God less important than our old accepted God. However, God in these descriptions is not the creator of everything, but God is only the creator of the spiritual and existing life. Or, God is the starting life-force that has made life possible on earth, then, Mother Nature herself is part of God life-force and came about because the life force energies of God made her so.

Therefore, we must keep in mind, that this God life force has always existed, just like all celestial bodies have always existed, the celestial bodies have never been created from God, as they were there together with God life force energies from the very beginning. So, one may say that we live in this part of the universe and we are part of God.


God of the future description

What we have written is one of the many possible ways of the existence of God. But we need to describe God, so, hereunder is one of the many possible ways how to describe God of the future. We are going to call this God of the future, God-Most-High.   

God-Most-High is the unseen life force of the whole universe.
The unseen life-energies of the cosmos and God is one and the same thing.
God uses this cosmos to communicate with every living thing.

So, throughout the unseen cosmos and the life energies of the entire universe,
God-Life-Force continually guides and gives life to every living thing.
The cosmos radiates God’s medium for every living thing,
And God hopes that through it mankind would follow Him and do His will.

This is how we can describe God of the future in the shortest way possible.

Anyhow, this article is becoming too long, but before we conclude it, let me write a prayer to God-Most-High to prove that we need God and pray God, in the hope that God of the universe would help me write these religious writings. Now, because our God of the future is different, I am going to pray our God with my own new prayer of reconciliation and guidance; hoping that God accept my prayer and the ways that I am describing God. 


Praying God for reconciliation and guidance

With my personal concerns I come to you praying 
God-Most-High, creator and master of the spiritual universe and life giver to every living thing, I am praying you for forgiveness of my sins and for reconciliation to thy eternal life force. I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me clean of any impurities that may affect my soul; and thus, I would become worthy to pray to you, and my prayer of forgiveness and reconciliation would be heard and accepted.
Father, hear my prayer, forgive me my sins, and bless me, so that I can live in harmony with thy spiritual and eternal life force of the universe. Amen!

Dear readers, now that I have written a prayer for God-Most-High, I feel more confident that God hears my prayer and helps me to write these religious writings.
I believe that whatever happens in this world, there will always be people that will believe in God and therefore religions, because it has always been like that and it will not change now. You see, that is why, man needs God and believes in the existence of God.

If humanity accept what we have written above, some pains can be avoided in the future.

I believe that I have said too much in this article. So, see you next time with our next article called, Religions options of the future.

May God bless us all.


Sunday, February 14, 2021


We believe that MAN NEEDS GOD; we wish that God is human, like us, and God is a wise and powerful man, that can do anything he wants. Now, this is the God that we want and in a way we have believed for a long time, perhaps we can continue to believe in this God, and everything will be alright. But there are people and also times that we believe otherwise. Because things change and our needs change, perhaps one day, we need to re-describe God; we need to believe that, God is spiritual and there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing and spiritual thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the entire universe. 

The Bible tells us that, Moses one day went up Mount Sinai where he met God in the form of a burning bush, God told Moses to go back to Egypt and tell the Pharaoh to free the Israelite from slavery. when Moses asked who should I say has sent me, God replied Yahweh. This is how we know that God exists and his name is Yahweh. This is what we have believed since then. 

What we have said above has worked well for near 4,000 years, by today things are changing, and our beliefs may need to change also. Anyhow, I believe that nobody has ever seen God, even if some of us have dreamed about God, and we have see God as a man. But the truth is that God is a spiritual being, so, nobody can see the spirit of God; So, God can be described in many ways. We have chosen this photo to represent God of the future. We know that it is only an imaginary God, but this type of description can be more in line with the God we need in the future,and in these articles, as we do not know any better. 

Dear readers, in the past, we have written many religious articles, talking about MAN NEEDS GOD, but our articles are too long and too many. So, today we have decided to post in blogger a shortened version, hoping that the people will understand our point of view, starting with this article here. You can also visit some of our old links like this one, 

Now, welcome to our article, Man needs God 

Let us explain the reasons why man needs God  

May God guide and help me say the right things.

Dear readers, we could have said that, MAN NEEDS GOD, because it has been so since the beginning if recorded time. but in this article let us also talk about the reasons why man needs God, it will be a long article, because of the many issues we need to discuss So, we will be talking about; Man might have invented God, Man needs God, some religious mistrust, Proof of the existence of God, there is more to God than just definitions, Religious views and conversations, Future God and religious possible descriptions, God of the future and, Praying God for reconciliation and guidance. Anyhow, because the original article is too long, we have decided to split it in three parts, and this is part one. if you want to read the original article, this is the link, Man needs God  

Anyhow, we have reasons to believe that, man needs God because our human history shows us that, it has been so, since the beginning of recorded time. Having said that, let us discuss about the need to believe in God and be reconciled with God, because for us believers it is impossible to ignore God, or pray God, whichever God we believe in. But there are several gods’ names that humanity believes in, even though, we believe that there must be only one spiritual God that can represent all existing Gods.   

Anyhow, if we want to follow all existing Gods, at the beginning of this article we could have prayed God thus: May God of the universe that represents, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah belonging to the God of Abraham and those gods belonging to other religions, like Brahma, Vishnu and Shiver, and other gods that belong to other religions and we don’t even know their names; may these gods help us to say the right things in this article, since they all belong to the spiritual God life force of the universe.

As you can see, most civilization have believed and believe in their own Gods. Now, because we know that there are many Gods in the world, we want to believe that these gods, one day can be represented by a single God. So, we must find a way how these gods can work together as a single God. Now that may cause a problem in the future, but a way needs to be found.  

We know that mankind has always felt the need to believe in a supernatural force like God, from writings and drawing on the wall of caves. For instance, how can we explain when we find that the ancient people buried their dead with food beside them, as if the dead would eat? The only explanation that we can think of, was that they believed that there is life after death, and therefore there is a spiritual soul and God.

So, let us imagine, how the ancient people have worked out that there was a God. We have to admit that we don’t know how this happened, but somehow this belief of the existence of God was born, perhaps it was the fear of the unknown that started this belief, or they might have seen things that could not be explained, perhaps even dreams could have started these spiritual beliefs, let us imagine a primitive person dreaming about one of his past relative, I am sure that he thought that his soul had visited him, so, this could have started the belief about the afterlife, and God, well this is one way of looking at spiritual things; but we know that there are many other reasons why man needs God, so let us talk about it, starting with, man might have invented God. 

Man might have invented God 

Mankind might have invented God, because man needs God. For those who are Christian God has been described as a fatherly entity, so, God would protect the young, the weak, and everybody else, and that is what most of us need; then we needed God to be a powerful strong leader that can guide and protect us if we need protection, we can add that man needs God because God is hope for those that need hope most. 

We must say that all this set up of believing in God is strange because we don’t see God, but we believe in God anyhow, just because other people have told us about the existence of God; of course, not all humanity believes about God in the same way, since there are many religions and many Gods. Anyhow, the atheist people say that God is all an invention of our mind, since man might have invented God.

Anyhow, today while I am editing this article, there are religious wars going on in the Middle East and North Africa, you see, these religious extremist use their own God beliefs to wage a war for their own benefits, our views on this issue, is that if today we were to invent God, then we must make sure that our God is a benevolent and merciful God and not a warmonger; you see we humans are strange, we like things to be always in our favor, that is the only God we want.

Now, since we believe that God exists, and have proof that man needs God, today in this article we will discuss about the existence of God, which can be at least three ways: (1) God exists because God created everything and therefore he is the creator; (2) God exists because he is the main spiritual force of the entire universe; or (3) God exists because life exists and God is the active life force of the entire universe, therefore, everything living is a tiny part of God. Anyhow, we believe that this God being the active life force of the entire universe is probably the type of God that most people can accept including the atheists. Because it is the only way that could make sense to the present generations, so, let us continue with man needs God and our views.


Man needs God, our views 

Man needs God because we want to explain to ourselves, the reasons why we are here on earth. We believe that God exists, because that is what we have been taught to believe, and it is convenient to believe in God and follow a set of religious rules. But the atheists believe that God does not exist, therefore, for them it is wrong to teach people about God, because this can do more harm than good.

Here we want to ask them, what harm is there that we don’t know yet? We have believed in God and religions for a very long time and we do not see any harm in it. You see, most of us believe even today that God exists, and that man needs God for various reasons. Therefore, God cannot be replaced by a complete religious vacuum, because with no direction from heavens above, for those who believe in God, they will feel lost and this will result in a lot more harm than good.

Therefore, here we are saying to the atheists that man needs God, now and in the future. You see we believe in God, so, we are writing these religious articles in good faith for the future benefit of mankind, since we believe that something positive needs to be done to help religions survive the atheist attack, and the terrorist attack that is undermining most religions. Therefore, we are searching how we can achieve that; so, we need to philosophize and discuss religions many times, until we find something that makes sense even to the atheists. 

But to do that, we need to overcome religious mistrust that exists today, perhaps a new religious theory could help. Now, anything that is a new concept, may not be popular for the religious believers of today; however, we believe that it needs to be done. So, we are going to suggest it, in our imaginary theory of, Reconciliation of the universe. 

Some religious mistrust 

Now, today most religions are self-centered, because they have been written to keep the believers isolated from other religions, for this reason we are concerned. You see, we believe that religions are made to unite people and it creates a friendlier society, this setup is helpful, because people like to belong to a group that have something in common, and religions do that beautifully. But because religions are not the same, they give rise to mistrust of the other religious groups, and this is one of the problems that religious people have now and will continue in the future. 

In the past this religious mistrust was not obvious, because people were isolated, most people were born and lived in the same town all their lives, so, they didn’t know much about the outside world, and then, everything was moving slower that today, therefore, you could belong to a group of religious people, which might not even know about the existence of other religious groups that were different from their own, so, they were happy to live that way. But today it is different we learn what the other religious groups believe, sometimes we don’t like what they are doing, this gives rise to suspicion and mistrust. 

Therefore, we must look for religious options that can improve cooperation between religions. But to do that, we need to understand, why humanity has believed in God and religions the way that they are for an exceptionally long time.

Anyhow in this article, first we want to say that man needs God, and what sort of god is the most suitable God, for the future. We will explain other things as well, so, in this chapter we will be talking about religious views and conversations about the proof of the existence of God.

Anyhow, in this chapter, we have talked about the atheists, who are people that do not believe in God, so, here we want to point out that they are wrong to assume that God does not exist, because God exists in a way or another. So, we are trying to provide the proof of the existence of God, therefore, we are writing this article to let the atheists know that God really exists and why God exists, or need to exist; you see, this is our own personal beliefs, so, let us talk about it:

I believe that since the beginning of recorded times, mankind has searched for a God and they wanted God to exist, there are reasons why mankind has done that, and some of the reasons can be the followings: Mankind want to believe in God because they don't know why they are living on this planet earth, or they may feel the need to be protected from anything that is stronger than themselves, or anything that cannot be explained. But does God really exist one may ask? We believe that nobody can guaranty for sure that God exists; but most of us will agree that man needs God, because, it is better if God exists. Hereunder we are trying to prove that God exists, not only because Man needs God, but because God does really exist, even if this God that we are talking about, is different from the God we have been told to believe from our forebears in the past, so, let us see how this God would be like and why God exists. Anyhow, let us try to find proof of the existence of God. 

Now, this blog is becoming too long, so, we will be talking about God existence and other things, in our next blog, Man needs God, part two.  See you soon. 

May God bless us all. 


This  blog site is, Man needs God 
This blog is, Man needs God, part one   

Next with; Man needs God, part two 
Some personal and religious links, to link to my other sites. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Everything is rolling over

MAN NEEDS GOD. We believe that, there is only one God throughout the universe and God is the universal life force that guides and gives life to the entire universe. Therefore every living thing is part of God life force, since God is the essence of all life in the universe. 

After the big gang, the galaxies were formed, and they all seem to go around each other, also the solar system was formed and it orbit around the center of our Milky Way galaxy with all its planet and their satellites that orbit around the sun all together. They seem to form a never ending cycle that will go on forever. But these things belong to the physical world, in the cosmos of the universe. 

Welcome to our article, Everything is rolling over

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, we are writing this article, everything is rolling over, to show that in the cosmos of the universe, everything is connected, and whatever is in the universe goes around in cycles, so that, they can exist forever.

You see, we believe that everything in the universe are running in a parallel way, to the ways that we can observe here on earth. Therefore, if we use what we have observed, we can have a good chance that what we are foretelling can be accurate.

Now, this article about everything is rolling over, is being written to show that everything in the universe goes around, so, they are repeating that same movement all the time. So, our religious theory has been set according to what we have observed. Now we are talking about the spiritual world, but even the spiritual world must follow the same pathway. 

Therefore, it follows that if we observe what is happening around us in the physical dimension here on earth, it is most likely that those things that we see here will repeat themselves in the spiritual dimension, because they are all part of the existing universe, they should behave the same way.

Now if we keep in mind what we have said, then we can imagine how the spiritual world is like,  Now, this article has been written, to explain how God and the spiritual forces of the universe are like, so, we can link better our religious theory of Reconciliation of the universe.

Anyhow, in our lives experiences, we can see that things repeat themselves. We can say that it is like a never-ending motion, that goes around and returns to the same place, only to repeat itself again. Therefore,  we can say that those happenings are rolling over; this is the reason why we have called this article ‘Everything is rolling over’ because they repeat themselves indefinitely, and it is an eternal motion that happens within the entire universe.


The eternal motion within the universe

You see, in the universe most things repeat themselves in an eternal motion: for instance all the celestial bodies keep repeating the same eternal motion all the time, like the earth spins on its axis and at the same time orbit the sun, while the moon orbit the earth and follows the earth around the sun, then they all together including the other planets that belong to the solar system, they orbit around the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and the Milky Way galaxy has his own motion in the entire universe.

Now that we have pointed out, that everything in the entire universe, repeats the same motion indefinitely; it would be common sense that spiritual beings will repeat themselves too, as they belong to the same universe and they are subject to the same forces that exist in the universe, even though they belong to another dimension.

Therefore, if we accept this concept, then we can imagine how the spiritual world can fit side by side with us, and everything else in the universe, just as we have said, everything is rolling over, it is the natural way of life and everything else. Anyhow, here we are talking about the spiritual side, but we believe that the spiritual side, should work in a parallel way to the physical side, because it is subject to the same laws of nature.

Now, to reinforce the motion of all-natural things and to make it as simple as possible, let us look at what happens on earth. Since earth has its own inner motions; one of those things that we can see easily is water, the sea itself has its own motions driven by the wind, there are of course also the current and other motions; one of the most clear motion that one can describe is evaporation of the water and the rain that falls down and then evaporate again; we hope you see what we mean, when we say that everything is rolling over. Now let us see how this can apply, to our lives and to the spiritual world.


The spiritual world and life

In our observations during our lives, we have seen that things go around and repeat themselves; they are rolling over and start all over again; now this rolling over and starting again, we can say that they form a cycle, and this cycle repeats itself forming a never-ending cycle of all forms of life of the universe, including the spiritual world.

In our religious writings, we have said this, but we believe that we have missed to explain clearly, the reasons why the spiritual life forces of the universe, need to form a cycle. Of course, what we have written, is a new way of seeing the spiritual world, and God master of the entire universe, and because this idea of seeing spiritual things is new, it needs to be explained many times, before the new concept is accepted.

You see, it does not matter, how may time we have explained this spiritual situation, there will be something else to explain, this is also due to the facts that we are trying to find a way, how to connect the entire religious writings of Reconciliation of the universe back to where they started, so that, they form a never ending cycle, that goes around and it will have no beginning and no end, just like everything else in the entire universe.

Now that we have written these articles, we believe that we are almost there, as we have done as much as we can, to explain this new spiritual way, that we believe can help humanity in the future. The main thing is that people must continue to believe in the existence of God, because we need a God. But God must not be a tyrant; and God must not be used to do terrible things, like killing in God’s name.

But let me add this, we believe that all those religious articles that we have written so far, have made our religious writing too long, for the message that we are trying to tell the people, so, we will try to find a way, how we can say the same things, in a shortened version.

Now, we can say, that this article concludes our religious theory of reconciliation of the universe, as we believe that we have explained and formed a full circle or cycle, and we can start from the beginning again, which can be anywhere. But as we said at the beginning, the best way is to start from God of the universe, because God is the most important spiritual being, then we must go around the full cycle and come back to God again.

May God bless us all.


This is blog, Man needs God 
Everything is rolling over   

Next with; another religious article 
Some personal and religious links, to link to my other sites.

May God guide and help me. See you next time.